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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 10, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm CEST

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the, the dw, do use, live it from the berlin. the you in general, assembly passes a resolution calling for the recognition of the state of palestine. the burg, symbolic and controversial. israel's ambassador to the when reacted by shredding a copy of the un charter in from chest also coming up tonight, increase president zalinski confirming. there's been heavy fighting in the countries north eastern har keep region. is this another front opening in the war? and what does it sound like when wells top scientists think that they have cracked the linguistic code of sperm will communication. a major scientific breakthrough in
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our understanding of the language used by giant mamms. the library gone to our viewers watching on cbs in the united states into all of you around the world. welcome. it is a vote reflecting growing international solidarity with the palestinian people. today, the few in general assembly voted overwhelmingly in favor of a palestinian bed to become a full member recommending that the un security council reconsider the matter. a $143.00 nations and supported the motion, which grants the palestinians significantly more rights to participate in general assembly sessions. now the result came after is really officials express their outrage describing the resolution as quote and emilio act
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at the end of a furious beach and seize rose un on by sitter used a prompt to stress, his anger at the united nation struck the vote. you are threatening that you are in charge here with your own hands. yes, yes. that's what you're doing. writing the you on charter shame on you. the palestinian ambassador to the un riyadh months or made an appeal. he asked for countries to vote in favor of the resolution for the un security council to reconsider and support full un membership for palestine. yes, vote is about 4 palestinian existence. it is not against any state, but it is against the attempt to deprive us of
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a lot of states. that is why the is the only government is so opposed to it, because they oppose our independence and the 2 state solution altogether. revision and then came devote an overwhelming yes from the un general assembly to enhancing the status of palestinians. the united nations supported please look, the resolution does not make palestine a full member. it does not give it housing rights in order to become a full un member, an application needs to be approved by the 15 member security cancel. and then the general assembly. why asked our correspondents, benjamin alvarez. gregory washington. what this vote by the general assembly, what it really means of 143 members voted in favor 9 against that,
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including israel and the united states and 25 countries of stained and dispelled listing and membership bidwell and i'll be forwarded it to the un security council asking it to reconsider the matter and the result of this vote does not come as a surprise that it was widely believed that the resolution would easily achieve the necessary 2 thirds majority in the general assembly. also because there is no b to ride in the 193 member body in the us has been opposing in this. and also in april, vetoed a proposal recommending the admission of the state of policy and to full membership in the united nations. it isn't resolution, it would grant new rights and privileges. what exactly are the this is that's right. this passed a resolution gives to the police thing. and so right to participate in the united nations international conference is convinced by the us. and that means that they have the right to make statements submit proposals. amendments also to co sponsor a proposal to raise a procedural motions,
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but the state of policy and does not have a right to vote. what is also interesting here is the diplomats told us media before this vote that they original draft of the assembly resolution was change significantly to address concerns not only by the us that india and also voted against it along with other countries, but also by russia and china because, well, both countries, a strong supporters of paul assigned to you and membership. they are concerned according to the solar system. granting a certain type of rights and privileges could set a precedent for other would be un members with russia being concerned about the cost of a in china about taiwan. so this em passed a resolution widely supported resolution to move on to the security. it calls the where a bit for police send a membership pay less than a month ago, up to the us use it's vito and vetoed the resolution. yeah, that's what it, it looks like the us has planning to do that yet. again, with this resolution, the ws benjamin alvarez group are with the latest from washington and benjamin.
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thank you to where you went to visual, say more than a 100000 people have now fled the city of rasa for other parts of guns. a heavy fighting between these really troops and how much militants on the cities outskirts means that no aid is getting into the city. food and fuel supplies are critically low inside the office. about 1300000 palestinians have sought refuge they are. that is more than half of gauze has entire population. now, many of them are packing up to leave again. officials say the world food program supplies will run out by saturday unless more a, a wrong back here in europe this year is the eurovision song contest has been played by protests and overshadowed by the war in gaza at the latest controversy this friday. the netherlands interest has been prevented from rehearsing. of a dutch senior yost klein, you see him right there is non performing and fridays and 2nd dress rehearsal of
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the competition following what organizers have described as an incident. we don't know more than that. we do understand an investigation is now underway, is popular song, your euro papa is among the favorites to win the title this year of calls to exclude israel over its war and jobs are on the other hand, they have been rejected by the event organizer is prompting huge protests in sweden's host to city of melba, united by music that flowed into your vision, your lips easiest and most extravagant song contests. for the self described, non political event is divided with ease, rails inclusion, despise its war and gaza taking center stage. there's
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a lot of pressure on this year for the amount until the managed focus, put a smile on and just give my love out and do what i love most. i'm singing and this is what i love. most of these really team is staying in an undisclosed location, and security is ties across the swedish city of melma. your vision organizes have faced coals to block israel from participating more than 10000 pro palestinian protest as rallied against israel's inclusion. many a calling for view as to boy called the show. those protests have made the way to the stage to earlier in the wake form, a swedish contestant eric side, or a palestinian coffee around his wrist, organizes quote, his actions regressive will. they also forced islands, ban b sog to change their outfits. it had featured messages including the word cease
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file fan visa is one of 2 non binary contestants. dcea fan favorites nemo, from switzerland is performing this own code about the journey of self discovery. if i the, when it will be assessed for non binary ah, to sit your revision just singing the song in front of a live audience and knowing that so many people are listening. it just it, it made me really emotional it made. is it so much with me? the 26 nations that through saturdays grand final, some like on maney are in grace, have merge the culture in language with the contest. usually flamboyant, era, pump flat, other contestants of face to backlash at home. so i'm in spain of criticized. there are nearby losa for warranty lyrics and dance move. as contestants prepare for
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the final performance, the political celebration of unity and music is as politically charged as it's ever been. well here's a quick look now at some of the other stores making headlines around the world. flash floods in northern afghanistan and have killed at least 50 people. according to tell me bon officials. exceptionally heavy, seasonal range calls, flooding in several districts of parkland providence, as well as in kabul, officials say the desk told me, rises, many people remain missing and more storms are in the forecast here in germany, hundreds of environmental active as of tried to storm test was electric vehicle factory near berlin. they were driven back as you see there by police. the protesters oppose plans to expand the factory. in clear the nearby forest decimal wants to boost production is assigned by up to 1000000 vehicles. a year. the
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ukraine says that russia has launched a new ground defensive on the countries northeastern border. advancing about one kilometer into ukraine. officials say that there was massive showing in the town of both trots can near the city of heart. chief ukraine has rushed reinforcements to the region to show up local defenses. its forces are evacuating residents. at least one civilian we understand was killed in fridays showing ukraine's president zalinski. it says that the military was anticipating the attack, and he says, quote, a fierce battle is under way. our key bureau chief knew connelly told us more about the fighting in the heart chief region of the front. it's really difficult to get a handle on the situation to the geography is pretty complex. you've got a fighting going on near of of chance, which is about 70 below it says north east of kind of give just on that russian frontier but use a half
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a pulse of fighting directly north of kind of give in the kind of village along the board of this which, which are about themselves 50, comes away as the crow flies from of chance. and then reports of some, some of the villages also affected slightly further away. so this is a big area. this is a reminder that your ukraine has a very, very long border, but a 1000 kilometers with rushes. so even away from the front lines, there is of the search engines to be controlled. and they have been expectation that something might happen because russia was building up troops in that part of the country. and just a couple of hours ago, we seemed like maybe they'd be rolling in and trying to, to kind of give you credit, 2nd city. that doesn't seem to be the case. now we've actually had a report recently from the regional government saying that russia has to be able to get to church and they've been pushed back. we know opposite choice, that is the conclusive also there's also quotes of basically worst and separate to groups. crossing the border and operating kind of classically behind the brand new lines, those questions, new friends, know how that was possible. why this board was not better closed off. why they wouldn't mind feels what it was across. and it just really kind of reminds us of the chaos last summer when you had you bring it back to rush. next,
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all groups doing the same thing on the russian side of the board. it really seems like it's kind of catholic kind of border rates. situation and we can't really tell what it's going for now. yeah, we know that you creating forces are already struggling to hold the line in the eastern part of the country. this could look like it tipped by russia to start a 2 front board. but as you say, we don't know, i mean, could this then be the major russian assault that ukraine has been bracing for? of the i just came back from the front lines in the east a couple of weeks ago. and when you're off people where they are, the soldiers that are with the locals, are you expecting some big russian adults some push they say to you? it's already started. it's been way more intensive in the last couple months since ukraine started getting less than the way of west the weapons and the russians. so that charles, so they didn't really see much shots from all. but certainly there is. and his reputation that this could be about diversionary tactics, rushed to try to force ukraine to send troops to the effective regions, to weaken those defensive. these especially want to wait for those $60000000000.00
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of usa to reach the front lines. and we have seen lots of tools in versus st. media about basically so i think kind of give trying to kind of create product and look through the population. try to pull people to leave that city to give up. and to basically move further away from the rest of the board, as the definitely says, the russians want people to be scared, they have basically announced there's no way that they wouldn't really have if this was just about the middle to side. and for now, it is a very diverse duration. they've had basically be an air raid alarm for the best part of 10 hours. the so it is the storage of the locals. and most people who are close to the border not missing, hug city itself because the border are definitely packing the cases and even use the economy. the delays tonight from keith ukraine. nick as always, thank you for earlier. nick filed the report for is about a new threat emerging for troops on the front line. russian g wide bomb c looked at how ukranian troops are learning to live with this growing threat. especially like almost tearing through ukrainian hanger the,
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the in 2024. at least that's according to russian ministry blog is, russian and ukrainian. social media has been full of these kinds of images in recent months. but seeing it on the screen, but it doesn't quite prepare you for seeing the impact these weapons can have your own noise. this is the damage done by the smallest kind of light bulbs currently used by russia. lama is just a small part of the blog going through it just. this was a 250 kilogram. glad to give you a sense of scale. i'm to make this tool degrading you so just let me know too well what it feels like to be the receiving end of russian. glad bowman text tell us they 1st came up against them about a year ago. recent months they've been getting bigger and more frequent. i'm so glad problems make a hissing sound. did you hear that sound? and soon enough there is an explosion. you've got debris flying around and then the
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shockwave future. right now it's the russians go to weapon to force out infantry out of they've got screw, supposedly mute says i'm let just flatten everything. it doesn't matter. how did you do your trenches at one help? this will is the 1st to seek like bones use a widely into such effect that the technology behind them isn't completely new. this is a hybrid what a lot of bombs that just conventional dumb bones. they have turned into precise smart bombs with the addition of special wing kids and satellite navigation systems . crucially, they can fly up to 70 kilometers. these are thank you, or that means russian pilots can launch these go items out of range of most ukranian ad defenses. and by re purposing soviet era booms from its foss, don't bios russia can produce these weapons that speed a follow it costs than any equivalent. so see when the water so you have these, these, these russian bombs cheaper than anything the us has endorsed. they use the simple
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list mechanics and a very primitive winkie alone. thank you. with the whole thing. cost less than $20000.00 likes at peace interest. the lady was not only complex comparison, even the cheapest christmas owls russian as far didn't ukraine are estimated to cost around a $1000000.00 each to produce personal items. often failed to designate the ukranian troops. the challenge to better understand the weapon that they face showed they've put together crudely, but they're effective. do no damage the knots hillary winning gradients of almost where the country doesn't try to build its own, like bombs. producing these weapons isn't the problem the most most safely is remote brushes, s 400 defense systems down ukraine. your planes up to 200 kilometers away. the gradient, experts and soldiers agree, there's a new one realistic onset to rest his life problems. and that's matching rushes
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capacity to shoot down the planes to can carry these booms. ukraine has already proven that it's possible. you can, you're forced to say they shut down more than a dozen russian planes to february alone. most experts believe that was down to west and supplied patriot defense systems. that is until early march, when russian forces were able to destroy to ukrainian patriot launches, sustained ukraine. his captive handful of patriot systems away from the front lines preferring instead to protect the countries big cities. until you can get some more of these defense systems can again afford to take risks. russian planes kinda like bombs, will have little to for you. well, we asked the military analysts frank leg, which to explain how important these retrofitted soviet era bombs have been in turning the tide in rushes. they've gone to the doctor. so you look, see, predicts reporters is very important data,
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not just recently. i 1st heard about them, i haven't heard about these f, a b bonds as i called before a year ago. they were particularly, i would say, even decisive at the bottom of, of div kinda which ended 2 or 3 months ago. now, just to put this into context that you saw some of this on next report, and i'll tillery show which the soldier mentioned 152, has about 45 kilograms of explosives and bomb. you saw the height about 6 times more than that. and the boat is being used now. commonly the it'd be $15805.00. what? 20? so 2 times explosive power. so it's, it's all just said you called hide from the fortifications. a useless and bug cause a useless. and they dropped these now by the dozens, every day. so they are a real threat to ukraine. the only time to measure as an ex, i don't very good the defense system to shoot down the, the delivery systems which in this case saw aircraft. and those are, as was said in short supplies, they ask you questions. these are really important now,
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and the credit is need to find an answer that was military analyst frank language and speaking with this earlier. so georgia's and capital tbilisi is bracing for more for mass protest this weekend following the government's decision to reintroduce a controversial bill. now the bill would require organizations receiving more than 20 percent of their funding from abroad to be registered as foreign agents. the ruling party in georgia says that the bill would establish transparency, but that is failed to convince thousands who believe that there is russian influence at work here the the use, maria, cut them on so reports a showdown overdue, which is future is taking place in the streets of to bbc to test us here. see if you took the georgia as part of the european union. but they say the government,
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but this for an a to this bill is steering the country to what's russia in stock? if this bill is adopted, it means that we are back in russian orbit and we will not allow this to happen. can you hear people chanting russians? everyone here realizes that this is going down the russian path. none of my last here is one of the faces of the protests. she says the bill goes against the government's promise to become part of the process has one georgia to passing this bill with risk locking the past due. you membership me my. they are deliberately damaging you integration turn number let but we will not back down. we will fight to the end. because being part of the you, i mean, is our historical choice by the current you story. we are true. a recent poll suggests that the wrong 80 percent of georgia's support accession to the u. less
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than oriented policy. but the government led by the georgia dream potty views jail politics differently. they're wanting talk this as it is focused on avoiding speak, ukrainian, zation of georgia, unenforceable was russia. officials also make use the west of crossing evolution in the country. it has to see this rhetoric as an unacceptable, if he's moved across a on a thrust to the freedom and future with the you. it's widely believed that this man is behind to just turn away from the west. him us a fortune in russia, in the ninety's, and became the founder of the georgian team party. between a ministry accuse this western countries of meddling in georgia as a fast and causing conflict with its neighbors. russia want me to stop you, georgia and ukraine were not allowed to join nato and we left outside the wood. all such decisions are made by the global will apology, which has a decisive influence,
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a nature and the repeating union, and which only sees george, ukraine is ken and father. oh great, that's, that's a pull. it sounds odd about the court this plus the ox. russia still occupies parts of georgia in territory, since it's invasion in 2008. we have the experts say it's something the government is keen to remind people off. so you can see during the all the recent history of georgia, especially the warranty is old and there's too much. so there, this is sometimes very much improperly used by their moving forward. and they are trying to put between, i mean, the society between the choice on the one hand choosing the rook and the other sort of thing. and then with the war with the elections coming up in october of service, say that the next few months will be decides if we would just future for now, the government shows no sign of retreating to protest is to say they will not give
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up on what they call a site for the europeans to charm assigned to say that they now know more about how sperm wells communicate. they say wells use a language and that it is much more sophisticated than we thought. and with the help of a i, a global team, a marine biologist, linguists and other researches say that they have found similarities to language is used by humans. and they hope the data it can be used to better protect the well cracking the code of the sperm. when language scientists working in the caribbean waters have decoded the building blocks of their communication patterns. after years of analysis, they believe the mammals use a phonetic alphabet. the
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discovery is taking us from a hypothesis that animal communication follows fairly simple patterns to a hypothesis that there is much more complexity than previously thought. and the ability of wells to vocalize through cold us carries signals that have much more information content than previously thought. these coders are clicking sounds similar to morse code. scientists recorded the whales in the eastern caribbean. the study focused on the structure of the codes, but not their meaning. the next step is to pair this data with a behavioral analysis. only then could this language be fully decoded. so could humans one day communicate with sperm wells?
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a it's a regular just at the very beginning of this process. and i think there's a lot more research that we have to do before we know whether it's a good idea to try to communicate with them or really even they have a sense of whether that will be possible. millions of well code is still need to be collected. scientists hope that a deeper understanding of their language could help protect the endangered species a few minutes each dropping. all right, here is a reminder. now the top stories were following for you. the you in general assembly is on it overwhelmingly in favor of a palestinian bid to become a full member $143.00 nation support is the motion which we wanted to show you that motion grants. there we go, the palestinian significantly more rights to participate in general assembly sessions, but not regular voting rights. and ukraine says that russia has launched
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a ground offensive into the hard key porter region advancing one kilometer into ukraine. local official says there was massive showing in the town to both shots, cranes. president zalinski says that the military had been anticipating the attack . you're watching. the video is after a short break. i'll be back to take you through the day. stick around. we'll be right back, the
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she w. this is everything off. it is available to them and it has never been since the discovery stories change your mind. just a click away, find out best document trees on you to see the world, the subscribe. now to dw talking entry, this shadows of jumping, color off costs and video shed lights on. the dog is devastating. colonial har is infected by germany across and he employed to score farms and destroyed lights. what is the legacy of this wide spread races, depression, today?
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history. we need to talk about here, the stories, shadows of german colonialism, the how much longer can you cranes, military hold the line and it's war against russia? the question has been posed every day since the russia began its invasion more than 2 years ago. but the answer never seemed as foreboding. as now, early on friday, russian forces launched a massive ground to solve the long ukraine's northern border. add this to the struggle already raging along ukraine's eastern frontier and it looks like a multi front war. russia advancing. what will it take to prevent ukraine from retreating? i broke off in berlin. this is the day the .


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