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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 12, 2024 11:00am-11:15am CEST

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the the, this is dw news line from berlin. ukraine sends reinforcements to har, cape p of attempts to strengthen his positions as russia claims games in the region, with its surprise offensive prompting mass evacuation. also coming up switzerland. nemo live surprised at the eurovision song contest and sweden winning with their song, the code about their journey as a non binary person, the
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mariana evans team. welcome ukraine says it's sending reinforcements to strengthen its positions near harkins. after a surprise russian ground offensive prompted mass evacuations. their rushes that on saturday that it had captured of 5 villages in the region. hundreds of civilians are thought to have fled from the nearby town of, of tomsk, which is reportedly under rushing fire. russian shilling has set homes of police and pick down off of shots. the residents here are picked one by one by the rescue teams for some light on unsteady legs. for them, the water has come to close. once again, both sean sports occupied progression troops after the full scale invasion in february 2022. it was liberated that september and have been sporadically should since then. these days and nights something terrible is going on. may god
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protect us. you lie down and think whether they would kill you now or in an hour or 3. many are leaving, not knowing when and if they will return to their homes, smoke and roaming at the last memories that taking with them. we drove through functions in the town satisfied. i can't look at this without tears. everything is shaking. that's empty. we didn't sleep these 2 nights at all. russian 4 fifths happened slowly, but that was the pressure thing that ukrainian defensive side. you can see if it's fighting back, but it's submitted to send stipulated the supplies from a long delayed american. a package are only beginning to trick those to the front lines. as ukraine waits for more ammunition and aid from its allies, present,
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zalinski has responded to the threat posed by russia's new offensive, is called for steely, resolved from his armed forces, and is deploying reinforcements to the emerging new front. so the national level says must achieve maximum results to destroy the enemy everywhere. today, with reports from a commander in chief, alexander c, a scale, a former, we are strengthening all positions, especially in the region by deploying additional forces. the artillery is operating exactly as planned on the budget, but the or not even the wrong from the worst. that is the department of kings college london told me more about the situation in the heart of reaching out from the reports. what we're seeing right now is that the russians are trying to create a circle the castle around both chums. however, we have to bear in mind that we still cannot talk about
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a large scale offensive. and hark is because at the moment the russians are using minimum force meaning about ground force. it is 5 battalion. so about 5000 people. so it is not clear what is going to happen. however, it did trigger, perhaps the response that the russians were hoping for, namely, is a fact that the ukrainian command has sent reinforcements and the choice. so the great increment is difficult because they have to get people from mazda directions and send them to har. keith, possibly neglect thing, also very important locations. yes, and in addition to sending reinforcements, as we saw on that report, thousands of people have been evacuated from the heart of area. so is ukraine treating this as a new front in the war? yes, potentially, ukraine is treating it as a new front ends or a furious that the russians might also try an incursion in the swimming old list. however, we don't know what is going to happen because we also have other directions. we
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still have trusted, we are, we have supper risha. we also have to remember that the russians how the breakthrough in of the car, which was an important line of defense for the ukrainian um, forces on was a fall of what you're wrapped in it. it could be possible that the russians will be trying to develop 0 offensive ends or direction of crossover and across. so that is also an important logistical point. and meaning that if you crate incense all the reinforcements to hierarchy and possibly swimming, or there just stop the russians and the tracks there. these important directions will be lost and the id, or for the russian forces would be sent to cost. the formed into, to cross the logistics and communications for the ukranian armed forces for the groupings. ok of has long been asking for additional support. and now we have this delayed american,
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a package only now starting to reach the front lines. so is this going to help ukraine gain ground, or is it going to be a case of too little too late? like the 1st question we have to ask ourselves is, is the kind of aids that ukraine has been receiving from the united states? is that what they actually need to defend against the russian offensive? so they have received already after comes to but the accounts and themselves do not enable the ukrainian forces to properly defend than what they need or armored vehicles. they need artillery systems they need or a taylor immunization and air defenses. and all those are missing. again, we have heard reports that there was some delays. so with artillery immunizations coming from the czech republic, and these would be in ukraine by june. so the ukraine is getting bits and bits of this aid. it doesn't know which directions to prioritize arise. so the problem
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here is the kind of freight that is coming and where to send it, as well as the ongoing problem was the ukranian armed forces was a shortage of manpower. and i'm afraid all these factors combined contribute to this very unpleasant situation for the queen armed forces in terms of the are the kinds of corporate abilities right now. that was marina moran from the worst studies department at kings college london. marina. thank you for your insights. thank you for having me. let's turn our attention now to some of the other stories making news. this. our israel has launched more strikes and gossum after expanding its evacuation order for rafa. it said some 300000 people have already flooded the area. the when is warning of an epic disaster is israel pursues an outright invasion of the crowded city. israel says rough off is the last refuge of her mos
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which launch the october 7th terrorist attacks. slides and land slides have had china's south western quantity region following heavy rainfall. rescue teams have been evacuating residents to safety using boats as a rental rain has impacted several cities across southern china. folders in spans catalonia region have begun casting ballots in an election that could determine the influence of the separatist movement. their opinion polls suggest as spanish prime minister of pedro sanchez, the socialists are ahead of the hard lines separate as party separatists have held the regional government for more than a decade. switzerland nemo, has won the eurovision song contest becoming the 1st non binary contestant to take home the prize. the annual contest is billed as a fuel good celebration of europe's diversity and organizers and says the event is non political bunk. this year's contest was mired and politically charged
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controversy for weeks thousands of pro palestinian demonstrators at march through the streets of the host city memo and sweden against israel's participation. the the day one or the the jury ends the public and dr. a nail biting final name or to comb the top price of to performing the code of household tract and rates. the journey of self discovery in finding one's place in the world. the promising continued to send for peace. nemo is your vision's 1st. we know who identifies as known binary,
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they hope the victory can blaze, a trail for others having to cope with prejudice or discrimination. this was one of the most clear represent patients. we seem at your vision, which is like amazing. i want to shut out all the other clear artist this year, like, give it up, give it up for at least use contest was overshadowed by protest and drama that keeps the music celebration into chaos. just hours before the grand finale to golf dots, contender used to klein was disqualified because of the back stage incident. that came off the days of protests on the streets of host city melma, calling to israel to be excluded over its military campaign and gaza. once a time, we refuse to have russia because it has
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a war against our pride. yeah. and today we have this, right. and so as i hear proceeds painful ease rose eaten goal on finished 5th and was partially due to during high performance. there was also boeing when the points of these railey jury were presented. organizes say the event is non political. the see it was as political as it ends up being fed even. so the music and the classic, you are a vision plan shown through and to talk more about the revision song, condos. i'm joined to the studio, but my colleague, rosalie angles from dw culture, rosalie, really good to see you. so i know that last night you actually predicted that nemo was going to win. so what do you think made this performer? the favorite of not just the jury, but also the audience and also yours. yeah, yeah. so i'm happy to say that my favorite one. i think when it comes down to is
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that nemo had a very interesting mix between a highly emotional song. but it was also very, very catchy. and then that paired with the song being both pop music but also wrapped and also elements of opera. mean, it's very unique and even for your vision standards, and this was definitely reflected in the boats. so out of to $25.00 national juries which rend each performer based on the low cost originality and stage presence. 22 gave the maximum number of boats to nemo. and then the other, 50 percent of the votes come from the like, where there were rent and number 5. interesting. and then what were the reactions to this outcome just generally in the press or like in the for media. yeah, so i think as with any competition, there were mixed reactions. nemo did receive
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a lot of praise online. i saw a lot of people saying that it was a very powerful performance. and of course, we also know that a lot of your, your vision fans are part of the eligibility community. so being represented in that way by a non binary performer, was definitely seen as a huge win. but then there were also a few fans were disappointed, especially those who supported baby lasagna gracious whom contested, which was the fan favorite. and there you can see again the discrepancy between the public mode and the jury vote. and the same actually happened with the is rarely performer. so there was also a little bit of disappointment there. they got, they came in seconds with the public mode, but then they came in 12th with the jury vote. so there's always a bit of a discrepancy there. yeah, i mean, we mentioned it already. you know, the organizers of eurovision, always stress of this event is supposed to be non political. it's supposed to be
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about the music. it's supposed to be about unity. but of course, we saw just over the last several weeks that they didn't quite succeed in keeping it completely non political. what was your take on all of this? yeah, i think it's true that last night's event was definitely more political than usual for adults with us watching at home. we could hear a bit of bullying when the is rarely performer came on and then also when the points were awarded by israel. and so i would say that the spice, but organizers, best efforts to keep the event on a purely cultural event and keep it and political there was a lot of politics actually happening on stage some of the performers, when they were in the spotlight. they actually took the moment to make some statements in speaking out for peace and unity, which is something we don't usually see at your vision. but it was definitely an extravaganza, as it is every year rosalie angles. when did you believe culture? thank you so much for your insights to and this latest on data will use this our up
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next, our tech program shift looks at the new trends and youtube hers are adopting a marion evanston. i'll be back at the top of the hour with more headlines for you from me and the entire news team in berlin. thanks for watching the learn shannon with the winning offer is available language learning gem and has never been sent to the .


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