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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 22, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm CEST

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the, the business, the w news live from the lan, 3 european country say they will recognize the palestinian statehood. spain's prime minister joins the leaders of island. i'm no way in announcing the historic decision from israel to recall. it's um, bassett is also coming up from the program iran supreme lee to collect a forms present in the funeral service as president abraham, re see as tens of thousands gather in tyrone and torture is deployed as un peacekeepers a dw investigation reveals how members of a notorious bangladesh,
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elite force being sent on worldwide peacekeeping missions. the money keeps mckinnon. good, happy with us. spain no way and the islands have said they will recognize palestinian statehood. many western countries have resisted recognizing an independent palestinian state. he is, but his rails will again come off to the october. the 7th terror attack has put renewed focus on the issue. israel's foreign minister denounced the decision as a threats to the nation. the sovereignty and security spied off from israel by fences and barriers. the palestinian territories will be formally recognized as a state by 3 more european countries, spain, ireland,
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and no way choosing to support the palestinian pushed the silver and t a steep facing towards piece the price of the time has come to move from words to actions me you want me to tell the millions of innocent, suffering palestinians that we are with them. yeah, you said there is hope. and to make it very clear, no matter how many walls or elected photo, which is a matter how many villages are bombed. and no matter how many an illegal settlements are built, the land and identity of palestine will continue to exist in our hearts in north an international legality. and in the future project of a mediterranean in harmony. previously 139 of 193, you in countries recognized the state of palestine, the lights of signet trees calling on others to do the same reason and admits. therefore, with tens of thousands of dead an injured we must keep alive. the only things that can provide to save home for both is right. you leave them tell us. then it will
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show those days that can live in peace with each other. israel and palestine. israel's government has hit back claiming the move rewarded terrorism about severe consequences and has recalled it's invested as from island spain and norway. president asked me to boss the leader of the palestinian authority. welcome to the recognition and quote on other nations, to quote, support the struggle of our people for liberation and independence of the your aspect to dw correspondence, rebecca versus in jerusalem and jack power in brussels. i spelt it by all asking jack what this recognition means or? well, it is a political statement and this was a very symbolic one. obviously the spanish prime minister, padre son, says when he and i was maybe a management imagery, the idea today he said that the recognition says to tell the palestinians, we are with you, simon harris, the leader in island. he said that the recognition of the public is
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a recognition of the palestinian people to the right to self determination. it is a really significant move for the 3 countries. it is symbolic, then not necessarily the biggest diplomatic powers of europe, but they have been making a, they've been saying that they going to do this for some time. all of them it will come into force. this recognition on may the 28th that what other countries belgium was perhaps going to be expected to do this alongside them. we do know that there are moves here in belgium to make a similar in iceland, and indeed potentially in fronds as well. nice, well whatever it is symbolic, it is also significant because our countries have said that they will only be involved in the sort of policing of the reconstruction of a post will gaza. is western nations recognize a state impala. so i started so the more countries that do that, the more support that would be from those are of nations to fund professionally
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a postwar palestinian state. okay. and looking at reactions from israel, rebecca, israel has now recalled it's on the box. it is to the 3 countries. what else is israel doing and saying, as well, this announcement has drawn fury from israel, probably on surprisingly, to most view is a israel completely opposes the decision that has been announced this joint decision by spain island, a new way. benjamin netanyahu has long said that establishing a palestinian state would be an existential danger to israel, the and, and be standing against it. certainly since the war. and that began on october 7. as you mentioned, the ambassadors to those 3 countries has been recalled. and now looking at further measures, the finance minister a bit slow smoke which has cooled full for the punitive measures and said that he will be withholding tax of israel collects and then gets to the palestinians. caps collects for the palestinian authority. human hands are they?
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he'll be withholding those taxes and they'll be looking at so the punitive measures . now in response to this, the foreign minister this morning said that it sends a message to palestinians and to the world that terrorism pays. he also said that it will hom efforts to retrieve the remaining hostages inside kansas, a very strong reaction from israel on the palestinian side. we've seen a much more positive response. obviously, the palestinian authority, who has always been fighting for 2 state solution have reacted positively and have mouse has also come out to say that they think this is a step in the right direction. okay, and all of this is happening just a couple of days off to the chief prosecutor of the international criminal course, of course announced that he's thinking of arrest warrants. so these really prime minister and full, the is ready defense minister. so is all of this pressure, rebecca? having any effect on benjamin netanyahu as well?
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i mean, there's no doubt the pressure is mounting on the prime minister benjamin netanyahu, and the as ready to government, an israel on the international stage. is that some, no doubt about that this week, particularly the pressure has been bouncing and we all seeing that it's having an effect on the government on representatives here on prime minister benjamin netanyahu. himself. we can see that in the way that everyone is responding both to the i see seniors on monday and today's decision pretty much across the board. so, you know, a bipartisan responses to these announcements, particularly of course the i, c, c. that was, you know, everyone on both sides of government were saying that that was an outrage. so pressure, definitely mounting. but when we look at how much that might have fixed benjamin netanyahu, who's, you know, decision of the way that he's planning this will going forward. i think we weren't see much change. we weren't see it or fact he is really fighting for his political survival. and that really means also continuing this war and gone. so that is
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something that he's been saying, but his government adamant that they're going to do that they're going to continue with this rafa offensive, that they are determined to dismantle her mouse and retrieve the hostages. and that nothing will stop them. so he doesn't want to face the day often because that is when he said that they will investigate and look at the wrong doings and lit up to october 7th. and he knows that that will be very difficult situation for him. all right, jeff, i just wanted to ask you what about other european countries? i mean, will any more now potentially recognize palestinian statehood? it is likely that they probably will potentially belgium potentially fraud is what's really interesting about this. while it shows the ever deepening risk between israel on some of its traditional western allies. it also also shows the divisions among some e u. member states have your opinions position as a has always and long has been to work with 2 state solution. many of the use countries feel that the, the recognition of
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a palestinian state is the end of the negotiations. of that is uh, that goal of making a 2 state solution. what we're seeing now is some countries, i mean island, a no way on spain, obviously saying that for them, this is the starting point. 9 countries like germany, for instance, wouldn't allow that to, to go so, so now we're seeing some of those divisions really start to play out in your it got power in brussels and rebecca versus in jerusalem. thank you. bye so much. and some will on germany's position on palestinian statehood. we come across now to dw as chief political editor, and michelle isla cause not me to eli. is there any chance that germany would also consider recognizing a palestinian state? the overall? yes, that's right now. no, that's the very so on. so as i'm standing here, a head of a press conference of the circled by mont triangle of the farm and this is done
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many fonts on poland. a german farm policy spokesman today reiterates, is that a separate kind of city and state for means of fund aim of them in foreign policy? fox, as part of the negotiated process to secure a essentially that both countries, both people is where it is that the palestinians would be able to live peacefully next to each other. so coming to back to whether you understand recognizing palestinian statehood at the moment that opens opportunities for that is the end 40 aim germany is rather on the lots of side and even fonts. and we expect friends and pharmacies on need to speak on this here today. we certainly will be asking him about it is reluctant at this very moment in time to brand, not very safe. so despite having been more open to with it in the past. clearly, germany has as a fundamental policy principle to stand by israel side for so suddenly the german
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side, recognizing policy and it states that simply not on the costs right now. the w as chief political editor, michelle a lot, chris and i mentioned it, i think she's a huge crowds in a role and have attended funeral events. so the late president abraham racy, he was killed along with the runs for administer and several others in a helicopter crash on sunday. iranian state media said the crash was the result of a technical failure. the army says it's launched an investigation of the state funeral heavy with symbolism. the black turban, top of president taper. he, maurice, he's coughing the marking him as a descent into the prophet mohammed is and the richest bearer of power. the millions of mourners reportedly turned out, not all of them by choice, with some t,
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ron residents saying they received phone messages, urging them to join the funeral procession. too many iranians pricing will be remembered as the butcher of tehran, a member of the so called death panel, which sent thousands of political prisoners to their death decades ago. and more recently had the leader who oversaw the brutal repression of women and a freedom movement that swept the country. it's the fact that he was associated with the loss of crackdowns with uh, with um, you know, execution of the original positions of the eighty's when he was the public, prosecute that in the wrong. and the fact that he was very close to the supreme need. i really that didn't help his case, so i don't think there is a widespread sense of grief. the funeral also provided a glimpse of the smile honey, widely regarded as the highest official and hum us the palestinian militant group
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that iran has funded and armed during its war with israel. both of our experts say runs influence in the region will not be affected by the death of its president. i very much doubt that you're in university. we've changed course, given the advanced level of it's next era program, which it's, it sees as a bargaining kind of chip in, in negotiations with the west, with the reform is completely out of the system. there was him, by definition has shifted to the to the a kind of right man, no labor, him or i, you see was widely seen as a potential successor to we run supreme leader. i told him in a no, no, no, no matter who succeeds and it seems unlikely they'll change the course of the nation, lead by religious hard liners. let's take a quick look now, some of the other headlines that making use around the world and at least one person has been killed off for a powerful tornado hit a small town in the us space of iowa vehicles have been smashed and buildings destroyed. and several locations. tornado warnings have been issued for
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a number of states in the midwest. germany is full, right, political policy. the alternative for germany or a f d says designing its lead candidates from appearing at the election campaign, events like 1000000 cars being facing an investigation into suspected links with russia and china. the policies decision follows his comments, but not a members of the notorious, not c. s. s. falls with criminals. now off to the european union agreed to use income from frozen russian assets to help fund ukraine's war effort. brochure appears to be hitting back. a course in st. petersburg has now ordered the seizure of the assets and accounts of germany's deutscher bank and come out spunk. is part of the lawsuit filed by a subsidiary of the state controlled russian gas producer gas from yet another headache for western financial institutions. in russia. the banks have to run
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through the finances of a gas terminal project into politics. but in the wake of preston sanctions, they reduce part and the construction was canceled. the court case came at the request of a subsidy of russian gas drive to augusta, which is now claiming nearly $240000000.00 euros from deutscher bank and almost much $5000000.00 euros from commerce. and now i see your opinion consider is or has actually no grades to use the profits from the present russian assets to own ukraine. it's increasingly likely that the russian state will take action against the western assets in russia. and so it's entirely possible the timing of this decision on the course seems awfully suspicious. coming as it does just as you can units made the decision. the, you know, statement darcia bunk said we will need to see how this claim is implemented by the russian courts and assess the immediate operational impact in russia. the legal
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showdown comes, i met a heated debates all with the presence and activities of some western banks in russia, despite the sanctions over russia's ongoing war against ukraine. there are these european banks that are earning billions of dollars in the midst of this and then paying hundreds of millions of dollars of taxes to the russian government, bestest, highly immoral, totally inappropriate. it goes against the g, u, a g, a strategic security interest of europe. it goes against morality. and it's gotta stop. many firms have pulled out of russia entirely. but for the ones that stayed, the pressure is growing, not just from the west to rush, right? so now dw, kind of revealed it offices from bangladesh as a leads counter terrorism for implicated in tortures and killings on now being sent
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on you and peacekeeping missions, the findings follow an investigation together with sweden based and that for news and with germany's the types of sites on the offices are among $65000.00 peacekeepers, deployed world wide to stabilize countries and crisis and support with civilians when the states fail and it seems the un is unable to stop it. as all dw investigative team now reports, the soldiers were deployed as un peacekeepers even after they served in the unit the kills and tortures. they were high ranking officers of bangladesh as a lead unit, rapid action battalion. and in particular its notorious intelligence swing. in 2023 we revealed was the government continues to deny the rod murders of ducts and tortures alleged criminals and political opponents. un peacekeeping missions cannot
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have, in amongst them offices who may have been responsible for these kind of very serious abuses that defeats the purpose of peacekeeping. for months, we looked into banquet as one of the largest contributors to you were emissions, and found that the 2 officers were not a unique case. we analyzed classified military personnel files and secret un deployment lists and found more than $100.00 soldiers who went from ride to peacekeeping. some of them admitted to extrajudicial killings during their time at rob duty on the day of the execution. the talk is taken out with his hands tied and blindfolded, although it was tight after the blood heat, he's got some blood and brain fragment, especially on my uniform. and yet the officers were deployed on un missions. afterwards. we went to copenhagen to meet a man who in 2019 raised the alarm densmart deck served us when i bought her for
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the u. n's committee against torture, and the report on bangladesh stated it was gravely concerned about rob's abuses. the recommendation was that the former and current members of wrap should not be allowed to as to do a service in peacekeeping operations. but we found at least 40 rob numbers who were deployed to p submissions after the report was published. confronted with our findings, un peacekeeping in new york road, we do not have the resources to review the information of all personnel deployed and the vast majority of troops perform well. please do this form, are you an official told us that the organization has barely any power over which officers, countries select as peacekeepers, it'd be an option. do you think that until 2019 andrew gilmore was the one
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assistant secretary general for human rights and experienced firsthand what happens when the un pushes countries to exclude possible human rights abusers? one country that was really important literally said okay, we're going to pull out all together. the us 2nd general at that time had to go basically to that country. and since i apologize for that as they otherwise, like for you, every single ration is would have collab phone if you wouldn't tell us which country but said that the you one is stuck in a dilemma the you and the reason faced with dangerous and double emissions western governments increasingly pulled their troops out of peacekeeping operations. instead, they prefer to pay for them, leading the supplying of troops to countries like vanquished packaged on egypt and china. many of which are known to have abuse of security forces. we get some really pretty useless troops as a pretty brutal ones as well. but if you're spending the you and you've got ashen,
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say that we also confronted bangladesh as government, and every individual officer mentioned in this report, they didn't respond with me in the studio is naomi conrad from dw investigation. she's one of the office of that report. welcome naomi, and so your report focused on the records of you and a piece kate keepers from bangladesh, but all that documented cases from other countries. so we actually also looked at sri lanka. i mean, if you look at the list of, of peacekeeping countries, the top provide is egypt and china pockets done so take, you'll pick, i'm sure there are quite a few cases in most of these countries, but we looked at 3 land confines at least one case where activists have had won the you and about a specific officer who had been implicated in the atrocities committed in the, at the end of the civil war in 2009. and he was sent despite these warnings. so it's definitely going on. i think if you dig in, in,
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took some of the records of some of these other human of, of some of these other peacekeepers quite likely to buy another cases too. so the obvious question is, i mean, why is the u. n. using known human rights abuses as part of its, its peacekeeping forces. well, the guns hands are tied because they need, they need troops to maintain these peacekeeping operations. a lot of governments of pulled out of peacekeeping operations. i mean, these missions the dangerous that awful, quite deadly. it's very difficult to convince voters in tomorrow because the spike home that you're sending soldiers and they get returned to you in 40 bucks. so it to it. and to an extent, you and this stuck in this dilemma, and there isn't really an easy way out. okay. and what is being done to address this problem? so obviously these issues on now being highlighted. so what's happening is anything happening to change it that has been cases with the un human rights. bronx has teamed up with human rights commissions and activists must have to play the case.
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this happens in the pool. so they all examples. but the problem is that a lot of countries don't actually want not like, don't want external bodies or even the in human rights organizations to look into the cost of these. so just because at least in the, in the case of bangladesh, one could argue that high ranking members of the government are ordering, or at least the last thing these abuses happened. so they didn't really want to much scrutiny. okay. have to leave it then we can go from dw investigations. thanks so much amy. and if you want to watch the whole dw documentary uh on this, just go to our website dw, dot com, or look for our documentary channel on youtube. now the bulk of single airlines is offered to his quote, deepest apologies officer, a man died and thousands were injured on a flight that was hits by severe turbulence. flight dates is just the plain. it was a boeing 777, dropped almost 2000 meters and just a few minutes on its way from london single pool. the debt is forced to make an
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emergency landing in bangkok where adult to say 20 people remain in intensive cap. injured passengers are carried off the singapore airlines flight by medical staff in bangkok airport where they receive immediate treatment and some are taken to hospital passengers have spoken out about the horror when the plane suddenly plunged. it was a long way so sudden there's no one, it gets old and i ended up picking my head on the ceiling. my wife dates some poor people walking around and up doing somersaults. it was obviously terrible. this animated graphic shows the plane traveling on its intended flight path from london to singapore. before it hit a bout of severe turbulence and dropped more than 1800 meters,
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about 6000 feet from its cruising altitude. it was then re routed to land at bank cocks main airport. a neck where authorities are still piecing together. what exactly happened on board that had preliminary investigations indicate that the deceased suffered from a heart condition. he was a 73 year old, produced national. however, they stood in the next stage of the old topsy process, the singapore airlines ceo apologize for the incident, promising to help everyone affected and to cooperate with investigators. on behalf of single airlines, i would like to express my deepest condolences to the family. i loved ones of the since we are very sorry for the tomato experience,
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the everyone on board as q. 321 went through as the investigation continues. several of the passengers who felt well enough to continue their journey board at another plane bound for singapore. the german olsa jenny at back and translate to him. michael hoffman have won the international book a prize for the novel cairo's. the book follows a love affair between a 19 year old student and an older married mine in east berlin. in the 1980s now opened back who was born and raised in east berlin. as the 1st 2, i'm going to try to to win the international book of price. the prestigious award recognizes books from around the world that have been translated into english. so we go, here's a quick look at our top story today. the 3 european countries say that they will recognize a palestinian state despite israel's opposition. the leaders of spain island and
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norway made the announcement on wednesday. israel has recalled it's on passages to all 3 countries in response. and that's what we have time for night in germany is up next, looking at an energy revolution in the off. how many groups mckinnon. thank you so much for the
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agenda and research team wants to save lives worldwide by making m already technology more flexible up to now, the equipment has been too heavy and expensive. move and half of the world's population had no access to it. now 3 researches have develop the new system and opportunities for millions of people made in germany. next on d w. actually, we don't have a choice. i think that we have little time list to save the time,
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and so we have to do what we can as fast as possible. can we abandon fossil fuels completely? some are pioneering the energy transition today. for them, the future is already here. their renewable revolution in 45 minutes on d w. the event is in just to see a quote. yeah, i'm a sure sure. go ahead to use his sisters have been in a coma that was caused by persecution and flight. the family had for assigned them and sweden. well 4 guns,
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dreams of another load. the dogs june dw. so 200 use code has to apply and heat and electricity to all homes. it's fine locomotive, steam engines and ships, but now it's being phased out. mines the closing everywhere and workers are losing that jobs because burning coal, which is kind of damaging. c o 2 emissions more and more countries are looking for 10, including the norwegian archipelago. the fall bought plaintiff optic foxes forces and northern lights coming up on made a step backwards team leading russia back to soviet times. revival the old
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pneumatic tooth mail system goes high tech.


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