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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 15, 2024 9:00am-9:31am CEST

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the, the, this is the, the, the news coming to live from berlin. georgia is part of a bit of pro is a controversial law that has spark weeks of protest. thousands block, a major traffic junction as lawmakers agree, restrictions on media and other groups which get funding from abroad. western nations war and the law could jeopardize relation. also coming up is really trying to push deeper into southern does reaching residential areas of the city of ruffled . meanwhile, fighting intensifies in the north. and america's top diplomat takes a message of support to ukraine and he blinked and says more military aid is on the way and insists prussia must pay for the destruction. it's invasion that has called
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the low end cherry. martin, thanks for joining us. opposition. leaders and western nations have denounced the so called foreign influence law passed by george's national parliament. thousands of demonstrators have blocked a major traffic junction in the capital to police. critics fear the law will be used to stamp out the sent and will dent george's hopes of joining the european union. the legislation requires media and other groups to register as pursuing the interest of a foreign power. if they get more than 20 percent of their funding from abroad, european union and us have criticized law saying it could jeopardize trade relations testers clash with riot police outside the parliament in tbilisi. a thousands of people took to the streets to denounce the latest
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development and the conservation of the things. they pushes georgia, of course to membership into the sphere of the kremlin influence. i don't know why still seen all those lots in the funded the the government officials sitting in the parliament think that they are going to be the ones to take out freedom away from us because we georgia, we are, will see you and it will always buy for freedom, the if the for an agent no pulses, any media comes to and you know, that gets 20 percent more of its funding from abroad. will be obliged to register
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assuming the interest of a foreign power opponents, little search harry and that george's prime minister at rock creek about, he'd say, defended the bill, put forward by his georgian dream party. going to the office today is the most important day in terms of strengthening the independence and sovereignty of our country. the adoption of the law on transparency of foreign influence, great, strong guarantees of long term peace and tranquility in georgia. and to overcome so called polarization. it is a necessary condition for georgia integration into the european union at these totes and see it has exactly the opposite. large demonstration slipping, taking place 2 weeks on the streets of the blue sea. and protest to say they went stilton to below. it says a ton a reporter, maria,
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cut her mazda is into police a covering this story for us. i asked her if the protests are likely to stop now that the bill has passed parliament. well indeed, the pros has smoothman here in georgia is still continuing the pro testing that is still running high, the capital c p c. some of the protesters were detained yesterday and the some of the thousands of protesters are still remains the custody. and one of the request of the organizes of this protest is to free all of them, and they say they will not stop until the government reconsider its decision to, to actually cancel this bill, even though the government doesn't show any tons in pensions to do so. at this point, and it protects to say that they will not stop because this is a historic and crucial moment for their country when they have to fight for their democracy for the future in the u. s. and you had that they are in their reports.
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so they say that now the problem just, it is the bill that they don't like, but the pro russian government, as they've been telling me, and they have to make more pressure on the governments to try and stop them from stealing them away from europe towards russia. bill, the bill will go to president solomon sort of disability for final approval. i understand, but she says she will not sign it into law. so what happens next? so the next stage is the bill goes to the president and the president, the provost in presence of rubbish. really. she already wrote that she will actually veto this bill. but um it keep in mind that the president in this country has a very symbolic and ceremonial role. she, she doesn't have any power actually to stop this bill. but she is a supporter of the protest as she from the starts. she's sided with them and the
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protests to see has a need that uh, that could actually help them to, to make some pressure on the government. but uh, the also what's important that the president said that she will you not to the opposition, which is very fragments. i think this country there is, is the polarization going on in georgia. and it's also a sign of how much of the importance of this bill holds for the old position is a so fragmented, they decided to do not as a and unit unit front. they say that they are going to need the pro european movement with the leadership of their president so long as they were basically re a thank you very much. that was our correspondence, maria, a couple of months, a in sibley. see, well, let's get the view from brussels are corresponded, rosie birch. out is standing by there for us, rosie. can you explain to us how this bill would impact george's prospect of joining the e u, because it's
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a bit confusing with the prime minister saying it's necessary for george's integration into the you well, protest or say it would rec, george's chances of becoming a new member as well, it certainly gave us a great deal of skepticism here in brussels. georgia is especially on a past award membership of the european union. it applied in early 2020, to hop on the heels of ukraine. so it was really seen as a result, really a direct result of that russian full scale invasion of ukraine then the you decided to grant georgia candidate status late last year. and that was seen as a big moment, but it was not just a blank check. there are some strings attached. we thought decision. brussels wants georgia to keep undertaking reforms, for example, in the areas of curb and corruption or doubling don't on democratic institution. so we've certainly heard some of the concern here in brussels, the well, the past we're joining the e. u tends to be one which is low and winding. very small, could be a series of school all, not pots for georgia moving forward. so what's the you going to do about it?
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if anything, how is that you reacting to this development in georgia? yes for the interesting, we are here in quite clear condemnation from the central administration here in brussels, severe pain commission, myself and other journalists have been quizzing spokespeople a week on the safe side. they not only condense the law itself, but they've also condemned with a cold. the repression of protesters, they've called for the right to protest to be in trying. they said they were impressed by this. what seemed to be a clear desire from parts of the georgian population to look towards european values. and they said they expect the doors and government to mirror that. that's you. officials where there has been a source of destiny. pilots terry's, when it comes to an official position from the books 27 members states we've heard from some individual countries, for example, germany saying is as low as 100 to you value value, as we know that was the way news, foreign minister as even touch, died in tbilisi who bear it looks like he's going for some sort of talks or to
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perhaps show support to the protesters. but no block wide statement of these $27.00 you members states and usually that kind of statement would be expect to come within hours of this little being passed. but now we're really at the morning after and that still has not happened on my understanding. is that because there's been disagreement among you members states particularly hungry, which is the e you number, which is most often at all, is with brussels. it's reports, at least blocking agreement on his statement. officials are showing us, there will be something forthcoming. but really we're looking at know quite a while after this little was passed, no actual reaction from the 27. and we've had reactions, for example, from the united states. so it's not really a great look for the you there, especially when we've got a central administration in brussels. haven't quite a clear sense rosie. thank you very much for feelings in there. that was our corresponded rosie birch out in brussels, a sketch up with a few other stories making headlines this morning. at least one person has been
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killed as riots continued on new kindled of donia after frances national assembly approved che, changes to voting rules in the pacific island. authorities say around a 100 people, including some police, have been injured. thousands of homes and businesses have been torched and looted in the unrest. donald trump's former lawyer and fix or michael cohen returned to a new york court for a 2nd day as the star witness against the former preston. his testimony has linked trump directly to a hush money scheme. during the 2016 campaign, trump is accused of falsifying business records to cover up payments to a porn doctor. the is really military says it has killed a senior commander of the has beloved militant group and in a striking southern 11 on the around back militia has confirmed the death of one of its fighters without specifying the role is real and has pulled. i have exchanged almost daily fire since the outbreak of the war and gauze. as
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israel continues with some of the fiercest fighting and months in northern garza is really tanks of reach some residential areas of rough uh in the south. hundreds of thousands of civilians have fled the city ahead of a threatened ground, defensive israel's, how long as i have repeatedly warned against a major result on or off of it is really military forces have stepped up their activity. they say they are targeting several, i'm us battalions still hold up. there is really apache helicopters on route to gaza. smoke rises overhead as some of the most intense fighting in weeks rages between our mazda militants. and these really defense forces. the idea of says it currently has 3 divisions deployed across the gaza strip in the south guys or for this one. the 100 and 62nd division continue operations
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against henry's target, all minimize salt spots and the rest the area since the beginning of the operation . no forces have eliminated about 100 terrorist gunam incomplete. as the intensity of fighting increases the death toll has skyrocketed as well, according to how must lead health officials in gaza. tuesday was one of the deadliest days and weeks. they say more than 35000 color stadiums have been killed since the beginning of the war. israel defensive in and around rough uh, has forced hundreds of thousands of palestinians to flee, and continues to draw start criticism from the international community. the secretary general is appalled by the escalation military activity in and around rough uh by this really defense forces. of these developments are further impeding humanitarian access and worsening and already dire situation. at the same time, how must militants continue to fire rockets into israel? the group which has been declared to
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a terrorist organization by the us. and you has published propaganda, videos of insurgents attacking israel, the forces from hitting positions. and this as a totals as the funding continues, the key border crossing and rough uh remains shut, preventing vital a deliveries entering gaza as it relates to aid that has been following this week. we've seen 50 trucks entre uh, gaza on may 12th. this is not nearly enough more needs to be done, and it's another example of why the rough uh, border crossing needs to be open. so we can see further sustained, documented hearing aids flow into gaza. according to the united nations over 1000000 palestinians face catastrophic levels. of hunger and on the brink of starvation, let's get more of the story now for lar, correspond to tony kruber's. she joins us from jerusalem. tanya,
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what's the latest on israel's military operations in gaza? how have it's for how far up as forces advanced into russell as well what you're hearing, some eye witnesses stand off from a residence in the area saying they're seeing times going deeper into the eastern neighborhoods towards the center of the office and this heavy air of embarrassment as well and intense fighting. now the army has said last night that they are actually targeting our noise in central and southern gaza signal tenuously from the air, land and sea. so that is true description. how intense the fighting is. and there's also, i'm us putting out that they are fighting, especially in the north, and we've also seen more rockets fire coming out from garza in recent days. now the military had ordered a people in the south from the eastern neighborhoods of rough house in the past
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week or so to leave the area. we understand that over 450000. but of course, this number is rather fluid and it's an estimate by you and agencies are on the move. uh, but you also hearing from people in the north, they also have been asking other neighborhoods now to evacuate. they are also in the move, but some say the truck because heavy fighting is going on and of course the situation is very critical. many of them don't have transport. it's very difficult to move when bombardment is going on. and of course, all of this is happening today. it postings are commemorating and knock the dates and national come in the ration of the loss of, of the homeland and the displacement as they experience over 75 years ago during the arv is rarely for 94 to 8. that's very much in the collective memory, and of course, many are reminded and they see those pictures of displacement today and gaza. now
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the, you in, in the us, tanya, are pressuring israel to reopen the roof of border crossing for a deliveries. by all accounts. the me on the t monetary and situation it goes, is catastrophic. what are the, is really saying about this or well, we heard those. so basically a very public spot developing last night when the is really for administer is a cots posted a statement saying that uh each this much must be persuaded to reopen the buffer for the crossing to allow you monitoring aid in also saying the key to prevent a humanitarian crisis know in the hands of egypt, and that prompted a very angry response by the egyptian foreign minister of some if she'll create saying that is actually is well, that a cap to a, the positive thing inside of the crossing. ever since it has been closed and that it's not, and it's military operations around that crossing and southern rough of that is
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preventing any aid from coming in. that's another cigna office. you know, to, in the relations of these 2 countries in recent days. since these are the military took over the publishing and side of the crossing last tuesday. now, what does it mean uh for uh, 8 organizations. now the rafa crossing remains close. this was the crossing where main, the personnel got good. got in like humans, terran, a human and turned workers but also posting and some of them are going out also patients and also in a limited number. but of course also the aid that comes in by attracts and that hasn't been happening again to send cam. so long as one had said, it opened it, but agencies are saying they cannot reach it. it's uh the access because have you fighting? is that it's on a safe, there's some it came in through the air was causing that isn't the north of the gaza strip. but as we heard this is by weight and not enough. and of course,
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it is very difficult now with a more image of people and a medical stuff they're saying, you know, they don't get the supplies to treat them. so any, thank you very much. that was our correspond attorney kramer interested us now to ukraine, and us secretary state se blinking is in the countries capital. keep to reaffirm the bite and ministration support for your crime. lincoln has acknowledge that delays in congress passing and military aid package have made ukraine more vulnerable to russian attacks. americans talk, diploma also insisted the kremlin must pay for the destruction. its invasion has cost us secretary of state anthony, blinking piece of symbolic visit to military pain. pizza, re run by veterans and keys to reassure ukraine. more aid is coming soon. all of us admire your extraordinary
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resilience, your endurance, your strength, your leadership. and we know this is a challenging time, but we also know that in the near term, the assistance is now on the way, uh, some of this already arrived, more of that will be arriving. and that's going to make a real difference against the ongoing russian aggression. president zalinski thanked americans for the aid package worth over $60000000000.00. said ukraine's air defenses. we're still in need of a boost. really, we need to day to pet through us 40400 can region because they are the people on their attack, civilians and where is everybody? they are brushing spears cross border attack on ukraine's harkey region is forcing thousands to flee. it's here that's the landscape says us made patriots surface to air missile systems could help protect civilians in the city of har keys more than
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a 1000 people were reportedly injured when a russian guided missio hit a residential building, some 30 kilometers away locals from both chomsky describe constant showing was the doors receive so they are shooting from everywhere. yesterday there was a hit in the front of our house, burned down. then the house opposite. a bit caught fire, as well as 4 or 5 other houses to smoke is everywhere. a nightmare. it's very bad or too low. back in keys. urgent aid for heart keys is high on the agenda. many hope more timely assistants can help you. creams outgunned and outnumbered, forces fight off rushes ground. defensive force. your secretary state topped off his trip by it, reiterating us support in an unexpected way. in a basement bar. he picked up a guitar and joined the local band for their rendition of neil young's rocking in
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the free world. the 1989 song was particularly relevance. it was written after sylvia's authorities canceled young's plan concert in russia just before communism collapse in europe. blake, until the audience, the free world stands behind ukraine. the let's cross over now to our correspond it cuddly. who's in t, nick, how or anthony blinking reassurance is being received in ukraine? a look, i think terry does take me just so of tony blinking performance. and the bar here might be a bit of an unusual diplomatic format. could see a bit jarring of to the bad news that ukraine has been getting from the front lines recently. but i think this is about showing that this is a visit to a friend, the nation, to almost an allies. you wouldn't have this kind of performance. it's kind of
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a parents on the stage by us exist states in a country that wasn't being bought a friend, and he's really invested time. he takes a lot of time to get to ukraine. you have to take and not trained in an out. this isn't just flying business visits, this is about reassuring his ukranian host that the us be still paying attention because it hasn't basically occupied the head space of everyone in the administration back in dc and the of 6 months where a lot of the time of the changes will specifically cost ukraine daily in, you know, especially we've seen the impact to the last few weeks and months that, that you could see cranium kind of focus is still that and that us is thinking ahead not just yet in terms of next week, some months but longer to the we believe was talking to friends zaleski about how those 60000000000 that we recently signed off on a going to be spent. we also gave a speech to students, and there was some scaffold measured, the very clear criticism of the government here. he said, more needs to be done to fight corruption. that russia was using corruption to weaken ukraine's defenses so that the 2 are expect any strictly link. and he also
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said that you crane has to state different direction in terms of dealing with physical opponents, freedom of speech. so there was a kind of mixture of a hug for, so that's getting the rhetorical sense, but also criticism and clarity that to the us sees it. what's going on here and that there's still what to be done. nick brings up to date on what's happening in the car key region on the battlefield there. how are you crazy and forces dealing with russian defense? so this whole started early in the morning on friday. and so it less than a week since this started and it seems like the russians are still making progress will be it's most learning. there was a lot of criticism here in ukraine, about the response that the monks deals of the defense the hadn't been prepared enough. and if it was chaos among the kind of commanders try and coordinate the ukraine, your response, the kind of consent spinning among experts here is that the russians will try to unite dubiously, have to buckets along the board of and still separates by about 10 to 15 kilometers
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to create one kind of lodge a zone of russian control. they might try and take the town of chance for 75 comments as from the buddha. for now, that doesn't seem to be a direct threat to productivity brings the 2nd city. but it certainly is very embarrassing for building zalinski. we understand he's cancelled a visit to spain and portugal to deal with the situation. and this was situation that everyone. so coming we had ukrainian and present specialist speaking the last few weeks and months that they were expecting in this region. and so everyone in cuba was asking, how could this happen and how good it's to be made. so easy for the russians to make that progress. nick, thank you very much. our correspondent nick connelly. they're in t authorities in french or hunting a group of gunmen who ambushed a prison van to free a suspected drug trafficker in normandy to jail. guards were killed and 3 wounded. the inmates nick named the fly was being taken back to prison from a court hearing in the city of who the shooters came late in the morning and
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struck at the toll booth in northern france. a car filled with several people, ran the police comm boy, and then they opened fire. this footage, taken by a passenger in a passing bus, captures the moment on camera. the attackers set free a prisoner under investigation for kidnapping and homicide in another city. he was being transported to every jail after a court hearing in norman dis, capital in the lead police unit, and hundreds of security forces had been deployed to search for the gunman. so this is, i want to say that everything, and i mean everything will be done to find the perpetrators of this despicable crime to the 16. so these are the fates of people, for whom life means nothing. they will be arrested. they will be tried.
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they will be punished according to the crime they have committed. suicide sits to see the french national assembly hold a moment of silence for the slain officers. frances prime minister also spoke on the floor, is where did you feel so much on? don't know this morning in the region. there are public was attacked to see law. is there a public, an older that is being targeted? how justice not causes refusal of impunity. tuesday's convoy attack mark the 1st time prison officers have been killed on the job in 30 years. a massive search for suspects continues, or you're watching the w news. just reminder the top story we're following for you this hours. thousands of protesters in georgia have been demonstrating against parliament's decision to improve a so called for an influence small. it impacts organizations which get funding from
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a broad critic say the legislation is anti democratic and dense. george's hopes of joining the european union. i'm terry martin for me in all of us here at the w. there's thanks for watching the
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news written by a single question. we're retainers and one has been searching for his brother and father and us read a search for victim of the military dictatorship has led into colonial the to the next on d. w. easy for expected sage ellison's attribute in total amount due is reading animal life. this is the invasive
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lead is increasingly distorting the habitat oceans and wild animals through our pastors, turned into a force for good eco india. in 60 minutes on d, w, and who tackled to this special hot spots in germany, dw travel extremely busy. the at could be green, very green, old as blue. p s. twine. twine has nothing to red. definitely.
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pull just the yellow. if that's what you present on purple, purples, very special to georgia, choose your favorite color. 50 is one eduardo rojas vasquez has been searching for his father, an older brother, chevy mo, most still have some hope that my brother is alive, leaving can cheering the pin a shade dictate to ship an unknown number of july ends with 2 should unloaded in the notorious colonial digney dad club believes it was bad that his father met his desk. the reason why once to know when my father was killed on what day where his remains, then i can finally say good bye.


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