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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 14, 2024 2:00pm-2:15pm CEST

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the, the, you're watching dw news coming to live from berlin, washington's top diplomat as a new frame, with a message of continuing to support the secretary of state anthony blankets meets presidents. the lensky during on, on announced a visit to cuba. also police on our show, russian supreme court rejects and appeals like from lind, critics, anatomy or car, a morsa against a 25 year jail term. he was convicted on prison, chargers and critics, they were politically motivated. and israel bushes. it's back into the north of the causes prep, after how much recruits there in the south. meanwhile, hundreds of thousands of power studies are fleeing israel's compartment of rock by
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the empire. richardson, welcome us. secretary of state anthony blinking has been meeting with ukraine's president will let him. there's a lensky, the announced a visit to kiff is and emphasizing ongoing us support to ukraine as it struggles to defend against increasingly intense russian attacks. lincoln's visit comes less than a month after congress approve a long delayed military aid package for ukraine worth more than $60000000000.00. and each of these corresponded and economy told us earlier what we can expect from lincoln's visit to ukraine. this is 1st and foremost about showing the grading sides that they are not forgotten that america is committed and that the attention administration of to months where basically cause a has a seem to occupy everyone's head space in dc that ukraine is still
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a top priority. as i said, this is a soon as the investment of time getting to key of you called fly here. your ticket trains component. so it's basically a day each way. so this is a significant sign. this isn't just to kind of freaking working visits. it's his 1st since that's cause it was started in august of last year and his 4th system will began compare that to many more visits, to israel in the past few months. and i think it's also about trying to discuss what to do with the $60000000000.00 worth of us 8 that are now being signed off on . and that will be coming here. increasingly we've already heard from volume is less key credit present, saying that the 1st priority is a defense and asking for patriot missile defense systems from the us as ukraine store and has a handful of these most of come from europe. so a real kind of clear requests me great inside the to help protect kind of give and the region of to base a couple of days of extreme fighting that of course, funding economy there. now rushes supreme court has rejected an appeal by kremlin critical vladimir car, moore's against a 25 year jail term. he was convicted on prison and other charges, the critics,
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they were politically motivated after the death of alexander vonny carr him. where is that is russia's most significant opposition figure he holds, it will, russian and british citizenship voicing opposition from his prison. so in russia, as he appeals his legs, the prison sentence left him a. ca remotes has been an outspoken critic of 2 tints, russia, and the boy in ukraine. it is a stance that it's costing daily. he has suffered to suspected poisonings as well as time in jail, and he's currently serving a 25 year prison sentence on treason charges, including disseminating false information about the russian army. after he made a speech in the us saying that russia had committed war crimes in ukraine. it is the longest known sentence of all of tutoring jails critics longer even than the punishment. the rate omega. amnesty international has designated to him
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a prisoner of conscience. he has compared his case to a style and a show trial, col remote to appeal this sentence. but it's taken until now to get to hearing. the russian supreme court had postponed, the appeal insisting that to be physically present to the hearing. despite his state of health, which his lawyer has called worrying concerns about his health, a very real since select scene of all these sudden death in an optic prison. early of this year, which is supports is pinned on the kremlin at 25 years in prison. that is the longest sentence handed down to any of these critics. my colleagues, terry martin spoke to dw, is russia analyst constantine. i got about why com, where's a was handed such a severe sentence. well, i think because the man who have the honor of knowing for quite a few years was extremely instrumental in producing all this kind of very
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sanctions regimes against the russians you. he loved it very hard in congress, in u. k. problem and still deal citizen of russian ukiah. and he's been because of his eloquence because of his shop mind because of his media presence. he was very effective in basically helping to sanction lumen there isn't companies of the rest of the dream and i think a is the sentence itself shows does it really hurt? because as, as besides it's, it is extra or the constantine speaking to my colleague terry martin there we can take a look at what some of the world news headlines, scuffles broke out in georgia's parliament during a heated debate over a controversial want that is also spark weeks of mass street protests, critics of the governing party say the so called for an agents bill could be used to for us to sense and harm georgia's bid to join the you. it would restrict media
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and other groups that get funding from abroad. european union has approve a mass of overhaul if it's migration and asylum was. the new pact ends more than 8 years of bears debate over how to handle people who enter europe without authorization. the guidelines outlined screening procedures and ways to more evenly share the work and the cost of housing grants. and china is going to take all necessary measures after the lesson veiled plans to raise terrace on electric vehicles from 25 percent to 100 percent. washington will also increase terrace on other products, including computer chips and solar cells. it says the measures are needed because china is what in global markets with artificially cheap exports. it is rarely authorities to say a number of people has been arrested after protesters in the occupied westbank and blocked an 8th convoy bound for garza. the protesters were seen throwing food
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packages onto the road and destroying some of the trucks came from jordan. and from waiting to cross the tar keeps me a check point west of her bronze. a far right is really group says they were demonstrating against the continued detention of israeli hostages in garza, of united nations as wars that palestinians in northern gauze that are experiencing a full blown family. this as the is really army returned to their to fight for surgeons. i'm us forces smoke rises over jamalia in northern gaza. the mass operatives have returned to the area as, as rarely forces pushed to retake parts of gaza. they had previously cleared civilians are caught in the crossfire today they were wounded and did that. we cannot reach because the consistent bombing of that cruise an ambulance is by is ready forces. ambulance is
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a being directly targeted and the sooner it continues to launch rockets into the center of the july year camp. according to god's of some us run health ministry over 35000 palestinians have been killed in the war. while the united states israel, strongest allies, says it does not believe a genocide is happening in gaza. the white house has ordered some of it strongest criticism of israel's war effort to date, district attorney operation has to be connected to a political plans the day after. so that there is a clear alternative and there's governance and their security and all of the steps you need to take to finally and fully defeat a hardened entrench terrace, fpo. and yes, and one of the risks of engaging in any kind of counter insurgency campaign is the ability of the terrace group to attract more recruits and more followers. as time goes on, this is something we have talked to the israelites about. meanwhile,
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in rough in the south of gaza is really forces or carrying out what they call a limited military operation to root out one of the last time us strongholds. the army says it's taken out dozens of terrorists and found tunnels and weapons depos. but the latest operation has also forced hundreds of thousands of civilians to again flee. this time northwards to. let's bring in no got tunnel palsky, a freelancer journalist in jerusalem, who is covered israel and the palestinian territories for decades. welcome. in addition to rafa is real force is now also going back into the north of gauze or pounding areas, but they said they'd cleared months ago. but now seeing a mass regrouping there, how much of a set back is this for israel? and what does it tell us about as well as more strategy? well, what it tells us is that god,
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that is on its way to becoming and is really quagmire. it's not so much is set back as simply a logical next. * for a major military operation that has no political diplomatic, strategic end point, insight as the us state department, the white house, excuse me, said. so clearly i have to say that is rudy military top brands have been warning of the situation for at least several months now. and the government appears to be paralyzed when asked to determine what it's n point for this. fighting is, tell us more about this paralysis, as you say, we heard jake sullivan there um, urging a plan for the day after. i'm also here on monday, senior us state department officials saying that washington does not think that israel goal of victory over from austin, gaza, is likely or even
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a possible what is the israeli government doing with that assessment as well as strangers? it is to say that these rarely government has not responded to those assessments has not said a word and has used the cover of 2 major national holidays here. memorial day followed by independence day to day. and really the shattered feeling of most is rarely citizens. it has use this as a cover not to have to respond. the other thing that's important today is that is really prime minister. benjamin netanyahu has not made himself available either to the press or to the public. so there has been no opportunity given the governor's lack of response to ask directly. and i think it's also important to say that miss m yahoo himself who has been repeating now for several months this month to total
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victory. it's become really a daily slogan. has never defined it either, any 0 or abroad, not to the media and not to anyone else. you could see part of this frustration and i think it's also important just a part of the real heart break of is rarely citizens yesterday in memorial day event, in the only event in which smithsonian was even nearby, to any members of the public, he was present at the national memorial event for falling soldiers and a parent of a soldier who fell in this war yells out of him, you know, heckled him. which is very unusual at that kind of a formal ceremony. i would say it's even unheard of. so the situation is one in which it appears fairly. government just does not want
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a response to the reality that you're describing. do you see a way that netanyahu's government could we define this goal? is there an off ramp for him? if israel is not successful in austin, come us from gaza. um yeah, oh the 1st. so i have to say it's unclear what is meant by i'll soon come ask from guys because it is really, government has been given a very clear opportunity. 5, very important. * enters the united states in egypt, in this case, egypt borders on the other side of gaza to install palestinian officials with wider arab military backing to takeover power from us in the gaza strip. the reason that one of the reasons that israel has not been able to approve how much, how our points were in gaza is it, is refusing to determine who will take power for different governing body were
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brought into gaza with military backing that would make use of the task a lot easier, but the is really government refuses to do that. the reason is political and that's in your fears. losing some of his more hard line ministers if he agrees to allow the palestinian authority in. but he will absolutely break international support for his ro, if he publicly says the israel is simply going to remain there as an occupying power and stuff between these 2 pressures. he has simply chosen in decision that i think that's where he's rose for now. thank you so much for joining us with those insights today. that is journalist. i know that kind of palsky to and that is our show for now. stay tuned. coming up after a short break or documentary series and close up, takes us to, to lay on the search for those disappeared under the piano dictatorship. of course,
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there is more news on our website and soon as you can find that at the w dot com, thanks so much for watching the stage burst into our is whenever they feel like you don't limit 1000 kind of for design and fashion and find most to pieces in the sky, many on including the office to buy. how do they do it? the secret lives of good thoughts may 22nd on d w 50 .


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