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tv   Transforming Business  Deutsche Welle  May 17, 2024 1:15am-1:31am CEST

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for association use celebrities influencers and fans to reveal players' names. coach really on now goes mind surprise many by leaning out some established star players as team face scotland and the 1st game of the tournament on june 14th. and he says, that's all for now. let's say with us the come have a page of this outing. the highlights you every week in your inbox, subscribe now is the most important success can be used across different jo, this is the real challenge. it softens, needs to be an incredibly scarce way. us transforming business is onto real media and lots just greenwashing what's now on
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the fly or norway and the us ahead on carbon capture and storage. and what is it exactly. the countries benefit from the technical know how of their oil and gas industries was a tech is found in germany, usa in norway are investing heavily in this little region. government has just bought this whole lot of the projects with 80 percent funding on our regions aren't more technology on domestic than uh, job on this edition of transforming business. we'll explore white in, in graphic norway, heidelberg materials began re bouncing a cement factory last year. they're installing a c c s plant without disrupting daily operations. determined company wants to
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launch the world's 1st net 0 cement produced using carbon capture and storage. here's how it works. an industrial facility like this one in brand vegas separates and captures the c o 2 from it. smoke stack emissions to c, o. 2 is liquefied and shipped to a storage location and then it's injected through a pipeline up to 3 kilometers under the c bed. it's a deep sandstone formation to c o. 2 can also be stored online and transported by truck rail or pipelines. the c o 2, some traffic will try by 300 nautical miles to are you garden. then it will be injected into a pipeline and stored off the norwegian coast of the storage facility is called northern lights. it belongs to shell total energies and equity, nor will return to the role of oil and gas companies laser. so why is it so hard to produce demand with i'd carbon emissions. that is the main
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ingredients also an estimate. and then in the killed process there's a lot of c 2 coming out of the livestock. this is yeah. and toilet. he's a 30 year veteran of the cement industry. we try it about to, to reduce the amount of blinker in some, and that's a decreasing factor. but there is a limit because that was not the moment use amendment loss of the form anymore. you will not have to read the list which has the form is that that it needs so that there are technical limits. safety as technology is intended for use in cards to a base sector is like steel chemicals and the cement industry. industries at toms completely eliminate carbon emissions. but why is the heidelberg materials coming all the way to norway for this? to find out more, we have to go to germany. c. c s technology is bound here. economics minister who
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about topic wants to change this. he also paid a visit to private but 15 years ago things looked a lot different in german state sikes, the, it's the hardest time people talk to the streets against c c s, including what about topic member of parliament and laser environment administer in that space? come in on v and my number one is done from scratch. detroit style events, it's a s o 2. it's why upside a bunch by showing does computer order item didn't rely on? he's attached nick in deutschland, goodness strategies. while it's on funding, you've got to, you've just got to yet to order the teams to proceed on smiles because my nose is trying. so why don't i ask since detention nick is i'm fused to invite him to be controlled and above my notice to see if i can see shop norway introduced stacy as far back as 1996 in good part due to the countries mazda of oil and gas industry.
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the petroleum industry extends for 36 percent of norway's tax revenue. it's what helps make the country rich. but norway was also a 4 runner in implementing environmental protection standards. what happened that really incentivized or kick started the history of, of c. c, as in norway was a c o 2 tax that was introduced by the labor and government that was in charge in 1992. this is political scientists such as nor do. she says some norwegian politicians realized early on the climate protection with key incentivize the oil and gas industry to to take measures. uh and i think also they quite early uh saw the potential for ccs in their production to take emissions down. right. because they didn't want to have to pay this tax,
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at least not more than necessary. norway is now investing some 1500000000 euros to develop a complete c c s value chain. the long set project. i think this would be if i'm to ship the page that they are interested in to make money off the stars. this is felix showing it piece studies, european climate policy. so they are really asking for, you remember, states do you want to export to c o 2, we have the capacity here. we have the technology, northern lights is parts of this project. the new c o 2 is storage facility belonging to cells total energies and equity. north, which we mentioned a moment ago, is due to go online in 2024. the companies have partnered with an o region, governments. they'll receive subsidies and the development phase on the 1st 10 years of operation. the goal job creation as well as
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a lucrative business and c o 2 transport and storage, industrial partner hydro back materials is also profiting from the new technology and the general subsidies that will help re bump this facility. no region. the government has just bought it. all part of the project was 80 percent funded. the only investment is a few $100000000.00 investments. the traffic is just one of about a 140 facilities operations by high those back materials. one of the world's largest concrete manufacturer, if they're planning to invest some 1500000000 bureaus by 2030, including in the u. s. that's also because president joe biden's inflation reduction. us offers financial incentives to companies that invest in carbon capture and storage. it's important to mention that they have a tax credit which makes them or increments some incentive to, to deploy ccsp. i'm facing reduction act springs on these type of credits and
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extended them so they really use it as one of the instruments to, to push all, all kinds of management. in 2023, the largest number of c, c, s facilities were under construction in the u. s followed by kind of the u. k. china and norway on this my office to pick the commercial ventures that are ready in operation. but why is the us so advanced in this area is also important that they don't really have this discussion about how to evade emissions, at least not the way we have it in germany. so, and did you test, you could also tell sure fossil c o 2 and storage under gone to find out more. let's take a look at what's called enhanced oil recovery technology that's been employed mainly in north america for more than 50 years. high pressure a, c o 2 is injected into an oil field, raising the pressure under grants. the crude oil becomes more viscous. i'm can be
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come to the surface more easily. so it's a way to pop up even more. oil doesn't really make sense to collaborate with big oil when it comes to climate protection. so they know all these systems, warnings, expertise, central technology. this is caused by minus the g o scientists as a well known experts on c c s technology in there for next year. and so they are tools a trouble staunch operation. but the norwegian, so i think they'll call it, can it be on the wall? so we're really going for the most red scale a survey has shown that the norwegian population supports dfcs. as mentioned they've been using the technology since 1996, and they have a carbon tax. 67 percent of norwegian support seats. yes. that top by denmark, the you k and followed by the netherlands. and finally,
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germany or regions are more technology optimistic, then adjustments. and we also accept that to something to do with the support for the specific technology after that during this nor to helps conduct the survey which also came to a 2nd conclusion. when we introduced these elements across the border cooperation or trade and support drops, we did a similar survey uh 5 years ago. then the draw was considerable in norway. it moved from as 80 percent support when you introduce them to a domestic situation where you store your own c o 2 to 40 percent 20, to introduce them to a project where you would import c o 2 from other countries and it's likely that's what germany would have to do export c o 2 to norway. remember, a, c, c s was previously taken off the table after protests on demonstrators had one big
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objection. thing, most of the criticisms some 10 years ago austin, germany came from the shack that cps was originally planned for photos on the street. so it was so cold paul plans and then the trips it says was ok if we to cps for co paul pens, we've never got the transition to germany has no proposed legal changes that would permit safety yet. but only in the northeast, northeast on lines. and subsidies will focus on sectors of like steel and cements where some 10 percent of emissions are classified as hard to a base search here, c, c s. so captioning and star indeed missions. it's pretty much the only option that we have to avoid the solutions. this is jessica ash place lab, the physicist, studies t c s and other carpet management strategies. the boss majority of scenario that
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she dealt with mean temperature, where they don't typically see need sees yes. but what are the risks? scientists say some, a 150000000000 tons of c o 2 could be stored onto the north sea, a region that includes a number of marine protections owned by way of comparison, the mid side cement plant and red attempt to capture 400000 tons of c o 2 annually bought if there's a leak which is possible. i and the biggest problem probably the old waltz. so what if we look at the mall c as an example? half there, something like 17000 welts that have to be drilled in the past. both the last 2 traits posted to your floor and gas and it's washed monk, see what these old wells be? some of them was uh, maybe
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a pathway for him to get in touch. but something that needs to be considerable. let's recap. countries like norway have been on board with dfcs for quite a while. they have a big technological edge on our subsidizing c, c. s on the ground scale. that's also true in the us under, by norway under us also benefit from the know how up there, oil and gas industry. germany still has to legalize the c. s. and mice export c o 2 to norway. one thing is for sure the technology is expensive and it's not with that risk. but at this point, do we really have a choice? what the support from my perspective is should launch these risks and mitigate them as good as we can. and then also compare those risks of using c c. s to the risk of love to use exist yet, because also what we're not doing has an impact. in this case, if we don't use c, c s, that means we accept more emissions which needs to work time of change. so we provide
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perspective the risk of not using c, c s exceeds the risk of appeasing. and do you think c, c s technology is the wave of the future that is know, and the common the the enter the conflicts own with tim sebastian. as the warning ukraine grind on the neighboring voltage states which anxiously from the ring sightsee, pressing the west to increase 8th and kia and make sure russia dozens with my guess this week is the last of the is 5 minutes to 50 on his card. and he's clear nature as to optics can conflict the next on d, w gets ready for an exciting toyota look surprised. hi,
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irish. and i'm ready to dive into the hands of human to do you have you have a one to talk to me before you go to the spot on the, on expected side to side. as the warning ukraine grinds on, the neighboring voltage states what's anxiously from the ring side seat, pressing the west to increase a to kia and make sure russia doesn't. with my guess this week is the last to be as 5 minutes to fishy on these kinds. and he's clear nato as the optics game. the difficulty in the frustration that i feel is that as we are going step by step, russia is going full frontal forward. so how ready is nato to take on an expansion? is russia? why are some rich european states still i'm willing to meet the alliances defense spending targets and was present the macro really calling his allies co.


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