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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 11, 2024 11:00pm-11:16pm CEST

11:00 pm
the, the, this is the, the news life from berlin. these are all orders, new evacuations and vote the northern south of guys up. the military's asked 300000 palestinians. i've already flipped the south is if you ever alpha, as these are off a pass to expand it to ration impressed you to from us. also coming up thousands, march through the streets of to believe see in a fresh show of a position to the foreign agents bill. similar to the law in russia. critics, a can be used to track down on defense to go to, to the leasing. football potholes. the last on produces expect talk to you that live show across the skies of the northern hemisphere in northern lights. i expect that to continue this weekend.
11:01 pm
the i am eddie micah junior and you welcome to the program. these are our house called on palestinians to evacuate. mall pots of rafa, as well as 2 neighborhoods in north and gaza. these are the military says more than 300000 people in rafa. i've already fled the area as fighting between these early troops on this thing and militants intensifies in the south region which borders egypt. heavy glasses that have left crucial aid crosses accessible according to the user id, military. i'm office trying to rebuild its capabilities in the north of casa. so is this, the stats of these are all as long states have planned to attack the remaining hamas forces in raffle? asked general is so musical injurious that a as well on thursday night there was a cabinet, the meeting
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a security politic on the cabinet. and there was also a meeting of the smaller work cabinet. and in both of these forms, they decided to go ahead with their so offensive in that of law. but they did not say whether this is the beginning of the major escalation, or whether this it would be a limited attack. and i think that we will have the to see in the 4 coming days, the scope of this right has been us, has wand ease are all against launching a full scale invasion or dropbox is. these are new governments worried about losing support for me? it's me and i like if a desk for sure the grieves with concerns is rand, regarding the, the threats by the american administration. but i,
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i continue many people hearing is rose the view of these statements that are coming out of washington as statements that are linked to the internal politics in the united states. and they believe the upcoming november elections. and they're saying that the inside the united states and the biden is concerned that the own growing protest in the universities against the is really the warring does, is it going to cost him the upcoming elections? and therefore he's making these statements. but the after the elections and whether it would be republicans or democrats, it would be more like a business as usual. right, right. at 7 more protests calling for these are the governments to do. want to get hostages released. how much pressure is the government under to
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yeah, well as today is the relatives of the hostages. the stage of the protest in the deluxe eve, in which they were and putting all the blame on the prime minister benjamin at the owl. and as they were saying that so long, but should be there between the hours, the prime minister visitor of their relatives were not to be released from a captivity. and the, the 1st thing that has to be done is the removal of and that the anyhow, they called the other members of the government to leave this government. they're saying that this government is not acting to release the host is, but is a rather a, the aiming at the war and rough us. and i, i can tell you that even though a majority of the public, the news rather supports some kind of a, a prison or a swap that hostage swap is a base the politic a right wing base is actually in favor of these kinds of operations. in the class,
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and this is where in it then, you know, is getting his political support. right. saw me so cold in 0 is that him. thank you . as well. stories making headlines around a well that's the got some of them. the u. s. has criticized these are all as use of american weapons in the war and gaza. reports shown to congress as it is likely that these route has used the arms in ways inconsistent with international humanitarian law. all the documents said it could not reach quote conclusive findings. president biden order the reports and february people and not the and i've got this done, have been burying the dead after widespread flooding. tabano authority, see the number of people killed has now passed 300 and back to the world health organization said the slots are left maybe more homeless and severely disruptive transportation, water supplies, and switch systems. you know,
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thousands of demonstrators of rallied into believes the amount of nights of protests against the russian style for an influenza bill, up to 50000, furthest as much to the georgia and capital calling on the government of the form. i serve you as republic to withdraw the draft legislation. you're liking the bill to one, introduce invest. yeah. i apply them. it puts in which critics a has been used to suppress defense. they're building georgia dream. how to use concrete forcing them it's facing through parliament. despite months of protests, correspondence muddy at the mazda s been simple, easy. she told us more about the latest protest. yes, in vain causes of her past service uh, came out on the streets since pdc. we've seen an ocean of people marching from 3 different locations in the city to the europe square pro european demonstrators are showing their commitment to the european path. they, they said they are this,
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i think the most decision to reduce this bill. what's interesting here is that it is the protest resumed after long is to break with truly this is to break in georgia here was not peaceful at hall. we've seen the spark of wireless against the protesters, against the ac service and a position fingers were actually posing this bill. in the city, you can see the posters all seem dependent on the list of the activists. if threes, they are the traitors, they are the 4 nations of the country. and that's what people here in georgia are hearing that even though the bill has not been introduced yet. but we can already see the implications being termination of the journalist and the this quotation of the pro democracy movements here. because right, right. so either any signs to suggest that a government is ready to listen to the crowd and reconsider the bill of the
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government again today reiterated its commitment to be a so called for an asian spell of however, yesterday the prime minister iraq, the call, called by he's a, in the interview as local journalists saw that it could be that the government decides to make some changes to the bill during the presidential veto a process or are but um, progress them and presidents, how long is the robust really has voted to veto the bill? however, it's not going to be enough because she doesn't have real power in this country. the way part is still can override this me to so, and she also what's interesting here that she is opposing that government. and she saw that the bill is a problem for georgia, but it's a bigger problem uh, what she calls a russian government in georgia, referring to the leadership of the union party. so the porter is ation in, in georgia on the possible classes between the political parties as well. i'm
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clicking on this one. what really is that state for georgia here as well as the georgia and democracies, essentially, bank quotes to the tests. now, the integration in your atlantic integration rather, also is in truth as rise in the countries constitution and people who are actually protesting this bill. they're saying that they see this move uh, operates induction of the bill as unconstitutional. move of the government. and also this is the, as i saw, the violence increase the gains, the civil society members and georgia is believe that this bill, it's going to cost the same um, same refreshes as it did in russia on that's why they say that they will not back down and co test again and again until the government throws, the government doesn't show any sign of intending to do so at this moment. right.
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maybe i've got some of the inter lazy. thank you. the strongest, so last storm in decades has supercharged and off and then solving lights setting of dazzling displays and skies across the world. it's normally visible for i don't know, it's about the aurora borealis shipment over the u. k. germany, china, the us and many other countries. scientists say the lights will continue to be visible over the weekend. and red glimpse of the spectacular lot. the lights, or from europe to the united states. one little goes up, digging in the color for the show in the sky, produced by a follow up with the soda as tom the, the over all the products can be seen quite regularly. and there are some gimme spheres near the pool. the in the pull, the regents, but it's, it's not very user of the that these are not large seen at the 192. it's
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like germany also have to meet your needs for the dawn. i remember that 2003 people could see them in spain, and that's, that means we had a very strong stall. us a space visit agency. it showed us to do a magnetic storm warning, but it's sort of output the uh, on friday afternoon. each an option newness, go to another mazda objections going update billions of tons of plasma and magnetic fields from the sun. but this silly still lights. you can also both see this threats in the clinic, mentors of an extreme storm. you can have a lot of problems with the technology, infrastructure, communication, navigation systems, and so on. but this storm was not so extreme that'd be really have to feel of any
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sylvia beverages. the multi colored lights are expected to continue over the weekend. so you may still have a chance to enjoy the amazing lie chill the now i've asked, we've already established that it's very rare to see the northern lights in many regions. i asked matthew owens a professor of space physics at the university of reading. why this is happening now? uh yeah, i agree. this is uh, a rare opportunity. um, we just had this huge, comfortable, so all of this chain of, uh, rough shifter options for me. so they all kind of piled up in space and then a ride to us and the collective sort of energy of those russians is managed to, to pump energy into the system. gives us this amazing reaction. right,
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right. i mean, as i'm mazing as a live show, as we know that the northern lights are influenced by so last storms, which can also be dangerous. tell us about that. yeah, i mean there is a, a serious side to this. and the reason the dude space where the forecasting is because these, these storms can have influence on space. hardware searches, communication satellites, but also down on the ground of the, on the power. great. and the so by giving satellite operates as i'm probably operate just some advance warning that these problems are coming. they can take some measures to, to protect our systems. and in case anyone is wondering why now this, this don't really any how mean actually going out to watch it, right? oh, no, i encourage you to do so. i went on last night and it was really impressive. and
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really, despite the partial space desist the 20 is and so the, the 2nd time i've seen the lights each one was doing. yeah. and uh, definitely, yeah. and it is so the fact that you made the time to go and see the images that definitely subtract it out. unfortunately, i missed that last night. is there another chance to see it as well as there are a couple more of these directions that are on route to as right now. um, it's quite difficult to focus when exactly that arrives. probably in the early hours of $23.00 am european time. i don't think it's going to be obviously like as impressive as last night. i'm afraid and i diety, it will make it quite a saw surface butting this time. well, that goes by opportunity to see the beauty of you never know. yeah, i'll give it a shot to the i'm you say with the in time i will try my best matthew owens, professor of space physics at the university of redding. thank you very much. thank
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you. and that's all for now. thanks a lot for your time. stay tuned, we have more news coming up at the top of the all the words people have to say yes to the that's why we listen. because every weekend on w my name is the calls back saved. now, thank you so much for joining in. welcome to don't hold bad. a lot of people do that. it's all about saying it aloud. it seems what it means.


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