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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 20, 2024 5:00pm-5:16pm CEST

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the the, this is dw news lie from valley and the international criminal court top prosecutor calls for the rest of his ride, the prime minister, benjamin netanyahu. and 3, i'm us leaders, cutting comic uses mister netanyahu and his defense minister of brad and responsibility. so all crimes and crimes against humanity in the gaza strip. you also speaks the rest of hamas officials on similar charges in connection with the october 7, 10 attacks on israel. also in the program runs president gerald and i haven't called to crush. abraham re easy is foreign minister and other top officials all
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died in the incident in the remote region of the country around supreme lee, the oldest 5 days among the until ok, welcome to the program. the i c safe. chief prosecutors a says that are reasonable, grimes, to believe the leaders of israel and a from us back criminal responsibility for bull crimes and crimes against humanity . prosecute that kind of con said he's baffled, seeking a rest water that sort of driving prime minister benjamin netanyahu defense minister you off guidelines and 3, how mass leaders. i must count it out, be off to over 7 attacks in israel, and is designated a terrorist organization by many countries. it is and so the actual criminal quotes chief prosecutor kind of income it is very like low states has the right to defend
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its population. it has every right to show the return of hostages that have been criminally unconsciously taken those right. so i but do not absolve these rail always obligations to comply with international humanitarian law. intentionally causing death, starvation, injury and suffering to the civilian population, including so very many women and children of criminal means to achieve military and political goals. that's what we have, that you have reasonable grounds to believe that 3 senior leaders of how mass now, yes. and while i'm at dice and ishmael, i need a back criminal responsibility for the following international crimes committed on the territory of israel. i'm the state of palestine from at least the
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7th of october 2023, extermination as a crime against humanity. murder as a crime against humanity as well. crime. the taking of hostages as a little crime rate and other acts of sexual violence. joining captivity as crimes against humanity does what crimes? torture? joining captivity is a crime against humanity and is a little crime. lots are exponent. in brussels, jack power told me more about the chief prosecutor's enhancement a while he's laid on this clear set of accusations against the 5 people that are involved in this school. he's cool for arrest warrants, which will not go to the pre trial chamber of the international criminal court. and judges will decide whether they will be upheld. katie, the crimes that he is laid on both sides related to obviously,
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to specifically different situations off some of the hosses. most significant crimes against humanity and more crimes that can could, can be chatted, can be tried at the international criminal court, including extermination, starvation of a population mode or rape is a crime against humanity. these are really, really significant obligations. now what's interesting is investigations of this uh, this type ordinarily. what would 1st happened is that those people would be summoned to the international criminal court in the hague. they would then be expected to turn off of that own free will. we've seen that happen in other cases, but in this is just as i think, probably because what we see is that the benjamin netanyahu, the is ready prime minister and the defense minister a gallon. they both publicly said that they would not attend such a hearing. and that's why the prosecutor has come, i've 1st time and said that he wants the rest warren's to be approved by the pre
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trial chain. but it's also really interesting who was in that video when he was making this a nice minutes. the left of him is a woman who brenda hollis, who is one of the most respectable crimes prosecutors in the world, arguably might herself of being the prosecutor of the international criminal court . if she wasn't from the united states, which is not a member of the i c, c, she was involved in this, an investigation which gives it wayne's internationally, but also in the legal space in the united states as well. her participation is significant and the choice that cover him call and made to have her stood the flanking him. while he made the a nice man, that is a optics that is undeniable time condo ordinarily makes. these are nice most stood on video on his own. so corresponding jack park in brussels. well i abraham in jerusalem told me about the reaction to the announcement in israel
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were the reaction that we're seeing is uh for karen israel, a wholesale rejection of what the icy prosecutor set today. it's not surprising. we've heard from these really opposition leader year le peed rejecting the prosecutor statement and saying that there's really no comparison between our mazda and the leaders of israel. now here le pete is actually one of those staunchest harshest critics of the prime minister and the defense minister and is now in the past couple of weeks been a heart, a harsh voice and the critic of the operation in russell for example. but when it comes to this issue of is really leaders potentially receiving arrest warrants in the icy st. even the opposition and then falls in line. we've also heard from these really president is a crude talk. he's of course, the head of state, and is often seen as a, as, as the voice of the spirit of the nation,
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if you will. and he is already put out a statement condemning this decision by the icbc prosecutor and saying, i'm paraphrasing, the bist signals, a collapse in the international judicial order. and we haven't heard from the prime minister in the defense minister yet, but i don't think that we'll be hearing from any is really leader at this point. who would welcome this, this decision. but the reactions are still rolling in to abraham. and joseph would take a look at some old story. is that making headlines now? i will stop in the u. k. why the high cost as rules but which the legs found a june, a song comp appeal. okay. expedition to the united states. mr. so i'm just basing as proving us charge was that bus has been fighting an extradition order from prison for 3 years. is lawyers argue that he may not be able to rely on his rights to free speech, if facing trial in the us. so i think it's constitutional courses rule before the
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president jacob zoom cannot run for parliament in next week's election. he's been disqualified because he was sentenced to 15 months in prison in 2021. fighting to appear at a corruption inquiry runs president. abraham rising has been killed and i haven't come to crash or on states tv says mr. raising his foreign minister and others died in the remote region near the board with as a by john around supreme leader. i totally, i leased from an i has incident, has appointed an entering president and was told elections within the next 50 days is also ordered. 5 days of national moving search teams scale at the for the mountains and northwest in a run for hours or the date. and my hon eventually locating the crashed helicopter and finding no sign of survive as for the
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risk, it was pulled bodies from the wreckage. the, the, the helicopter wing down near runs border with as a by john were president crazy and his foreign minister had been attending a damn opening sooner on the bottom. it must be more about the business side, including a run state tv can send, can use of the dates, home it, all you guys are sending shock waves across around with lead is across the world offering their condolences at a video and i thought them to try out, 1st of all, i'd like to extend my condolences to the brotherly rainy and people on the death of the president of the republic, the minister of foreign affairs, and their accompanying delegation following the accident. and locked out the we ask, god almighty to forgive them. right, he's the became president and 2021 man was
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a deeply conservative and hotline leader he of a saw a brutal crack down on a rainy and protest. as in recent years, rosie was seen as a potential success to the supreme leader. i a toner from amy and she is his strategy of supporting proxy forces across the middle east. i a total of how many has declared 5 days of public morning and said the vice president mohammed must, there would act as president. new elections must be held within 50 days. ron's cabinet has held an emergency meeting, assuming they would be no problem with the management of the country, and vowing to follow re easy must have a hot a as in the writing canadian john, less ties to him. how big a last name for him?
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right. easy set. death is for iran's vision or so they run a president is like a prime minister in an absolute monarchy. so as such, he does not have that much power, but uh the president is in charge of charity got certain laws he has some sway with, with some parts of the government. he had some effect, the lawmakers in relationship with the part of mad at all. so he either can be totally 100 percent of the service of the supreme leader of iran who has absolute authority, or he can somehow advise the supreme leader to do certain things. right. see was 100 percent at the service of the iranian supreme either. but in the past 3 years, when he was president, he proved to be very inefficient in apples uh, as
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a manager. and also he was horrible as a public speaker. so i would say that there is a sigh of relief, may be in certain quarters and you're wrong because they have gotten rid of a very bad president. and whoever comes to repair the whole concept because of presidents, anyone might be most probably be a better manager and a better public speaker then raise it because best of the very difficult thing to do. okay. so from, from, from what you said, it sounds like not much will change with face that iran, of course, involved in iraq lab on e. m on and of course, backing her mouse in gaza. so that all of that doesn't change, we presume. or regardless of who is the president, it is the supreme leader who assigned the minister of foreign affairs minister of the interior and head of the revolutionary guards. and many other officials came to
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anyone. so uh, the death of the president is not going to change the iran in domestic policy or foreign policy. in certain cases, the president is more kind of back pay like we saw beef man would that mean is in 2005 we denied the whole cause. we got anyone ordering him to do that. or we saw a husband, a real money in 2013, who was a more frank match, a more conciliatory person in terms of his relationship relationship with the wall . but the revolutionary guards and the supreme either or x is the other way around . the supreme either and the revolutionary guards are in charge of your wrong domestic policy, foreign policy, and also to the military and an on domestic policy. i understand give yourself a stuff, a, a as a result of a rating and domestic policy. not all. so we presume does not change
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it's not going to change that much. but as i mentioned, the prince, the track advised the supreme neither into taking inserts and policies. sometimes the president is successful, sometimes the president is not. but also we have to understand that the supreme leader of the wrong is 8 to 5 years old. and he's more interested in his legacy, which he sees the survival of the islamic republic than his legitimacy, which would be serving the people of iraq. so the next president will have that in mind, and we'll be trying to count out to the supreme leader as much as possible and be totally at the service of the supreme either. otherwise, there would be a very confrontational period between the supreme theater and the people around him,
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as well as the revolutionary guard and the president and the cabinets as a walk into sort of that mazda on bahati from iran, y dot com. thank you. that's it. you're up to date as well at the top, i'll be out next, a documentary, looking at how money from abroad is pumping ups involved. we struggling to become a good the letter in charlotte. the currently more people than ever on the world wide in search of a better life on that bus asshole. jessica admitted god the castle, josh, find out about rubinez stores, info my grands the
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