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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 29, 2024 3:00pm-3:16pm CEST

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the the, this is dw news live from bell in america's top. diplomat uh, just come up to accept the cx, 5 deal from israel, us x ray of state. hans may blinking is back in the middle east on another push the pace and gaza for the 1st time in weeks israel and from us appear open to a truce. we'll say, coming up on the show in germany a fall right. conspiracy stopped in its tracks, unintelligent, staying the members of the far right group, who allegedly plus intricacies, pallets go on trial, but it is unclear of german intelligence services. know the extent of who was involved the
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menu is mckenna and thank you for being with us. us secretary of state thompson, a blinking is ramping up the pressure on her mouth to accept the seats via offer from israel. lincoln described the terms is extraordinarily generous during his visit to saudi arabia. is bath talks with gulf states officials as possible. the new push to secure a truce between israel and some of which carried out the october. the 7th attacks lincoln says a ceasefire is the best way to relieve the humanitarian crisis and gone. so how must delegation is also due to mesa, gyptian officials in cairo, the tooks aimed at securing an agreement. speaking in the saudi capital blinking said he hopes on us will accept the deal as a major effort has been made um, over the last couple of months to get to that ceasefire to get the hostages out. and right now, as you said, uh, mazda has before to proposal,
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that is extraordinarily, extraordinarily generous on the part of israel. and in this moment, the only thing standing between the people of guys and a cease fire is the most. they have to decide. and they have to decide quickly. so we're, we're look into that and i'm hopeful that they will make the right decision. and we can have a fundamental change in the, in the dynamic. so hope that from the us x ray of states that a deal can be done. but what about in egypt? what, how mazda is also due to hold talks over a truce agreement, john list kareem. i'll go, hurry has the license now from kyra. well, this has to be really a new momentum because this is also what we hear from us. it says there was a higher ranking. how muscle fishing who set the to the french shoes agency k if p
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before the talk see it in cairo a starting? is that the there are no major issues any longer. and he said that thomas is looking positive me at the new is or 80 proposals. there was also egyptian security delegation in israel last friday in the when they come, came back. there was also a for rejection sources to talk that there. are you close sessions from the is what you decide now we have what we just hear it from the us. the secretary lincoln same, does a generous proportion. so and this seems to be some movement right now on the top. mm hm. can you tell us anything more about the proposal? this being discussed today in egypt with a how much delegation the web portal, there's no simple fish laws from any sites right now. no, definitely. these really side no, from hama. so details very sketchy. but the,
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we all know that the, some of the bulk of the snow was the minds by how much for a permanent ceasefire in exchange for releasing the hostages. something that was fun to know or was rejected by is really know. we have reports from you as media, that is where it is as a proposing i called sustainable. com. whatever that means. and this even talking is written in the issue that there's a proposal for one year ceasefire. it just also talk is that there is progress in the questions of the displaced part of students and being able to come back to northern because of the northern causes street is something that this, of course links to the is really presence in the gaza strip. and i, but as i said, all this has to be seen with care because there are no fish in stimulus. okay, so nothing official. and yet the addictions are administer said today that egypt also feels hopeful about
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a proposal for truth and for the release of hostages. he talked about, you know, a momentum earlier. how do you think this momentum in the talks has come about? what i see, all the sites are under enormous pressure. the how much the under any circumstances wants to avoid. and is there any military or offensive in the hot in the that's the pressure that they under to come to some kind of dealing it on the other hand, that is right, is under enormous international pressure. eh, not at least by the u. s. a. that is saying that the whole fence if might be not really and that there should be some kind of ceasefire. believe me emphasize this again during his tripping. so do you maybe a right now? and i think also that the us present, joe biden, the headstone, some of the pressure he's on the him sense is through the process at the you as soon diversity is and the so and besides that,
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the button is on your is on the pressure is home to bring the hostages home, all this create the new for the degree she is just as we will see if it with the to, to some kind of conclusions of the talk is the near future or the car e mail go. how are you in? kyra kareem, thank you so much for that analysis. you're welcome. let's take a quick look now at some of the other stories making headlines around the world and the 1st minister of scotland homes, i yusef, has announced his resignation of this comes just days off that he tore up his policies. coalition with the school says greens yourself had tried in vain to find, find enough support for the scottish and national policy to win a vote of no confidence in parliament. it now has $28.00 days to appoint a new fuss minister to nato secretary general ian scott. and buck has made an unannounced visit to keith to meet with ukrainian president loved him as lensky as
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a joint press conference. dolton the good message nato allies had failed to deliver on the promises of military aid in good time. but he said it was not too late for you trying to win the war for lensky wound that russia was taking advantage of the delays and urged washington to speed up arms deliveries and germany. bavarian authorities are investigating the circumstances around the depths of 2 ukrainian men allegedly stopped by a russian citizen over the weekend. please say the men were members of the ukrainian forces, and wherever in germany, from medical rehabilitation, ukrainian government has germany to fully investigate the crime. the don't use chief political advocacy edits. let me say, look, this not is following this story for us may say a festival. what do we know about the stop things? do we have any more details? as we know some details. this happened and more now which the small town and less
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than $13000.00 inhabitants an hour drive from munich. so basically in the middle of nowhere in bavaria. and that these 2 men, ukrainian soldiers who were in germany to recover from injury sustained in the war against russia. they was found the older one of the 2, a 36 year old, died at the scene. the 23 year old died on the way to the hospital and the mine who was arrested at whose believe to be the killer is a 57 year old russian national. so that sounds very much suspicious that they could be a political link, and that's also why the state prosecutor of the state where this happened within germany has taken over the investigation because the political link cannot be ruled out, but isn't proven at this moment in time. okay, and the ukrainian government has reportedly also off german prostitutes has to pay
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particular attention to this case. how unusual is that as well. this points towards ukraine, suspecting some political involvement. dimitri cool, eva, ukraine's foreign minister signed the german or forward to use for the swift arrest . so we do expect to the ukrainians. uh the uh to feel pretty so that the rocks and mine was acting on behalf of an authority of the boston side in this war. but this is speculation at this moment in time. and i got the tons to put this very question to the spokesman for the germans. hans, that will have sold to today to regular press conference. he to was saying that these are ongoing investigations, but it's intolerable for such killings. to happen here in germany, we expect ukrainians who are freeing the will to be safe and t 2 pointed towards those investigations which will be following very close to indeed show. and i thank
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so much for that, and that's d w as chief political editor, let me show you like us. now i'm staying in germany. 9 people suspected of being part of a violent fall rights group which allegedly plotted to of as part of the government outgoing on trial processes. you to say the ring leda was a business man, and jim and aristocrat called prince hind by choice. the ledge converses facing charges of terrorism and high treason. it's claim the goal was to install twice as a moving date and pro. this was the moment prince handling slices. fairytale came crashing down. the ledge plan was simple, storm parliament and overthrow, the german government. but all stories pounds before the plot could unfold. more than 3000 officers were involved in the december 2022 raids. it was one of the biggest anti extremist raids in german history or edits hard hind legs. slice
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a businessman and self sailed german aristocrats. he is accused of leading the plot at his hunting lodge. he and dozens of others are alleged to have hatched a plan to violently overthrow the government. the group is linked to the right wing extremist of the iceberg, the movement or citizens of the rise. police say they conspired to establish a new german state based on the old empire from the late 19th century, with prince hinesville, as emperor among its members, former police officers, soldiers, and the former politician for the far right, a of the party, prosecutors the legs, the network had access to a huge arsenal of weapons. the whole affair is really a big burden for our democracy and really, really needs transparency. who is behind this grouping and uh, what went wrong. that they could operate so long without having been seen.
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now prince hind wish and his fellow suspected conspirators are set to stand. trial charge was planning an act of treason and membership of a terrorist organization. the don't use political correspondent julia. so dudley is following the story for us as well. what we've heard from investigators and from prosecutors, what they think was going to happen was that the group was just waiting for the right moment to act. and that they actually had quite concrete plans ready to go. for example, the plan to take over power with violence to storm the parliament and take ministers and other politicians under arrest. and to then establish their own form of government with their own council, with a kindly slice a as the head of that government. but also with other members of the group taking part, for example, a former member of parliament for the far right. a of the party and their plans were so concrete that they had also started establishing local militarize units up
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to $300.00 of those so that they could carry out the violent acts to take over power not only in parliament but across the country. and they also had many weapons at their disposal up to $400.00 fire arms they had started collecting. so authorities and investigators think of this group posed a concrete danger and that they were not just a group of conspiracies here is coming together to talk about ideas. so there are another 2 trials planned, including one full since kindly choice the man it's claimed, the group wanted to install his germany's new lee. does it tell us more about those trials? yes, so they're going to be 3 trials taking place. the one starting today and stood god is looking at what investigators have defined the military arm of the group that includes 9 people that are going to go on trial. and
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a 2nd and 3rd trial are set to start in the next few weeks. the one in concord is going to look at those that investigators have defined the ring leaders of the group that include highly advise and other members of the core group, let's say. and this is a ma'am, if a case with 3 trials, ongoing, hundreds of witnesses that are going to have to be listen to thousands of documents that has to be read. and the prosecutors themselves are calling them the biggest states security case in postwar, germany and the proceedings are expected to go on at least until 2025. and finally, some sports news for you. and then some alarm have taken to the streets to celebrate the 20th siri title in the top tier of italian football jubilant into play is paraded through. holds the funds off for a straightforward to know when over 3, no, 6 days off the ceiling. the title in adobe victory over 50 valuable ac milan,
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cities eye clinic cathedral was list help with flags and fireworks to celebrate the newly crowned champions. and with that you are up to date. so i'll be back at the top of the hour. more international headlines. thanks for watching today, at least the, the, and reaching out to the special hot spots in germany. dw, travel extremely worth a bit like buying new clothes. don't worry, you're not alone and shopping. it's never been easier. fashions gotten faster and more disposable every year, roughly when.


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