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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 12, 2024 10:00pm-10:15pm CEST

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the, the business, the, the news live from berlin, russian president vladimir puts in to remove defense when his stuff, say gay show you go from his post and propose as a former deputy prime minister activity place of responsibility shuffle show who is set to become the secretary of russia's security council also coming out, is there any forces push the pie and together solving the city of wrap up. the ease rod expands that evacuation or some 300000 people asset to have let the area as you and ones, the ones that big stuff, if these are officers and outright and they should also crowd, etc. and consequence voting on election testing. the strength of the separatist
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movement and the policies of spain's prime minister on federal sunsets services. so to hold onto power button surveys show they are losing support the i am eddie macedonia and you are welcome to the program. russian unprecedented. a lot of mental within has removed the defense. some of this stuff say, go show you go from his post. and i point that to him as the head of the national security council. within this long standing allies show you the steps as rushed as defense. minnes datsuns at 2012, according to the kremlin show who would also be responsible for the military industrial complex puts in house proposed for my deputy prime minister under the bed itself. i strigler's replacement in the defense ministry as long as that spring and dw correspondent, z t for stover. in the lab,
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gen capital vega hello vicki puts in has removed defense and especially good. and i pointed him a 2nd street office acute to console. what more can you tell us about this? we shuffle and well put in just a few hours ago has proposed replacing a saturday show who as defense minister and has appointed him as secretary of the national security council. now they believe. so for now, replace troy who as defense minister and until now the loose of was, has been responsible for the economy and has been the 1st deputy prime minister. and now showing go has been a defense minister since 2012, leading russia throughout the invasion of ukraine. which started more than 2 years ago. right. i mean, as you say, yeah, struggle has been defense minister for about 12 years now. he wasn't charge of the full scale invasion of ukraine. so i guess the question is, why remove him now? well, no official reason has been given. yes,
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but just to remind our audience that put in august we started his 5th presidential term earlier this week following his inauguration and as part of the russian load, entire russian cabinet resides after put his integration. now also to remind our viewers that assure goes ally, the deputy defense minnes 13 or even off was interested in april on bribery charges . and so this were shuffle, mind me and many things, but we're just yet to see. right. definitely be yeah, only time will tell, but i especially considering that russia is making some advancements on the ground in ukraine. what could this mean for us as offensive that or well, this announcement actually comes after russia just to gain momentum in northeast and ukraine and civilian. so just now fleeing towns and villages. actually, the grand town of wolf chance has seen russian forces approach from 3 directions earlier today on sunday. and right now within this proposal to for this cabinet,
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we're shuffle must be approved by the federation council. and we would just have to see where um under a boost of the new defense minister will, despite or re shuffle with mean for him and the ongoing invasion of ukraine. right . to lots of things to be clear as time goes on, w correspondent, the keys were still about in vi. thank you. are now in your dream. thousands most of millions of fled rushes renewed ground defensive on the northeast in front. can you send the reinforcements to the boat out of the active region where the intense spots all split out to be an more tough buyout process as it has captured several villages? the principal agent chief, admitted the situation is difficult, but said his. busy is doing everything to hold defensive lines and positions. hundreds of residents of the part of the area. the frontier ton
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mazda vacation is under the new cleans khaki region. after the russian forces launched a set price offensive, or the north eastern front orange ocean. it was horrible. we face terrible, showing. everything was exploding. we didn't understand what was going on. why did you create an invalid? 3 sees feel better. let's continue. but bosco already claims to have taken control of several villages in the border region. a lot of support for the situation is extremely difficult because the enemy has been conducting mess, setting up the townhome for the old tetra, rising, the civilian population were destroying the town of just before we are delayed, and so they will, they use all tillery and multiple launch rockets system for when the due date was 30 strikes just in the last day. 50 because there's a lot of destruction to the heart of the presidents. ellensby has also responded to
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the threat posed by unless she has new offensive and announced the deployment of reinforcements to the emerging new friend. so the national level says must achieve maximum results to destroy the enemy everywhere. to evaluate reports from a commander in chief alexander to a scale, a former, we are strengthening all positions, especially in the region by deploying additional forces. the artillery is operating exactly as planned on the budget, but to the left as ukraine valued for more military. it permits allies to shut up its defensive effort. prussian forces are hoping to take advantage to make gains in the region. that's, they've got some all stories making headlines around the world. thousands of protesters $75.00 government warnings in georgia, that it would face the rest of the block, the parliament building in the capital to blazing. the latest protest comes a day after an estimate that 50000 people rallied against the controversial far
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into waynesville, which they see will stifle distance one of jeremy, these leading human rights prizes has been awarded post you must lead to the russian position fig alexi in a body, he died area this year while $7019.00 the prison sentence. the dressed and peace prize was accepted by in about and these we do. the award is given for contributions to peace and international understanding the called hollywood director role, which i call mine, has died age to 98. yours perhaps best known for making lu budgets. b movies. many became cult classics, including the let's all shuffle. par us on the house of vasa and it was also known as a mentor to many hollywood stats, helping to launch the car as a back to us like jack nicholson. the robots didn't evil and i became a israel sunsets match the stats of national memorial day. when the country on his exponent soldiers and victims of attacks,
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that ceremonies also pay the wave for independence. the festivities on tuesday, but some subdivisions have been cancelled this year because of the boy in gaza to us secretary of state antony blinking says he's ralph tactics in guys that have meant the quote, horrible loss of life for civilians. but they have failed to neutralize. i'm asking you this on fight. this is comments come us. these are the village expands. it's a facts in the gaza strip. hundreds of thousands of palestinians of let the south and see to you a rough, where israel is targets in how my spite. this is ready times, i've also be in the northern gas or after he's are all said that i'm us forces where i trying to regroup in the area is really tanks. heading back into northern garza, these really military had declared victory of a mass here a month ago. now it says it's gone back to stop the minutes in group reestablishing control, palestinians living here and the jabante, a refugee camp,
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just north of gauze. the city i've been told to evacuate with the area still devastated from the early is ready to go. ration and you asked strikes raining down, residence a hurry to get out. but many of those rushing to sleep with everything they could take with them said that there was no west safe left for them to go on. and last we left the camp, but we don't know where to go. we don't know where to head. we don't have food or drink or clothes. i want to know that we have to move every day. we move more often than we stay put up every day. we're in a different area in the north, in the south, in the east. we don't know where to go. garza southern most city. rafa was long considered the safest place left in this trip. but he's ready for us is a now trying to reach out a mass fighters here to hundreds of thousands of people have already left the city
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according to these really all me. while more a still trying to leave many of those displaced by the fighting in rafa, i'm headed north to central guns. this woman said she'd follow these really evacuation. notice that now she couldn't find even basic supplies for children. type of dismissal. there's no safe placement. the situation is very hot, that's no from the from like no dream to even the water is how to get my children try and tell me on that mother we want to drink. and i don't know what to do next, but i'm like everyone else for less about 5 and came here and we have displaced. yeah. okay. but that's no safe place so much. and we'd palestinians desperately searching for safety. washington has again called on israel, not to launch a full scale round defensive in rafa. israel's, on the directory,
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potentially to inherit an insurgency with many arms from us left or if it leaves a vacuum filled by chaos still by anarchy, and probably refilled by him. us the with israel increasing its attacks throughout the gaza strip tools for restraint, even from its closest ally, seem to be falling on deaf ears both accounts and is on the way in catalonia, after the elections that's expected to have, if occasions beyond the northeastern spanish region separatists have held at the regional government for more than a decade about pre election not pulling showed support for succession has fallen since that full amount regional precedent calls pushed them all lead on the legal, on, on successful bit to break away from my dread in 2017 socialist national prime minute stuff as it was such as is pushing through unless the law for the succession is he needs catalogs to support his spotty in this election to show up his minority
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government. in my great journalist, steven version is in buffalo and also the polls closed. i asked them if there are any signs of potential when a, as well. we've had an exit poll mine for sizes. this is only in mexico, but it's very much in line with appalling before the election, which shows that the socialist candidate, salvador, the, has the most states potentially for cheap followed by college. push the one who as you mentioned, fled to belgium off to the legal independence. folks in 2017 who has potentially such a 6. and then the incumbent press the up arrow going as with a possible 27. so this lease as much as we expected with no outcry winner and the question of who is going to make a deal with who is there? the numbers at a 4 i left coalition of the socialist,
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added witnesses and republicans left poverty. and tomorrow, the another left wing party that would get them over the line to the 68 votes today and states that they need. but on the other hand and independence pro independence coalition between the republican left put him on the drugs port, catalonia and the small left wing independence party. the quote would also uh, get the numbers. okay. um, okay, so, so for those a, a listening to us now once i speak in this election to well, i think, you know, most of the stake is do we continue with having capitalized elections of central entirely on the issue of solving table as has happened in this in this particular election. so as i'm all focused on social issues such as housing and jobs, and the significance of course is the is who becomes the government both depend on
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whether the spanish government continues to have the support of the capital and separatists, which it needs in order to remain in power and also what impact called the results from this regional election have full white. i you um, i think that before there was a lot of fear of, of a national issue and independence issue which spread across europe. but i think this is not going to be the case i have in fact we've seen enthusiasm for independence and catalonia declined considerably in the last 5 years. right? generalist steven version and fife elona. thank you. as this, let me remind you about the whole story of this. our russian president vladimir puts in, has removed, his defense minister, said gay sharp, who from his position puts in has proposed stride to ask the new head of the national institute to counsel proposed for my deputy prime minister and able to
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solve sugars of placements in the defense ministry. that's all the news, pronounced agent, we have more coming up at the top of the the what thing is that? what do you get for $0.50? $0.50. no. thanks income sales nor did you know it costs $0.50 to feed one hungry child for wonderful the.


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