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tv   DW News Africa  Deutsche Welle  May 12, 2024 10:30pm-11:00pm CEST

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of course, we say they're never giving up every weekend on d. w. the business data vineyards. i forgot coming up on the program, the co crisis in west africa could soon make your favorite chocolate box it likes to be purchased. coco farm isn't gonna say fucked. us like climate change, these as any legal goldmine and having a devastating effect on the habit making life unbearable to best buy the crisis we meet that far, my income irving who has premium, the cash from the, sorry, the global prices. also coming up. democrats, the dynasty chats presidents that election spots to be practiced ations of the power grab on the conan's silenced traps due to harness and the balance of service
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out of new positions. a election was my, the fact to speak to an expert and finding solutions to some of the world's biggest problems expands to printers. and decision makers means here in maryland, i talked to the problem solver from come are trying to address the challenges in his country. the i, i'm eddie mike, a junior and you welcome to the program. west africa is king. when it comes to cocoa, the entire world has a love affair with chocolate. and without cocoa. chocolate is a no go. african nations dominates the global coal, coal trade with cote d'ivoire, gonna cameroon, and nigeria, but using 70 percent of the cocoa beans consumed globally. but that taste for
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chocolate is proven on expensive habits. and some, obviously, the price of the sweet stuff may soon be twice what it was, because the cost of the raw material is only going off. what's the price of a ton of cocoa has increased almost $5.00 fold since late 2023. so how does that compare to our objects of desire, say, michael chips, style to the cocoa prizes, have you been out for the fall and says, and the welds lead and compute, that's a giant in video. so what's driving prices so high? take a look at gonna the world's 2nd largest producer face and a catastrophic harvest. you need the vin in coal, coal crisis, but use, as i've seen, a wave will be legal, gold mining, wiping out the trees with many deciding just to sell the applause. climate change is also doing, it's done each kind of house last it's cool. cool. forecast this. yeah. because of all to dry a web that's boost in one thing. the cool,
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cool industries equivalent of the cold with some dynamic viral disease that ruins you before it kills the trees completely. it is so eve, the cheese i'd be fed to infected by this. if i does is it retains the ability to best fast let the loan have in fruit on it saves no comey if need therefore. so with that, we are also using supporting the national code, the or the kind of would be that we supply into the system in a process, it's costing us kind of room as advocates said law, just co co producer and one farm my best that coco season is a season of cash, cocoa provides about 90 percent of the income for rural communities involved in this production. the use of laser young spoke to a farmer in the village of low income ruins. literal region who is tenant has cost
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crop into consumer goods. quicker than jelly, frank has come to a local financial shop to spend the profits from his last coco been sale. he's checking on the focus of a new bit. his audits, while his wife thought that it's costing him 70000 francs. i don't know, $115.00. that's about twice the multi $1000001.00 which can be rude fee and it was not, these were not like, yes is it because then that was the $70000.00, but increasing. cool. cool. yeah. that seem to have done that before. the have so i'd like to get things over the past the, the small who does to hit that quickly. plantation here in the village of lou has brought in 5 time more money than the ever did before. cameras,
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google prices went up dramatically after half a slumber include the war and gone. this is motivated here in court, that is clean is formed in preparation for the next. how the season scenes, the price has gone up. he has read the notes. he tells me a lot because uh, i've sold out so quick. wow, so much cool. cool. when that i've had to increase my income and even like increase my son, that the stuff that i'm living though farmers income route and i've also stuff up for a long drive and what seasons they are better off competitive could use us elsewhere in africa. monte harry is a member of the colored wooden coffee board. i think uh, this is a one time experience that we are having in the sector,
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whether somebody is capable of, you know, i'm saying confidently that the price that he's receiving for the work that is done is beneficial. i'm very encouraging to him it's, it's a dream come through and i think that from us kind of leaves from the levels of the eyes. but there's one drawback. verizon cool comprised means almost like quinta have to constantly be on deck. god gives to use these before that they used to go to the found that it was to wagner plus nice in the night and then the end of harvesting the so we are like looking for some measures like creating some some hoops to like wanting to monitoring the routes coming from the sun that's to release if they've got our purple and no funds
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. many farmers have given up green, cool, cool because of high production costs. low incomes. now they're coming back, some lighting quinta, outlets in new trees and hope that the quick will remain across the bridge. and gosh, joining me now is christy lastly, research all 5 consultants in the coal, coal on chocolate industries. welcome to the program. christy. now we've just seen pharmacy in cameroon benefits and from the sar and global price of cocoa binding, gonna coco farm is, are struggling. what's causing this difference? i think a few things are causing the difference. so one is, is definitely a price related issue. so in gonna the producers, the farmers operate on a fixed price market, which means that the price that they receive for their cocoa is set by the government. and while the government did raise the price that they received, you know, thanks to the sky,
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rocketing google prices globally. they raised it by 50 percent, which is a significant increase in producer price. that is still, you know, it is still limited to that amount. and so even if the global market price for to go up higher, i doubt that it wouldn't even if it, if it were to happen, the farmers would still be receiving that, that price for their cocoa. so they are limited in terms of the, the year um, their income because of the price i think by the government. hm. uh, so what, stopping the gun in government from macon farm is benefit from the high prizes also, or yeah, so that's a great question. answer again, they just raised the producer price and they raised it by 50 percent, which is really big increase. but i think what's stopping them from raising the price higher is the government governments through their, their marketing boards on a coord. i'm think of a lot of work to protect and support their crop. and so i'm gonna, these are known globally to be the highest quality bulk could be as on the market
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because the farmers know how to from it. there beings very well. they know how to drive them very well. the flavor of gone and cocoa is essentially the flavor of chocolate as we know it. and so, you know, kind of cool born has to work really hard to protect that reputation and protect the quality of their crop. and that's just money. so, you know, there is a portion of, of their coco exports that they, they retain that, that the proceeds from not in order to do this work of protecting and maintaining their national supply and quite to balance in knoxville. unfortunately it's the farm is that uh struggling and the i know really getting the benefit from this uh theres overall high demand for cool cool about factors like climate change is affecting production, decrease and supply, which makes it more expensive. so how long come to find my income around, for instance, benefit from, from this situation where, you know, the costs of a high price is making money from it. a benefit as long as the supply scenario last
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and we are in a really dramatic moment in terms of focus supply. so i wasn't on a few weeks ago and the farmers i spoke with there were harvesting about a 3rd of their normal a harvest. and so that is a really, really dramatic fall in, in cocoa supply. and that is due to a number of factors, you know, climate change being a big one. the only annual cycle that we're currently in causing drought conditions in west africa. another big one, but of course, you know, all of these conditions add up to a market where you have really high prices. so i think that the farmers and cameron will benefit as long as we see this really constrained supply scenario. but at the same time, if they also are experiencing the same kind of a 3rd or half of their normal harvest, of course, they're only earning those higher prices on much less crop. so, so there's only the equations to take into account. how much are you growing and
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multiply that by the price? and so it's a very good market situation. yeah, definitely. sounds complicated. i mean so, so we know the challenge, what can be down urgently to address the challenges and try to tie, turn things around to is that is such a great question and i think it's the question that's been kind of hanging over the critical industry for many years now because there is no substitute for coco we, we have some initiative is now to create chocolate buyers using other kinds of things. i'm not naturally bronco going to use, but generally there's no other substitute that we have. so i think if, if the, the top of the industry wants to protect their products, which is be loaded around the world, then they need to be some serious attention to improving farmer livelihoods. and that probably is going to come with a supply chain analysis that moves more money to the farmers in whatever
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way that needs to happen. because of course, coca doesn't just fly from a farm, you know, into a chocolate factory. there's many, many middle man and treaters in between who all have to stay in business as well. they all need to take their kite. but we need a serious um, you know, revaluation, of how many moves do supply chain and how we can concentrate more of those financial resources of the farmer end. right. christy. lastly, research all of our consultants in the cocoa on chocolate industries. thank you very much for your time. i what a pleasure to thank you. is chad at democracy or dynasty? the people of the country cost the balance on may 6th, the fast presidential election. so as a wave of close head advocates, the whole region, the boot comes 3 years after chaps, currants, military lead, i came to office, how am i to be ceased pa, in 2021. after rebels killed his long ruling father and the son has been head off
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in milledgeville. and since then, when the full stock general took the hell, he promised to hand back power to the civilian government within 18 months. but he did not trigger in violent protest when he extended his entering the presidency in 2022 last year, child held ever friend them on a new constitution, which the homes i said would be a key step towards the beginning to go on democracy. the physician says it pay for the wait for the b to cement his grip on power. much like the current selection. critics argue, davies. main arrival. yeah, yeah. deal with shot dead in an army assault on his policies, headquarters and february human rights. what says he was killed, point blank with a single bullets to the head. these main surviving arrival is success myself, and organize that or the 20 to into, to, to test who have slept to ex, adding the seat in january, in a surprise twist to be granted him on an s t and appointed him prime minister is
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spots. he says his supporters have been intimidated and they soon put on disadvantages. but critics of the visa master is just the students and the election just to show, guaranteeing the ad to the to remains in power and leaving little real choice for chad young voters. small invest, let's bring in full legal ju wiley. he's a political analyst and i'm experts on this. the whole region with a substitute for security studies in the car. hello and welcome to the program. so chad has held elections by the entire room. president is the son of the old president. his main arrival was gone down and he invited his arrival to take part. is this really democratic? thank you so much for having me. this is 5 home and watch the type once he does say, english event transferring them over. see, i think what we have getting tacked in,
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isaac parks, democrats and process, but to gladly be later up from a mix of that task out in we do. we know it's also the point. obviously the content when that has to be guided marks, he's also the home pyre of the entire process. and what is the level become probably incorporate to keep the legs and the worst dash, the way that the, the main number was the sort of the, the, with the was removed off to you in the past few weeks. so i think it's just the little bands, i mean get error on tests and it gives it as the support jim said on the bottles. and how big of a problem is that, or is it people in full time and pops up in time that they move in the face that the people maybe for the quest for peace because that, you know, there's and we, we just give me just one piece and they don't maybe the heart all in the past of
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what is happening to read your now, i guess if you let those just all the legs and like what do you use to describe dress a piece. so i think that's the number one thing because it pulled out, so be we not fix, haul then in the reset. so between i see mentioned last speak english, but these are b good. we do not in any case and the same, right, let's say the new just broke a model threads and twins. and in the last 3 years, the bed that's been created straight from model to this data ball for the sake of these. and obviously a little just leave me and us as to the same dress. so it licks and democratic process i will take place in my, the book, you know, fossil, i didn't need to ask some points. we don't know how we or how long next good to be . but like i said, we are targeted sci fi not exceed, we've got to predict what is going to happen. i think what is being own in chattanooga is going to be the blue light in this country when you've reached the
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milestone for democratic privacy. so what do i mean by just opposed to show we be negligible or maybe the voice we also we, i've tried, i mean be taken out to be a tab and i mean in terms of maybe come across that for. ready practicing beats and in the election, regardless of the degree stuff and make sure that's what we watch sports. but once it's more, it's more japanese transition. and we got by sam is easy because they're coming into power golf course through. so now i'm very, you know, develop our subaru. e, cause it to some the referendum in which we just simple in the bottom and the deep or the money i find the typical the rest of my life music was the grands wheaton street website. to read at tools. democrats, he called, asked you to do the quantities of never. ready the somebody who some, some people, when i was about to be honest because i mean just like a trade, you know,
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needs like you have some jobs who have dumped all these days. but because the access to the, gone this, these are and then the need. why be packed democratic process? that's as much as we know what's going to happen, but what is happening jack is not the person. i would have to say the call is finished the right way. what do i need from the sensory for security studies? thank you very much. i or thank you so much. so i'll have him here in bed in the global solutions i'm, it's takes place. honestly. it's an international conference that aims to find solutions to some of the biggest problems we are facing in the world today. address plenty of experts from the think tanks, governance business on civil society assignments also invites young people from all over the world. who wants to solve an acute problem with a concrete idea and go get one of them is a young man from kind of come to me. you can fuck, wonderful. it is needed as founded. i'm association called 3 east africa. the 3
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e stands for education. what holman and eco friendly, and that seems like there's a clip from his organization. so i really want to see the state or maybe europe, europe, news funds make a difference here in the country to come in. as you said, it has too much potential together because really make it and also countries we as the big movement, you could create sustainable structures from the beginning and adjust the challenge as an advocate. so wow. to make that because most of the so that was very inspiring
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slips from your organization. come to me, kind of fuck, wonderful welcome. thank you for having me. yeah, i mean, 1st question is really straightforward. what inspired you to sets up 3 east for africa? i think when i, when i moved to germany for my studies, a couple of years back when i arrived the 1st question i asked my service, what can i do immediately? you know, young, new experience just in a big, you know, my says, what can i do right now to create impact and kind of when we just, when i come from. and that's kind of like where, you know, the energy came from. and when i look at the problem, when you look at the development corporation aspect, the jimmy or the dynamics between germany and african countries, you see that on a talk to touching base development corporation is, is more of it. time is just the image of the content, because it's about, let's portray the negative image of other continents, you know, in the typical sphere with typical image. just let me know. and let's step into kind of like, you know, provide
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a solutions to these particular problems. but that's not our what i face about, of course are about. so we wanted to increase profit. we wanted to kind of like change the way development corporation actually happened. some stuff. so really deep. i have to tell you, i've been asking myself the same question. what is africa? is it a c? and up over to diseases that we see on the screen all the time. so it's a really, in spite already from, from what you've said. how exactly is your association do trying to find solutions or tackle these challenges that you use? that great question. i mean there are 2, there are 2 parts that with the 1st part and that's something that was very important for me. because before finding the association, i was, you know, i was active and all that and joe was, and i realized that in these and he was doing not many of the off projects in africa, but not many of them are africans. so when we found a preschool advocate, we were like, we want this to be an organization that has an african identity. so we're an african taskbar organization, right? so 70 to 80 percent of all the members of the organization of african descent born . you are born with the constant like myself, and that is the very 1st by so we understand the tonnage is on the customer because
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of the experience them, you know, individually or throughout parents. but also we understand to control context. the 2nd aspect of this is we don't initiate projects, right? we increase for africa. what we're saying is just students come to us. we try to students, we really believe that because you are experts of the china interesting phase every single day. and you should be the one to bring the solutions. so the students come to us and propose a different solutions. and all we do is we support them by giving them a the visibility, writing and changing the email, dropped the content very important, and be provided with the funding so that they can actually implement the different ideas that you already have. great. what are some of the main challenges that you've come across that you're helping to? so i would say, um, i would say acceptance. i feel like when they didn't looking at the german new development corporation landscape in germany, it's hard to talk to spun sauce. and people that you know, that make donations. and from the angle of we want to invest in the innovative
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miles on the african continent. people are still used to only want to come back, poverty wants to come, but other things, and i'm gonna think is the most important and very important. but that can not be the only way we see or conflict with the continental. oh, so there was a little bit of fun of a ton is to, you know, to, to have that acceptance. i've seen the consent in a different light. right. i mean, because what fascinates me, you, if you are a full time students here in germany, right. you have, i understand some sort of student jo, both or decide and your running, 3 east for africa. i mean, what driving you to mind as old as how you've been managing all this was the question about that, how is 2 things? first thing is, i love it, like is really my passion. i'm african, i'm coming in and i see it as my responsibility to work with all the people that have the same interest, the same passion, right? to bring that change in our community as a 1st to i'm really extremely passionate about it. and the 2nd thing is,
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i'm not alone, right? read it, read important. arrived from the get go, you know, throughout my journey i've had so many people, the support of me and that have helped me for them. you know, for me to get to this point and, and that is not going to change any time soon. we have a fantastic team authorities for africa. so i think that that is not to be underestimated. that makes a big difference, right. the passion definitely makes a huge difference. just before we go, there are a lot of young people across the country and watching you and want to do exactly what you do and try to solve challenges on the continents. and, you know, try to give it a good image, you know, show us what else is happening on the continent. basically, what is your message besides, people stop now and stop now? right? i mean, i speak a lot with people from the asking taskbar, here in germany. and the like, yeah, i want to get a degree and do x, y, z a before i start doing start i spell yes. ok, right. if you, if it's something that you're really passionate about status, that yes it can because you're going to learn for the process and you're going to get better as you proceed. but i would say just just talk now. okay, well, for a few words, best stop. now going to me can fucking level. thank you very much. thank you. 5 and
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the that's it for now. small boss stories go to d, w dot com slash advocate or visit us on social media. so you, next time i for now, the
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his own village duly elected him to office in 2019. since then d has been a hard work. then mingling with the people is at the top of his agenda. 0 mac. in 60 minutes on d, w, the music can be destroyed. you can try, but it's impossible to be performed for head lice in australia. the was the nazis. the 2 musicians who lived beneath the panel i saw
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[000:00:00;00] the business, the, the news live from berlin. the russian president vladimir, put in that removes the defense minister say gave, showing go from his post. i propose as a form my deputy prime minister to the place of spots of the re shuffle shy bu is set to become the secretary of russia. security council. also coming up, these riley forces pushed the party into a gas as solving the safety of wrap up like these are all expands on the question or them some 300000 people. assets that have to let the area cost to you in warranty. on ethic his aspect, if these are office use outright and vision of the products and millions of people


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