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tv   In Good Shape  Deutsche Welle  May 13, 2024 4:30am-5:00am CEST

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so if we lose too much of it all wrong, we mess things up, risking brain damage. so let's stop this self sabotage, humans and multitasking watch. now on youtube, v. w documentary, the should food just fill you up for taste good. for millions of people, food is above all, without nutrition. they want to stay healthy and live alone life. what is a healthy diet? every day there are new revelations about which foods are supposed to be especially good for the heart. got for general health is asian cuisine particularly healthy or maybe the scandinavian diet? is that or is it best to eat all our vegetables wrong? or should we cook everything? and what about choosing fruit and veggies according to their color? we take a look at the current trends and ask what's scientifically proven,
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welcome to in good shape, the fruit and vegetables and the brightest possible colors. lots of influenza is recommend what's called a rainbow diet, eating foods based on color. it set to strengthen your immune system and promote good health analysis, which i would always recommend eating lots of colorful vegetables and freight with the school. so do kind of really make a difference. is on a rough it's been selling fresh produce at a weekly market for 25 years. she grows some of the produce herself in my know, speaking for a few to my training days. so a long time ago when learned about the rainbow diet. but to get all the necessary
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trace elements and designs an antioxidant, you have to eat red, yellow, green, blue, purple, and orange vegetables been hyped on the internet. the rainbow diet has become popular, is proponents sometimes claim particular colors are associated with specific health benefits. ready ready ready flu for example, is associated with improved memory functions on a balanced mood, orange us in oranges. carrot so to where it is set to promote fatality red like raspberries, strawberries, old bell. peppers is thought to be on to him from a tree. the color is light green or yellow, or real, so remote to have set and health benefits of the gym and federal research institute of nutrition and food daniella golf study. secondary metabolites, implants of foods contains thousands of these compounds and some remain poorly
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understood. but one thing is clear, and google type is health benefits of fruits and vegetables all linked to the color . just eating a red fruit doesn't mean it will have this all that effect. and that's because particular colors onto we've caused by the same compounds around the mushroom id take to monetize and stories. for example, the most people would say their relatively similar colors in to monetize though the red comes from like a paint. that's a compound in the group of kind of to noise. in strawberries, the red comes from on to sign in san juan and lab work and small scale clinical studies show that the and the sign is found in some berries. red cabbage, black soybeans have anti inflammatory effects on the body, and that could help protect against cardiovascular disease and cancer. that's because the anti oxidants that help prevent damage to the body cells. but done in
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a golf says that we still don't know that much about how the body of suicides on the sign in see until see honors and enter sign is pretty unstable until and absorbed in large quantities directly. but rather is that broken down comfortable and they called metabolic products. however, there are promising studies indicating that breakdown products from unfair assignments might have an effect on the micro biome in the got. so what about yellow? for example, the compound coke. you mean found in the tumor at great young frank has been studying the substance for more than 20 years. what possible effects could this intense color have you haven't got to see the remaining secondary pump? it's how the nights, including cooking in, which is yellow, that has certain effects, but other secondary metabolites of different colors, like green or red, but similar effects. so kind of an effect on directly related. there were many lab
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and animal studies indicating that come in can be anti inflammatory. that could help prevent cancer and relieve pain. on some studies suggest the yellow compound even helps god against adventure. however, large scale studies in humans proving preventive and curative properties have yet to be kind. we don't very little left. the cooking in each and it's actually observed, most is excrete it again relatively quickly. experts think the process might help train the body and how to get rid of more toxic substances. the comp. i think the last lot of the body things everything is home for that 1st gets castle, so it convert stuff into products, it can excrete icon. this also trains it to eliminate substances that are really bad for you because i talk things or costs and agents. if you can see them, the body is the employees to excrete them in the urine. tomatoes on popular the will do that. this done, the red color is mainly due to the compound like of being up to 5 milligrams can be
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found in the underground. so fresh tomatoes, like a p is a member of the kind of gene family associated especially with comments like how it seems are oh, so abundant and broccoli. many studies are focused on like of be looking at whether it might slow down the aging process, prevent cancer, and protect the home, or have an impact on diseases like diabetes and osteoporosis sizes you just like kick him in like a pain is a substance that has a lot of interesting effects, but we don't yet have really convincing studies proving that it has them in humans and don't know who will come with this. the body even if the colors in fruitful vegetables say nothing definitive. about particular health issues. eating a rainbow diet still has a positive effect on associated 5 going with colorful is a good rule of thumb is because they didn't choose you be to very diet unavoidably
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. unbalanced. one says on a rough has always eaten plenty of fresh parties and says she practically never has to go to the doctor assisting test is all i think, eating lots of vegetables and fruits does have an effect that helps keep you healthy head to maximize the positive health effects fruits and vegetables should be on your table every day. combined in many different ways that will help ensure you get the most out of the nutrients they also are not really healthy. are vegetable oils really better than butter? does red meat cause cancer? many studies claim one or the other, but they're often based on surveys where participants volunteer information. so the results can be inaccurate. maybe to not either simply smoke less or the oil levers exercise more than the butter fans. other studies were only done in test tubes or
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on mice. so it's not clear if the results can be transferred to humans. that's why you should always be cautious when you hear about some new super food and not change your diet right away. but it's clear we do need a variety of nutrients and how well the body absorbs those nutrients depends on if or how the food has been cooked. veggies and fruit are packed with vitamins and other nutrients, but they can be a little sensitive. if you don't cook them, right, all that good stuff can disappear. but with food, it's actually quite simple. according to nutritionist, color quite sped, but it's about one to 2 episodes the skin on it contains many of the secondary plan to metabolites and makes it fruit colorful, and also make it smell good. charlotte. they are often fat soluble vitamins, so try even if you nuts with your food, for example, flips that are absorbed. and that's with,
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that's often i'm kind of but what about vegetables? if you boil them too long, many of the vitamins disperse and the water frying for too long at high temperatures also destroys nutrients. so is it just better to eat veggies wrong? frequently, roughly, is a good example of the and it's rich and vitamin c, which is water soluble and sensitive to heat and boiling, involves both heat and water to your vitamin c would likely be destroyed or lost in the water. but eating rob broccoli can cause gastro, intestinal problems and loading. that's not much fun. what was that? that's my fist on this, your fashion with eating everything raw is not ideal. but you could eat a little rob broccoli in the shower and then cook the rest and gently to avoid loading before gastro intestinal problems and still get the 5 minutes. cousins will feed every time, even though they have in general vegetables are easier to digest. when cooked, and while some nutrients are lost in the process,
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others become easier for the body to absorb. once the vegetable has been cooked and then come up and got, if you cook carrots, the nutrients are $6.00 times easier to absorb. then if it's him wrong or time that of the loan as an advantage itself, then cooking them with fat is another factor and attendance because some vitamins are fat soluble, your body benefits more if you eat them with fat. if you fried tomatoes, an oil, your body will absorb 85 percent more of the fat soluble vitamins, then if you cook them without or helping them, some of the owner is supervisors. some vegetables should always be cooked potatoes, or pulses like beans only become palatable at for cooking. and in the wrong state, they actually contain harmful compounds. with spinach, it's more complicated, but you'll have to not the spend, it is okay. you're not, you can put it in a saleem, no problem, ottomans, but when spinach is a bit older now it looks more normal. it forms ok sound like acid causes that can
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promote kidney stones and then also inhibits the absorption of important substances like calcium or iron, much the kind of similar to ice. so if you want to absorb iron by eating spinning, it could be counter productive and asking all kinds of little teeth sign. it's therefore best to sort of che, or boil older spinach briefly. as a rule, it's always best to boiler. steven vegetables in this little liquid as possible or fry them very briefly until they're slightly softened, but still firm then reduces the loss of vitamins and minerals of info success to eat lots of different vegetables cooked in different ways. can you say god possible and you run the least risk of not getting a certain nutrient that all that well, while you have a relatively good chance of getting the best out of everything else, you can always wonder if there's a better way to meet your vegetables because i know the, i think the best option is the one that allows you to add some most vegetables with them on a live me. this is like the taste like 2 portions and absorb more vitamins. then if
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you eat a very small portion that's been ideally prepared, but you don't enjoy it, i'm going to use it as to the actual i said for the it's not just which scientific studies that it's good to take a 2nd. look, be cautious as well about social media effects. food blockers are among the most successful influence service, but other chips reliable and based on scientific data. one study examined the 14 most popular british influencers on the subject of weight loss. only one of them passed the test and met the scientists criteria. so what to do? once again, use your common sense and not just your cell phone. of course, social media also has scientifically sound information. why not try out the dw science tick tock, channel. here's a taster of fruits and vegetables,
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dying the side neglected that the new kitchen switched to the nutrition and good has what? yes, we are all obsessed with buying them. fresh off the supermarket, but they froze and come to bots can be just as heavy and sometimes even better. shortly off the harvest, vegetables and fruits stocks and losing nutrients as they are using it to survive for as long as they can. it takes time to be transported from the field to the shop, then to your home and into your mouth. i'm freezing preserves nutrients by holding metabolism and preventing the growth of microorganisms the earlier, the frozen of to being picked the fuel and nutrients. the loose fun beyond says yes, mos on dw science. oh, take talk channel. the people who want to lose weight often ops for intermittent fasting. this involves only eating during 8 hours of the day. many
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skip either breakfast or dinner. the 2nd option is to eat normally 5 days a week and not eat anything on 2 days. for some people he'd be able to maintain that window that could be much the match that they each so it might be helpful. we met with these types of diets can produce indeed a mild, moderate weight loss. uh 3 to 8 percent. we think 3 months. but i'd like to emphasize that face weight loss is exactly the same. and similar to that, that used by traditional dieting approaches, which has been data caloric restriction, getting okay, come on the stores generally. it's definitely good for your body to incorporate phases of fasting or food restriction. and i'll, cuz it's also good for salary generation as it triggers processes that work like a clean up operation in the body often talk this will not it triggers repair
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mechanisms and gets rid of harmful substances and so forth. and so about shot. so we have it and so by the most studies suggest intermittent diets are promising, but long term safety and efficacy data are lacking. but some recent studies have questioned the benefits of intermittent fasting, although other scientists rejects these new studies as unreliable. so what you do our to try it out and if it feels good and works for you, then it's fine. another dietary trend is going back to the traditions of our ancestors, like the vikings in northern europe. for example, the what could be eating habits of the barbarian viking as possibly have in common with a modern d balanced and healthy diet. fish was definitely a staple for them,
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as well as cabbage, nuts, berries, and lots of hardy vegetables like beat root. when does that noise? you need to say no to die. it is a healthy way of eating, which takes its cues from the mediterranean diet, but good foods that are more closely associated with the north inclines, supplement and see. and numerous studies have shown that the diet traditionally eaten around the mediterranean. that was the risk of cardiovascular disease and cancer. does the northern diet do the same di sony still being out and just walked above? it's not yet been studied in detail, but if you look at it, the basics are similar to the end. the to is structured in similar ways, so it's certainly the way to go. you don't have to stick to it rigidly. it's the overall trend that's important. and so in other words, these include plenty of vegetables and fiber, healthy oils, and fats. not much meat and few ready made product seen the slice me any se
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a product in the university of copenhagen conducted a large scale study on the northern diet, which found that even typically scandinavian food steps can have positive effects, especially on blood sugar and cub lester all levels, plus the food is often seasonal and regional. let's into the ultimate, the mediterranean diet failed to gain traction in finland and other scandinavian countries. because the people there felt no connection to it. don't even know who they didn't really know what to do with olives. or olive oil, or of a condos or whatever, and on the so they just weren't familiar with those things too. so scientists started to think about how they can be changed and how the scene booting readings can be found in scandinavia. i mean audience who, that's a, we see we didn't shellfish our standard in scandinavian quizzing. the origin protein as well as minerals like calcium, magnesium,
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and iron. the nordic di it is just as healthy as it submitted to reading and counterparts and offers many advantages they. so they have to try to be out better blood liquid values, less inflammation, and a lower risk of cardiovascular disease. and you go to the single family health kinds of that conflict. it's also rich and fiber which lowers the risk of developing certain types of cancer. exciting dictates often. and last but not least, it tastes terrific. the other popular trend is prevented food. it's certainly not a new idea. people have been preserving in korea. kim chiva says to any pickles implemented vegetables, headstones feldman t up to skip moves. the for the classic can cheat. the 1st step is to cut not a cabbage into bite sized pieces. these are then mixed with salt.
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this i saw in draws the water after they got it. oh that's fast. so 2 hours later it looks quite different. unlike with sauerkraut, a lot of spices taking cheap, including ginger and also chives. they'll scallions and korea fish sauce is usually added to, but you, me haul uses of beacon plum sauce instead. a lots of chilly guys. some of this. yeah, it's quite spicy possible so it has to be hard. otherwise it hasn't came g one. so the ingredients have been mixed. well, the kim cheese food into jobs please is when the sun mentation process begins. in order to cement vegetables, mixed with souls and spices, just have to be sealed and at high container. this allows them lactic acid bacteria already in the cabbage to multiply these micro organisms can fit substances in the
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vegetables, like carbohydrates into electric asset. that low is the p h value and also makes the vegetables to slightly sour. by contrast, dairy foods light keisha and you'll get need to have bacterial cultures added to them and properly the florian speaker from the whole time institute of nutritional sciences. a study the gum. mike, who by i'm he recommends 18 fermented foods regularly smelling, but it makes sense because cemented foods contain micro organisms. and depending on the food, these can be living micro organisms that reach the gastro intestinal tract of living bacteria or funky and can therefore, in which the guest of intestinal micro biome, mark dominy, computing device and current. the micro biome refers to the entire which e of old micro organisms that inhabit the body. it includes bacteria,
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viruses on funding, which are found in huge numbers in the got the sunset university conducted a study investigating house and men to the foods affect this micro biome. test subjects. they to diet rich in cement it's foods for 10 weeks. with clear results. as novel is this michael jones, the nourishment for the micro, by a more cemented foods do indeed increase diversity of got my crepes, even when it's sold from different foods. different types and culturally different sole supplemented foods. another study from the university of nothing and showed the importance of having a wide range of micro organisms in the gods. it found that a low diversity of got microwaves often appears to be effected. ink, chronic diseases including inflammatory bowel conditions like chromes disease
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because to micro organisms in effect, pre digest what we eat. that also makes them easier for us to have. so now let's wait to con best of it and we've been told of 8 set. we'll see it's back to set nutrients, simone readily observed because the food has already been broken down for the role of white cabbage. for example, has a different composition than cemented cyber crime. it to the left side is, is broken down during segmentation of at least in pods as avoid, you may call around that. so segmentation has an overall positive effect on base a month for organisms and quantity. because on the cost of cloudy a story bit from the university of lights, they discovered another effective fermented foods sheet. at a study on a mean cell receptus, i know the tons of identity. we identified the substances is found in high concentrations in solid ground. for example,
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open now and then other fermented foods, like kim chee ok, see it on his side. and then we were able to show that, applying this substance to isolated immune cells and uses an anti inflammatory reaction in the sound. in a next step, the research is wants to know whether this substance is sufficiently absorbed into the blood. when some a crowned tooth eaten, then would it have the same effect as in the self study. mentioned have all people age on an empty stomach, so they each end for the last time at 6 o'clock in the evening. and then the next morning at 11, am they 500 grams of solid problem for the blood samples were taken before and after eating some with an analyzed of all by the energy of to eating this large amount of sauerkraut. the substance did indeed increase sufficiently in the blood. so the research team was able to show chairman to, to a name cemented foods,
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or at least one substance in need. some entity food i'm is, it has an anti inflammatory effect on our immune system. as to whether this has a long term positive effects still needs to be investigated. then. well, we can say right now is that we see that it affects the cells of our mean system. despite some on onset questions, there's no doubt that fermented foods a healthy. if you want to incorporate them into your diet, you'll find there's a wide choice of options, even in kimchi alone, fight ones via high right now we have to come back and cheat which is quite refreshing, especially in summer it's a popular choice. okay, yes ma'am. then we have rogers can cheat and bates, you can see, which is the classic one made from not a cabbage in korea. these 3 of the most popular types of came, she didn't she so to conclude. and then did foods and not any tasty. they're
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also good for you got micro biome and you remain system of and that wraps up our study of the latest nutrition trends. our takeaway, there are many ways to have a healthy diet. choose the foods that make you feel good and that you enjoy. have fun trying things out and see you next week. the
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