tv The Day Deutsche Welle May 8, 2024 12:02am-12:31am CEST
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m. c pledge to preserve and develop democracy a quarter of a century later, he has sworn in for an unprecedented 5th term in office after winning an election, and deserving of the name democracy and russia is dead. as are too many of those who challenged hooton's grip on power over the last 24 years. opposition leader alexander of all me, died in an arctic prison just weeks before the vote. many other prominent dissidence have been silenced, imprisoned or driven into exile. among them is nev allney's widow julia who on this day of pomp and circumstance, slammed fulton for breaking his promises to the russian people on nicole fairly in berlin. and this is the day the moon with him. our country will have no peace, no development,
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no freedom computed regime is founded on lies and corruption due to the security interests of the russian people. it will continue to be the top priority for me pretty we do is our country twice the nation. we do, we have pain and we will be open to building on have good relations with all countries. we've seen russia as a reliable and on his partner and it really easily provide with majority also on the day is really forces sees control of gaza is vital rough i'll border crossing. while last it's talks on a ceasefire with a mouse resume. as we are. it's a decisive moment for the ballast scene in the diesel valley people and for the sights of the entire region. welcome to the cell. thank you so much for joining us. what am i putting has been in power in russia for 24 years already
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today. the former k g b officers from st. petersburg began another 6 year term as president. he was sworn in an elaborate ceremony at the kremlin where he pledged to defend the constitution and the rights of russian citizens. the highly choreographed spectacle was beamed live on russian television with the intention to project a strong and confident leader. but put in is in fact a leader who has become increasingly isolated in the western world. the u. s. and most, and you countries, boy called at the inauguration and protest over putin's war and ukraine and his dismantling of russian democracy. he won a landslide election victory in march, and a contest considered snyder free nor fair. and without facing any meaningful opposition . the non gratian he claimed to have a sacred duty to lead russia through a difficult period. at the end, the grand kremlin palace in moscow,
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vladimir putin renewed his oath to serve as president for a 5th time. this is an all girls of the jewish food and stress, the importance of national unity in the face of increasing isolation due to the war, a new crane, a problem he blamed on the west when you have because of him so we can not refuse dialogue with western states, but as a choices, this means that i intend to continue trying to restrain the development of russia. continue the policy of aggression and continuous pressure on the country for years . w a. we'd like to see what parts of cooperation and pace in your victory at the polls was never in doubt, proved in one the election in march with over 87 percent of the vote facing no real oppositional critics denounced the election as unfair and on democratic the widow of long time proved an opponent alexi, and i've only you who died in a russian prison in february. what's recorded a video from exile,
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encouraging her supporters to keep fighting with us. and these 2, we might make sure that no one in the world police who installed neither in russia nor beyond its borders. it's difficult but we have to make an effort. and that means persistent, stubborn dealing work is a narrow country, is ruled by a lie or a fees and a murder. but this will definitely end. don't give me the truth. when does that? to me, is it that way? for me to put me into the european union's top diplomat urged all member states to boycott, the knock you ration most state away from us go. me the position was clear, was going to be very difficult for the brain is so many people are around the world to understand that we're going to see that put in someone evicted by the to negative agreement, of course, responsible for the or new grain. the elections that we contest because the way i'm not for the new the fan elections and then to at the end, the navigation. it would be actually
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a contradiction. fair or not vladimir putin is set to stay in power for a while longer. by the end of the 6 year term, he will have surpassed soviet dictator, joseph stalin, at the longest serving russian leader in centuries. for more i'd like to welcome catherine belt into the day she was moscow corresponding for the financial times. and now she reports on russia for the washington post. are highly a claim to book hooton's. people, documents, pollutants rise to power and the key players who helped him keep a tight grip on the kremlin. katherine, thank you so much for joining us. it's great to have you back on the day. lot of your fruit and has been calling the shots in russia one way or another for a quarter of a century. how strong is his presidency as he begins this 6 year term? a well on the face of it ready? he looks like he is stronger than he ever has been before. and that's because the west did sure weakness. there was this great tools in the flow of weapons to
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ukraine. the u. s. congress allowed that a package to be delayed for almost 9 months. ukraine was waiting and i spoke to one russian officials today, and he says he believes that russia will maintain the up by hand. and that's buffalo against ukraine, probably till the end of the year, because of the weapons aren't going to get to ukraine fast enough. so russia will use the moment to try and take more territory and crane. it's still being gunned in terms of munitions. and this also means that because russia has the hand for now military, it means is each best consolidated around him very much more than compared to a year ago. uh, the russian elite have sense the weakness in the west. and they believe that they're on the winning side. let's look at buttons, inner circle. how tight is it, is it still the old entourage, and is there anyone who can tell him hard truth without you know,
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the fear of falling out a window as well? you already have to look at what happened to each one of them who did tell him these hard choose. you have give me pretty version. his plane was mysteriously down . and after he is mine, launched a mutiny and marched on moscow. so they're all very few who are going to die to tow boots in the truth, but at the moment that big, that basically all busy sucking up to him, we see signs of tension among the elite and most recently, the russian deputy defense minister, a html i don't know or was arrested for a corruption. and this is a sign of a back to among defending clients, access to cash flows because the deputy defense minister, who was arrested was in charge of basically government contracts hold a minute. dream was sitting on the very back pull to the trash indeed. and he was seen as close to the line to one of 2 tents. closest allies could not be teaching
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could. but those and his security services want to put their own men in place. so that often comes across as being isolated, or that is how he's being for trade in western media, other since iconic picture of him alone at the end of this very, very long table. is that a genuine representation of his leadership? as well as your report noted, he is isolated from the west right now. many of the west and ambassadors refused to attend his integration by prince and is busy building his own on the west in coalition, which he is now cooling. the global majority, he's able to sort of leverage upset of the is rows of brutal tactics in palestine. he's consolidating what he calls the global south around him in forging new alliances with china or run on those cree. and now is
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71 years old. today he's not going to be able to stay in power forever, even though he probably would like to. is he thinking of a successor? you think? um, yes, i think he has to. he has to be aware of his own mortality by now. indeed, if he is, does make it through to the end of the 6 year term, he's going to be $77.00, and it's unlikely he'll be strong enough to run for another time though. who knows what leaps and bounds science science was made by then of course, she's looking within his ranks, but he knows that this is a project for with risk because last time he brought in his own deputy to meet 3 meant that have to take over the presidency met better, even though he was seen as the most pliable and the most kind of the most the person who would most cow to put in. he began showing a great deal of independence towards the end of his time president. and they had to get rid of the engine coaching, had to return,
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it was too risky because meant that it was, they opened the culture by the west. yeah. you have, of course, studied, put, and his career very closely his time in power, especially at this point. what do you think he views as the greatest achievement of his years in the kremlin? i'm sure right now he's looking at his miniature campaign in ukraine and he's looking at the hesitancy presidency in the west, which was shown in the grades in a, in providing a to craig. and i think he still thinks it's all had his hand, but they're a great risks involved in that prospect. because you know, he's either or we still don't know whether his great friend and i, donald trump, o, we're winning the presidency in the us. and even though the west delayed it's supply weapons and wasn't fast enough and adequately providing ukraine with
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a sufficient material. if the west now can get its act together if it can run pump its own entry. industrial production july 2025. ukraine could be in a position to start causing problems for russia. the russian economy is already essentially running a kind of a hot economy. inflation is running sky high because of the amount of money that the, the government has been pumped into the defense sector. and also it's fully behind technologically rusher, is able to get a lot of technology from china, but it's of poor quality china and what a spy, every single person get. so it's, it's pretty risk. risk lagging behind the along the wall goes on good at the moment this year switching has everything to play for. he could get his great friend and i like donald trump and power in the us and then it's possibly each game is a full weston. alliances on
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a pretend can reset brush as well on the web page. that was a washington post. katherine, both are really good to get your insights. catherine, thank you so much for your time. thank to the board of the enemy, was actively developing plans to eliminate president for load of music. lensky is one of the most important tasks of the russian network was to find agents among the middle tree close to the president. who could take you crane's head of state hostage and like to kill him. well, don't wait the whole. that was the spokesman for your grand security service, claiming to have uncovered a russian plot to kidnap and kill president voluntarism lensky and other senior military and political figures. a 2 officers in ukraine's government protection unit have reportedly been arrested on suspicion of carrying out the plan, which was allegedly orchestrated by russian intelligence agents of these aren't the
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1st to craning claims of russian assassination plots as the war stretches into a 3rd year. zalinski said that in 2022 alone, there had been at least 10 attempts to take his license on the american support. and i now like to welcome john hurts. he was the u, as in bassett, or to ukraine from to that south 1003 to 2006. for a long career in the us state department, he's now senior director of the urethra center at the atlanta council. thank you so much for joining us, mr. investor. that ukraine's counter intelligence say they've uncovered a plot to kill president zaleski and other high ranking officials. how big do you consider the threat against ukraine, senior leadership at this point? i don't have particulars regarding this beyond what's already been put in the media . but i do know as your report mentioned, that there were numerous efforts to get soleski by the russian forces and the 1st 6 plus months of their big invasion. and of course,
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they all failed. so this would be a major qu from us scale, where they able to achieve it. so certainly the claims are plausible. the 2 suspects are colonels in the state guard of ukraine tasks with protecting top officials. allegedly, they were recruited by the f as b before 2022, before the full scale invasion launched by russia. but with the lensky, well aware of the target on his head, how does someone like that make it into his security detail? the look of the rushes of is been indefatigable. going back to the 1st days of ukraine's independence school, you know, going back to the early nineties to make sure they have agents. it's major positions across the intelligence, the military and security agencies and ukraine. that's one of the reasons why it was relatively easy for them to go into crimea in 2014. but since then,
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going back 10 years, major efforts were made by ukraine to fix this problem, largely, but not entirely successful. and we know that the ukraine, excuse me, russian had success in south mainland, you crate, taking her son is the beginning of the big invasion because they had turned many of the ukrainian intelligence officials in her sewing of and their direction. and so the notion that people close to relatively close to zalesky even today are russian agents is not a surprise. and i believe the, for any is our vigilance. looking at this, that means they have some systems in place to prevent it, especially when it happens. but it's not for me, and we've recently seen a big jacob and personnel and some high level dismissals in ukraine, ken's and landscape, trust the people around him. i don't think there's any
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doubt the vast majority of senior officials and ukraine are loyal to their country . they recognize it and putting the chief subjective of having affected political control in ukraine. there will be massive repression in free ukraine. comfortable to the massive repression in occupied ukraine. so they are fighting for their wives and their existence as independent ukrainians. that does not mean, however, these are not some russian agents, whether by conviction or by subversion or via bribery. how important is full of arrears of landscape, personally, to ukraine's war effort that, that struggle for survival as an independent country that you just mentioned. and what effect would it have if he were in fact assassinated? viable should be zalinski has been absolutely brilliant, more leader, and his unique qualities,
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or have been essential to the success ukraine has enjoyed those for, i know people don't talk about ukraine's success too often. these days, but point of fact they've stood off the world or the 2nd or 3rd rate is conventional military power for what? 2627 months. that's a real achievement, even if it's not as strong a performance of some of us would like. having said that, ukraine, people understand the point that i've already made in moscow. same is subjection of ukraine, subjugation of ukraine, which involves serious serious notification of ukrainian identity. which mean ukraine is want to live in their own country as ukrainians would be severely repressed. i believe it would be disaster. few crane of moscow were able to do something. he had zalesky. i don't think it would be
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a mortal disaster for you. that was former us ambassador to you. crane john herbs. thank you so much for your time. i. it's the, the crisis in the middle east bell, where israel's military has seized control of a key border crossing and gaza. despite warnings from even its closest allies, the army, some tents into a rough uh, in the south of the territory. now rafa is a vital crossing point for humanitarian aid coming in by egypt. the city also shelters more than a 1000000 displays. palestinians incursion, cast new doubts on a propos ceasefire with loss. that, of course, the organization that carried out the october 7th. her attacks on monday, a mouse said it accepted a deal brokerage by egypt and guitar triggering celebrations in the streets. a rough arm. but israel says a proposal doesn't need its core demands and refused to halt its cause of offensive
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. today you and she, even tony with tears said it was a decisive moment for the palestinian and israeli people and for the entire region . and the agreements between the governments of israel and the sheep of a mouse is essential to stop the medical suffering. good fellow stevens in regards to the end of the all seduce and that fabulous. it would be tragic if weeks of intense diplomatic could cvt for be seen. garza, you know, sees fire loading these of hostages and the devastating of fancies in dropbox. outright threats might have been for both spot these to show the political courage and sped of no effort to secure and agreements, no to israel has rejected the ceasefire proposal, but has still send a delegation to cairo. i ass middle east analysts, laura blue and feldwood. she expects to come out at the negotiations. one of the
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biggest obstacles is trust. so we can have some sort of stand in and, you know, stand for the various parties is really do not trust the home us leadership. they were thinking that they were in a kind of deterrence relationship with them before october 7th, and then they were sucker punched on that day and they won't be fully again is their attitude. and the past seems don't trust the israelis, but specifically natania, who, when they're asking for guarantees that these realize will keep their side of the bargain either from the united states or they're not quite sure they're gonna rely on the united states at this point. so they're looking to turkey entre russia and the 2nd possibility is rather than as your, as your previous corresponded, noted that there's the sticking point over the n game. right now we're involved in a blame game, but if we can get past that and talk about okay, so is it a permanency spire, or is it a temporary calm? it's rather than making it time based and setting a date, you make it conditions based. so that you have to meet certain markers for end of hostilities that could be another way forward. and finally, you know,
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we've been focusing a lot on incentives for success. maybe we need to talk about the cost of failure. failure to achieve a ceasefire with a little bit more leaning heavily into the negatives that could potentially be doha threatening to expel the mass leadership from guitar. and then on the united states side look tomorrow, in terms of leaning on israel secretary blanket has to present a report to congress answering a very simple question which is, is israel violating international humanitarian law and it's on flooding gaza the 2 weeks ago, washington gave the social media app, tick, tock, and ultimatum. find a non chinese buyer within $270.00 days or face a band in the us today. take talk and it's chinese parent company by fans, filed a legal challenge to that decision, arguing that it violates the right to free speech. the lawsuit is likely welcome
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news for the 170000000, tick tock users in america, as well as for the creators making money on the platform. a burden creek in maryland homes or travers like lose the fat and we're getting ready for the season . and his preparations as well as all of his other crowd content can be watched on take talk good for another 12 months. he started posting around 4 years ago. now he has 1700000 fall is going to change some around new york. i kind of became, i guess by accident the crab guy on the internet just kind of rolled with an embrace that he had health and now it's turned into tone, a kind of business or the soldier, the creative, and then showed you had a theme it. so now i'm going to share, i thought many grabbers on take talk download has been able to create a nice for himself, both online and with the customer or you prefer exposure to a large following help them cut out the middleman here and move away from wholesale
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rab stores on the fence, seeing that holy cow is 95 percent now, of my customers are of you know, coming from tick tock that was really eye opening was it's crazy to see that big number, but it's even crazier to see real life real life humans show up to something because you made a video about, you know, it's still crazy. they don't want to, but new legislation could force loop looks at in touch with them to tack. know you spoke long running concerns that took talks. chinese owner bite downs could misuse american user data. have led to a law that means take talk could be banned in the wes, unless by done sells the platform in 9 months. even ahead of the bill becoming law, the potential band triggered widespread dissatisfaction among the countries. 170000000, ticked options. there's not to mention creators like legal or, and it allowed me to, to grow my business. 10 folds in a quarter of the time. and i know, you know, there's a lot of other small business owners that have done the same exact thing. i would
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definitely be bummed out. i've, i have a lot of blood, sweat, and tears. you know, i've made thousands of videos. it's thousands and thousands of hours, you know, of, of work. but he's yet to be convinced took talk will actually disappear from us. apps stores, i doubt, is going to get saying that they're not, they're not, they are not going to let this thing that's worth billions of dollars. does all the, it'll get sold or bought, or something. also skeptical about a band is james lewis. he's an expert on tech and security issues at the center for strategic and international studies in washington dc. there's so many legal obstacles to a band that is not going to succeed. you have the 1st amendment and the protection of speech, and you have the berman amendment, which was designed explicitly to allow americans to access this kind of material. the berman amendment is decades old legislation protecting the free flow of information. lewis believes that the berman amendment would cover take talk to
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probably end up at the supreme court because this is a constitutional issue for its part, tick tock, cosette, it is mounting a legal challenge. the law to stay online. and the wes rest assured we aren't going anywhere. we are confident that we will keep fighting for your rights in the courts . such a law suit effectively pauses the clock on to take talk bad money, possibly for several years. fine creators, like lou looks out in time to adapt to a social media see change and that's or time unfortunately, but make sure to stay informed, stay engaged and stay in touch. so you can follow our team on social media. our handle there is at the the we and here's if it's live headlines you're looking for . there is of course always our website, www dot com for now though for. 5 the entire team here on the day. you so much for spending parts. i'm sorry. the
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the how many of you speak more than 2 languages? at least 2 or more languages. we used to be taught to speak english. why we, we can from becky grounds of speaking, why he, we have to embrace and why he, what do you do you lose you? i just simply by learning a level language, when i speak english, i said they can do this, pressing the 77 percent next on dw. i don't know why. my name is no, mark is my, i'm
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a nurse. i fled from the war and cartoon 2nd. my name is sharia. hum done. i was in kent bill and we were attacked and my children were imagines. my name is hannah. how may i flat after having lost my 2 children and one of my legs? just 3 of 10000000 in will to sit on global us in 60 minutes on d, w. the 1st engine already is whenever they feel like i don't themselves feeling the fashion and most of the pieces in the sky. the beds have most of many on including the us have survival
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to do they do it. the secret lives of design stuffs may 22nd on d w the this week on the 77 percent street debate, we used to be forced to speak english. why we, we can from becky ground of speaking. so here we have seen, raised and in, so i really do you, do you lose your identity simply by learning another language. when i speak english, i church making means i have to leave or make oh, just behind my family to to, to, to do not just new phones or if i.
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