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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 16, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm CEST

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the, the, this is the, the we news line from berlin, israel and the dogs at the hague, south africa, frances, it's genocide case, the international court of justice, demanding israel immediately sees operations and gaza. our correspondent explains what said state. also coming up. a man has charged over the attempted killing of slovakia as prime minister political leaders call for an end to the vicious cycle of hatreds in a divided country. and german soccer takes the social media to reveal it squat for next month's euro tournament will find out who made the cards and some of the surprising names. who did the
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article really welcome to the show. the ones top court is holding hearings today over new emergency measures san buying south africa to stop israel's attacks. on rafa, the international court of justice convened to hear a case filed by south africa accusing israel of stepping up. what did called a genocide in gaza. the urging the court to order a halt to israel's assault on rough on south africa's legal team are presenting their case today, and israel will speak tomorrow, jude hearing some parts of a broader case against israel. and they've been taking place as is really force is forced into rafa. were many of cause us this place to people have been sheltering of the rough, fine southern gaza, a shelter for more than
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a 1000000 palestinians. and now the focus of these rails military assaults, his troops portion to the city displaced palestinians fully again, while the allies abroad hope to prevent further disaster. south africa has petitions, the international court of justice, israel to immediately withdrawal from rafa. and say, since military offensive, it will start off israel to take full effective measures to facilitate unimpeded access to aid. these measures are part of an ongoing case filed by south africa that accuses israel, a violation of the genocide convention. an interim rolling and january stopped short of cooling for a cease file. but the court did state that there was a real and imminent risk under the convention and demanded provisional measures from israel to prevent genocide where the defense horse into israel must in
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accordance with its obligations under the genocide convention in relation to palestinians in gaza. take all measures within its power to prevent the commission of all acts within the scope of article 2 of the conventions of these israel has said it is acting in accordance with international law and his colleagues, the genocide case and baseless the hearings. taking place this week will focus on emergency measures only south africa will present each side. first. the country has a long history of solidarity with palestinians. its leaders have drawn comparisons between the situation in israel and the palestinian territories. and that of south africa's former a password system a ruling on the broad a genocide case will likely take he is i c j rulings of binding, but the court has no way to enforce them. when, when,
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where is the international court of justice as it can? everyone only talked about 8 and that's why we don't want a, a permanency star and a full withdraw from dallas back to chicago has been destroyed. and ross is not safe. guys as a whole is not safe, and you know, that's the whole month of it. i mean a little bit. any ruling and south africa's favor will. however, compound international pressure on israel. at a time when these riley leadership is increasingly isolated over its war in gaza, our correspondent, ben, he, god, has been following these hearings for us band, what arguments that south africa put forward today. this is already the 3rd time that says also car is appealing to the court and to come up this new into been measures of provision and measures against israel. in this genocide case, as, as africa is arguing, that is or is intensifying and it's shelling and bombardments and gaza. and as i
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also know on the ground in rough and that the in the population in gaza is reading the stopped to desk by is right here. and therefore, the south african potty ones the court to step up its efforts to keep these right here to prevent this what they call a general side. so the court should order an immediate cease fire and withdrawal of is rated troops from gaza, or at least to a gulf off. let's listen to the lead counsel of south africa, of losing z, monday's a lot. sadly, south africa is he has a game compared to attend to this quote and recognition of this obligation under the genocide convention due to the continuing annihilation of the part of gene and people with over 55000 now killed. and most of the guys i just showed up
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despite the short notice of this photo hearing. so definitely guys travel here today to do what you can to agent, to stop the ongoing general side. the gravity of the tax, pretty quiet and urgent and speedy proceedings to present the lives of the punch student and people. a commitment which south africa takes seriously. all right, we're at the south african council. their band. what are the next steps now or the south africa is making its case today and tomorrow of the court will hear arguments from this is a rebuttal from the israeli side. and this way, the bill of cause, it's a point to the fact that the time us, which is seen as a terrorist organization in the, in the u. a base right in the united states and others. but how much is also part
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of this whole? and the thing on the ground, the south africa did not mention, has most so far. and it's what it is arguing as soon as i'm us stops, it's resistant and it's fighting, then the war would be over. and the intention is right, has no intention actually to kill the palestinian people. and this whole district are also rebutting that there's a genocide going on to be able to hear that tomorrow. after that the court now then will decide maybe in the one or 2 weeks. and if the, the intern, or provision initials are granted. and, and the general case about the genocide that will take years until a verdict of will be handed down. so if the i c j were to grant this emergency request brought in by south africa, how powerful would it be? because icy j rulings are binding. but the court has no way to enforce them.
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the other routing is a binding, but they don't have much effect on the ground, as you can see now in this 4 of these rail against the mazda, because the it is right, is just ignoring but the cold, it says and the, the, the main problem for the cold is there is no police force or something in the roles that can force either side to follow the routing of the card. so it's a more than the politic of pressure, but very difficult to, to set that in motion on the ground. really nasty w span tree. good and brussels. thank you so much. i a man has been charged with attempted murder over the shooting of the slovak prime minister rober to feed so fee. so it was shot multiple times on wednesday and is now in a stable but serious condition and hospital. so lock is interior minister says the gunman was 8 quotes, lone wolf who does not belong to a specific political group. political climate in slovakia is highly polarized with
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thousands, repeatedly rallying against pietro's policy. we can speak to our correspondent jack park now. and jack, you're at the hospital we're fee so is being treated. what more can you tell us about his current condition? well, we just had a really interesting visit from the incoming president, the president, a legs of savanski, a piece of pellegrini. he came outside the hospital and spoke to reporters. he said that he had just visited the prime minister robot seat robot feed. so in the i see you, he said, confirming the prime minister consciousness that he did have a conversation with robert feet. so he said that he was in a very difficult condition that he was really tired and that there's discussions, but they have that conversation that they had were of a personal nature that they didn't touch on politics or what had happened. that continues to confirm what the director of the hospital had told us that the prime
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minister is in a stable but serious condition. this attack has stoped fears and slovakia of further acts of violence in the run up to the european elections that is going to happen. and in about 3 weeks time. how likely do you think is said that this is going to have an effect on the remainder of the campaign and also be extreme polarization that the country is going through say yes, earlier today beach pelligrini that president like he stood next to this. i'm going presidency is on a cup of tov us and they both cooled for a toning dining of the rest of it. he mentioned that again, he right side of the hospice will say that campaigns ahead of the election should either be suspended or turns out in the country cannot afford heights intentions off to the shooting of the prime minister. it was quite interesting. i see that the 2 came out here. there was probably somewhere in the region of 50 to a 100 reports is there was
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a huge security presence with arms police as well. but even just one day off to the prime minister had been shots. he resided in public again. they all tried to show that the country will move on, that trying to show you that the country will be unified. but i've spoken to a lot of the vacuums and especially still the key and john and his local john. and this is, if you say that the aggression between government officials and the price has been continuing and heightening for a long time to the point at which also the shooting happened on wednesday, some senior ministers, some senior public political voices came item, pointed the finger at the press pointed the finger at douglas and said, this is your fault, you created the situation in which this has taken place, not just to add the 71 year old suspects has not been charged with attempted murder . videos of him are widespread across the internet. he was arrested immediately off to also the shooting in the time of 100 over was jack parent and bonds got
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districts a so lucky a, a country in shock. still thank you so much for that. update to georgia, now were thousands, have once more turned out in the capital, tbilisi, and protest against a new foreign influence law. western nations have joined the opposition political leaders in georgia in denouncing the legislation, which requires foreign funded organizations to register as foreign agents. young people especially are angry. a respirator, 17 year old on the staff here is ready to rally for george's future. with the respirator on her head, in case police fire to your gas, she is out to meet people who share her anger. george's youth are furious over the foreign influence law passed by the parliament the
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i feel like everything my or is everything going into the water. everything. with this? 84 son reginald, because i don't know. i know that i'm honest, i see is referring to the 84 law makers who voted in favor of the law. it requires any n g o or media organization getting more than 20 percent of funding from abroad to register as an agent of foreign influence. the ruling georgia dream party defends the law. going to the us today is the most important day in terms of strengthening the independence and sovereignty of our country's, of the adoption of the law on transparency of for an influence create strong guarantees of long term peace and tranquility in georgia. and i'm sure they'll be so the soon for this you as worn,
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that the log when danger georgia's pass to the block, the baltic states are among the strongest critics of the bill. let's be basically see their foreign ministers mat georgian president, subdomains of which the lead, who plans to veto the legislation. a minister as joined a protest march in tbilisi as well. they marched with a large crown to oppose the foreign influence long. the ministers told demonstrators the back the georgian people's hopes, of joining nato and the european union. earlier i asked custodian foreign minister of marcos talk now why it was important for him personally to visit georgia. the 1st thing is that the we to board georgia as bryce and stores. so you can union a major as well, and you can union has done a lot to invest, given lots of credits to georgia and government. we actually gave the official
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candidate states as the last year, and also georgia and government promised us to put in peace of mind steps on the road and bought today. what we see is actually the georgia and the government that has pushed heavily through the just ration both for an agencies and that this is something totally the only way you're wrong. so these are not slips by the georgia environmental ones that you can union, but actually the other side, we can call it even into the instance a fresh app. so we decided to hold together and say the great friends. so for the georgia as, as the, when you want to be a lead waiting angle slice from the we are to go there and to send the message that the, all these steps that you have made and, and, and to aust, i'm due to a low as well georgians to join the european union, they are not drunk as a visa expiration is not prompted. and it was our very clear message to,
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to where georgia i'm going on. because georgia and people more than 80 percent are supporting this way this past due in union. and this is x essential questions for them as well? yes, you marched alongside the georgia and citizens who protested against that law last night. how confident are you that they will ultimately succeed to yeah, that was a great ball around then the end will of george and people do joy and then to move forward because they understand very well officer at being good to play by russia since 2008, what does it mean to leave the in the neighboring country, a pressure which is known democratic culture, which is actually committing the gretchen and ukraine. so um, they just ask that from the government as well. that's common truth and must the food because they promised. and we actually, they repeated the georgia government message at the stage as well,
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all of us all together. but georgia right from place is in you, and georgia and government must fulfill their promises. but the, we are concerned the very deeply that this new law is giving the opportunity for the georgia and government to, to regulate them over regular vents and over control the n g o is and, and that this kind of presentations and this is not good for the democracy and they have promised as well last year that they look pushing this little too, but now the action is depressed. so we do hope that the georgia government, this is reconsidered and this is yes, one of the people opposed to this law is the george and president she has promised to veto the law. you met her, her veto can easily be over ruled in parliament. so what did she tell you about her plans beyond that? yes, we had a meeting with the president with prime minister of foreign minister. also,
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the speaker and the n g o was have the leaders of the opposition and the georgian bridges, and it was very clear that this law truck is principally wrong. there is no place to negotiate about that. then that is she will, as she will. but the venture on that the low, but as it goes to just north georgia, the final bird, this is what's the by the, on the list of georgia. so they can, that decided to get. so what we hope that our match it. so i went through the chosen government and that they reconsider, they've decision because we will raise these questions on the level of the heavenly . and as i say of as well, uh, all these decisions will be made of over 20. they see all the, these are the version the products on georgia government and responsibility above that is remain on the georgia and not. yeah. you also met with the chair of george's parliament with whom the decision ultimately lies. and after that,
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it seemed like he somehow miss represented the content of your talks. what happened there and, you know, you maybe showed us the wrong, the speaker a why he actually he's frantically wrong information because all of us, uh, we very clearly said that uh, this is the wrong way from georgia to go. this is not the way through your in union . we are not agreeing that. but later on we, we, we saw the comment that's actually based on how every, every, everything. so this is a, actually the public lined on the end of the weekend at the low your, in strasburg, a today at the european parliament. what can the you do to protect george's democracy? the 1st thing is that we must understand that the situation in georgia is very serious, and we must talk to georgia and government as a, as
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a united voice. and we can reconsider all of decisions about these are the duration we can cause the frequency there or decision suppositions about the next steps. know once that you have this that this response will be responsibility relays on the georgia government. so i really do hope that the now when this 14 days, which is which we already know for the federal president, the georgia government to reconsider is decision. and that they can continue with the, with the steps don't want to offer to european union as agreed. and the doors and people are also heading to the poles in october to elect a new parliament and all of what is happening right now is shortly going to echo there. that was marcus south, not the stony and foreign minister. thank you so much for your time. thank you. on a quick look now at some of the other headlines from around the world. as
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a fate have met in bahrain for an air, blake summit on the war and gaza q and secretary general and tony with terrace is also there are rain and sonya ravia have called for an international conference on peace and the middle east, including full recognition of a palestinian state marse military junta chief has met with officials from the regional office in block and in years of isolation. the army commander discuss potential cooperation with us in jamar has been excluded from regional summit. so while it's civil war is still being funded as a template, but we see thousands of people have an order to evacuate. the city of fort mcmurray and central canada to escape and reproaching wildfire. authorities say the blaze is out of control. locals fear a repeats of a 2016 wildfire that burned down thousands of buildings and at least 3 people were killed when a kiosk exploded in the german city of double door, or that doesn't,
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the others were injured. officials say the blast started a fire that engulfed a 6 story apartment building. thirty's, how big on an investigation today, germany has unveiled its squad and for the euro. 2024 soccer tournament, kicking off next month. the legal rate, which tradition the german football association used celebrities implants, or is and fans to reveal players' names culturally on august month surprise many by leaving out some established stars as side faced scotland in the 1st game of the tournament on june 14th and with a squad, lined up, coach in august month says he's in it to win. ma'am? plenty of times, so we should want to win it. i think the squad is very good because otherwise i wouldn't have chosen that. most of it's a, it's difficult to make predictions to be a flight depends how the team deals with the situation. but i don't think the
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opening game is the oldest hiding factor, but it can be an important step. hi, miss scotland is a very good team that i'm kind of chocolate. as an example to microsoft echo flores from the w sports was at the unveiling of the german squad. he joins me now in the studio. i go cats out of the bag. what do you make of it? any stoners? any anything that surprised you? not really. i mean you didn't magazines stuck to his guns. he played with a team that he had to play. the last 2 matches fairly matches that must be said, but they, they won. those matches which were against france and against benevolence, which is serious opposition. so therefore he stuck to his guns and he called up pretty much a pleasure that he had already called up. he didn't want to make any serious changes to uh, to the squad and, uh, we gotta talk about this guy right here. uh, 20 costs. 34 years old and he's aging like fine wine really. so he is going to be yours. he had retired from the national team and now he is back in the national team. he retired 4 years ago. sorry. the last year was which were 4 years ago. the
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2020 years, which were play 2021. now he's back in the team and we can definitely expect him to delete the team now. and then yours. biggest headlines though about the players that were left out. right? yes. i mean, one of the biggest surprises was smotts, who am i? so is 35 years old, so therefore if you look at it that way, you think, okay, he's too old. he shouldn't be in the squad, but he is. he will be playing the changes the final against 20 cause real madrid against what was adult ones. and from the birth adult in teams, he only picked 2 players. maximum is going to be the biggest surprise missing there, but i think it's part to do with the system that he likes to play. he likes to play with a high line and mot swimmers, as we mentioned before, he's not the youngest one, so he's not as quick as he used to be. let's put it that way. so therefore, it makes sense. if you look at it in a technical tactical light and i guess, does it technically? yeah. that in august when the house for this team, he has the plan to win the tournament. does he have the players to get there? well, that's what he says. he feels confident to as well, but as mentioned,
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he took over in october and november were the 1st matches that he played. so it hasn't been too long that he's been the coach, especially he, he doesn't really have the time anymore. and therefore that germany or the host of year 2024, they don't get the chance of playing a lot of matches before. so these are just friendly matches and they have to, you know, he gets to try out different players. yeah. and there, but he doesn't really have the time anymore. so he just went with what worked for him stuck to his guns. and if he's gonna really make the cut and take germany to glory, it's down to, i mean, we always talk about home advantage, right? is that added pressure or can not really playing their favor? well, we got to think back a little bit into 2006, right. that was a world camp here in, in germany. and there was a team that was also not expected to do great. and they really surprise the whole country really in the world. and from then on germany kind of build up on that momentum that they had success eventually winning the 2014 woke up 2018. they're
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out in the group stage. and ever since it's been in a slump, so therefore maybe the home advantage will be relieved that the thing that germany has been missing and 2006 very fondly remembered. but they also didn't get very far into that. well, they have 2006, they they, they didn't reach the semi finals, but we'll see how far they can actually go at this home tournaments. i go flores of d, w. sports. thank you so much. and before we go quick reminder of our top story at this hour. a tough court has been holding hearings over new emergency measures, saw by south africa to stop israel's attacks on rough off south african legal team presents their case today, and israel was speak tomorrow as part of a broader chain against israel. that's all for now. i'm ex folks on europe looking at this lease fight against invasive south american fire. at the latest headlines you're looking for. there's always our website that's d w dot com and make sure to follow on social media or handle. there is at the w news from all of us here for
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lifting. it's a great company the
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with all the full and soldiers below the mirror and his team hosted thing for the dead from the ukrainian rule. they identify even the smallest remains day and day out. awesome. and so when families to grieve at the great, they have to focus on your next on d w. how to deal with china. for years, it's been a reliable economic partner for germany. recently it's been turning its back on the
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west. now it's pushing for a new world order. turning a once in dreamy relationship and some more of the dependency with no easy way out . in the jaws of the dragon. in 45 minutes on d, w. the 1st engine already is whenever they feel like it don't let us know feeling a fashion and most to pieces in the sky. the beds have most of many on including the us of survival. how do they do it? the
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secret lives of the inside stops may 22nd on d, w. the hello and welcome to focus on europe. my name is live show, great to have you with us in the war against russian president portends troops. ukraine is being pushed more and more into the defensive. particularly the north eastern part of the country is witnessing increased fighting. the settlements in near the city of hot active especially are under attack. thousands of civilians had to be evacuated from the border region and tire buildings have been reduced to rubble.


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