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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 24, 2024 6:00am-6:16am CEST

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the, the, this is the deputy news lot from berlin badging practices seizing power in taiwan on the 2nd day of its military maneuvers around the self government island. china says it's both publishing typeface, new presidents, and trying to attack unoccupied key areas of what it considers its own territory. fuss a manual mccall says a growing inequality is feeling deadly. social embraced on the pacific archipelago of new caledonia the fridge president has been visiting the french world territory the
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. i'm anthony out, welcome to the program. china says it's military drills around to i want to testing its ability to quote the seas power of of the self governing orbit badging begin to days of large scale war games in this type. one straight on thursday. chinese authorities have called them quite a punishment from what they say, protest action. the drills come just dies off the top ones. new president latching t took office and cold on china to stop. it's intimidating behavior. so i pay a scramble jets and put its land and enable the units on the list in response to badges moves. well, i spoke earlier with journalists with name yang, who's following the story from till i pay. he explained what's different about these chinese drills around top one. so this is actually the 1st time the china has involved its co star vessels as part of its military trails. and we know that they also emphasize a lot about their abilities to. in fact,
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it sees control all the areas around tie ones outlying islands because those on line islands, in fact are by distance closer to china. and they do play important roles in terms of potential military conflict when it comes through time. one's ability to counter strike china and also prevent china forces from entering into the water that are closer to them in island of taiwan. so this is an area that the chinese state media has highlighted a lot since yesterday in the time when he start is also paying a lot of attention to the new operations that they are witnessing that involves the coast guard vessels from china. william, how's the company's people reacted of these kinds of threats from badging being taken seriously or so? you know, i think this is the 3rd around the island kind of military exercise that china has
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conducted. she since 2022 when former us how speaker nancy pelosi visit at taiwan. so i think the for the 1st time back down, it was really, really a shock in the 20s. people are big talking on a lot about it. but by this time it's been a 3rd time. and because the chinese authorities are very specific about the goals and the intention of the military exercise, which is targeting the new government under the time on new presidents, launching the so i think most of the tony's people view this more as a part of the political sciatic, but at the same time of course, they are very aware of the ability that time one needs to possess as to potentially counter such a military threat. so i think after the military exercises over today, there will be a lot more public discussion about ty, ones, needs to beef up its own defense capabilities. you reference the president
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a lodging. tell you on this one in on monday. how was he responding personally to this baptism of fire? so he in fact, immediately visited one else tie one's troop and military base and tell him which has to very close to time one's main international airport that also took place in a large military exercise here in taiwan. last july, he was very clear that he's government will resolutely defend time once democracy freedom and the human rights, and at the same time not given into such a scare tactics coming from badging. but at the same time, he is going to uphold the principles of main ensuring that the status quote and the stability of across the town. one street is going to be maintained for as long as it takes and time one is not going to be the instigating part party in this regard
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. generalist when them yang in type. hi, thanks so much. thank you. of the un general assembly has decided to establish an annual day of commemoration of 1995 remnants a massacre. the resolution passed the spot, the extensions of $68.00 nations. nearly 30 years ago, bosnian serb forces began to capture strep, vanessa, and the killing of thousands of on the bus be in muslim min and teenagers. residents, subscriber need to gather together to watch the result of the you and vote on television. and finally, some relief. the u. n. approved a resolution to recognize an annual day of remembrance to the 1995 genocide that happened here in the town. now, even though it is a little trouble, we expected the resolution to be adopted. we actually expected all countries to be
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in favor, but we are satisfied and i wish to think all of the countries that food should use to be for food. but those who abstained and voted against on it. we will put them on the pillar of shame that we have building at the memorial center. so if there's something god, there were still good people in this world are many needs to do, but nothing will bring my children back to 2 rows of thousands of gravestones at the local memorial center. a repugnant reminder of the genocide, both me and sub force is captured, strep anita, on july 11th 1995 during the civil war. a few days later, they rounded up and killed around 8000 a muslim men and teenagers to this day. so being li does reject cooling the killings of genocide ahead of the u. n
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votes be as president alex on to boot church, one to that the resolution could star uphold resentments. this is something that will just open an old holds. i'm going to create a complete political trouble and not only, you know, region, but even here in this cold, the resolution cooling for an official day of remembrance was written by germany and rwanda. 12 countries with the induct memories of genocide in the 20th century. this resolution is not directed against any body, not against a valued member of this organization. if at all, it is directed against perpetrators of a general side for the families of separate needs. uh, this is an important symbol of recognition. but it comes with the risk of revising old regional tensions. the manual mccall says a social unrest on the pacific archipelago with new caledonia has been fueled by
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growing inequality. the french president's coming came during a trip to the french world territory. he announced able to like controversy, a low reforms, which as spock daily writes their, their phones include changing vide rules for many of the archipelago, same habits, and age and trip from paris to the pacific and manual mccomb arrived in french room, new caledonia with a key a mission the my intention and that of my ministers and the government here is to be here with the people for every, to, into peace. com and security. as soon as possible, you in the archipelago has been rocks by 10 days of riots in which 6 people have died and an estimated hundreds of millions of years worth of damage has been done. the violence with spots by a buzzing reform,
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which critics say would dilute the voice of the indigenous kind of people who make up 40 percent of the population or a chrome describes the unreleased as a totally um, pre sedated movement of insurrection, around $3000.00 french security personnel or on the ground, some locals, the hub for mccombs visit, could add weight to if it's to restore. com. that presumes perhaps this will ease some of the tensions we have on a daily basis. so i hope you'll find a bit of peace in our country on my phone, lisa announced the controversial north change would be delayed despite insisting it is democratic. your show gives us could successful. i have pledged that this reform will not be forced through in the current context because that we will allow some weeks to come the tensions and enable
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a resumption of dialogue to find a broad cold. but divisions are the new caledonia is future run date rolled from paris since being colonized in the 1800s. many indigenous connex resent fronts has power and want independence. the phone has signaled he wants the support for the more forms before pushing on and says he will take stock all of the situation again. in one month earlier, i talked to denise fish of the former, striving, comfortable, general, keen, new caledonia. i asked her if my trunk succeeded in his attempt to ease tensions. so it will take some time to establish the effect of his dramatic gesture and coming to a new kind of donya. and we need to remember that we're talking about prompts in the pacific in the pacific context, where things are done a little bit differently, takes a long time to talk about things and to decide on things. so let's see what the
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reactions are. they've been non so far aware of as me day here in the side of the world and we haven't seen a public reactions yet. but what did he do? he did a cheese meetings with the independence lead is now they didn't turn out to a meeting when he came in july. so this is already an advance. he also spent an hour talking to young people in new caledonia. we were in a situation of serious, violent as you've indicated. and much of this violence has been perpetrated by very young kinda people, indigenous people who feel alienated from the lights of the territory. and they persisted even though they leaders have asked them to start a week ago. so it's a serious situation. and it's one in which he was listening. i think there was some words that he use, which i think people indigenous leaders want him to hear. he said he was coming in humility and respect to this and those are rolling cool things i've been interested in. and then he's also created some things that he,
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that they wanted. they wanted to have this legislation at least frozen as you've indicated, the mr. button the call has now agreed to do that, but they also want a dialogue. he's brought with him some officials who are going to establish a donald admission. and they also wanted another vote. and he has said also, but another self determination that would be part of the discussions for the future . so all these a big concessions. but it's a very, very 10 situation. 3 of the suburbs in the me or itself, a still out of control out of for defense of control. so his 1st priority, he said was to restore a piece and he's laid the responsibility direct fleet onto the indigenous leaders to renew the cool for the violets. to stall whether this will in fact take place in the next few days. we don't know yet that you spoke to it a little bit different, a number of race and referenda independence for a friend,
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all of which have filed fighting reform has night. now filed, what are the options i lift i'm anthony, the 3 this brand new was which were part of of the case the made out piece process, you know, which is presided over 40 years of peace and stability and you kind of dine. yeah. they were conducted the 1st 2 were conducted impeccably and they returned your 56 and 53 percent advisor of independence. as a staying with cons, the 1st 2 about the 3rd one. there was some contention about how that code was held . people would die in kind of communities in the middle of the co that at the gaming, but cannot quoted that vote for about trans persisted with it because of the impact of the dates in the communities. and so they reject. they bought a culture that the referendum and i've rejected it ever seems cooling for another vote. so the last couple of years have seen a real impasse way of seeing your kind of a french date is have come over to the territory including wisdom across in july to
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try and get re establish discussions. so it's been a long and full process. i think the terms of mr. cross it come at last night indicate that he has wanted to be listening to some of these concerns and responding to them then a sufficient from the start of the national university. thanks so much for your time and your insight. thank you to, to belgium. before we go with people are flocking to say one of the world's biggest smeeley est flowers. as it blooms of a 2 minute is told, the red tide arrow is known as the corpse flower due to the stench of rocking flesh it produces. the smell helps attract insects in its intonation. rainforest time. anyway, hoping to get a width themselves will need to be quick though the file will only be in bloom for a few days. maybe he's before it blues again. right. on that note, that's all for this. how up next?
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the documentary from a town in kenya where the women rule this quote and mojo, and you'll learn more about it after a short break. i'm anthony howard, in berlin for me and the team here. it's been good to have it with us and they'll have more headlines for you in 45 minutes. in charlotte the currently more people than ever on the world wide and such a bed. nearby, facile jessica middle castle josh. find out about me being a story. info my grands.


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