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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 20, 2024 2:00pm-2:15pm CEST

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the the dw news line from the international criminal court top prosecutor that calls for the rest of his ride, the prime minister benjamin netanyahu on 3 hamas leaves. prosecutors necessitates mister netanyahu advanced responsibility for war crimes and crimes against humanity in the gaza strip. likewise asked for her mazda officials to be arrested for, into my acts and the october 7th terror attack. and israel also on the program a u. k. called the rules wiki leaks found to julia the songs can appeal against extradition to the us on espionage charges. will have moved from london
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on the rounds president killed and i haven't come to crush abraham, right? you see as far as incense and of itself, officials all died in the incidents in a remote region of the country around supreme leader orders 5 days of the i'm feel good and welcome to the program. we started with breaking news from the international criminal court concerning b is rarely thomas conflict. i say st. prosecutor says that all reasonable ground instability, birdies, right, the prime minister, benjamin netanyahu, best responsibility, best criminal responsibility for war crimes and crimes against humanity. the prosecutors of apple says the seeking an arrest, one from mister nath at yahoo is also applied for arrest ones for 3 thomas leaders . i was calling about the october 2nd attacks and israel and his designated a terrorist organization by many countries from
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a female function on no secret. here is the, i see says that chief prosecutor talking about those restaurants that have reasonable grounds to believe on the basis of evidence collected and examined by my office that he's really prime minister benjamin netanyahu administer of defense. you'll have gone back criminal responsibility for the following international crimes committed on the territory of the state of palestine from at least the 8th of october 2023. the crimes include starvation of civilians as a method of wolf. i will fully causing great suffering, serious injury to body or health or cruel treatment, also killing or murder, unintentionally directing attacks against
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a civilian population as well as crimes against humanity, of extermination, handling matter, persecution, and allegations of crimes of committing other human acts. it's alleged these crimes were committed in the context of the ongoing conflict and this part of a wide spread and systematic attack against the civilian population of gaza. pursuant to a state policy, my office submits that there are reasonable grounds to believe that these 3 i'm actually to is a criminal. you're responsible for the killing of these really civilians and attacks perpetrated by a mass on the other. i'm groups on the 7th of october 2023. the taking hostages and other crimes alleged, you know, applications. my office has diligently collected evidence and introduce the volumes
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and high witnesses at the scene of the 6 major attack locations. the applications rely upon evidence such as cctv footage, authenticated audio photographs and video material expert evidence. the statements by a mess and the members of other i'm groups including by the electorate. public traces themselves. so i'd say a icpc is a chief prosecutor carrying con speaking uh i do. yeah, let's go to jerusalem now. wherever rebecca richard is comfortable in that, that is following the soviet welcome, rebecca, i'm what reaction a fact any from israel? well, that hasn't been any yet. from the to man involved benjamin netanyahu. and the defense minister jo kalonde. we have heard from the opposition leader. yeah. in the page has called the decision of disaster. and we just recently heard from benny gans
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also a member of the war cabinet, but not imagined netanyahu's party. he slammed the decision of the crime of historic proportions. now that is echoing words that we heard from benjamin netanyahu himself last month when it was announced that the i say may be pursuing this angle. he said in response, if the i c c. so arrest warrants, it would be a scandal of historic proportions. he called it what would be an anti semitic hate crime. so you, you can probably gauge what the response is going to be and that you sent me the response way, hearing kind of across the board from people in israel and i'm named is riley, diplomatic official told the media here that the icbc decision is hypocritical. and embarrassing on the international stage, i think that's pretty much what we can expect across the board here. feel. so what potential consequences could this announcement have for these writing the government? and i'm more broadly informed mister nathan young to well, that's difficult to say. we know that each route isn't signed up to the i c c. it
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doesn't recognize it and is therefore not under its jurisdiction. neither is it storage ally, the united states we've seen in the past. vladimir putin has been issued an arrest warrant, and he still remains. uh, you know, impala in russia, so they may be little consequences in the immediate, but personally, for benjamin netanyahu. it will restrict him traveling. i mentioned that as well in the united states and not signed up to the i c, c, but 125. all the countries are and should the, you'll have kalonde or benjamin netanyahu step foot in one of those countries. they are obligated to to, you know, to arrest, to arrest they, to arrest them and, and send them to the hague effectively. so, you know, it certainly will have it regardless occasions it personally when you look on the, the wider scale and the effects on the war. it certainly may cause the us to put
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more pressure on israel. it may when faced with this, international pressure may be faced to put even more pressure on is round when it comes to humanitarian item, the way that it's conducting the war in gaza. but in terms of political ramifications in the immediacy would, that remains to be saying, but i certainly don't think it's going to have any major effects. and whether or not, and you mean that in yahoo remains prime minister. so if this request from the prosecutor comes to anything of rebecca, i might actually oppose to mr. nelson yahoo standing back in jerusalem a politically or well, it's true and it should be stated failure. of course, an i a panel of why is this, the judges still needs to determine whether or not they will go ahead with these arrest warrants. so it isn't final, whether or not that has a boost is difficult to say. it may have a boost, somewhat, but probably by, by members of society that already agree with benjamin netanyahu. older, already support benjamin netanyahu. it may, in fact, support the protest movement,
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who are antique benjamin netanyahu and anti the way that he's been conducting the school there against the way that he's been handling the hostage negotiations in a critical of the governments and not doing enough. and it may well both to that section of society, whether it has a bolstering or benjamin netanyahu is difficult to say. but i don't think that's particularly likely. okay, thanks. that's it. rebecca is the back of business in jersey. and we'll have coming from brussels on that's a very short in the course of this program. first i will bring smoke breaking news were concerning the u. k. 's high court, which is room. but we can't expand julian assault con, appeal against expedition to the united states. mr sanchez facing espionage strategies that but has been fighting an extradition order from the london prison self for 3 years. judges in london, aust, noise acton,
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for the us government to provide a sure says that mr. sanders would not face the death penalty if convicted the let's get no one as well. that bill gates at mass, who's outside the court in non to welcome at bigot. i'm tell us more about today's advantage. well, so lots of excitements. yeah. outside of the court. uh, judy and his on his family, i believe in the support as well. just woking cost me and i was actually in court to hear that verdict. it means that the end of the rights for, during the songs in the u. k is not yet the so he can appeal against his expedition . so there was fee, as of joining us on his wife and his family that he could often today be really uh, within maybe 24 hours as they have said to be on the plane to the us and be expedited. that is not yet the case. he is still in prison,
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so his situation hasn't changed. he was too weak to attend this hearing today. so he is not in a good state, says his wife, but he is here and i had the chance to speak to his father. an awesome if this is the weight and then he said yes, definitely it's a win even though his son is still in prison. the alternative use that would just be much worse. okay, so i just thought he'd be fighting the space case for more than 3 years. and he gets to appeal to who, what, where does this case go now? basically what it stays with here in the, okay, if we had lost this intervention today, his only jobs, what i've had that would have been the european court of human rights. and that's not the case, so he can appeal once again to is extradition. you have to bear in mind that has already appealed numerous times on the then home. secretary has already ordered that you should be expedited fox news bringing new evidence that basically on the
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grounds of, of, of 3 speech and on the ground of him, possibly being discriminated against in the us as a foreign citizen. that that should be a hat here in the okay. and then the good side again, whether you should be expedited or not. so you mentioned, do you have for mr. sanchez's father? what else are you hearing from mister? so i'll just forth as well. they are and the jubilant mood. yeah, we have support is from, from around the world. we have journalists, organizations, human rights organizations like amnesty international. we have members of follow them and they're all supporting the julian assigns because they say that to the john lives and his expedition on trial into us would have it sitting effect on press freedom. so you can hear them probably. i didn't see, but you can definitely hear them celebrates. yeah. and it really when has the sounds i thing and the letter was with,
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with her reaction and how take on on today's the day. okay, thank you so much for that bug and still getting most of the high goals in london would take you back to a top story. this out of the news that the chief prosecute to the international criminal court said that there are reasonable grounds to believe that he's very prime minister benjamin netanyahu best criminal responsibility for war crimes, a crimes against humanity. a correspondence that jack power is in brussels and covering the story for us. welcome. the jack. i tell us more about what b i. c. c, prosecutor has been se, so he has not put in these applications for the rest flores, for 2 of the is really politically to sit on 3 of the leadership of how much, including the same law, who's sort of the main figure out to be that the x rays are chasing within the gaza strip. that was very interesting. what the chief prosecutor of the international
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criminal court khan had to say. he would say that, that he said that, that let's be clear on the court issue. if we do not demonstrate a willingness to apply the law equally, it's being seen is applied selectively will be creating the kind of conditions for its collapse. he means of the international criminal court itself. that's why this and i spend has come today with both sides, both sides of the complex involved, the leadership of both of them. he says he, his office has credible evidence from an independent investigation. i think also i've been speaking to experts just just in the our will say, since this has been a night and then some of them are saying that is very interesting. how does the prosecute to decided to come item his press conference? ordinarily, he just stands by himself and delivers the news. this time he had to of some of the most senior and very powerful voices in international legal. sp is one for
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the united kingdom of prosecutor, and once in the united states stood for line king him as the united states press conference. he is aware of the political and international implications of this application for these arrest florence. okay, so just to be clear, we have a prospect usa as asking for on the rest of water and what happens next, because presumably the cold as a whole has to decide that's a good thing or a bad thing. and then take it from there. it's yeah, so this is a big announcement, but as we've noticed justice issues and especially international justice issues, this can take some time. essentially, the application goes to a panel of a pre trial panel, essentially a very early stage chamber of the court. and they will look at the investigation, they will look at the application and decide whether there is enough credible out of evidence. as the prosecutor says, there is in order to pursue the arrest warrens if then the arrest flores are
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submitted. and i, this is when things become difficult, specifically for those that are charged. and the reason for that is the although israel isn't a member of the international criminal court, many, many of the countries around the world and what it means the ac doesn't have its own police force, like, uh, quote, does in international country and silver and state. so instead, the i c c relies on the police forces on the far as he's in different member states for the signed up to its jurisdiction. and what that would mean essentially is that if prime minister benjamin netanyahu with a travel to a country in which he is a country that is a signatory of the cause statute that he, that country would be expected and obligated in fights to arrest and transfer him to the hague for pre trial that those countries are germany from.


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