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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 23, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm CEST

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and we must prevent these people from coming to ball and that 5 us really shopped me, says find the line here in your, in mastery saying, it depends on the outcome of the licensed by the you with the go in college can withstand, will collaborate with them and it's the same and the same as the goldfish. i'm shocked by that's what i hear from the netherlands. it cannot be the liberal parts . life was the far right. but then secondly, i strongly believe that the core of the problem of the far right is the social question. and on this week, if disney fights lives, decent policy and secure tops to the people, we will not be able to defeat the far right in europe. thank you very much. this is going to be the same question for you. you may want to be closer to what mr . by says. what i would say, don't stop me now. mean, or you know, the same with song go by clean. no, don't stop you. now, now it's time for
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a deep embroidery form. we must 3 by the treaty. you must do it by the treaty to verify that going through. then we must, if i the treaty because we must be much more effective in protecting the referral because that's our best answer to the stream. right? we must be sure to our citizens that even if the government violates fund, i meant that right there was a referral. we stand by the citizens and we stand against that, the government and. and we have also to stop to be stop this that you will be on political space. today's great debate is a transmission or debate, but we don't have professional, at least we cannot elect directly the prescott the union in 2029. they think they must be self sufficient, at least with the election of the price of their opinion. thank you for that. so rosie and miss ryan. see who the preferred. i'm sorry to say i missed that was the but i cannot let you off the hook. so easily because i think that what we have seen in the netherlands is not only that now, there is a potential government, but also already in the election campaign,
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vd was not excluding any more that they would go into government, which had billed us that the far right, went up in the pool, so they have a responsibility for this. and honestly, if you cannot just tell us that you are going to solve this after the election, have an extraordinary meeting and expect cbd from your group. i know that renew is committed to the european project. so send a very clear signal now and make reality and say it has consequences when member parties of our groups go into correlations with the fire rights. thank you for this message. mr. bye, are you pulled up your last part? yes. i think the 1st of all, it's about that what you're doing is not what you're saying. but secondly, the problem actually, we must not include the trend of default right in the public discourse. and we will come to this later, but talking about migration to a lot you spent these fabulous partners have accepted documents of the far right. that migration is a problem,
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but the problem is not migration. the problem is the far right and we have to defeat the far right not by including the arguments, we have to be count of them. okay, mr vases, you've been singled out. so i'll give you a rice of a reply decides that correctly is very clear. i mean the ice then full migration, right? a stance. i edge you back to your eyes. i spend to find the referral. i fall through low flow sees i was in government 24 in 2014. i have respect to the procedural and i respect the election. there is no government in the netherlands and now is when you, europe, we are concentrated on the 9th of june to we in the selection and by the yeah, i'm a person of the group as being very clear on defense, all of that. and so on the 10th of june, we would love it could be a, it could be a debate and we discussed demographically like any group should do something. it won't take us. yes. to dies about this like to key us to the 50 on our bunk like you took us to the source of his time is up and the goes the so i have to stop you
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here, but thank you for that. um, let me just um, tell you that both of these right is good and mr. buyer has played out all their cards. mr. goes, you are left with one, mr. smith with to and miss on the line with one martin over to think at least democracy and leadership. something really important for the future of this continent. and for the future of this confidence youth is even more important. so let's talk to one of their represent this year join is from cypress. he's another 1st time order on our panel, his 18 currently doing his mandatory military service. of course not now. and he is with us here in the european problem and you're on his police. go ahead. can you spare a good evening? we are going through a period characterized by great challenges. we've was your political tension and the economic crisis combined with intensifying any quality wave. so from the gratian rise of the far right, as i mentioned before, and of course,
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the climate crisis. so my question, these are the card and the speech fusions of the you able to deal with such a complex mix of challenges. thank you. got it. thank you and the best question goes to this is the bank just kindly spirit? i thank you very much for the question. i think that if we want to build a european union that is fit for the 21st century with the challenges that you have right for the named, we have to improve the way that we are deciding on things in the european union. the pressure has increased on being fast on being ready to act. and for that we need to have a stronger european parliament. we need to have own resources because it is absolutely true. we get more and more task on the european level, but we do not have the funds to actually put things in place. and lastly, i also believe, especially, and i'm hoping that very soon we're going to have another round of enlargement. we see people in georgia fighting for being part of the european union against water
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cannons. but this will only work if we have a european union that is smooth out and taking decisions for that we need to end unanimity. we need to strengthen therapy and problem and then have an institutional reform to make the european union fit for the next decade, some centuries. thank you're kind of right there and the same fortune on your ability to deal with a mixture of challenges assessments. well, i think that's your best build on democracy without democracy, there is not a really you'll be in union, and that's why we need clarity on that. and i as mrs fund a, lie a please bring clarity. you have mentioned 3 red lines. the 1st was about the pro your it, i wonder what this to you it for you because i, you heard this is melanie at this madrid conference making a speech. and i cannot imagine that her idea of your is the same. you have, but we need clarity,
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the same thing applies to rule rule of law. and this is essential without putting any of law that cannot be a union because we have to trust each other. we have to trust our institutions. and that's why we see that in hungry and so on. we, there is no pro rule. that's why we have to change optic of 7 to be much tougher of those members. they do not respect lift. all right, thank you. it is, might be quite interesting because i asked you on the red line with the same way when we were talking in the spotlight section with no figure on so. so let's see if mr. mrs. for the line has clear answers to this, please. yes, very clear. on this has to be just to very eloquently from all candidates that the york empowerment is being built after the elections of different groups and the formation of the different groups. and therefore, i think it is very important to set a very clear principles with whom do we want to work with a member?
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something else can fall humans that are not on the one thing, but have 3 criteria. the 1st is pro europe. the 2nd is pro, is ukraine, that is n t 14. and the 3rd is indeed pro, who would also and if you look at, for example of us what a lot less, some of them on that. so not all i have the in germany, or if you look at the washington or alfonso, that's yeah, and phone and all these may have difficult remaining amazon and different principles. but they have one thing in common. they have friends of voting and they want to destroy our europe, and we will not allow, they still happen. thank you very much for that. um, let's why done the scope again and bring in some of our friends in the 26 other cities that are accompanying this debate from a fox. in berlin for example, we have people gather to follow to the bay just as taking place on this stage.
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let's hear them ask their questions, go ahead. berlin. a single, and tacos filling in god's land. my name is annasae allen. i'm looking for phoenix today. it's an important day today. that's constitution dates the good because that's tons 75. it's a special for us and we have a lot of people here around too much to potty and we have. this is all about the democracy. also a 1st time both though we have paul price that would meet paul. you have a question to the panel. of course they do talking about leadership and democracy in the is you, how are you going to make sure the old countries were part of the union of being carried along when it comes to new parks and regulations? attempts to have common policies on controversial topics like asylum policy miserably failed in the past. so what needs to be done to make sol countries implement policies that have been agreed on by the majority even if they
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individually might have contained heavily against it. thank you very much for that question. the are berlin. um, so actually miss on the line. this is a question for you to answer. yes, we have means and possibilities in the european union to make sure that uh, what is agreed at the european level is implemented, for example, the infringement procedures. and these are biting, or we have the conditionality mechanism. it's like example, a member state does not abides to the root optional. you might recall that we would have to be very tough on poland and how the back 135000000000 euros because the form of government fits systematically destroyed the rudolph and all and poland wasted in the view on hungry. we have the same situation that the steps that's hungry has to do to reinstall the rudolph lol, if not the of the money it stays frozen. so we have the mean that these are biting means that we can apply. but of course, we want the countries to come back to
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a better past. so if there is a change to the positive side, then we can release the money. but the european union has the means to make sure that the law is implemented. thank you very much. thank you. thank you for the section on democracy and leadership on the line. please join on a lease and we spoke like section across the stage. the, the lion is the current president of the european commission. she was born in 1958 in brussels and entered local politics in the 1990s in germany. she speaks 3 european languages. a fun fact is that for to be sure she was once rescues from a dustin by the extra you checking that her favorite quote is from a us supreme court justice ginsburg. welcome miss from the lion. as with the
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others who have one minutes to address the voters in that camera. so hello, campaigning for being president of the european commission for a 2nd mandate is one of the best things that ever happened to me in my life. i've seen that 111 different member states, and of course, in the next 2 weeks more to come and need people from all walks of life, all generations. the most fascinating of the young people by because they are the strongest supporter of your own. and when i ask people, what is it, what you expect from your dance is always the same. they want to strong you, they want to you up the kids that protects and that prosperous. and i am ready to build a maturity for a strong jewel because the center must hold. i want to stand up with all my experience of all my determination for a strong, your follow democracy, faucet prosperity and for our security. thank you very much, miss from the the
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receipt of the same questions. mr. schmidt. a reminder 2 of 3 criteria you booked for what's being pro european pro rule of law among others. the question is, does um ms. maloney from minnesota rules easily and her party meets these criteria according to you. so i have been working very well with a georgia. i'm alone into european council as i was all the heads of state and government. this is my task as president of the commission. mm. hm, um, now the topics we going to offer, then we going to see whether those who are pro your p and she is clearly prose your pin against 14. she's been very care play on that one and probably will slow if this holes and then we offer to work to get them. okay, so then you offer to work together,
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even if some of your current partners in the commission say that's a red line. we may not support your candidacy candidacy for the european commission . we have to build a majority into your opinion, solomon for all the topics to bring your full but to have a strong euro. and as we know, the european parliament is very different from national parliaments. it is not as such that the boot votes you anonymously, but you have some who vote for the law of some against some abstain. so it is always that you come with an offer. and this offer is for the was one to bring your forward and this is exactly what i'm planning to do actually. so which i have done this monday to ok go to at the very beginning, there was not a clear majority at, oh no. for example, if you take what you like it also make sure that i understand you correctly. you are preparing to work together with the c r with the that's not what i've said. i might want to be very clear. this is not what i've said. okay,
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i'm speaking about members of the european parliament. i want to see where they can with themselves. and then we work with a groups that are clearly clearly pro your pin a pros, ukraine against you and for the role of not just to double check. miss malone, these policies on eligibility to you. i plus, for example, don't bother you. i have a complete different approach. okay, but that's not the red line that's most and i'm not speaking, i'm not speaking of groups. i'm speaking of solomon carrion's batch. we'll go to different groups and we will see as we have seen, with a discussion of the candidates that it's not clear how the different things will be composed and how they will set that settled themselves. and therefore, you have to choose principles and be very key on these principles. let me give an example from the very briefly because i have one more question for i want to give one example. a full majority is to build at the very beginning, the climate law was x, the central for the european leading deal. the greens did not vote with us because they wanted more. okay, that's the decision. but we would not have had the majority g. if i would not have
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billed abroad, majority today was in the european volume and, and this is how the problem and works clearly. and thank you my 1st on the line. last question for you. this week. several european countries to recognize the palestinian states from the very beginning after 7th of october, you through your wage behind is road really quickly looking back. do you think you may have moved too quickly without the backing of your european members and partners? no, i think that it was absolutely necessary to have the knowledge, the heart that happened on the 7th of october. and for sure it's never happened. but it is true that we have to do everything possible to protect civilian life and gals. and we have been speaking about everything possible . you're calling this is absolutely, absolutely. am i calling for
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a ceasefire and the release of the 128 hostages that are still in the hands of how much? so very clearly, it is true that the european union has different of the member states, have different objectives in this case, but we're all behind the 2 state solution. so let's work for that because this is the only solution that will bring peace to the region. thank you. this is on the line. thank you before b one i so the mr. smith played his card during the segment ring. this particular spotlight arrows don't allow for the, for the car to be played now, so please save it for, we gave it back to you and save it for, for later. let's open another big truck for it in our debate that the you and member states have been prepping with recently, and that is migration and borders. the migrants arriving on europe shows provided some of is the defining news images of
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the past decades. there has been sympathy for those seeking refuge, but also concerned about the impact that arrived who may have on society irregular arrivals has the note and make up a news, find the percentage of the total of migration into the you. but overall, the demographic makeup of the communities through out to you are, these are changing. many votes is and looking for political leadership on the issue and some attending to empty immigration politicians for solutions. after years of wrangling, the problem, and finally passing over whole of migration last last month. but there's still a long wait before we actually see individual countries and the commission putting them into practice. this has become so toxic politically. so this can be gratian may be following on what you want us to say about the mixture of problems is
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migration simply proving to be subject beyond the ability of the youth to regulate . is that i think, i think migration is a topic where we can clearly see that having toxic populous debate is not going to help us find solutions. we are an aging continent. we will need migration if we want to sustain our hospitals. if we want to be economically successful, but we need to talk about how we can manage migration, we need to create legal pathways. and yes, we need to have a resilient asylum system so that we make sure that the chaos on our extra nevada ends. but for this, we need to have policies that have both meetings, you many, terry, and standards, as well as that implementable in reality. and i think we still have a way to go there as a european union. but let me finish by saying one thing despite our differences, i think one thing has to be clear that we need to end the dying and the mediterranean sea. so let us fight in this legislature to bring across and you wide search and rescue mission for the mediterranean. thank if forced into you. this
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is your opinion and able to regulate migration. yes, this is the question for you is it goes by, 1st of all, let's remain human. when people ready to die, etc, you go and save them. and of the story without asking about the status. that's what we have to do is you're gonna use. and that was in government and there wasn't government 2014 doing them. i got 3 prizes and they know better than any one on stage. how did you be somebody? do you still in the meantime, you got into a cemetery. and the cashier, you own that the back then we add the, the new as either way, migration, in fact we and those items seek us would have been much better off. but now we have also to open the reset the legal economic uh both ways we need to work on the economy migration, we need to wherever you depend on the quote to satisfy our labor needs and to
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better cooperate with the country for you. so yes, you can take back control on migration, you know, you mind way if it goes to thank you. and let me remind you that this one, the light is still has one cards. mister smith, 2 and mister goes, he has one. the other 2 has played all the cards. now the impact of migration is different in every member state of the e. u. although many concerns of cold shed among them. now let's done to one of the outer borders of the you to greece and here was their question is regarding this issue, can you spell it up? oh, i love, i am cleo nick allow from the greek public book. gosh to ed, and i'm here with many, many young could you'd opinions. and most of them is up enough. let's say a young european and then slater and the member don't forget will be on the think that, that he's going to ask the question. i would like to ask you,
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what's going good states a would you propose to take a visual level to enhance the integration of my, of my grounds. fostering social cohesion and minimizing potentially pensions in countries that are good to get their ways for migration like res. thank you. thank you very much for that question. and it's yours to answer mr. buyer of social security and education. integrating people in the working process. but let me on send a very person that way to this discussion on migration. i never met my grandma because she died in all sheets, and she died in all fluids because in 1938, the so called western democracies fades to open borders, further refugees, same on them. and now other is state your opinion and face to open the border for a few trees. it policies the rights to individual explanation of asylum
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applications. and i say this is disgraceful. this is the same for we fulfilled at the risk. we should be ready to receive this paper integrity and respect to the human rights. thank you, mr. buyer. mrs. um dealing though, are aiming as integration and diminishing polarization around to stopping missile on the line, what do you suggest? so diminishing hold on reservation. we should of to all of these 2 stories that you were talking about who is behind it. it's organized crime, it's marvelous and traffic us. and therefore we have to fulfill our international obligations. guess those who need protection of the asylum a given protection that assigned them. but we are the ones and you decide who comes to the european union and under what circumstances and not the smallest and traffic us. this is paramount and therefore we have to be very clear. those who can hear it,
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right, somebody, i'm not, i'm not eligible for asylum. have to go back home. but we need legal pathways for safe and secure ways to come to the european union at last year. 1000000 assigned them applications were in the european union, but the 3700000 migrants came legally to the labor market so well integrated that works. thank you very much. missed from the lion and no one else pulls up the carts. so it's over to you martin for the next. thank you and always our next 1st time border is the oldest of our group. he's 31. i hope he doesn't mind saying that, but it's still the 1st time he will be going to the you'd voted box. he's a student and a football coach. about trick from free shot police. take it away. a hello. so as someone that knows that chronic disease and i have multiple sclerosis, i'm particularly concerned about the individuals must leave their home to. busy or,
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or other reasons and also have some serious health conditions. so my question is, what more can be done at the, or get a level to support people with a significant a physical or mental health needs without placing extra burdens or the health system of individual members a thank you. thank you. budgeting, thank you very much. and this question goes to mr. smith, please. yes, thank you. uh, i think we, uh you, it is a big solidarity project and sorry, terry, the 1st steps to start with those who's tough for the most. well, the most fun of, and i think we have really to work on people with disabilities that have problems. we have to help also in the different countries. these people who are suffering from a different the house issues or, or, or disability. but i have to say one word,
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so i pushed my button the i agree with smugglers and the traffic that's, that's not the whole story. when i looked at the situation need to nice. yeah. and i suppose that you know what's going on into these. yeah. what happens to the refugees who are pushed into the desert? why really beats and not some of them to this is not your, this, i'm not you value. this is agreement with. yes, this isn't degree, but with a very special not the dictatorship. so don't tell us, it's about 5 dig smugglers, it's about 5 to the refugees we got pushed through the desert, and many of them died. your mother has made a very interesting study with many other use paper. this is the problem with these agreements. thank you very much from the previous thank you for your answer. it
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goes to your for your card. now, when i listen to the court, i and they would agree about this be about donation before they agree, but we're not going to spend any sort of where do you stand as socialist? because you know, we have voted as optimization back. yeah. in the spot and to the negation of the big guns is what the most effective by migration delegation of the social res buffy . and the frankly big issue associated spot the voted against both the, the gays to we start to take back control, we get, we provide the effect, the best us to be human to do you want to do what you want to do and all of your group go to the gate, so when you send in the future way to send you, would you be in favor? are you in favor or does that? oh my gosh. from fact, as we off or you, hey, gaines, this, i don't wanna come back, like they bought a few of them a classical, but these are studies. and if i had respond suspend, you've been directly approach that for you for 5. and by the way, you've given your card back because i stand with the to the account,
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i stand with the migration, but it's not the idea, but it is the beginning of a letter you'll be in solidarity or this is my position that it could be. and should be improved, but always keep in mind our values, if we make concessions on now, values euro will be we can. thank you very much. thank you all on the to conclude just to note that mr. bye, as it goes in these lines good has made all the cards and there's an extra card showing up. you boots to push the button and that's what happens. of course, i'm so sorry for the very important discussion. and we spoke now about about the migration of the site impact, but we should be also curious about the countries of transit and of origin. and what we do is we invest in these countries. this is the 1st thing to do, that they have good job that i created there and people have an income and can stay . second,
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we invest in education. we invest in education so that some people can come on say, some legal pathways to the european union. and i think this is the way to deal with these countries and not just to exclude them and slammed the door. thank you very much. and with that, we complete this part of the discussion and we move to the last spotlights session. walter buyer may i ask you to join martin in the spoke life. the buyer entered to wells in 1964 in vienna, austria the same city where he currently nits these fluids in german, french, and english, and starts in politics by joining a student union in 1977. his team says he likes chocolates as much as he likes worker's rights. and he chose a quote from
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a famous portuguese revolutionary. so for somebody, i think, you know, the drill by now just to make sure we follow the same structure. you have one minute to appeal to your voters with no interruption, as i am from a viennese of working class families and i'm proud of it. i grew up in the very humble conditions. my parents had to sacrifice even the same to me to secondary school. so i know what social inequality is look like, and that's why i want to change these. i know that many of you also, it's difficult this to sustain their lives with high rent was precarious jobs. we think this is unfair, this is on trust. this is nearly ro type it, at least we want to change the system. we want to put people before a profit for the planet before profit. and if you're joining this, i call you to vote for the life.


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