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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 16, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm CEST

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the, the, this is the, the news life from berlin, russia as president black, you mean full team mates, china, changing pain in paging paternity does kale, that countries ties as a false plus dependency. and what they called a chaotic was plus after yesterday's assassination attempt, we bring you an update on the condition of the still locked in prime minister problem feet. so, and the thoughts or form i need to on the political tensions dividing the country, the
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manager, welcome the presidents of russia and china say their relationship has become stronger in the face of going tensions with countries in the west. that comments come as letting me put in holes thoughts which region being as part of a 2 day state visit to china. the 2 leaders have signed an agreement on deepening ties that also discussing must goes full scale. envision a few pre and both said they were trying to in the world, but also know details on the efforts of the meeting chinese best. and she didn't being raised chinese or russian relations and said he wants to further develop the countries ties in many areas. those are the notes side should take the 75th anniversary of the establishment of the pro medic relations as a new starting point for the strength and the alignment of the development strategies. and continues to be enrich the content of by that are corporation and
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better benefit both countries and people. i am willing to work together with mister president, john to steer the direction of my lender relations and making new plans and arrangements for the development of cooperation and various fields sort of assumed trying those funding pressed by is following this story from badging. i asked him, well, this deep and cooperation between russia and china, i could mean in practical terms. yeah, i mean at least we have have a guess um, so that they just gave a press conference teaching thing and let them to pull teen. and before the press conference began, they were signing this um yeah, very important document of defending the comprehensive strategic partnership. and that was then followed by 10 further documents that stretched from cooperation and infrastructure in town and to information cooperation to um and etc, and security. so this pretty
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a whole right wide range of issues. we don't know all the details yet, but i mean, we could guess from the a press conference at the tone is really extremely frenzy. it was a constant appraising of each other. for example, the seating thing said that the electro ties between china and russia are based on what you to a respect you to support and to both sides expressed a wish to enhance and deepen their cooperation. so i would say there were no critical undertones that i resisted, and it was really all the price between china and russia, and i stay with us, but i've been, there's a lot more to discuss. but 1st, let's take a closer look at how try not rush out of nations have changed in recent years. last month's chinese president issue jim ping made russia his 1st overseas trip up to securing a 3rd as the most go, a symbolic choice of to use a pundum akira isolation voting. now, just to recap to his face, the new gratian is, russian president, vladimir putin is returning beyond making badging the 1st 4 and trip of seats.
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those countries are interested in projecting unity in the face of what they say is a global order dominated by the united states. that when russia's foreign minister, 2nd life ralph was in badging last month, he hailed what most going badging careers and no limits punishing is yours no more than once. alida is president putin and president changing, paying like have stressed at the determination of russia and china to counter attempts to slow down the formation of a multi polar world to slow down the long overdue processes of democratization and justice. which is that is pretty good linguist. as they celebrate 75 years of different logic, 5, china is very much the senior partner. the 2 sides of the military exchange is increasing launched his invasion of ukraine more than 2 years ago. and even more importantly, some must go trade ties between the 2 balloons. providing russia an economic
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lifeline. a mid sweeping international sanctions might be in response. west and leaders have when she attends, providing must go with support which supports invasion. you may get us some have even us, she to ring in boots and we called on china to use all its influence on russia to end russia's will of aggression against ukraine. but china's lead just as long as she brushed off the criticism and ignore the request. one of those fine movie you, we oppose using the ukraine crisis, the cost, blame me, a 3rd country, and inside a new cold war, son don't try to install it. you see your opinions about him if your team share just staying through us global leadership. but with most go increasingly isolated diplomatically and this economy, you launch the prop top by badging. both know that no limits. partnership is no longer one between equals 500 breasted with us, from aging pop down with the russian army attacking an eastern ukraine. i'll be
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expecting chinese support for russia to increase as well. i mean, it right now there's already a lot of in direct support from china towards the pool teams. um yeah, building up the military base. um, i mean, not to use products that, you know, have been identified by the european union for example. they come from china to russia, either directly through exports or through re exports. and this only salt far that china can go without risk getting risk of, you know, being further eli in united uh, with the west. i mean already now it is not very credible, but a china claims to state namely that it is in utah potty and that it does not know that it's a peace loving nation that wants to support negotiations. but i think fits what a seating thing wants to state and i think his support to rush up with always stop short of sending weapons. why? because i mean, the chinese companies are also very afraid of, you know,
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getting sanctioned by the west. and so they have to keep a balance journalist harvey, on the customer, the speaking to me from badging, slovak house prime minister, robert feet, so easy to stable, but student very serious condition off to an assassination attempt. he was struck multiple times after leaving a political meeting, still voc as president, call it a brutal and reckless attack. otherwise he does have condemned the shooting. a suspect was arrested of the seed. 5 shots ring out and the gunman is tackled just seconds later, the prime minister is carried by the arms to a car and rushed away. security personnel stayed behind, pinning the suspect to the ground, a speed. so supporters look on in horror. it sounded like cannon fire to me. i was shocked. what's going on?
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and as i saw him fall, i realized that this probably wasn't a joke. to the interior ministry said be attacked, was likely politically motivated and brought his love of this. the vacuum president condemned the shooting the central cuz i am shocked. we are all shocked by the terrible and vicious attack on prime minister robert deed. so can you get a physical attack on the prime minister is 1st of all an attack on a person, but it is also an attack on democracy. okay, cool. but cannot see the, the heat for rhetoric we see in society. you know, the sleep state for action is misspelled, just please stop it. but you cannot explain to them mostly about the stomach support part in from european leaders. you commission president, worst of the fund a lion wrote on the social media site x such acts of violence have no place in our
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society and undermine democracy. are most precious common good of the white house reacted as well. president joe biden said in the tweed, we condemn this horrific act of violence. our embassy is in close touch with the government as a vakio and ready to assist robert feats. so as long been a controversial figure in slovakia as politics often described as populist or left wing nationalist e as opposed immigration and threatened to withdraw support for ukraine in its defense against russian. yeah. do you need that? do i take, i was struck as 5 minutes to until may 2023. has his reaction to the assassination attempt on cotton prime minister feed. so of course i absolutely come down nice uh, a tech on the, our brand new furnace rubber feed. so, and i wish him a quick recovery. uh, i think the violence is no room in the democratic society and then we have to go back to the roots of democracy and freedom for the good of our citizens. so
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therefore, i very much agree with the, with the board. so who am i, am president that we should stop any violence and basically be of the examples and role models of a peaceful talk and because they just needed that in democracy, it's about of, of ideas and solutions, not a battle of people. and there's no room for any violence and the best way to go to the official confirmation as to the motive of the suspected attack. uh, but can you speak to the, the political in bottom and that currently exists in the country. i mean, how have things reach such a point that a sitting prime minister is attacked as well? we see the molars nation all around the world that say i know of course as a neighboring country to crane, where there is a ongoing war of blood. dag, overestimate the ration on those 2000000 square meters to list and we are unable to
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country. so of course this effect of the boys for right now as well. but other children g, the we currently facing out to all these crises. so we see more and more than the bully, be sure to step into more and more violent and aggressive language. and i think we need to stop with this. we need to really go back to, to, as i said, to the babel solutions and the value of people and, and be very careful because uh, the, the citizens of sir, the action of the public figures and they see aggression going on them then. uh, it's easy for them to follow, so therefore, i think this is a moment where we have to turn around and go back and show as i said, the leadership in showing that we can discuss in the, you know, respect about the solutions and know that they can show that you're talking of solutions. have you seen such solutions coming in recent months in the, in so that you, you know, actually the baby was, uh,
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was very dirty. i mean, we have, we just have over the presidential election and we saw that the presidential election was also very dirty so so therefore i'm saying that the boys ation at the moment. um, i'll just use the lack of up to see the around the europe and i think around the world is still glowing, but the more ones like this or this is the moment that where we asked to kind of stuff and review the action and, and just change it because this is not the way it should be going on. you're rolled on x, the platform for me to call a strip to on the 19th of march that the presidential election in stock. yeah, we'll decide if the country stays in the western club. you want of a gold, devastating effect if the tub and the green me becomes president, why did you write that? well, we see the rhetorics of, uh, cover and governmental visual and be there for like, are you, uh, what's the speaker of the house?
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and then moment to get to resign up to be becoming elected as a, as president. and we saw how they are bullying, how they were pulling somebody. yeah. basically and of foreign policy to the words gremlins award mosca so therefore i see a big danger and is i just hope that all these events will have a little help or some of them to review their action and it will support our stability in the west and the nato and yeah you. so when you're talking about political rhetoric and apologize and bottom on to a national voc, uh you're saying that most of it is coming from the current government i'm no, i don't want to say anything of this. i mean, people are much where is the lack of everybody? everybody knows who says what? so because especially from the public figures. so the, you know, i'm all mind too many seniors that anybody actually that's not the way to do it because he was the point fingers at each other a showing at
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a bad example to that decision as citizens. so at this moment, i think we need to really sit together and, and just discuss how we're gonna be role models for our citizens of a respectful debate about solutions for our country in education, health care, security and also other roles, economic growth, all the or didn't is the last yeah, we are facing a lot of challenges, but i think also we generally do you rely leave it there for the moment, but thanks so much for joining us to their follow. still our prime minister and to add a uh from brothers level. thank you, so thank you. i quick, i've got some other headlines around the world, the leader of me and mazda industry hunter, has met that stop. i'll see you on officials of to years of i submission from the regional block, the countries army chief discuss the potential cooperation with the all see on delegation me and mas generals have been excluded from us here on meetings over their refusal to engage in
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a piece plan for ending me and mazda 7 roll out of money. around a 100 filipino activists have sailed out to resupply fishermen in a fiercely disputed area of the south trying to see the con. while i handed out food and a few only other scarborough, showing where filipino fishermen had been blockaded by chinese coast guard ships, china claimed as much of the sea as instead of 3. despite the un quotes, cooling a game state in 2014 of the 10s of thousands of demonstrators, of, again taken to the streets of the georgia and capital to b. c. in the latest round of a weeks long mosque protest against a new fight on influence law. the been requires and zeros and media outlets with at least 20 percent of funding from abroad to register. as far as the agents, critics say it's typed in suppressed freedom and full detail. georgia's you emissions at least 3 people out there at the outset. a kiosk exploded in the german
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city of do some golf. 16 of those are enjoyed officials here, the ground floor kiosk exploded overnight spotting of fire that engulfed the 6th story. apartment building police are investigating what she got lost ukrainian president of the made is an ascii, says the ministry situation in the northeastern. the how to keep region is extremely difficult, but still under control. he was speaking of in a meeting with his ministry chiefs near the frontline rochelle launched a major ground assault into the region last week. some of the heaviest fighting has been in the town of both jobs, where almost a 1000 people have been forced to flee from their homes. this is to residence reluctantly, leaving both chimes as fighting intensifies. many arrive on the subject, you ation point on force. it's become hotter to drive out of the city with damaged
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roads and finishing on some straits with the most of it, we are here evacuating. people who have been helping everyone situation of a chance because extremely difficult. why up was the soon of the enemy is holding decisions on the streets, so please evacuate. were you helping everyone were seeing the working on the spot and i mean, together we will win the great info. can you? nearly 8000 people have been evacuated since friday. ukraine is trying to hold the line. brushes defense ministry claims to have captured a handful of villages. ukrainian, president below them is the landscape. everything must be done to ensure that the russian offensive does not succeed. sort of gives you know, how she of region borders. defense continues in the areas near the border and the
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city. and for chance, over the course of the day, let's say our defense and security forces because managed to possibly stabilize the situation on the, the, the occupier who entered in the hot heat range. and the light is being destroyed. with all available means. see mazda possible modem issue? the town of ocean skids around 75, killing me, says from keith, ukraine speaking la just stacy. keith is rushes, the cell does not present an imminent threat to the city, which is home to 1300000 people. and i know i spoke to the doctors, they kind of lee and keith in austin whether ukraine can hold the line the of the rush we are hearing from the great mitre that they say. they have slowed down that russian advance near the border, northeast of hardship, i think, and that part of the country, it is less about the kind of industrial kind of positional welfare that we've seen in the east of the country and don't best way it really is about having enough people in the trenches and having, you know,
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thoughts of the refills to kind of return fire. this is for a lot more reminiscent of the 1st week of the war where you basically have russian troops in coming in on foot. and it's more a kind of game of hide and seek finding, whether it's troops off and trying to kind of control and kind of contain that russian adult. and so i think it's less about kind of results as for now, this certainly more question of the quality of ukrainian latree responses, especially in the 1st few days will this. but certainly there is an expectation that maybe the russians in a couple of days time could take the city of, of chance. they all as we believe on the kind of northern outskirts. so it's still very difficult to get a really comprehensive picture. access is very patchy for journalist and even internet phone connection is very poor and understandably so often enough. it turns out that the village is that a so to be under our control on the other way around. so it is still, you know, almost a week into this border incursion and pretty unclear picture. and how does the opening of this new front affecting moran around the country?
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well certainly that has been a lot of criticism for the ministry and also political leadership here in the country that this was possible. these were regions that were re taken by ukraine in the autumn of french 22. they had a lot of time to prepare and the ukrainians were seeing images of russian soldiers coming in on foot seemingly. no, uh, i suppose they'll mind they getting the way, seemingly pretty easy for them to come in. now we have had a response from the government. they have said that basically was impossible to build a kind of deep, concrete defenses directly in that border zone because of constant russian shilling from across the border. they say that they were mines is to prevent tanks coming in . that's why the russians had to come in on foot. and that the but defense is what basically $1520.00 comes for the in from the board of those. a rare is the russians have yet to reach, but still that isn't really causing a lot of ice with many ukrainians. we've seen a change in military leadership that because of that for initial response. and there's also the white, a question of c of west to weapons right now, basically by forbidding ukraine from using western produce weapons to attack
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commercial proper rather than russian don't provide ukraine. they basically, he encourage russia to do these attacks from russian territory because ukraine is not able to use high mazda or on the west, and produced systems to attack the russian logistics just beyond the board. so there's a lot of pressure now from ukraine to get western allies to reverse that position. u. k. has already moved away from that position. and there was a lot of attention to the blinking who was there and key of who seems to be moving towards changing up position. but for now, ukraine is still the vertical position that we live at the moment i just want to make on me and keep thanks so much to the netherlands next, which look set to habits, most rights, being government in decades after the deed was reached between full parties, following months of negotiations, the announcement was made, but until you saw me, politicians have been does. who's bought a full freedom received the most votes in last event, but the elections? it's still not clear when you become pregnant, mixed up with. does hotline views on east law meant he have to step aside from
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taking that role? so a dean could be reached. c, mon, or chess is an assistant professor at lightning university in the netherlands. i asked him how big of a shake of this coalition is for dodge politics. so that's a very big jacob in the sense that the bbc and other stuff is being a part of government. that solar 8 of the governments between 20102012 from the buried and had a role in government. but now it has a leading role in the new government. they will see it also in the completion of the government. you can also see the emphasis on issues in the new quote issue. in particular, migration is discussing a lot of detail, even though it is just, but it's supposed to be a, an agreement that is on the broad strokes of policies when it comes to integration is really detailed, which shows the focus of this party on limiting migration to the, let's talk about that agenda because windows has argued for some radical policies in his manifesto, such as a ban on his stomach, schools mosque some the court on and
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a vote on leaving the europe in union when he'd be able to impact his agenda. so those issues were all show very early in the coalition negotiation process, the agreement was made to only issue policies that are constitutional. and the policies you mentioned clearly are not constitutional because they would interfere with the freedom of religion. and therefore those have not been included negotiation agreements which very strongly folks is limiting migration instead of dealing with integration and in great detail the way it comes to referendum on you membership will this himself as even in the last months we do shift disposition on that it has no signal, it is new manifesto for your being part of inflections. there's party ones that others to remain in part of the union. even though earlier you promised you would need the, you know, so that you can even see his own position as shifted during these negotiates. so what's the focus of this new government? what does the agenda that this government has? so there are 3 key issues in the connection agreement. the 1st is limiting
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migration. um, those are all forms of migration and it gets labor migration, refugees, study migration. the 2nd, a key issue is dealing with the crisis of another one's house in terms of the problems with nitrogen pollution. this coalition really wants to reopen negotiations with brussels, regarding the rules for nature reservation, and then once a day in order to deal with this issue, it is not likely that will happen and, but it's a major issue as well. and the 3rd issue, the lease, according to negotiate, is ensuring that people have a basic standard of living. this is where to go and it shouldn't be me. it is less detail than all the issues and that, but it's clear that it uh that some of the parties went to lower the they agreed on lowering taxes in order for be might have a larger spend level. but as we understand a window says he won't be prime minister, so who might tempt the government? we cannot speculate about that, and that's a favorite pastime of political scientists. now we really do not know there are
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some names that are that are going around it. it's been a real just been up to confront minister. it's also unlikely that another person from his party will become prime minister. so it is likely to have a feminist whose independence of political parties names going without the people who are in fulton accommodation negotiations like mr. plus tax, it will let one of the 4 runs formation books as a former minister for labor party, but it's very unclear who will become permanent, says no sort of certainty around the professor. the netherlands is one of a number of european countries seeing a rise in support for the fall ride. why is there so much support for windows to support robes in the middle us can really be explained by the dynamics of the coalition of the election campaign. last year, and that is because the netherlands has the majority of folders who would like to see migration limited. but they used to split their code basically between the radical right in the center right in the center, right. it's indicated that they would never govern with
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a radical rights in 2012. that made it the, the radical right other attract the discrimination that you need this election campaign. well, the, the centralized, liberal party said that they were open to a, to a government with the liberal with the bbc. and therefore they made it an option for voters to vote for b to b, which it is a large number. so many ways, the positioning of the center, right, both in opening the door to realtors and focusing the marketing campaign on migration. really open the door for will to speak to the center. right. is the name of the for the moment, the same on which is from the university. thanks so much for joining us today. to go to the cloud, the tops starting the following for you at these uh rushes like to be put in on trying to shoot you and being assigned to statement engaging or deepening ties between the 2 nations. they also discussed bosco's full scale invasion of you praying with 14 saying he hopes china will play a constructive role in returning your up to that's also now,
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but don't forget can get all the latest news and information around, but soft on our website. that's definitely dot com and handle on social media is at the dump. the news i'm british penetrate in billing. thanks so much for watching your soon to buy the
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the for expected. se ellison's attribute in total amount due is reading animal likes. this is the invasive lead is increasingly distorting the habitat, ellison and wild animals through our past is turned into a force for good eco india. next on
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d w, where all the folding sold, the lot of mir and his team of searching for the dead from the ukraine in will. they identify even the smallest remains day and day out. awesome. and so when families to grieve at the grades, they have to focus on in 16 minutes on dw, the dust into areas whenever they feel like it's kind of cool to sign a session and paint most pieces in the sky. the beds have
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most in many on including the most of the volume the how do they do in the secret life stats may 22nd on d w. the, when people stop texting, dissolving, and proactively engaging with the communities, things change. how do i go on saw that other body annual watching, eat going down? there is an enormous bywater in people's narrative, especially when they tell their own stories. and this is the best community is having up pillows and deep understanding of their own issues. and therefore, all.


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