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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 25, 2024 9:00am-9:16am CEST

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the, the, this is dw news, why, from berlin, israel in, says it's military operation in casa, does comply with international law. after this order from the international court of justice. it must immediately hold its mutual funds, and any other action indemnified. governor, the un stop cord describe the situation in casa as disastrous and a ruling that leaves israel facing further, global isolation. also coming up all lies on the political flight for the capital, new delhi, as india reaches the final stages of elections to pick its new leaders and the race
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to find survivors after a massive landslide. it's a remote part of poplar and new guinea hundreds or if you're dead and injured with the rescue effort being hindered by conditions on the ground. the . i'm michael. ok. welcome. israel has rejected an order from the international court of justice in the hague to immediately stop. it's military offensive. in the southern gauze and city of rasa, the court described the humanitarian situation there as disastrous, but stopped short of ordering a full ceasefire. israel insist it's operations inside garza is in line with international law. a file from the front lines of the war in gaza is rails military campaign suffered
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a major legal blog is that it must immediately hold its meaning to offense. and any other action ended up a government which may inflict on the by assuming a group and gaza conditions of life that would bring about it's physical destruction in whole or info. that's the latest icy j rolling unequivocal about the need for is round to protect the palestinians and do more to provide vital aid. the decision welcomed by south africa, which brought the case and his accused israel of commission genocide. this order is groundbreaking, as it is the 1st time that explicit mention is made for yourself to halt if military action in any area gather this type of specifically aimed or elsewhere. israel rejects accusations of genocide and the latest i. c. j ruling. will cabinet administer beany guns, seed the fight to return its hostages? would continue,
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including in rough uh the i. c. j also order the unconditional release of hostages being held by hum us. well, the court has no way of enforcing the ruling. it poses a major challenge is rams allies. i have to choose between now i suppose to the international institution under all our support and both seems to be quite difficult to make. the ruling is a speaking judicial blow to israel this week. the international criminal court has applied for a wrist warrants the israel's prime minister in defense minister over alleged war crimes, both decisions adding to global criticism of israel's war. and now we turn to union a deal, who is professor of global security at the university of oxford and joins us from
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berlin. she specializes on the role of law and morality in international relations . specifically in war, welcome, you know, can you distill this for our viewers? the i, c, j, the you n's top court has ordered israel to stop its military operations in rafa. and yet it has no power to enforce the ruling. so what are the implications for israel? this is really a remarkable stuff in the kind of dentist as of this case because from the start to the south africa onto that in order to protect the palestinians, protect their rights. under the genocide convention, the courts have to interfere and how is real context? this military operation or the ceasefire, and the court rejected this up until now. it is very important to note that the court didn't actually go to a cease fire and also didn't order israel to hold all its military operations in a ha. but it's very, very clearly packed or vice the car into minutes. are you a fence if the israel is conducting, then that's causing the risk of good destruction to the palestinian people. and for
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that reason, it needs to be hope that the court is, is quite clear on that mentor. and that's the quite direct interference and how israel conduct this war. and it's also much more direct link that the court establishes between how israel conduct this war and the risk of genocide and the rights of the palestinian people to be protected from it. explained to us how the judges might have arrived at this decision. so this is the 3rd time the order provisional measures and formerly speaking, they need to diagnose a change in the situation on the ground to order additional measures. and this time, the best possible offensive food really large, last time it was really be human and tearing situations, assuming simon, which gets mentioned again this time. but it is really the bustle offensive, but let the dentist to the decision to order additional measures. and specifically, they say they're not, they were not convinced by israel submission, which argued, but israel could protect the civilian population and rough uh,
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in line with its obligation on the international and conduct this offensive military. and that instead the court says amplifies the evidence of you and experts and you in bodies and really almost any neutral observer who has over the last weeks race. the alarm basically saying that it's incompatible this offensive operation with the basic protection of the civilian population. and as you mentioned, the court says it's exceptionally grave calls the situation disastrous. as you may well know we, it was reported that is really bombs fell on the gaza strip just this morning, including rafa. common sense might suggest that tells us all we need to know about how israel will react. what does it tell you and is the ruling likely to change anything going forward? so we have come to expect the reactions from them to to know government, right? there's always a mixture of bluster in terms of like the quote would come tell us what to do. but also there's always an attempt to spin these for this. and this time the attempt
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was to say, well, the court actually didn't tell us to hold our military defense if it just said that any military or offensive that in principle poses a risk of group destruction to palestinians would have to be halted. now this is multiply as a beating or interpretation of this court order, but i do take some heart from this attempt to spin the order because it does suggest that israel understands that this order has weight. compliance doesn't really depend on anything happening in israel right now. it's really only depends primarily or only on how best of allies of israel react to it, particularly the united states. i only see a chance that the sort of order will make a difference for how israel conducts the work if the biden administration gets behind it. and conditions, any further support on compliance. there is a you need to deal with professor at the university of oxford and an expert on war and morality. we thank you for your time and perspective. thank you. full serv opened in delhi as india reaches the final stretchers of its marathon
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election today. all 7 seats of the national capital region in the lower house of parliament or being contested. but it will gundy senior leader of the leading oppositional congress party turned out and made the blistering seat to cassius road . prime minister during these new random bodies of main opponent in deli chief administer arvin casually, while was expected to vote later in the day, carefully walls who was arrested on corruption charges and released on bail after the supreme court intervene. accuse modi of using criminal probes to hurt his transits. for more, let's now speak to dw corresponding show yadda, who joins us from delhi shallow set. the boating day scene for us of the miko 58 constituencies are up for grabs. today in the 6th phase of for election here in india and over a 100000000 eligible voters are expected to come out and vote. so 6 phases in and
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you know, um, i'm sorry, i lost my train of thought there, but it seems to be an ambling swing by 6 phases. in the political heat is only made there, but it's not just that it's the climate also which is hindering people from coming out and go to a regular no, it has been issued by the indian met department for he pays conditions in the most thoughts of north india, including deli, what i am today. we saw some people are tickling in, in the morning in the early morning, i was just to cost a boat as early as 7 in the morning. but now, as it's coming up to almost 1 pm and the temperatures are storing, we receive of the crowds seemed to be doing me. how much is a chief ministry carrier was arrest? going to influence the voting of the, when the rest of the chief minister of delhi, i've been cage of all has, has dominated the political it back to the hill in delhi. oh, he's been
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a popular leader in delhi for over 10 years now. and he says that she was arrested of, you know, as like the ruling b party against the opposition leaders a charge that the b, b of a nice. oh, but as soon as he came out of jail on, on intending b o, he started addressing of riley's mass rallies. we saw a lot of people who turn out in numbers and to experts say that his wrist could actually help his electro chances. so it would help him get some sympathy will use in delhi, he, he has been very vocal about his criticism of prime minister movie. he in fact went to the length of comparing him to the like. so a lot to me put in and he said that if he's brought it up for the thought to stick with the country into russia where opposites, indeed those are not allowed to try. dw correspondent, sheller jada babbling the heat and the din successfully there of deli, thank you so much. i to choose
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a look at some of the other stories making headlines around the world as we speak. the united states has announced an additional $275000000.00 in military aid to ukraine, as keith struggles to repel russia's itself on the hard key region. the fresh package includes immunization missiles, tactical vehicles, anti tank lines, and artillery round. russia began a new offensive and the region 2 weeks ago. the us is gearing up for the memorial day week holiday, which is set to be the busiest start of summer weekend. in nearly 2 decades. some 44000000 people are expected to make long distance trips between thursday and monday. stormy weather is taking its toll and nearly $4000.00 flights were delayed on the east coast. within a 190 nations, have agreed to a new treaty to combat so called bio piracy at un talks in switzerland. the term refers to big companies using patton's to lock up natural resources and traditional
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knowledge of 4 nations without adequate compensation. a massive fire has burned down at least 200 make shift houses in a wynja refugee camp in bangladesh. the local fire service said several people were injured at the camp. in cox's bizarre bangladesh is home to around, a 1000000 were hinge, including many who fled a 2017 military crack down against the most of the minority rescue. teams have started to arrive at the side of a massive landslide in the remote highlands of popular new guinea. scores or for your dad after the lance life flattened 6 villages in the area. the salon slide struck in the early hours of friday, burying hundreds of people on their homes in the highlands of anger, to the north of this island nation. and besides, the west pacific victims are most likely to sleep. at the time,
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carson houses were demolished by the land flies. rescuers were digging frantically through the earth and debris overlooked by a nearby mountains or large rocks and boulders were still folding. only a few bodies have been recovered so far. the red cross estimates that as many as 500 people could be injured or dead. a rapid response team of medics ministry on police took hours to reach the scene. is a place that's covered by the deputies and therefore people in the village, the locals. yeah. the asking the government, the aides, anyone and everyone who wish to help people. i find that dockage people. uh they, they cannot cry or they gonna do anything because it's difficult for them to go substitute joyce. and this never happened in history. the sheer scale of the land slide was also making it difficult to find survivors. according to eye witnesses. the area hitches about 600 kilometers north west of the capital of port moresby.
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with 10000000 people popular and again, he is the most popular sub pacific nation after australia. a diverse developing nation, mostly subsistence farmers with 800 languages public and he has few roads outside. the larger cities, tearing access to rescue vehicles will take a long time. and this is expected to hinder assessments and relief efforts. this and finally, to a successful rescue mission in bolivia, it involved 2 pink dolphins that becomes trained to do to low water levels in a towards town, around 500 kilometers east of the capitol, aponce the mission to save them last it's several hours with a team using nets and trucks to carefully move the chronic mammals to another river in the neighboring amazon region of bennett.
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and will ended there up next is sports life with a look at gun is flourishing. do it yourself, horse racing culture. unlike the look who, thanks for being with us, there's more news at the beginning of the next hour. bye for now. the good news. innovation. green, the green revolution global. so listen to a whole lot of crime. it's probably up to speed. if the carriers subscribe to the subscribe to plan, it's a can you see what cod myers have to do with you production? here's a hands on.


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