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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 21, 2024 5:00am-5:16am CEST

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the, the, you're watching the news life cumberland is the united states. slam the international criminal court because stop prosecutor says that is a case to be made that the leaders of interest and i'm off out of the once a little for war crimes. i'm friends with against humanity. us presidential bivens towards the outrages also coming up is on and on says 5 days of morning, off the president was killed, and a helicopter crash. abraham will you see his father in minnesota and other topple for shows died when that trouble went down in a remote region, the
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number such as well, i'm glad you could join us. the international company called stop, prosecutors seeking arrest orleans for his drugs. prime minister, it's defense minister as well as for 3. how must leave this good. even con says the bad as the responsibility for crimes and crimes against humanity related to the war and gods and the october 7th stead of the tax. in his visit. us president joe biden has called it outrageous. yes, yes. and wires from offices leader in gaza. he's one of the men targeted by the i c . c, arrest warrant request. so is this match each man honey, the guitar based political leader from us? the 3rd. so most is military strategist mohammed dias of the i, c c. 's top prosecutor says he has reasonable grounds to believe the 3 are
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responsible for war crimes and crimes against humanity committed upon. and after october, the 7th murder as a crime against humanity, as will crime the taking of hostages as a little crime rate. and the other acts of sexual violence, joining captivity as crimes against humanity. does what crimes, torture jordan captivity is a crime against humanity and is a little crime. con is also requesting an international arrest warrant for israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu. and his defense minister, you'll have kalonde 7 months into the war. he thinks the to bear direct responsibility for war crimes and crimes against humanity committed in gaza. including using starvation as a weapon of war and intentionally directing attacks against
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a civilian population. it's really like whole states has the right to defend its population. it has every right to ensure the return of hostages that have been criminally and callously taken of those rights, however, do not absolve israel always obligations to comply with international humanitarian law. up soon, netanyahu rejects the accusations gordon as prime minister of israel, i reject with all my soul, the comparison made by the prosecutor in the hague, between democratic israel and the mass murderers of how much this is a complete distortion of reality. israel is not a member of the i c, c and doesn't recognize its jurisdiction. but if warrants are issued, which may take months, those named could face arrest if they travel to one of the courts. $124.00 member states, which include most of europe, but not the united states. so does the fact that these forms are being sold already?
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means that a sufficient evidence, i put that question to to be able to g, a former president of the international trim the court does that must be. what's the prosecutor o? c 7, the prosecutor must present to the 3 judges. so say you upgrade trial division. evidence 3rd shows that there is reasonable grounds to believe that the people are being sold in the rest water and committed international crime. so all responsible for international crime. so 2 months that he would not be moving forward if he didn't believe the evidence, it needs to be strong enough to sustain such a move. it's up to the judges to decide whether or not i agree with them cause but then so in your experience through your think,
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these wardens are likely to be drawn to them. i think i can notes that kind of gets back to me. that would mean pretty charging questions the what i can tell you, however, is that um, in my experience of having both as a prospect is of the for the, in your judge. prosecute for events that were wonder genocide tried, you know, especially will come to study and that's what i meant as an academic teaching. there's so many people haven't tried and convicted for less than what we've seen in the media as of what we know that israel and the us have called this move out for you is yours to be hard and that's or for that decrease the country defending itself but the federalist organization, but as you just pointed out that others have had wardens for less than what you've seen so far. but what do you, what sort of reactions to that assertion that it's not a fact from madison?
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that's not how you look at there to you. it is a political statement. legal statement is do we have a law? so what does that law say? when you look at what that low say is that, and you compare it with the evidence that you make you template legal conclusions. you've done telling, calling somebody tar, raised the knobs 1000. it's neither here nor there. in that they go calculation. even the democratic stays to meet as a democrat at this stage have been known to do things that they should not do. thomas here is carried out of the party, the tax on the, on the 7th of some, 2 of the team, which $1200.00 people died. it killed that so far today. part of the population has resulted in the deaths of more than 24000 people. in fact, the mathematics of their already charles to that there's something wrong that needs
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to be looked into to be also the crimes against humanity is a very serious accusation, especially against a serving leader. and we also know that the i c. c has already faced criticism for not as showing some of the warrants against me. it is like soon president bush auto outside or on supreme to become an a. do you think that undermines the, i think his credit ability you know, the tools again this is going to be looking at here the in the situation i'm relating to he's well has to do with the palestine being in labor estate on palestine being tested, positive in rooms time to attend the rooms tied to it gives the eyes easy and jurisdiction. all the crimes committed on the territory qualifies. deep pa to you don't have the same with the serial. you don't have the same with your right.
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of course, if you have the same with syria or you ran, you will be seeing the same configuration of a close as comparison new you might look at maybe me. um, uh, for instance me, i'm a, not just a party to the rooms, cute, but i'm glad as is just a party to the room start to. but when go hank, as well, when driven out of me, i'm a thing to the bangladesh because franklin is so steep punch into the room, started 1000 bases for the course to exercise jurisdiction of on the matter so that the closest comparison not um, syria, not the ram if you have neighboring states who decide to joy in the rooms, tied to labels of syria or tier ran. and then the effects of that more are seen on the 2 or 3 of those dates. then you can be say, well,
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what about start to and that's supposed to be able suits. are you a former president of the international committee court? that's the knob. some of the headlines making news around the world authority or from columbia fig. gwinnett. excuse me. say fighter us have killed 4 and enjoy the 7 of those and then attack in the south west of the country. the government accuses the rebel groups since the gentlest off or e. m. c of opening fire and sceptical booms at a police station in the town of more dollars. u. k. prime minister, she's still not kaz apologize to people infected from contaminated blood. a public inquiry found that the victims were repeatedly faded by the national health service and successive governments. thousands were infected with h i. we and hepatitis c between the 19 seventies and early 199 to a russian player, died out of tier to direct the accused of justifying terrorism. have told the
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multiple courts, they are innocent. prosecutors charged swiftly enough at to choke, and you gave me a bad cold, which over the play about russian women who made it is slumbered, states police since the face up to 7 years in prison. if found guilty. it on and safe me data reporting that effectively failure falls. i had a call to trash, the kids president abraham roy, you see and the foreign minister, it happened sunday, near the border with us. and by john, it on supreme leader, ayatollah ali company has declared 5 days of national morning. he appointed and entered and president, who must hold elections within 50 days. search team scouted before the mountains in north west and run for hours. from devin, my hon. eventually locating the crashed helicopter and finding no sign of survivors . photograph. frisco is pulled bodies from the wreckage
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below the helicopter to wind down the runs border with as a by john were president crazy and his foreign minister had been attending a damn opening sooner on the bottom. it must be more lucky because i then put in a run state tv can send, can use of the dates, home it, all you guys are sending shock waves across around with lead is across the world offering their condolences and video. and i thought them to tell us, 1st of all, i'd like to extend my condolences to the brother rearranging and people on the death of the president of the republic, the minister of foreign affairs, and their accompanying delegation following the accident. and locked out the we ask, god almighty to forgive them to raise the became president and 2021 man was
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a deeply conservative and hard line leader. he of a saw a brutal crack down on a rainy and protesters. in recent years, rosie was seen as a potential $0.60 to the supreme leader, i a total of from me. and she is his strategy of supporting proxy forces across the middle east. i a total of how many has declared 5 days of public morning and said the vice president mohammed must bear, would act as president knew elections must be held within 50 days. ron's cabinet has held an emergency meeting, assuming they would be no problem with the management of the country and vowing to follow right. now, are you okay cool. it has drawers that the found a wiki leaks. surely massage can
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a be his extradition to the us where he faces as to you're not charged as his lawyer is argued, that because of his boredom, nationality assigns would not be able to rely on free speech protections gone through through us citizens. the voters hold the ruling, could be a toning point in the zone. running movie bathroom assistance has been fighting extradition from the u. k. for more than a decade, officer, which he needs to read classified information about the us ministry in 2010. to like to know what the niece says save this. madeline game wouldn't last the best of time, but how strong they will, there's will be still is now 15 years old. and it's still incredibly popular though . most of the life of its creator, anaerobic. he says it's important, even us technology advances, that people still work with the hand as they have been a lot of twist, some time since the tool came on the scene. but it's, inventor says he's most proud of the positive impact it's had. i've got so many
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things, so people in that sense i, that you are j 2 managers and many other things that you have in a nice feeling to be able to do something that is good for people and he never stop twisting that to the whole goal. a quick look at that old story of you're following for you. free trials, the united states and the 0 slam, the international criminal court chief prosecute of the say, as far as to speak, a swan in spite strows leaders outrages the i associates got him con, says is address prime minister it's defense minister as well as 3 how mosley, though it's bad responsibility for war crimes and crimes against humanity. and with that showed up to date reduce stick around for up to next is our environment show plan. at this time we're taking a look at whether the demand for liquefied natural gas. we keep the watch hold on
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