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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 23, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm CEST

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[000:00:00;00] the, there's a dw news live in from berlin, a party non grotto the far right alternative for germany. political party checked out at the european parliament, all a if the representatives had been expelled from the identity and democracy group in the european parliament becomes just days after fall right. parties in france and italy moved to distance themselves from the german politicians. also coming up, the united nations decides to establish an annual day to come and break. the 1995 shrubbery needs a genocide, the bosnian muslims,
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the bosnian serbs are against the move saying the incident is being misrepresented . and tonight we meet. some is rarely active as protecting aid headed for gaza. they say their own admission to get supplies into the gaza strip. even if it means being attacked by extreme is, is really set. looks the i bring golf is good to have you with us. we begin with political kryptonite just 2 weeks before europe and elections the far right alternative for germany political party known as the a f d, has been expelled from its own group at the european parliament. this fall is a series of scandals largely centered around the parties lead candidates in the upcoming election maximilian cross. he was recently quoted as saying that not all
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members of nazi germany's ss were criminal. the a f t band crawford making public appearances as a result of that. last month german police arrested an assistant across on suspicion of espionage of the w corresponded band. reger did told us more about why the a, if the party was kicked out at the european level. the id, the identity and democracy group is by all means the far the most far right group in the european power. and we have, and they now say the a, if the is too extreme to ready go for us. it seems to be a contradiction. but the id says the recent comments by and it makes me cry about the as, as that was crossing a line that was too much in a, in a really a role role of incidence isn't the last weeks and months. so this is now the decision by the majority of this group to expel all 9 members of the
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a if the but that doesn't mean that the program of the id group, all these project has changed. you have to see the big picture, and it's all it seems to be going with a plan of georgia malone to the italian prime minister and by the end of the pen and the opposition leader in france, both in fall right parties, if they want to form a more moderate group that would be able actually to work on. so was the christian democrats in the p a and the a if the would then be a hindrance to do that. so they decided actually to get rid of these germans that the oil are causing trouble right now. so it's about the message here. it sounds like, based on what you're saying is that for, for the european far right, germany's version of the far right is simply it to extreme, how big of a boy was it going to be then for the, the a if the so yeah,
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the strategy of baloney and le pen is to form the a much bigger, moderate appearing group, at least into european parliament. and for the, if the, this is a severe blow because they, they have lost their 2 leads, candidates further european elections. and now they are kicked out and labeled as to extreme. if this has an impact on the vote is actually in germany, is not clear there. if these losing a little bit in the pose, it's now standing between 15 and 17. still the 2nd largest party in germany when it comes to their european elections that they can, can still send at least 15 deputies into the apartments. and they've got lots of gain in these elections. and so it's not quite clear how, how big this blow will be. i know you'll be level for the 50 and, but now they have to search for a new group about the regrouping, but it only take place after the elections use band read it with the latest in
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brussels fair. thank you. a dw, see political editor, mikella carpenters spoke to cut the barley, the german social democrats, leading candidate for the upcoming european elections. and this is what she said about the a f. these chances with the voters it's difficult to say now because i've, i've, i've been on a panel yesterday and he sent him an a and an estimate. and car was excluded by the, by the over noises from this panel because of what he had said about the ss. so we won't see him any more in the campaigns. the number 2 is also under pressure because of his contacts a to russia. so we don't know how the, as the can do an election campaign at all without putting up people for obviously not trustworthy. i think it speaks for itself when it comes to the selection, meaning the pen who is in the harvest, right?
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parliamentary group, we have to far, right to this is the forest right. and she's extreme right to for her. the german is to extreme. so imagine that's obviously the german is out of any sort of spectrum which should be alarming for german voters. does this make your life easier and he's elections as a top count of the social democrats? well, it reveals what the is uh, it is a party where you can't trust. hardly anyone because anything can pop up and with they also fight against each other. this is something that we should also consider when it comes to the extremes, they fight against each other. and you can, you can sort of transfer this to the european union. imagine that even the pin being in government in france and the active being in government in germany,
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just imagine that we would have conflict and i say, or within some period of time, this is what extremes do. they fight also against each other. so pete pieces at stake, if you vote for extreme, right, do you mean a physical? i mean, well, have a look at what the, the piece government said towards germany. you listen to what, not even the pen says towards germany over time. of course this will not result in, in, in war within a year, but this is the source of conflict that builds up that we've seen for centuries in this con, on this continent. so if you give the power to the extreme right, they are nationalists and nationalists in the end they, they fight against each other. that's what nationalists do and have always done carpeting of bodies. thank you very much. you're welcome. the you in general assembly has voted to establish an annual day to commemorate the schreiber needs the genocide it has made. july 11th,
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the international day of remembrance of the trevor need to genocide similar to how the hallway costs and the rwandan genocide or more. on this day in 1995 bosnian serb forces captured trevor needs and massacred 8000 unarmed bonds. mean, most of them in and teenagers, this resolution has been adopted despite fierce opposition from boss being serbs and the serbian leadership. so being president, alexander boot church, spoke at the united nations ahead of the vote. and he said that the measure would deepen divisions in the region. there was a big power. so we have the team coverage of this story tonight from you in headquarters in new york is our washington bureau chief in his poll. and joining us from most star in bosnia herzegovina is dw reporter either sophie each. sally b go back to both of you. welcome in this, i want to start with you. you followed the debate and the vote at the general
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assembly today. i mean, that tell us how did it unfold? well, so the resolution is accepted isn't a simple majority. that means a that 80 here countries voted in favor that is only a simple majority and that is something which is already celebrated by those who are opposing this resolution, which is quite interesting. brand. its interesting very ron voted in favor despite the fact that rush all voted against the resolution. so the kind of muslim brotherhood was more important for you, rondon going with russia. russia is one of the 17 countries which folded against it . and that's a little bit of a surprise here. that's 68 countries of staying, for example, the united arab emirates and they said they want to abstain because they don't want to kind of increase of attention in the region by you to what about where you are, what,
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what are the survivors of the shrubbery to massacre. what did they've been telling you? and what did they hope to gain from the introduction of an international day of remembrance as well they're expecting and hoping that this is also to help them in the criminal prosecution of their denials of the driver side of 70. so this denial is increasing increasing lately as it has been more frequent, professionally, recently written somehow. so going on and what we've got from scott and 2nd, the site itself, both characters are nice and subbing. so i ended up a bit of scott, who mostly survive to genocide or have lost their family members in the genocide even not feel safe because of that, especially because this denial comes from the point to go size is the same time. it is also mentioned that uh when the genocide took place, instead of doing this, i was a, you went to texas or, and the french and 9 years later. oh,
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nice that you went, could have done for them. and for the survivor as to adults, this resolution also they're looking forward to the fact that this resolution will bring also um the downside into the history books uh, worldwide. but those in boston has to do we not. and the reason this is the fake of central bester and satisfaction for you to let me just ask you about the political reactions, what have the political reactions been and i'm thinking about in both busby and serbia. uh well uh let me start maybe with a couple of scott at the see here in go ahead to golden. uh there. uh, the 2nd type is a part of this entity uh into a slides. things today. there are a lot of police and on security forces and we were the president of the sky. lot peggy, about the resolution being that office. and he was a thing many times also today. that's the genocide and 7 son never took place. and
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also since the, he's talking about the grade, some of the stuff from boston i had to go, i mean i keep calling it's, i quote, a peaceful separation in both, i think or not. and he says that the resolution is one, every use of course back because the resolution brings a mark into the 3rd to the serve people as to his title and the central to say. and um, she said also the resolution is not finding a formidable list of scott and the dental toys. these indeed, besides the people not suspected in a sort of label or they are happy about it. and for example, um they said that this means that the tooth is out there and this is a good side if you, when a general assembly basically um a 2 x genocides took place in service. yeah, the series quite keep it. just liking the subscribing have saying that if,
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if they say that as you also say this all excited, what are excited which is such a day that this whole thing going to define between people in the balkans and in boston. yeah, it's a lot spring increase and it will only cost damage to serve. yeah. present the presidential act or preferably a for the ah, she said that everything is the 1st of all the solution is do you in new york? why do germany ever wonder, why do they believe that such a central day of remembrance is needed? of the, you know, just what i'll call it just said it's needed because it should, it must not be forgotten. and also there are also ones to underline that the ruling of international courts of justice, for example, the i c j which is which declare the massacre in separately to a genocide has to be followed through even so if it might not be kind of in the
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favor of your own thinking. let's have a listen what the drum and bass. it's a tube you and had to say. the next my style countries from around the globe support the initiative. the recognize genocide of muslim both in the acts and start for new. so took place in 1995 many years ago, but since then the u. n. has still not chosen today to officially come memory to and by recognized, i mean that the international independent quotes have convicted perpetrators. according to the terms of the genocide convention. the resolution also states that it is important that we do not retrospectively deny the existence of this genocide . and of course, we also want to be able to commemorate the victims and to show us on the dicey with the many family members and the mothers as her bernita who was still suffering greatly. i felt like to speak. so that was in new york. i did, let me go to you before, but no time,
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why are there still so many serbian leaders who deny that a genocide took place, inch rubber needs even though this has been established by you in courts to yeah, the fact that the genocide took place has been cooling or thank you for this question to serve, you know, either so i still denying it over and over again. even today, the politics of the minds. these are still here in the region and both in the going, i'm in the say that voltage, i send them which is continually loss its products. and with a heem also there's i believe, the sky and the lord god. and the many critics say, you know, if the echo now is just the general size patterns equal to me for jeremy. also moving away from this national and 646. and the card table faces the media of the piece for them. and many doubt that it would be also a meaning reasons for voicemail box that quick thing. and they think that's possibility. and this is not something that the served leaders are ready to do. okay. are you to, is that which is still
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a big of which in most are in bosnia herzegovina, and in his poll in new york to both of you. thank you. here's a relative now and some of the other stories that are making headlines around the world. thousands of mortars have gathered to bid farewell to it runs late president abraham, where you see at a funeral procession in his hometown are easy, is to be laid to rest at a shrine and the city where you see died on sunday along side his foreign minister and 6 others, when their helicopter crashed in the country's mountain, this north west region. columbia says that it will open an embassy in ramallah in the palestinian territories. its foreign minister made the announcement. colombian president, gustavo petro, is an ardent critic of the, is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu. and he has described israel's campaign in gauze, as genocidal at the united nations top court says that it will make
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a ruling on friday on a request by south africa to order is real. to implement a ceasefire in garza, south africa is leading a case of the international court of justice. it's accusing is real a genocide and is petitioned. the court for emergency measures to order israel to halt it's military operations. new footage has been released, appearing to show aid arriving and gaza via that temporary floating peer that was built by the us military. now the video released by end is really government agency, highlights trucks parked up and being unloaded near gauze is coastline. the u. n says that it has distributed a limited amount of aid that has arrived through the pier. meanwhile, a dw team has witnessed a group is really active, is trying to protect
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a deliveries headed for gossip convoys had been facing coordinated attacks by extremist jewish settlers before the war. 500 truck loads of supplies a day sustained guns as population. but due to the ongoing fighting strict security checks and the attacks far fewer trucks now cross into the territory. right wing groups have been vandalizing aid con boys on routes from jordan through the west bank. the the use i. e, bringing reports tonight from the taco media crossing these is released aren't going on a day trip. the run a mission. the want to make sure that eat for gaza makes it there safely, us. but when they get to the junction food is already scattered on the ground. we've arrived at the size of and it's by is really extreme. we meant for starving civilians in gaza. and as you can see behind the active as through now
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busy trying to save really what can be saved from that food during courage, by the effect they've had because we really and we made the police academy as well . and we encourage the police to do whatever they needed to stop with them. we can see that the only view of the boxes won't pulling down. and the most of the bringing the black continued to brazza. we've also seen the police try to come between the activist and the attacker to even as the police standing right next to them. continue vandalizing the food as it leaves on the pavement. they full of faith. i know and they. 9 acting gay as if they don't care that people die for mango. this is not the country we want to be. we are not the living this check find a deal, the said lives, we live the area. it will make sure that all the dots with go and being put together, the police officers on state refused to give us an interview on camera. but said that on that day the arrested at least 2 people in connection with the attack.
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who's after math. we witnessed a few days earlier near this check point. there was a violent attack on another, a convoy activists there. so it is really soldiers did nothing to stop the vandalism. extreme, the settlers had been waging a tax like bees regularly. and israel, a report by the garden newspaper even suggests that some members of state security took off attackers ahead of time about the location of a con voice as it was violence like that, which inspired this group of activists to organize their solidarity guard. it's not only a question of what's going on in guys out, it's a question of our society and which kind of a society where going to be, are we going to be a society that will allow hunger and sending and destruction in death to be celebrated or are we going to stand against it? and to say, we are human, we are fighting for our own humanities,
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it's infuriating fax. it fits that we need to be here. we always find people that will be disruptive. but i'm a citizen of israel. i'm also an american citizen, as a human being. why are we not doing more? it's happening in my name. and it's for the governments to the police to the army. everything possible. insults come speak and fast nazis and from us there fellow is release call them. but they continue to try to get the food onto a truck, and back towards casa, by the end of the day, they told us all the trucks had gone through with little damage to them. a victory as well active is it say these really military is not doing enough to protect the aid passing through the west bank. we asked our correspond to rebecca rivers in jerusalem if those obligations have mirror. well,
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that certainly seems to be the case and it certainly was the activists in i as report there was saying and sent me from allen reporting what we've been seeing and hearing is also a report from the guardian newspaper saying not only are they are not doing enough uh, but they are in fact assisting many individuals within the security services are effective in assisting these protest is giving them coordinates of where the convoys will be traveling through. so they sent me a lot of evidence pointing to the fact that not enough is being done to protect these a convoys. it's been happening for quite some time. they these protested these protests sort of started around january when a group above the name of to have 9 started protesting at the crossings of the cam, shall i'm crossing and then it's on a crossing with egypt where trucks are being checked of widows by the is really is the security services before then being a taken through into gaza. i was down there myself and then it's on a crossing speaking to some of the protesters earlier in the year. and they was
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saying that the, this was simply just giving aid to their enemy a mouse so that they wouldn't want to do everything that they could. and in fact, that they were doing the government's work that these really government was having to allow a, in, because of pressure from us and all the allies and they, they would allow to look like they weren't allowing aid. in fact, these protests, as we're doing the job of the governmental, the job governance job folder. now we're seeing these protests, as you saw there in that report, getting move on, particularly the convoys that have to travel through the westbank thing was set by groups of settlers though it's have not and not taking responsibility for those particular protest is in the west bank but suddenly seeing an up taking violence or even seeing it on the streets of jerusalem, that was rebecca rid is reporting their to south asia. now we are a parts of pakistan and india, or in the groups of a severe heat wave temperatures and some parts have reached as high as 45 degrees celsius authorities, or advising people to stay in doors. but millions of workers say they simply cannot
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afford to do that, are working with iron bars, underscore things, temperatures, bodies, things, gloves, hardly predict his hands, construction work best thing works at this hybrid project in the outskirts of daily and even door porter. d, as in india, has issued a heat reef alert. think again or to for to, to mr. book the 6 to each dollars a day he ons is essential for his and his families. so by when as the temperature rises, our main work with iron rods becomes very hard as they heat up. in order to fill our stomachs though something must be done. conditions aren't any better in neighboring focused on bid extreme heat. we've tried to bring dangerously high temperatures. these sleepers are working on the punishing heat near the we do construction work,
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but the heat is so intense that after working for 10 minutes we can't carry on anymore. so we come and sit in the shade. what can we do? we have to work for our small children. inflation is so high. if we don't work now, how will we feed our children from a guy you? scientists link heat waves to climate change. focused on india, among countries most affected extreme, read the events here affect millions. there has to be next to new international support to help me to get the consequences investing in is that the dish and making it since again, has communities back to the dangerous regarding consequences of climate change. of course, your body is marcie, the 75th birthday of it's constitution document officially known as the basic law. a special ceremony was held earlier today with beethoven's 5th symphony played by
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the berlin philharmonic orchestra. germany's president fund father's dying meyer posted in the event, noting that the basic log was drafted in response to the crimes of nazi germany. starting myers said that the document as flourished and become a starting point for other countries that have had an authoritarian pass. you also stress the basic laws importance at this time in history, when threats to democracy have grown stronger than ever will be one of them. now, when the others are, they need the most to see because it's a low mileage. tim, settle disputes, piece for name is because this democracy is open to engage in compromise and embrace change. that one's, that is the moment and when our democracy itself and all of us come under foot right now, facing the faces or imagine the ceiling and switch once a week. and then i'm the minds of, of proceed. simpson introducing molly's it's institutions and so on,
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denigrate it's representatives. yes. all democracy has succeeded in bond this. we should know. government must be aware when civil cuz there's no guarantee for that . it's an obviously when protected, we can only do that. also. it depends on what can be the new still hill is here at the top of the hour,
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i will see you tomorrow the the kind of sick son sebastian, the chief prosecutor at the international criminal court and said he's speaking arrest ones for his rating heated for the coming back to the war in gaza. i guess this week from kind of leave is dennis ross form a special assistant to president bama. i'm for more than 12 years, keith, prior to shaping us policy. com. think the next
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on the demo. but we'll tell you who we are happy that we are boxing the story. we have a getting a visa is more difficult than finding gold hosted to use the dream force and the for the future in the stories and issues that are being discussed across the country. are you news africa? in 60 minutes on d, w, the music can be destroyed. you can try, but it's impossible to be performed for head lice in australia. the was the
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nazi's favorite to musicians who lives beneath the panel. i saw a film about the sounds of power and inspiring story about surviving music under the swastika scots may 25th on dw, the chief prosecutor at the international criminal court says, said he seeking arrest warrants where his really need is including prime minister and method. yahoo! for that comes out of the war in gaza is rarely politicians across the spectrum of condemned to move to prosecute is also applied to warrants for key leaders of how much widely designated a terrorist organizations. my guess is week from kind of leave is dennis ross form a specialist system to president baraka bama. and so more than 12 years, a key print and shaping us policy in the middle east. he's not optimistic about


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