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tv   Sports Life  Deutsche Welle  May 11, 2024 11:15am-11:30am CEST

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trends from me and the entire and use teams in berlin. thanks for the company. the good. sometimes it's hard to find what you're looking for. but we've got something for you. how many platforms can you handle single attain usually without having the feeling that it's just too much you might see me. how much can we do simultaneously? multitasking diesel, modern. because if we do too much, we paid it all wrong. we messed things up. risking brain damage. so let's stop this
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self sabotage. humans and multitasking watch. now on youtube, v. w documentary. the musket was more than just a game. it's my passion, my tip on, and it to 14 grand nothing i give you sometimes it's so for me. and also to for the young kids especially. busy both the sites and don't really think goals kind well then. so the reason i is hoping to break the mold by finding success in the classroom and on a basketball court. she wants to help inspire her whole community. but none of that will come easily. the
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of the roosters crow is the natural alarm clock in digging a coastal community and a truck gone up early mornings are bustling with activity for the fisherman, students and market. the 19 year olds, b to land page slips and i gay with her father and brother. a remaining 4 siblings reside in a nearby community with her mother. i guess what size i found this already for my house. access to clean water is a significant obstacle for many communities and gonna, including because sometimes it gets great. sometimes also gets to school after her tours, we go ahead to school. she dreams of one day being an english professor. but for
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now, she's one of the 1st of her siblings on track to finish high school. in calling a many women are married off before turning 18. more than 40 percent of those married at an early age lock, formal education, despite different circumstances, re to know, she could easily be like one of those girls all to my phrase it in. come to think of it. those, all i community. i don't know how they chose to come to school and then using that, she gets pregnant as any age. as i think about this, i'm like, well, i saw some of this need to bring the opportunities out for the skills and then me having this opportunity. i think when i go, i will say though, also give these opportunities to and i go to my for me, after a long day at school, we did returns home and quickly prepare us for her basketball training. she's
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determined to continue improving her game. basketball has helped motivate her in the classroom, and she sees the sport as a way to bring positive change to her community. joining the dunk basketball team helped change her life is why so these guys, me and outside. ok the most. it was amazing and basically location is seem like so i need to jane is you, and i way i see them on this is the stuff that you need me and little one of them told me they said to call dunc on, which stands for developing unity nurturing knowledge was founded in 2010. it's a non profit organization, the aims to empower at risk children and youth in underserved communities and gone through the transformative power of sports with a focus on basketball. today read us here to join coach mon for personal training.
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ok, so read the last time when you were playing the game i observed you were a bit weak with the left hand. so today we're going to work on the left side. so i would demo straight. and then you try to do the same thing. all right, and every time you have the bar, remember, you need to stay low. so if i'm here testable, this was this in all the time because that's how you play basketball from low to high. all right, i have the bowl now. first job, that's our cross finish. yeah. remember we're working on the left. that is going to be difficult to receive. try it. let's go to the apps they low. good go. you can just like if somebody who has seen a lot of struggle. so she really is trying to push yourself out of that struggle and you can see the way she talks the way she plays, the ways is socialized. life at home hasn't been easy for rita, though to night her mother is visiting for dinner. her family isn't always together
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. read as parents are divorced, leading to financial struggles as they both faced on certainty at work. this situation has placed a heavy burden on retail, navigating between parents for support. yeah, our oh, toes they with them. do always think they're causing by like you by guys doing what you get a new so i tried my best to bring them together. but if you do like, if i need to and then what's my mom? if my dad as an assigned something, i just explain it to my mom and my mom comes 16 my that then he yes it is. i ok then i, i guess, as i say with their father struggling to make ends need and earning less than a $100.00 a month as a carpenter, basic necessities become a luxury. this constant financial strain serves as a driving force for rita to excel and both her education and basketball career. and
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we thought inter brother did their best in school despite their difficult financial reality. the, it is honest, honestly had to go back to school and i did the housing bag, my shoes, they sold a just 2 things. so i had to get back in an issue. you know, that's like on the school. so i had to tell my dad in my that it was like, there's nothing going on. there's no money in by then the one was very, had to had to go to my college. filled them in the way like, ok. so we can help today. so that they have given media inbox of the
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in addition to lending a hand to players like 3 times during tough moments, dunc focuses on merging basketball with education for youth. the need here rita gets extra curricular educational support to keep her on track and school paper. if i want to write for us as an institution is very important that whatever we do on the quote, we can also come to the classroom. and also as a bit our educational side, i think we want to avoid a situation that we have kids who are put on the basketball court, but then in their classroom the following behind. so it's very important that it goes hand in hand libraries and every dunc center make that a reality only you to participate in skills training and educational classes at the library are permitted to take part in basketball practice. this has had
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a big impact on retail, not only helping her focus on her schooling, but also helping to lend broader stability. the. i'm very happy. i have come this far because the i don't, i don't think i'll probably be tied to this teenage pregnancy of taking jobs because it's only is as important as the education is. a big part of the draw is of course, the basketball. very, today's the final training session before an upcoming game, where we go. all right, well the box, the jot wide go, i quit about, i'd run out of that. so as you all know, we're playing dunc angels in jamestone tomorrow. are we ready for that much?
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i can't hear. yeah, we're ready. despite facing her own challenges, rita remains dedicated to supporting other young women through regular walks in her neighborhood. she actively engages with the youth, extending a helping hand to those in her community. the. this also provides rita with an opportunity to reflect the this case of teenage pregnancy, drug diabetes, and others. so it help or supports you'll, you'll, you'll mind is always like, i have to go to their basketball because there's no time for you today. i'll go to the why, who is always letting me of you like that's come to us. which means rita doesn't just spend tons of time playing basketball. she also loves to watch it. she does
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her best to model her game off of her favorite player age a wilson from the w n. b a's las vegas a says she is always at a center or sometimes that is a side line. vision gives a chance to she double. she should sit down kinds 3 locations and through further partnerships with schools works with thousands of young people. the today is a highlights with retailers. i gave a team heading across across coast to james town, where they'll face off against another dunc squad on the
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retail. the shows offer skills early on opening the scoring the in the end, the gay side came out on top. i think that goes was 195. we did our best because when everybody pay that is quite telling you about to do one, basketball has helped me to grow and helps her pursuing education and a brighter future, which she realizes how rare that can be in her community, the sunrise in las vegas time i went to the side to see young boys, young girls, and never know boys, they will for their physician and the one to about to see on your as a senior. trying to think that friction with settings and then my kids. and yet
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this to pull out kind of defined education. and i think when, when education is i did seduce me for the i do know do based on just fishing. i thing when i get an opportunity to change this, i really change. i am thanks to her efforts. retail looks well on her way to making that difference. the schools we say they're never giving up every weekend on d. w. the own health advocates by turning into your own ex best
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a window quote on this, please go to the spot on the on expected side to slide the nightstand. should food just fill you up or taste good for millions of people, food is above all about nutrition. they want to stay healthy and live alone life. what is a healthy diet? every day there are new revelations about which foods are supposed to be especially good for the heart. got more general health is asian cuisine, particularly healthy or maybe the scandinavian diet? is that or is it best to eat all our vegetables wrong? or should we cook everything? and what about choosing fruit and veggies according to their color? we take a look at the current trends and ask.


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