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tv   Transactions  Deutsche Welle  May 22, 2024 2:15pm-3:01pm CEST

2:15 pm
has recalled it some passages to the 3 countries in response to it as well. we have time, full of net. so documentary looks isn't bob boy's reliance on money sent home by immigrants working in other countries on any codes, mckinnon. thank you for what can you see what old car is have to do with you production? here's a hands on the really indeed the snow on youtube, the
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the hello i'm i'm just so visiting the not so many model number. right so, so that for the similar thing but not so is that some of the live a 1000000 to man is a 5 a if which is on the card to the christmas.
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okay. is that the ends ends of human loans that am in, and then that's it. was that totally message, lena? as far it would to this isn't gonna do much. okay. oh okay. yeah. okay. so this is a long as them. oh. okay. gotcha. so by the
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9 you have, we have 75 of whom am i not? or was it was that you have live sending. okay. it's and it still gets how we can you we and it's always business 75 more now. so we have 5 more now thinking it's how when we thing is i need business. i mean it is i would to, into core not mean man said we needed mines insensitive insights and we would like, who would take a look problem. good. see you later. i it was easy to use when i was with the different because i'm seeing which one was didn't say that when i made it wednesday,
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the one let me did wednesday. the 1st was that i went on the unless the please. okay. about 100 out of seemed bumping, and i'm the only one gift here. so if all goes well, i'm not the lose the passport, the been, you know, one is over to me important and so on and kind of as a forwarding, but to your situation, this is in public. i think we'll come back out of the country and going some way because i changing the way the income that i'm getting i so some of that, you know, it can cause of but it's not the amount that i can see when,
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if anything is i want to see or something i could i come see. so i'm thinking if i just try to venture into a different country, old kids and see if it works. i'm just trying to zip file. i'm just going to try something secret twix i came in the u. k. in 2015. i'm a dumb c larry kara. i help the elderly live their lives as normal as possible. and i go to uni as well. i haven't been
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marked way since i came here. i missed my time, the cotton. this is involved with i support about 4 people, my mom, my 2 cousins and occasionally my sister key the most that i've ever sent. my mom was 200 pounds most the time. so just like send her like about a 100 pounds every month because i'm still a student. i don't really get launch the i came to the u. k. in september 2015 for us to save me and my sister portia came to the u. k as well. for my job, i work as an id, consultant, and engineering schools. i do guns saw the african contemporary and traditional dance phones. it's my side,
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self employed business. when i 1st moved, i had to think about finding myself again in this the continent and of ridge i send home about a 150 to 200 pounds a month depending on who needs that money and why? because i don't and very much myself here. in this country as an immigrant the . 6 i looks and bubble in 2008 because my life was threatened. i was threatened because of my sexual orientation.
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i work 3 jobs as an actor, hotel manager, and a freelance translator. i send money has them when i can miss my family and since that i cannot go home because i would be risking my life if i did l g b t q. i less people have no legal protections from violence and discrimination in our country. the scope of everything started sputtering on for the value done. so i'm not the dates before you start thinking. oh was
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that we send us the dentist. they don't have, i went on to a suite t, as they didn't say that it's pushing the, as of right, because the a constant of this time right here. i so these are and sometimes i don't know how specific trouble will strange that ling is a little quizzes. if i'm on, if i'm one that you a lab for eating system in june, 11th or another out of the country band with this when son walks congenital stuff on the phone. this in the middle, maybe the my, the job colquitt was on to into coca cola, franklin with done our portal submitted to copeland, yoko complaining to tons. there's a cough. so submitted with the listing. i found 12 months. so this one would senior
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this with thing, so when we see things we do, oh team, i will talk to those guys. another thing thing since didn't look at this been i town to do this, include all too much clean up over the amount of rent on amazon or frank. you might have for c by us to get that. and one here today which is invo brought to the graph was the, with the central vehicle in the works is what they put in 1992. so so we wouldn't assemble just look certain through the gamble
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to all of us on this cause. yeah, honda and we have miles millennium simmons in the past. mm hm. oh okay. uh such a big thing to say that i all the uh all the time. a live for the next level in the was which the event is on and good question. saw most the only
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part was the wrong, i would say it was in less than i was, but knowing it is a is a, is the kid in the birthday i'm going with his father and grand you know, it was a site that we loved was that right, that will up it may not midnight. it says that my son is somebody my son. yeah. i know. went by noise. yeah. was it called um and i guess she said oh good. yes, definitely. now that kind of stand it and may not. i have to get ready from
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7 to much. it's getting late. i'm actually going to allow you to see my mom. it's been about 3 years without seeing my mom. it's been a while, you know, and i might be, i'm broke. so i hope she wouldn't mind me being the last. i'm still brooke, because i haven't been paid. hopefully i'll send that it will be coming any time this month. and i just want to ship some language to issue of course as much we can to
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a point from one to kick. now i am one of the key not works with the money, but it's not going to be my phone never stops. and one of my friends just lost his wife this morning, so we're trying to figure out how we're going to assist. and what can i send him some money to, to look for help at the funeral. now a message from them,
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since you do not see them on the internet, is that adequate? i think i know that that's just a citizen and young blood is a didn't take fill it out to him way. and what the stand by saying is level home for the d. i and kristin and devin, i found on the line. so insurance was the route to in the portland pest political all fund, my passport, and the ones on the 210, someone sending that to me is the, this time for its center to is not in court artistic pay. i mean again i to send it to me, i am quarter been a end of a sending when you say so, but you would just designs and design by simple to do, cuz this is more formulas thing. somebody picks up professional, i'm denied that
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a student. i pressed for to see i missed you today to off was into august and bypass and i'm saying it i clicked on tend to be 45. yeah. and i want dentists. yeah, we actually do those with the quality of food. click on the, it's not just about saving, not for this constant like visits to home, but it's also about saving up to actually have money that's readily available for a family emergency is unfair municipal, because we know that the systems are not the same as the systems here it is a high demand for money, especially foreign currency. and as a whole, lot of like stigma is around being in the task for vest as being in africa because you'd be expected to be obviously any more money which is true. but i and money
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that's relative to the economy of london. so it's, it might be more money to someone that doesn't leave here. but to me it's not very much money. you'll always have a responsibility to send money home. remington is a sort of like the backbone of so many people's lives every month. you will have someone from home that will say, oh please, i need money for this phase know months actual go by without having to send someone something or think about sending someone some money down for not sure somebody's cutters. this issue that the owing us the sample and turn into another place.
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mm hm. and that amount is low top chosen and date and time to have them being born in 7 z, y a way to and when i went to my sister is the 42. when do i not? what is the same key on that one twice? like oh, what to what, what from the one they fell off when i went to another. got it. my friends coming up with courtesy, they at least, but it is a is a reference that when jen on july, the about food i know. but the one i love about what what, what, what, what does the thing i do to cut is the civic for the for them 6 for the civic. i
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just love yourself which matches what i think. what model kiki gets it to. he made uh not uh, so no, no, no, no, no one of them i never i left his about why and stuff we knew by eli fixed, but within day one with the guys size. nothing you bit level by side. so if was it was printing. if it went to another one, no, i mean the level, the models is left level of optimization. what is level of center life? below that input? the 9? no, i'm only on the line. she's least peace is no one to them now on nice with these leads on fine.
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well, i don't see them. well i can actually talk to the office. so with that, cuz that one shows you live in a different way and i mean high, she'll need one more thing. maybe she'd be twice shooting me and all that. but she actually allows you is this thing up like 9 and you just do it. so by it's actually 5 feet a little i'm trying. do you know i'm 15 years older than you want. so 38. now $690.00. who do i check? it just trying to kill me. that's why don't forget to oh, nice. ready, can we go home? what do you think is your future?
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do you see yourself going back to congo? i would trust you for me. it's different. i don't see myself. i loved my country. i loved being in touch with family that are there. like there isn't an opportunity to check starting a new career. somebody had left and went so far ahead in my career to go back and be set back. she's got a lot of stake there at the moment. stuff that she's building and she's looking after the, you know, my little cousins of a i got a whole thing running and reno we help support where we can if there's anything needed, i can be more useful to them and see about to rely on from this side and then being actually there myself, i mean that's just new to us. i mean, most communities live as well. but yeah, you need to make the money. you need to do what you need to do to live. i'm getting
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message after message after message. and you to another one. so then to this time i just want to exchange my phone off and not attend to anything besides what i want to attend to. and it's just simply not possible the of the example. mm hm. so who am i show? no room that i would love to get on. so i was like when we pick day off, oh cool,
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new thing i watch the video from the engender 187, numerous 87. okay. who number to dial? i will know what's going on with it. right now i'm send the right letter to the middle, frank, low miles the nursing can into my local news. it is kind of within the society or duties. yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. my, the i did, i would say that he was up to go with me load a mildly, sometimes you guys and will be e r t t i c o d for no one here. so i still watch video miles on tv. so how lovely? yeah. what's the end of us out?
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it is under the factory. java with the button. yeah. was not i did with the i left the quizzes stuck in numerous and i did, i still want to do this by do you do something to lends that money back to me in that room to increase that good? yeah. if the, the are busy. so the
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same and young with this and leave me here
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not to the the visuals them, but it's i can see what the the assessment is the newsletter. so to did up uh the setup. once i said that we did go through to combine genuine in using changes or not so much
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so yeah. okay. by the
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i assume only bored. i assume that come out to go back to blue and still have more days with mom and everyone. i'm not a new much but i believe if i go to portland, i might be a better daughter than i am now. the hello. so was the minimum. i grew up as wide enough i why here let's look. i'm not allowed to.
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oh, oh, keep local. i just didn't know my voice sounds. i mean like i said in the tang, i'm back and i went to the commission. yeah, i mean i was calling my phone. okay, too much as a consumer here, kroger, because it's not going through. boy, i wanted to find out in the land on men city. i look for longer than i usually the way i was doing gen not find me if i'm one of the been funded would be sending john j 8 to 5 on 5. i think something happened to i was i went up like this but in the summer to last week and the car to live with the you also need a break. i luckily yeah, these are bands that you need. you need. well, look yourself setting up, put me in the book for this problem, the one with g, e, e,
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the modeling. and i want to say that the modeling, no, not me. well, what i e p a t i j. ok. it's been so i said that i sent in java sci fi or later today, but to wednesday thing as the in that time. yeah. so i would love who my levine drop. i will following up on your have to come for your birthday, not having to come to avoid and then yeah, law again, but once you get a hold of me, i mean i have to go and yeah, so i managed to learn and so i must go what do you feel? i didn't give you a chance to talk to the uh no, i mean did you talk to the us straight to the party?
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okay. i, i didn't think i needed a chance to tools i cannot see any. yeah. and so we're good when i get a you a okay man, that's perfect. the seller. thank you. now bye . i relationship some more important stuff. can always just look after stuff. we gotta look at the relationships as well. so that's what this means to me at the moment. and i'll be damned if she's gonna not come because of a house that needs to be painted the
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as the number bang it c and then what was the engine loan.
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okay. so you're not charging sometimes on the sides. so let's see mangas at, at last i look forward to seeing this. got a, i mean i said are you why don't we when i need you, right, right. okay. so it was on my list is on the plan. you join us understanding is the minutes. tell us more, but i can 30 do my life. i'm from the modem. i can tell you a few months a 1000000 calling models. hi troy. last my, the you on explain to me the non so, and so it was, that was our meeting and it was a meeting in the plan unbundled between a total but we $500.00 i it's all right so moment is uh is on the 10th offer to him by and by just say he's totally lives in the thing. the right, so good thing is to man the,
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[000:00:00;00] the, you know, the place to rent, 50 viewing for not, not put in the sense of the game show that i'm the,
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the, the, the, the the, the, the, me. how can it, if it was not, there was no mama filled out to the dentist who, who set it up as soon as i'm done on my own on
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those of the alternate i'm friends which is obviously the furniture and so from the end of the list to the mention, and you would seem to lose their desires, amanda loman, the finest usage
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on god. okay. use up on the one the furniture. so of course yeah. graduation. i mean, how does it feel to be graduated? oh thank god does it seems that the the the, the the, the, she's up to a judge. listen to your mother on the near passport subsides and
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the possible differentiate. care you need the passport. yeah. yeah. so what we need to do is we need to make sure we all dedicate to an amount that we're going to put together. you will have to crunch the kid was of a transport ok. i'll calculate and then i'll text you guys of the cost and then the we'll have to go live just about an hour and then take it from there to now more stuff with 10. i'm sorry, exhausted. yeah, i can see let's invest here. thank you guys. it was not allowed because you have to, you later take care of
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the me being a 49. it's something that i really don't like it portland, no one is a little bit stranded and no one can maybe try and help me because i'll be alone. and anyone i mean dentist, so was that's a measure of i was i didn't come in as a gift card. he was at the turn i left the engine of saving it to 7. the cool i need to, i saw new brands, was the rain given
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a pretty good deal. now the question of and disease which is i want you to might as well, which is yeah, it's as simple as are 2 of my uncles the last few times. they haven't it hasn't helped. so i've been doing a whole lot of payments and sending money which is a little bit of a struggling bit to to put stuff together. i just feel like i'm stressing myself more than other people. that's a little bit of
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a strain at the moment the
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2:58 pm
of the african sustainable breaks or as booming buildings tech to engineers and you gone to are developing alternatives to building materials that are harmful to the environment. the problem is that we need to store fatty to move out of the coat in 30 minutes on the w. a. gym and research team wants to save lives.
2:59 pm
road wind by making m r i technology most flexible. up to now the equipment has been too heavy and expensive. move and half of the world's population had no access to it. now, 3 researches have developed a new system, an opportunity for millions of people, made in germany. and 19 minutes on dw, the we said there was never giving up every weekend on dw
3:00 pm
the this is the w news live from the land for european countries say they will recognize the palestinian statehood. explains prime minister joins the leaders of the island and no way in announcing the historic decision from thing israel to recoil it, some boxes will say, coming out from the program. russia says it has the gun tactical nuclear weapons drills near the border with you. frank mosca claims it's in response to provocative statements from the west. the


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