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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 17, 2024 2:00pm-2:16pm CEST

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the, the business, the, the we news line from berlin, the u. s. military says the 1st aid has been delivered to god the by a, an new temporary peer itself. the shipment will help ease the humanitarian crisis there. but the u. n says the lack of land, a deliveries remains a huge problem. also coming up after years of struggle, thailand, isabel's, or become the 1st country in southeast asia to legalize same sex marriage. but for a home on sexual parents, challenges will remain and the tiny taco restaurant in mexico city
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becomes the 1st of its kind to be awarded a mission lonestar the really welcome to the show. we begin with the news that a has started arriving in gaza via us built a temporary floating peer. the structure is anchored to a beach and has been designed to increase the flow of a to, into the strip. however, the u. n. is worn that the pier is no substitute for a deliveries via land, which have been severely disrupted at the roof of border crossing. since israel took control of the gaza side of the u. s. food program says the threats of famine has never loomed larger for gauze, those 2200000 people of explosions and gunshots spring out in the deserted streets of ralph on the southern cities, the latest focus of operations. if this really military,
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israel says masses last remaining fighters are based in rough us, along with the groups leaders responsible for the october 7 tier attack. so it needs to send more troops there from us our troops and destroyed several tunnels that will destroy even more soon a lot of this activity will intensify on a mazda is a mountain organization that can reorganize fucking, does not have the reserve troops. it does not have the ability to produce munitions . it has no supplies. i. the result is we're cutting it off. we are wearing it down here in visual hockey model. this is really tanks of already advanced deep into rough us eastern outskirts pushing into residential areas. the one says almost 600000 people taking refuge in rafa, have now left after israel took control of the gods. a side of the roof of border crossing supplies and medical services have been dwindling.
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sewage in place already in the southern gaza running out. i think with that we're talking about missing on the left food in the market. very soon. i mean, on the left medical supplies in the hospital that remain in the south to 3 weeks, i think to go perhaps a month. 8 agencies say a temporary peer anchored by us troops and regular air drops are no substitute for ground deliveries. palestinians to have been calling for the border crossing to reopen that as well as the ship. we went to border crossings to open my point when safety we want official borders as plains as well with the parachutes. and that even better food, just like dogs, like beggars, that doesn't work as it falls on people. as a princess problems that doesn't 5 show the big are full,
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the gotten there. got it much exits with most eat operations disrupted due to the rough uh, offensive. and the humanitarian situation already dire. agencies warrant thousands are now facing an immediate risk of famine. china low as with a norwegian refugee council and 8 organization operating inside cause i asked her the maritime route, which will bring enough aid into this trip. know this route is estimated to bring only between 90 to a maximum, a $150.00 truckloads per day. at this point, we need to see a flood of humanitarian assistance, enter gaza, and the only efficient and cost effective way to do that is through the process that already exist. there are literally thousands of trucks lined up on the chips inside of the border, waiting to enter gaza and need those crossings to be operational in order for them
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to get in and help people as quickly as they need those crossings. you mentioned that they're, they're not operational right now. let's talk about the distribution of what is coming in through the air and via this new here. can the goods coming in realistically, reach all the people in need? i know the air drops by and large, i believe has been set focused on northern gaza. it's mostly food and maybe some medicines that have been dropped down. we heard yesterday about the staff of ours in northern regardless for talking about that in addition to the food that they're getting with you at this point. the kind of ways coming into the rooms in the new newly open northern areas. west crossing is just the week, but people are in need of shelter supplies. they're in need of hygiene. kids are in need of other items that are entering through these process uh, the air drops or, or not, and cost effective way. there are lots of ways in which they can cause harm, either by falling on on aid recipient or falling into the sea as we've seen. and
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as the person in your report said, it's not making a 5 way for people to receive the age of be distributed by samantha terry is in an orderly way to ensure that the most horrible people are having access to the items that they need china low recordings president will let them use the landscape, says his forces have what he says stabilize the northern fronts near hard key for russia has advanced in recent days, ukraine's army chief says, russian games have expanded the combat area by almost 70 kilometers and are forcing ukraine to throw additional reserve for gates and to the front line area. authorities are trying to evacuate the last remaining residents in the off chance, just 5 kilometers from the russian border. thousands more. i've already fled. earlier i spoke to frank language, a former u. k. military intelligence officer who now lectures and military strategy at portsmouth university. and i asked him about letting me put in his remarks that he
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has no plans on capturing hard keeps to. yes. so not seems clear. they typically don't have to scalar forces to take on the task of a city. well, over a 1000000 people like concave, what they have is essentially one division which is between 7 and 10000 people. so right now they have that capability to do that, but okay, so what are they doing? well, 2 things. first of all, the about objective is to create a quote on sunday to for the blasts of belgrade and most since the pops costs. because well, in russia, to avoid your credit and also to refine also and cautions by your credit by forces . and the 2nd thing, of course, is to draw away ukrainian resides in so far as i have them from other parts of the front. that those are the purposes of the primary purpose. and these operations as well as i can see, because military analysts frank language. let's take a quick look now at some of the other stories making headlines around the world
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today. russian president vladimir food them is visiting china as northeastern city of hard bitten on the final day of his to day trip to the country as parts of an effort to underscore the economic cooperation between the 2 nations. earlier he and the chinese president changing, paying, reaffirmed what they call there are no limits partnership med growing tensions with the west 2 days after and assassination attempt on slovakia as prime minister robert feed. so doctors have performed another surgery on him. and governments, as feats those condition will most likely remain serious for the days to come. he's being treated in intensive care. police in the french city of long have shot and killed an armed man who tried to set fire to a synagogue. authorities say the attacker had a knife and an iron bar and threatened them france. so seeing a search in anti semitism since the october 7th homos terror attacks and israel to
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the chancellor, a here in berlin is flying the pride slack to mark the international de against homophobia by phobia and transfer over the head of the chancellor, revolves guns, schmid. raised the l g b t q plus pride flag writing on the internet platform x the german chancellor or f shows. so the rainbow flag was a sign of mutual respect for one in of the thailand as well, on its way to becoming the 1st country in southeast asia to legalize same sex marriage. the most important hurdle a vote and the lower house of parliament was cleared in march. but even once this bill becomes lost, there are more challenges to come. the w scale commodities match a lesbian couple and bank called core, hoping they will soon be able to get married in thailand and enjoy the same rights as any heterosexual married couple. they just want to be a family like any other. this is ariah,
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her wife harriet and the 5 month old daughter, the the, to type women got married in the u. k. 7 years ago and have been waiting since then can finally type than not in the home country to. this would make things easier for you when we have a baby to get there. so you should get some benefit from from that home pendant you from her company, like, uh, support for education fee or do maybe call the parts from the company that she works for. like a normal household, like uh, between man and woman. but for our, for us is woman and boom, and we cannot get that. currently only ariah is the legal guardian of their daughter. what harriet is the only official owner of their home, because they could not legally share the mortgage. as things are now. if harriet, where to leave the house to ariah in the event of her death,
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it would attract high inheritance. texas. the lower house of parliament is making moves to change all of that. it's past the marriage equality bill. the law still has to be approved by the senate and signed into law by the king. know yon us the poppin has been fighting for this for many years. you know, when we talked about greater social acceptance, it didn't happen overnight. it's because l g b t 2 plus individuals have refused to be suppressed and have continuously funding for their rights. and overtime. we don't have known she is one of the most important representatives of civil society giving evidence of the continuing senate hearings on the matter. she says that the conservative pro military government that leads to thailand in the past try to slow liberalization. but that, and the, when the few type part, which is now in power, was one of the major parties who included marriage equality. and it's campaign from
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ariah and harry adult, the mistake that the bill will become little and there also hoping for further changes the bill will only concern marriage. the legal terms father and mother will not be affected. hardly one of the women has to register as father to that daughter . they fear this legal gray zone does not give them full parental rights. it will be good if, if the know 1st law is passed for, for the same sick manage. and then the pad institute, the kid can become later for the whole that that to be became very easy to it. yes . that may take longer. but there wait for the equal marriage act seems nearly over . the law will come into force $120.00 days after the king signs it. then the 2 will have the big party they've always dreamed of and get married again. as
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the humble taco is perhaps, mexico's best known and most delicious calling airy exports made of meats or beans, with vegetables and a corn shell. it's never been seen as oct cuisine until now. that is a tiny tapco shop in mexico city is now the 1st ever to be given the food world's most coveted distinction. miss lonestar no secrets only good. authentic cuisine tucker yet, khalifa, de leon has been serving the same food for 50 years. now they're doing it with a mission instar, reading, an honor that is an inspiration for the shops owner. most of one was sore throat. it was always fun to be awarded to see those to be recognizing, if any, with such an important international board was not stick on part of it. and we on more than commit to attend the latter, because from now on this award drives us every day to be more competitive. sad more
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my original eh, what you found, the competitive in aspects you since all of the sticker. the small mexico city eatery only serves tacos meat from cows with moines enforcing the tacos are expensive by local standards at around 5 us dollars. but well worth the cost, the customers who celebrate the shops, new michelin status. as soon as i make it come from mexico city, you know, a lot of tucker re, is this one is very good. the flavor and the service are incredible. instead of me . and i mean, they deserve it because they all the best tacos here in the area and among many other talk ideas. tucker yeah, talisha identity owns team wants to menu to keep evolving. what they aren't willing to compromise is their c bri cuisine. and it's michelin start quality. that's it from the news for the moment. stay with us though,
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because after the break, a closer look at how germany is economic relationship with china has become increasingly complicated. find you political tensions. if it's the latest headlines you're looking for, there is always our website, that's the w dot com. and if you want to follow some social media, our handle there is at the the we, thanks for your company. the i sorry, 716 times county, more people than ever on the move worldwide in such a kind of one. great timing is very hard to say very difficult to find out about time on student info microns the day many have long warned about would begin with terrifying news.


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