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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 24, 2024 3:00am-3:16am CEST

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the, the, this is dig into the news live from truly in germany 5, right? l tentative for deutschland, this kicked out of its political block of you are paying parliament a half day members have been expelled from the parliament's identity and democracy faction as 5 broad parties in france and italy moved to distance themselves from the gym. and right wing is also on the program presidents of the show they've been it's welcome at united nations decision to commemorate the 1995 genocide of bosnian muslims, bosnian serbs protest, claiming the incident as they misrepresent and amend cole says a growing inequality is feeling deadly social unrest on the pacific archipelago of
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new caledonia. french president has been visiting the french world surgery, the math and the how it welcome to the program. 2 weeks ahead of your pain elections and germany's 5 rod alternative for deutschland, or if the has been expelled from the 5 right identity and democracy grouping at the european parliament. this follows a series of scandals largely centering around the parties. lead candidates in the election. maximilian cause was recently quoted as saying that not old members of nazi germany, s s with criminals. the i, if they responded by banning missed the call from making public appearances last month, the german police arrested one of these assistance on suspicion of espionage step. early we talked to nikolai fun on dasa from east w,
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you'd pay the gym and institute for international and security affairs. he explained why the update is still allowed to operate when it's been classified as a suspected, extreme missed organization. well, the general constitution sets a very fine bar to bend parties from operating, but what we're certainly seeing here is that the f d has become more radicalized. they started off as a basically liberal or conservative alternative to the cd. you will see as you were going over the last 10 years, that has been about more, become ever more radical, up to the point now that even most fluoride parties in europe obviously don't seem to want to work with them anymore. you in general assembly as by the, to establish an annual day of commemoration of non a 9570 to a message as the resolution passed. despite the extensions of nearly 68 nations, nearly 30 years ago, bosnian serb forces began the capture of stripping into and the killing of
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thousands of on the bus. the in bushland main and teen s. residents have strep, or need to gather together to watch the result of the u. n votes on television. and finally, some relief. the u. n. approved the resolution to recognize an annual day of remembrance to the 1995 genocide that happened here in the town. now we'll check even though it is a little trouble, we expect the resolution to be adopted of if we actually expected all countries to be in favor. but we are satisfied, and i wish to think all of the countries that food should use to be for food. but those who abstained and voted against on it. we will put them on the pillar of shame that we have building at the memorial seem to to say something god, there was still good people in this world are many news,
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but nothing will bring my children back to 2 rows of thousands of gravestones at the local memorial center, a repugnant reminder of the genocide. both me and sub force is captured, strep anita, on july 11th, 1995 during the civil war. a few days later they rounded up and killed around 8000 a muslim men and teenagers to this day. so being lee does reject calling the killings of genocide ahead of the u. n votes be as president alex on to boot church, one to that the resolution could star uphold resentments. this is something that'll just open an old holds. i've got to create a complete political trouble and not only in our region, but even here in this cold. the resolution cooling for an official day of
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remembrance was written by germany. and rwanda was in 2 countries with the induct memories of genocide in the 20th century. this resolution is not directed against anybody, not against a valued member of this organization. if at all, it is directed against perpetrators of a general side for the families of separate needs. uh, this is an important symbol of recognition. but it comes with the risk of revising old regional tensions or i'd have to look at some of the other stories making headlines around the world this. well, the russia has arrested several generals and senior military officials, as part of it clamped down on allegations of fraud and corruption funding shall not be at the deputy hate of russia's general stuff, has been accused of large scale bribery. meanwhile, in moscow court rejected the appeal of another senior defense official if arrested on corruption, charged thousands of people gathered for the burial of
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a ron's president, abraham bracy, cleaning government and military officials and prominent religious beings, racy his foreign minister, and 6. others died on sunday when the helicopter crashed in a bronze mountain. this northwest region, the country is observing. 5 days of mourning. chad's newly elected president has been sworn in after 3 years as interim leader of the military johnson. how much it's of his debbie seized, how often rebels killed his father, who ruled the central african countries the 3 decades international. and you guys have described these election victory this month is not credible, no free to us, where the agency is forecasting that the north atlantic hurricane season will be one of the worst on record. it expects up to 7 major hurricanes as part of the season. and stuff on june 1st, boom, atlantic board of temperatures and melting ice. i remember the fact is being blamed for the extraordinary season. at least bull people have died after
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a baked restaurant collapsed on the spanish island of may. ok, more than a dozen others were injured when the terrace of the 2 story building fell down in play. a del palma, the local official said the flow beloved and buckled under the impact pulling into the basement rescue book is still searching the robber for survivors. foreigners, i believe, to be among the casualties in the tourist hotspots. and my mom a call. so social unrest on the pacific archipelago of new caledonia has been fueled by roaming inequality. a french president's comment came during a trip to the french world territory. he announced he will delay confir, visio low reforms which a spot daily writes. reforms include changing verge of rules for many of the archipelago as inhabitants an age and trip from paris to the pacific. emanuel mccomb arrived in french, ruled new caledonia with a key,
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a mission the my intention invested my ministers and the government here is to be here with the people for every to, into peace. com and security. as soon as possible, you in the archipelago who is being rocked by 10 days of riots in which 6 people have died and an estimated hundreds of millions of yours worth of damage has been done. the violence with sparks by a buzzing reform, which critics say would dilute the voice of the indigenous kind of people who make up 40 percent of the population. a chrome describes beyond roost as a totally unprecedented movement of insurrection, around $3000.00 french security personnel, or on the ground. some local is the hub form of homes visit, could add weight to if it's to restore. com. that presumes perhaps this will ease
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some of the tensions we have on a daily basis. so i hope you'll find a bit of peace in our country. on my phone, lisa announced the controversial north change would be delayed despite insisting it is democratic. your i'm showing gives us could, so i have pledged this reform will not be forced through in the current context. because it done that we will allow some weeks to come the tensions and enable a resumption of dialogue to find abroad a cold. but divisions are the new caledonia is future run date rolled from paris since being colonized in the 1800s, many indigenous connex resent frances power and want independence. the phone has signaled he wants the support for the more forms before pushing on and says he will take stock all of the situation again in one month. let's bring
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into nice fisher. she served as a striving console general in new caledonia. now she's with the spreading national university and camera. i will welcome to you. the french president came to new caledonia to h. tensions do you think he succeeded and this i for how long? so it will take some time to establish the effect of his dramatic gesture and coming. can you tell me? don't. yeah. so we need to remember that we're talking about products in the pacific in the pacific context, where things are done a little bit differently. takes a long time to talk about things and to decide on things. so let's see what the reactions are. they've been non so file we're old as mid day here in the side of the world. and we haven't seen any public reactions yet. but what did he do? he did a chief meetings with the independence lead is now they didn't turn out to
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a meeting when he came in july. so this is already in advance. he also spent an hour talking to young people in new canada. and yeah, we were in a situation of serious, violent, says, you've indicated, and much of this violence has been perpetrated by very young kind of people indigenous people who feel alienated from the lots of the territory. and they persisted, even though they made is of asked them to start a week ago. so it's a serious situation. and it's one in which he was listening. i think there was some words that he use, which i think people indigenous leaders wanted to hear. he said he was coming and humility and respect to listen. those are all important things i've been interested in and that he's also triggered some things that he, that they wanted. they wanted to have this legislation, at least frozen, as you've indicated, the mr. button the call has now re can do that, but they also want to dial. he's brought with him some official to
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a going to establish a donald commission. and they also wanted another vote and he had said, well sir, but another self determination that would be part of the discussions for the future . so all these a big concessions. but it's a very, very tense situation. 3 of the suburbs in the mirror itself, a still out of control out of for defense control. so his 1st priority, he said was to restore a piece and he's laid the responsibility direct lead onto the indigenous leaders to renew the cool for the violets, to stall with this will in fact take place in the next few days. we don't know yet that you spoke to it a little bit different, a number of races, referenda independence, referent. all of which have filed fighting reform has 9 now filed what other options i left the anthony. it's brandon, who was, which was part of, of the case the laid out piece process. you know,
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we just presided over 40 years of peace and stability and you kind of done. yeah. they were conducted the 1st 2 were conducted impeccably and i returned your 56 and 53 percent advisor of independence as a staying with france. this was to about the 3rd one. there was some contention about how that code was held. people would die and cannot, community is in the middle of the closet at the gaming. the cannot sort of that boat to foot, but transport sisted with it because of the, the impact of the dates in the communities. and so they reject, they bought it that the referendum and it rejected it ever seems cooling for another vote. so the last couple of years of seeing real impasse way of saying you kind of a french date is have come over to the territory including wisdom across in july to try and get re establish discussions. so it's been a long and full process. i think the terms of mr. cross it come at last night indicate that he has wanted to be listening to some of these concerns and
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responding to them. the next vision from the start of the national university. thanks so much for your time in your inside. thank you. to belgium now with people are flocking to say one of the world's biggest and smelly as to flowers. as it blooms of a to made has told the rear type is known as the cult flowed due to the stench of rocking flesh it produces the smell helps attract in 6 back in its intonation. right, 1st time, anyone hoping to get a with themselves will need to be quick thought flowed will only be inland for a few days. and it may be years before it blooms again. you're watching the definitely new caesar, amanda, about top story. gemini is alternative to germany potty or if day has been expelled by phil. i find rod politicians from the faction in the european parliament. this comes up to the bodies lead candidates. maximilian call made
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a controversial statement about nazi germany's s. s that's all for now. the film is up next, i'll be back in 45 minutes with more news headlines statements. the type of data. so much for those is the sisters have been in a coma close by persecution and flights. meanwhile for con dreams of another load wake up on non scots june 1st on dw, the.


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