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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 22, 2024 6:00am-6:16am CEST

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the, the, this is dw news live from the land, the un suspense food, a distribution and rough, fine, southern chasm, sides lack of supplies and safety concerns, and one to many terry and operations across the entire strip on near collapse. also coming up, russia begins tactical nuclear weapons drills near the border with ukraine. moscow says it's in response to what it calls for bucket of statements from the west. and one passenger is dad, i've just to be a turbulent hit, the flight from london to a single pool conditions caused the bullying. triple 7 to plummet for making an
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emergency landing the i'm told me on logical welcome to the programs. united nation says it's suspended food distribution and the city of rockland, southern guys are due to safety concerns and a lack of supplies you organization says it's main agency for palestinian refugees born row and the world food program can no longer access that warehouses and rough uh because of israel's ongoing ministry operation. after fleeting russia many come here to the, as by the camp instance with casa. but the situation here is not much better people for basic supplies as temperature. so that desperate for water by someone going to reasonable to become show up, there is no water. we come,
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drink. when are you? there is no war to come to. the dish has become to anything, but lots tops with suffering allows you to do to deal with heavy fighting around rough uh, these really military says nearly 900 a 1000 people have slept the area, the satellite images show the scale of the move mean in recent weeks, hundreds of tents and shelters have been removed. the un says humanitarian operations in gas on the collapse as almost no 8 come into. and they no longer have access to, to warehouses in rough or of our colleagues that onto our reports that today the agencies distribution center as well as the well food programs warehouses both in rafa or now inaccessible. jude ongoing military operation on was that it's health centers have not received any medical supplies for the past 10 days. despite this health care staff continue to provide thousands of medical consultations each day at health centers that are still operational. people have have the p o constructed
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by the us would bring some urgency needed relief. but so far, it has been nearly enough to get done and we have been waiting for this a was and we have not received anything. he just doesn't reach us. i ask america, the international community over most of the world to end this war. when we want is for this war to end, the us says is working on creating alternative routes to speed up a deliveries until that happens. many people be here empty handed. in earlier i spoke to our washington correspondent, janelle de milan on the latest regarding the situation on folding in rafa. so yeah, so as we heard, so you and has suspended food distribution in ra, father warehouses are inaccessible to them. now, earlier we actually reached out to the you and to ask if they had any indication of
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when they might be able to restart deliveries. they quite predictably said, no, they don't, it would depend a very much on the security situation in ross and how it unfolds. no, we don't know for certain how many people are in ross. exactly. some 800000 people are thoughts of flood since israel started it's operation, there are some 2 weeks ago. it's however, thought that several 100000 people are still there. and this, the situation, of course, is very dire. we heard from a spokes person of the world food program who said that the food a distribution had to be stopped in rough as well, and mid exhausted food stocks. she said that food a distribution is ongoing in central garza, which is of course, where many of those who fly drop off fled to bud talk. dwindling stocks there also means that they may see they may soon see that supply exhausted as well. she said
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that if supplies and food are into restarted and gaza in massive quantities, then simon, like conditions could certainly be expected. they're a rush us as a to be gone. tactical nuclear weapons drills close to ukraine, rushes defense ministry says the drills will test its readiness to deploy the weapons. the exercises are taking place in russia's southern military district, and that includes parts of ukraine that are on the occupation, official se, there in response to comments from fronds as president will said, nato. it should not rule out deploying troops to ukraine. the assessing the damage as workers creole ways, the russell this paula plant may a keith used to provide millions with electricity until it was heavily damaged by
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rushing me. so in april and the german foreign minister visit here is the latest reminder of what your crane needs most. we still need way more defense because the, some of the rockets and missiles could be brought down by ad defense. but obviously not all of them. and it's a directly and so typically directs a tech on infrastructure to enable the lights, the survival here in the brain. and this is why i'm calling worldwide to, to increase the defense support their books didn't come to hand. she said, nearly 1000000000 years has been raised globally to support ukraine with more air defense systems. but even that is not enough to protect the country from russia's relentless strikes. and the thrust from moscow on notes subsiding.
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russia now says it has begun tactical nuclear weapons drills close to ukraine. menu, wondering what could trigger they use. i don't know, but put in might think. but if he sees that russia might be losing in ukraine, because natal decides to deploy troops, and especially if cried me or comes under attack, and there is a potential for russian, lots of crime yet. i think that he might just as well order the use of tactical nuclear weapons as the threat as a potential nucleus tri folds this another probably the most serious challenge to the wes promise to support to ukraine no matter what. lock hampton is a senior advisor with the international security program at the center for strategic and international studies. austin, whether rushes, manley postering with these drills. i think there's more to it this time. i think
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they are signaling to the west that nato troops will not be acceptable in you create that has been one of russia's red lines since the beginning of the war. the eto has respected that. but now you're hearing natal members talking about possibly moving troops into nato. of course we heard about a president a crone, but the historians have said that they might send rear echelon troops, trainers into ukraine and zones he himself is talking about having needle aircraft shooting down a rushing levels in ukraine. so, faced with this rising discussion about possibly sending nato forces into ukraine, i think this is russia's response. at least one person has died after a passenger jet hit severe turbulence while traveling from london to single pool.
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dozens of others are injured. like data suggest the plane a boeing triple 7 dropped some 6000 feet and 5 minutes. witnesses say those not wearing the seat belts? what launched to the ceiling? the jet was forced to make an emergency landing in bangkok as the images, passengers to carry dose, to sing, and pull a line slight by medical stuff and bind cold. uproot where they receive immediate treatment and some taken to hospital passengers have spoken out about the hora when the plains suddenly plunged. it was a long way so sudden there's no one. it gets old. and i ended up picking my head on the ceiling. my wife dates some poor people walking around and up doing somersaults
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. it was obviously terrible. this animated graphic shows the plane traveling on its intended flight path from london to cigna pool. before it hits about so severe turbulence and dropped to move in 1800 meters around 6000 feet from its cruising altitude. it was then rerouted to land. ben cox main airport. that happen well started to use a still piecing together what exactly happened on board. the preliminary investigations indicate that the deceased suffered from one hot condition. he was a 73 year old, but the national, however, they stood in the next stage of the old toxic process. as the investigation continues, several of the passengers who felt well enough to continue the journey forwarded, another plane bound for a single pool or else eviction experts. richard levy,
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how common these kinds of incidents all this very unusual, the type of tribute is they encounter the international authorities can classify turbos is large, monitor, severe and extreme. i falter severe turbulence, which warning, nothing bad happened at all. i warn my crew this same poor plane flew through what my estimation is, extreme turbulence. that's where people get hurt if they don't have their belts fast and, and it could be aircraft damage. not likely, but possibly. and is it predictable? yes, it is predictable to next to an extent, this was not in my opinion, clear air turbulence, which is what a likely be dish reporting. they were flying through what's called the infra truck, well, couldn't conversion so on. and we have that in south america and near us and this
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along the equator. well, that goes all the way around the world. and when flows different directions creates bad thunderstorms. the good news is with weather radar. i flew this airplane, this triple 7300 marble sharepoint right. rather, wait our slide 20 noncom miles or more away from the thunderstorms and you have minimal to know turbulence. so the question will be, is how close is crew flew towards uh, to the thunderstorms out there where the extra experience, extreme turbulence, right? you mentioned the plane itself. so what can we attribute this to is external factors with the atmosphere in the environment that or is it the plane itself or could it be pilot action? what, what would you say uh, causes the most impact, or in this particular case the nothing to do with the airplane? nothing to do with boeing whatsoever. it is uh, having the rather weather radio rate or tune up and focused on the flat bath in
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front of them. and as soon as you see the weather, you move around it. this is nothing to do with climate change. i flew down south america in the eighty's and ninety's and experience the ro, thunderstorms along the equator, and it goes all the way around the world. just simply fly away from them. you can always fly around thunderstorms, and there are some of the approved for our renters. insurance plan, the airplane, get fuel and continue on. okay, you said something about people wearing the seat belt, is it just as simple as that to prevent injuries and they tell it is like what we've seen of this incident. it is nothing more complicated than that. when a flight attendants make their public analysis, when the captain makes the public announcement or the 1st officer, keep the seat belts fast, and even if it's perfectly smooth, if you go the restroom, come back to a seat and put your belt back on make it's not uncomfortable and you'll be safe. and when such an incident happens, and then you have a,
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an emergency landing like with this plane, what is the immediate priorities for the flight crew and full of the technical stuff they need a priority is, is, is what it is all the time, the safety, safety they made the correct decision to line the airplane in the night in bangkok of course, and then they declared a medical emergency so that the medical crew will come to the aircraft and take the injured passers off the airplane. that's the 1st consideration of course safety a flight of the airplane in the airplane flu, just fine is a wonderful aircraft. okay. vision expert, richard levy, we appreciate your insights. thank you very much for speaking to us. thank you. time it's best for you. and this will go a quick look at the top story well, following this our view and says it's close to food distribution in the city of rockland, southern guys are due to safety concerns and a lot of supplies but that's it. for now,
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you are up to date and up next, as a documentary, looking at how beds are adapting to changing environments as long use and dw comp time to meet with a lot of both myself and the team. thankful your company, the type of data so much for the 1st 2 years is just as i've been in a coma close by persecution and flight. meanwhile for con dreams of another world wake up on last starts june 1st on dw, the, the.


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