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tv   Music under the Swastika  Deutsche Welle  May 25, 2024 12:30pm-2:01pm CEST

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hi, caesar was every single connection mapped out shows the geophysical reality. the on the board is what makes things the way they are mapped out, navigating a changing world now on youtube, the so how was the post that to the home of the gym and musical profession, and the stablish buttons turned overnight into not secure that rate. the 4th thing, not a sort of thing that gave us 1st class performances that are still admired. today.
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we're all gone down the and now she gets one mad house, the vienna philharmonic city. it's part of the german culture. jewish prison is performing most often. and schumann and beethoven, so the german god denazi's, the nazis succeeded in destroying many things. that music you can't destroy the fact of what you can try that it seems possible here in the
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the . ready the i just pushed on you to alaska on a dodge sheet greeting us, but as long as you know, sometimes it's not someone's got belling, there's almost all she gets yeah, we haven't got much. we suddenly heard an announcement, an english of english discussions. you
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know, i can't remember exactly how it went, but it said we were suppose to stay where we were is in, when the british came, they had no idea what they would find. they thought they were liberating a prison camera. but this wasn't a prison account. it was a pit of corpse, it's finalized and go back laughlin business because a lot longer to time in the fall mentions you information is, is for mentions instead of from going to kind of switch the car from what had to buy separate cost. that's the 5 off of on your own. invest the dimensions in federal states or the fruit is not gonna come out in from the store. they disability is your free lunch advisors paid. but for some it was too late to observe. that's how it was. it was indescribable. suddenly here's where i live.
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it's. yeah. one of the conversations that you've probably had dental based description of 1005 and phone bills and 1000 was unimaginable on those. i miss. yeah. over an a cut of ground laid dead and dying people could not see you, which was which, except perhaps by a convulsive movement or the last quiver of aside from a living skeleton too weak to move. this dan bills was the most horrible of my life. that you guys can come to the 5 star event for permission to have the funds cuz he's an honest with you have him start to correct. give us give us more noise. this kind of a kind of, i'm with them kind of maybe come in to get shows. i'm built for my nose wrist
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as a video of my sisters and talking to a british soldier and as another of 3 goods. and walking back to the campus, i got too low for me on each business that to me the spectrum, the mission, management of as high job and have been pretty efficient. i think you have a frontier edition fix the problem. but the going to call is is right after the session or not meg, is there a number? i was sitting somewhere and someone told me there was a jeep or something from the bbc. they want to interview people. and that i should go over time out in the to, to come up with my 1st encounter with a microphone. dynamical thomas smarter to ask about the polished with saddle. i should say exclusive unions gives and published on the test of air conditioning problems are best function is the type of the pen when dimensions name and square that the wrong are hi, rest of the business of aka that's
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a lot of them. almost equinox is best for funds, and i'm, was he kept in the course box. the thing for them was the come by or somehow year back in my mind of chapters safe my grandmother's life. so that was always somehow in the atmosphere of the family story. the street instructions and teams experiences for i am of dieting. us. this was just up
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to you piece that was called me yet the sign with the editor's button to exit the off to the 2nd load. will german conduct a vill him float thing. this korea was also on the brink of ruin the victorious pa, so him as hypnos pet, maestro. he was banned from performing and in 1946 was brought before the knots vacation tribunal followed thing that faced uncomfortable questions. once he a nazi, did he bet any guilt? why hadn't he left german the in 1947. the tribunal classified 4th thing that as a follow, a category that carried no penalty. he soon began performing again with the balance
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and demonic. and his return to the stage was a great success the the the
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home for things i was born in berlin in 1896, his musical career to call such an early age of 20. he was already conducting symphony orchestras. this is so this is so powerful and i say this as someone in the same profession like a husky. it doesn't get better than that. you think sometimes i think if someone can conduct like that, then maybe i should just pack up and quit. that's not really a nice feeling in listening to 4th thing that elicits everything from profound exhilaration to the sense of being completely insignificant and powerless. a guns flying with must close to the status on this test. i do believe something emanated from him. something extraordinary is on the list that transcended the music,
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something deeply human accessed. and then when he stepped onto the stage, you had this sudden sense of ratcliffe on site and then and truly inhabited to separate. well that's the bonds. it's 5 as the use of the genius of the musician, but he is part of the german people, and he has no particular sympathy for the victims of the country. the only a person or people that sort of thing feels cindy. t for is for. he says the occupied germans the way we are suffering no under under, under the occupation of foreign on these. the way they will make me suffer. the
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in the early 19 thirty's, germany was considered the land of music with a rich tapestry of sounds like music, jazz, classical music, i'm contemporary compositions were all very popular. this musical diversity ended when the national socialists came to power in january 1933. the new life chancellor adult fits the to control of parliament within weeks under pointed himself, the few of them. and he also set the tone for the nation's music. the dollars was it was polluters produced by the wind focusing on the printer. one of just breaking news, do you just give me a big, just jump in this thing. the 1st thought to read again the 5 sides limited by the nazis seized power. in
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1933, they immediately launched a series of what have become known as wild purchase, excitement, dust fuel to all of gwinnett, because of those purges and because of the intense and frequent violence on the streets. and even in concert halls, many people in the music profession left germany at this very early stages was tired also to escape persecution for less than half not in full 5 on the floor ones and the minister of public, enlightenment and propaganda. joseph governors was responsible for music and culture in the nazi state. soon off of the nazis came to pass. he established the rice chamber of culture which included the rice chamber of music. membership was compulsory for anyone in the field. and so these institutions allowed goes to control german count from life and the allocated posts and titles to his office of choice. the domino tenant to the president,
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and then someone's attempt to get up because that's, that's the name of the steps. if you guys could to come in is on the i was the time of residence and then i moved. so don't throw this out to the house to mislead on the weather. the all got that's and onwards he still has to stop. stop. don't to do them. first thing last as vice president of the rice chamber music to him for the thing that was done from an i'm political office to a political figure. he also received the honorary title of pressing the state counsellor for things that was so important to the nazis that they put him on the list of gods, but canada to office that were gifted by gold. the
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guide testing daughters use, it was considered at the most german form of our tests to austin, spoke directly from the racial song because it was so important. the stadium bass did a great deal of money when they believed music, shapes the racial, someone with a phone call, we didn't just have an educational quality shake, the racial essence of the nation. and we were built in, so i'm at austin clinic, the, the nazis could say, we are a cultural nation. we are a cultural people,
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you couldn't possibly suspect that way of doing something that was on cultural. this is our justification. we are a nation of culture and culture is i'll cover the, the seats, you know? so he was driving for global recognitions, greatness and national pride. when music became so intertwined with race, everything that derived from a foreign rights to be eliminated. oh succeeded in the job and that's just the dates. and few died shipments and types and the diabetes,
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the queens and the dodson was equal done in dikes and onto the we all he going spoke about the item is gave a kind of move is guide you to often look good to even to design thinking that they have them to be those items would be the live in that to be life. is that some kind of them? and then since you know the problem? yeah, they're going to have you ever conduct glen glen? go said we can spectacularly replace these jewish musicians. we don't need them. most of them. i believe they did, even in germany. yeah, it's java. my boss is taught staples also the endorsement, the rest of the around 300 kilometers east of the rise capital in today. the city is called phelps wife and belongs to poland. a need to alaska was born here to a german jewish family in july 1925.
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most of the guns i came down from what was it this time a fairly ordinary family? was the info. so just let us know model, it's music was just normal, which item before my, these were the days before we go head televisions, we play music at home and my mother was also a musician, so there was always music escape. yeah. and there's so many of these though, there's a photo of me sitting on the ground with a little broom and economy and sheet music in front of me. and i'm pretending to play as a trailer to feel like you will be shuttled should be like my parents probably said, i think the child wants to play the challenge. so they bought me a very small one left in the auto. he says to often as well, who is my 1st teacher? but then things became difficult and deadlock, some become as i grew older,
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i still wanted to play their childhood but so and no cello teachers left in press. well, they were willing to teach a jewish child chevrolet and by so the, and you're just going to the rent of what's left recently. and i went to the house to where the house was, walked around the city to imagine the space sooner. folks will help on most book to the and the university. do you think this was a really culture to it? german jewish family. they're unsafe, they was safe until suddenly a comedy 00. and that's what i'm using at the leading district. that was, i was sent to the way that was still a jewish chino teacher who would teach me that way shortly before the 9th of november. so i was involved in that the time i had showed her lessons with legal costs for 6 months. luckily. so down could you do 6 more?
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know if it gave me something i could do on who does not the just how did you and then came crystal and left the night of broken glass, or did you coast all enough to in my mother called and said, i should come home straight away. how is it? at that moment, everything changed. we realized there was no place for us. but unfortunately, it was too late, but this to excrete the russian reason to meet at this tech showed them on from what i was right left to for you guys. and we sort of stuff this
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is actually got all the fuss, the nation of photo begins with that with the way that he conducted the way to communicate with musicians to the ways to communicate with the audience. and uh, there was nothing like you took the time, but every major conductor since suddenly every measure conduct a live today has had to absorb something. the 1st thing in order to achieve what they wanted to ask me 6 the long this is, oh, i'm sorry. it sounded so completely spontaneous and his freedom with temper radiated such amazing simplicity. of course, you'll have to submit yourself to his well designed it is or include both in just vertical virus straight up and down there because he's conducting is often very
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last statement with a great sense of natural. now you have the sense that he was composing the music while conducting a company is there and as doing it as we got the money. yeah, there was no single person who could have been more of an embodiment of german music. if you want to call it that, then foot thing that he was the head of germany is most important orchestras, the berlin philharmonic on this task. and he performed his core repertoire there in a way that was ground breaking and influential time countertop. that's why is it does it? yeah, i'll still be the building to lock this on the fire. there was something quite different about it for you. darker. not as luminous, and yet very powerful without what you know her while mega vitality. it had the force of conviction, so it looks divided the
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s. we talked about gm and music. that might have been something a little bit too much about it, cuz it was important to him. and so was staying in gemini, son bly. escape. i'm sorry for the training on that is the mission or the person she come is a virtual i just finished brian tire the front lines. sometimes you back inspection or is that the come of us on a few also came from a family where a conversation revolved around things of great beauty, michelangelo. he talked about michelangelo who he was extremely knowledgeable about
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. olsby is about to but ok, and only on the screen when it came to politics. wells. yeah. the just about us to be what sort of district and unfortunately the one thing that was convinced that politics and our were 2 entirely separate entities, windows and that'd because music embodies internal values in a sense and transcends day to day politics. it was obvious that music had to be free of political influence. you see this feeding of guys on was from courtney to science was not propaganda. administer gerbils salt under control even in the arts. this made the berlin philharmonic orchestra older more important to him. in 1933, the privately run on sambal wasn't financial difficulty. goes,
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nationalize the for the nick and turn this into the rice orchestra, saving the jobs of the musicians. but there were full jewish musicians among them, including concept mazda, she, mountain gold, pan, spending fee affair, and you off the kind of know that in these $4.00 cases, the musicians were subjected to increasing pressure, in order for their contracts were simply not extended. so to see that they were all pushed out of the orchestra by 1935 at the latest orchestra and also visit home for the thing. the fact the musicians, but the pressure from the regime was too great. she moaned gold bag and the other jewish musicians of the bell in santa monica left germany to escape the nazi dictatorship dom bond. but on bond. but um, but other than that, i would be glad to get right into been noted by the
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in 1934 foot thing that stood up for compose a pound increment for $750.00 mathis demo a he planned to perform with above and for the monic. what followed was a power struggle with gerbils before base the concept the nazis found tend to me. it's modern style of music, unacceptable. unfortunate angler who had made these ones stand against the regime on this thing on this one on this item of the value for the volley program, never had another confrontation with the regime. they simply stared him down and he was too afraid for his position that i am for his personal interest ever again to stand up the good those let alone the under pressure from the nazis. 4th thing that came to a decision is step down as leader of the button for them on a, conduct
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a at the stage offer and vice president of the rice chamber of music, the doubles manipulates, in an almost felt stim fashion. and the relationship between, fortunately the doubles is very much of the false in relationship that's out here is, is give you one of the scientists these data and participated in his own way through music. was the kind of the by spring 1935 food him foot thing the was back on stage, conducting the balance for the money he was rehabilitated. and once again celebrated by audiences and high ranking nazis the
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and so he makes his packed with the devil. this is the deal. he stays in germany. he doesn't make waves. he conducts for the nazis, whatever they want him to conduct. he conducts in front of a huge swastika, he is morally degenerate. the, the the, when the nazis came to power in 1933, germany had around 65000000 inhabitants. about half a 1000000 of whom were german jews. a so called non ariens,
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they were dismissed from the workforce. almost all german jewish musicians lost their jobs. the phoenix happened very few people had the financial means to emigrate them, but there was a hugely expensive undertaking by few investments. and many people also identified with germany on the dodge land. the was where they lived and worked many for decades, and they identified very strongly with that advocacy. if dr. mcgee didn't even see it on the, in 1933 unemployed jewish office to establish the control button, going to use the cultural association of german jews. it was a kind of self help organization that enabled jewish musicians to continue performing with the own orchestra's and on samples. along side bel in munich,
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was the hub of this cultural life. or doesn't, those entities include tobin as best as the interesting thing about these cultural associations was that for a long time, some form of jewish cultural life continued to exist in nazi germany. and of course, it was kept entirely separate and under the firm control of the nazis or but it didn't make it possible for jews to perform works that were drawn from the german musical tradition. while at the same time, re negotiating their jewish identity. so there's plenty of interest in the test and more find the to you defendants as you want to know it's, and this is still where the main shopping area is today. knowing how is that and coughing this process here and honest with and on this side street until 1938. that's where the main synagogue was, where major symphony concerts took place and stuff from the in that we mentor button. and so helps. and
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right by the main synagogue, there were at least 2 jewish music shops, aware of until the mid 19 thirties. you could still buy recordings by jewish artists, hoffman content with them and one part to us. and i'm just a few streets further onto manadis processed on you'd find the appellate points. yeah. which hosted smaller concerts for the jewish cultural association to this. you just go to the instructor for the the gift that you own in the port taishan students, johnson honest, until 1942. it's known that science, it's the would you do a bunch of joint on guns, especially lunch, and each one was different. some people who snatched from the street in, okay, sounds haven't received and left at telling them to report somewhere within 24 hours that only my parents, not me, your renata,
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is an initiative or not to. and of course, we wanted to go without parents specifically in retrospect to come, i think i know what my father did. he told us he'd go to the gustavo and ask for the mission chase. we lived nearby window allowed. and as far as looking back, i suspect that my father went out side, walked around the block a time or 2 and returned to me and then simply told us they didn't give us permission to go with some devices involved. i can still hear his wise words. he said one day when we are going, you will join us soon enough and we survived, and they didn't. that's how it was, too about us. yeah. after the deportation of the parents need to alaska, and her sister renata was sent to a jewish wolf, a niche in press, well, they were just forced labor. as in a paper factory. it was here that they helped french prisoners of war to escape with forged documents. they were discovered and put on trial,
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but i sure can, i'm cortez criminals was sent to trial. jude's will not, it is. so we were actually lucky to be in prison for adoption. yeah. and yeah. in giving note, sent straight to auschwitz, not office cuz she to in so yes, one against the phone this, i'm just beth. punish. that's the whole. that's it, that i have. john soaks house is on the top down to saint paul says, now, and this has gone vast amounts by the force fast going to talk to one florida. i wish this. do you think this about the prisons where the crowd, boston, jews were taking up space. so they sent me to offsets and you know, especially for the government, i didn't have my full sentence slide. i even wonder if i would have to make amends for that. when i return to germany managed off ended up because that's now that the
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damage which the interest i'll shoot you tonight, then we use what? oh shoot. it's meant we went back to be mad at us is of the yes he did was clear. this was the and station company by others on this as fun, but every single ways happens differently from what you expect. right. in the next, i arrived at our shipments at night. the next morning was the intake process. it was, you know, sounds, it was very different. the way i arrived at auschwitz and the way old and right prisoners arrived at chicago on those huge transports. there was always a selection committee who decided who would go to the gas chamber and who wouldn't? the was because of that that gets guidance because i was bad that because the only about 10 of us criminals or to publish it. yeah. just mission codes, the speech boston came getting our suggestions in that one is that i'm going to have models cuz yet what, how does a new man um i'm to to view one dog. a shot for it and is devonne
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feeling. this is what happened next time. some prisoners carried out the intake process, and most of this guy look prisoner asked me, what's your name? where are you from? do you know how long the war will last? we were chatting base or try b not signed. but of course i been in prison for dollars and then she told me she asked what i used to do. and i said, i played a shadow there. must the channel dispute infestation. fantastic. she said, there's an orchestra in the station. i was naked with a toothbrush, not that was a great kindness. she pushed the tooth brush in my hand and said, stay here and wait for the time she fetched the orchestra director jose, he's making lawful and tut compare. mice doesn't frontier a capella goal, and that's why the, i don't know as a well should we have the guys that she was through. finally, she had a challenge for the orchestra scott, dean or janice, but she had died. i'd arrive just at the right moment. fantastic. we had this
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peculiar conversation, i was the nature of jose asked me wherever and with whom i had studied. she said, i had took warranty, but they'd come and get me suited to that. and that's how i drawing the orchestra above or below induced and backed up and so bench ended up in a cold a hi, the mountain gone. you released the funds that they gave to me in the i don't think there's anything militant or aggressively pop up. very good music. so i don't see wagner as the middle line in the music that he composes. he isn't,
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he is a composer. he's trying to create a quick look. the last, the 1st scene and email is fascinating, is that this music complete the absorbs, you finish. and that's the precise thing. it's also been accused of those funny yeah. for the darkness was the song is music appeared to go inside quite well with the idea only if you have national socialism, us with an adult papers worship of father was the driving force behind it cost the shop to lock them out. finally, sally, some of which have wagner was certainly aware of music, can express the state of mind of soul,
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but an actual opinion that something rather different. a line which the house find freight in the bavarian town or by roy was once the home of the shop fox . today it's a museum that recognizes martin, as both are composed of upfront and off political writings, such as the student tillman demos, the jewelry in music. wagner published the text in 1851st under assumed, and then again under his real name. in 1869. i shut the lock now bar, i'm slum. and i'm teasing each desk. who's the industry cottage on pause now was a raging anti semites. what does this that they're doing with that in circles in germany? that was almost a matter of good manners in them. was he because that's what's behind the say about
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jews abuse a history. so because it was an attempt to justify in historical times why jews are incapable of producing all send, take off adults as that guy that i cannot use have no nation of their own. they can only imitate and impersonate actual culture and language and not if you choose content actually produce anything original, authentic this nation to attend to issues. of course that's rubbish. like that's a huge but it's where a cultural and theoretical justification of anti semitism was born to appeal later if you ask me to dance the real scandal and behind fog. now that's is this i just scanned on by voc now as a shop kind of i have no particular connection to wagner. i've never going to buy right away. but i've tried, does he create as well a 100 times? it's fantastic music. the man was a genius and genius galleries, but he was alert, sent through this april. sure fine. he was an anti semite, but he didn't need to write down or have that poisoned gift of to find that his
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anti semitism went a step to find. it's an emergency, which is most, it was like a breach in the wall. it was like, it was respectful society. it was culture and society. it was a composer, the highest form of german. this is being a composer. it was a german composer saying the 18 rights to be anti semitic. actually, it's quite a central, if you are a german supposed to features the, the rice moody target took place in may 1938 in just a little. it was a showcase of german music in national socialism. but the event was also intended to disparage what poverty audiologist called degenerates music and assets of mozy.
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the. this was the title of a museum exhibition put together by hun savannah siegler, the director of the national santa environment. inspired by the degenerates off expedition, he presented to examples of music that he considered repellent. the sky and the guns deciding so exactly was the general. it was a rather difficult task and the general taught was all made by abstract autism or autism. that's who does it don't in the human face of some industries exist, but south is pretty high in the highest on solve what kinds of starts and constant things and how that works. so those are you to kind of go last name was sign it and as of now from kitson, bus stop. and so what is degenerate music festival? so you could imagine a total of music we think because he blinked the triad was dramatic. a natural come
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on a tunnel music was jewish music, went out to another. music is do you, do you pretend them? is it all right? random ones because of the fundamental or the good to go to the and show that the other one on the do i gave them is dr. still won't go to another. do an awful or depends bunch of is listed, not dodgy. i'll turn on to do to give you a good log into how many of those you wouldn't honor change our cap jacks every see for those for you. just guys, being funny is still around. it was an abusive exhibition of, replete with contradictions. not any jewish musicians were reviled non jewish ones with 2, such as the austrian catholic composer and chronic. and his jazz oprah joining speed of which is the main current to is a black man, a black jazz musician who seduces a white homes, looked on,
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and that was considered right. a farm. and i saw some trend musicologist out abreast tuning is an expert on the nazi degenerate. music exhibition is documented and annotated the material in a book. it didn't boost as soon as they come out. the degenerates music brush f, as in boy as a symbol of degeneracy. of degenerate music, they've taken a blank jazz musician and an african american this music and portrayed him count as repulsively as possible. please upstairs does bulging lips and earrings in ordering, but also in its tal pants and tiles. fuck, you can't see the towels hit on a big sax events and saxophone. that's the finishing touches star of david. when do we conduct this? reflects the nazi feeling that the jews had mazda minded, the infiltration of jazz music into germany, jazz music. this was race mixing, pot exit all sorts, enter the nonsense space mixing was degenerate and how submission across the
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mission. while for the nazis and often the goals thought you want to be about 3, i'm pulled up in this group. let's start with the 3 of us, and if i ask who i'm good enough to novel studies fishing. gotcha. all right. that's barely enough to have ownership. okay. stuff. once that lights on somebody's inputs, bigler. speed, the 9th has informed me the model, which was cool on the fly. the loop is found to be to what size concept to for him
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. not if you can switch. i'm and birthday concerts for hitler were a fixture in the annual national socialist calendar kind of runs out on a few of us can board 2nd seal. his birthday on april 20th was an important event. and if i and it became the custom that the night before, they would hold a birthday concert. this is in the i'm for i'm and so be not just a board starts the consent, golf in previous years goes that trying to enlist for thing left for the birthday concepts. but he had excused himself on medical grounds in 1942 gallows trial. he managed to co us foot things into performing with the balance of the money the just have to kind on a thomas and we can talk this volumes have eaten before i knew what the occasion
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was. i wondered if it's going on there. if you can just sense something's happening, which is really quite fascinating and this knowing, as they are practically forced to sit up and take notice after school today at a concert makes a huge impression on us. but i know it took place at a time of great on ease and disquiet and stuff different, not the musical performances outstanding, in any case, something called at the concert at the millennium. so i can just send you a 1000 thoughts out the he's a man with a conscience who chooses to suppress his conscience. it was a propaganda event entirely to the taste of yoseph goods. and the mistress played along the
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disposition does not unless the face he makes when he's shaking hands speaks volumes of it said that he wiped off his hands. afterwards, we stopped most of us as a so you do get a sense that something strange is taking place of would it be to be so sensitive, but he just told themselves, do what needs to be done? mazda cx, but he delivered an interpretation of beethoven that evening, that was more profound than maybe even. he realized it was much easier than having never experienced those conditions ourselves. we used to judge we hooked up of the mower line that tells us of something use right to enroll until somebody is
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google. but we have to say, well, what would i have done in that situation or my motives? what are the benefits to me? what are the, what are, what are the detriments? i'm i under multiple threat. i'm, i get to lose my life. if i don't conduct this concert, it was birthday. and if the answer is no, if you're not going to be thrown into concentration, kept because you've got to adopt the mind conducting the future. you should, we had about machine instruments several times in mandolin. most one good time record is a chance to look the event we will mess the address on um, as soon as you can't imagine what it was like, it was an orchestra, so i can okay stuff. i don't ask me how she managed to make something out of it. that was acceptable. if we'd been so terrible that it was unbearable,
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that would have b, n defense. yeah. but as we have ones are indigo, asian. 2 model is a, was in her own right. an extraordinary violinist, very successful, helped established a really successful career for herself. 19, twenties, 1913 europe. she also came from a very esteemed musical lineage to her father on old rosa. she had been the comfort of most of the vienna philharmonic. he had found at the rose a quartet of the niece of good stuff on the
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making sure that the orchestra was good keeping his quality off was the best way that she could ensure the survival of the orchestra and its members. of course we don't have any recordings of the orchestra, so it's difficult to know how they sounded, but probably less media. ok and, and less pull in quality than many of the other camp bands through the can the germans address to as phone. oh my god. so i'm even that was on the hood of we would but she was, oh yeah, i know she had to dignity that couldn't be acknowledged into via the, in the 19 thirty's. i'm a real say lead a small women's orchestra called davina invited some age on the v in these world singles that she was deposited outfits. the economic 1943. as an
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experienced director, she had to specially arrange the pieces for the camps orchestra. since the selection of musicians and instruments in the exterminator can come was always time to chance. the different items drop by the jewish people were sort of selected and prepared for being sent for germany. this territory what's called an effect on the laga. and in the can jargon is was also called canada cannot be cos for europe in those days. canada was the land of plenty. the place of emigration deadlines of milk and honey canada was just here in this direction. the
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. ready changes you guys are focusing on what you imagine the situation when the deportations begin to. oh, so you have to leave your home in a day or 2 hours straight away. it doesn't flip, vice versa. what do you do yourself? do believe you're being resettled in east home. so what do you do? i'm choosing to use your voice on your best shoes issue which you fact sure. 3 best out. that's the thing that is most deactivated. there was a habit on an instrument as an instrument to speak, as you can find in, you take your violin. if you play the flute, you take your flute and we'll chat as it would cost. so be back in now,
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and it became one of the wealthiest places in europe. i lose only the most valuable objects people couldn't part with can him to be. i can now a cello, a violin. it was all the, i'm shown the guy here, the wireless the . ready the investigating commander says, here's an object commander was motion, i must have searched and figured i don't think vince the how can you mention kind of stumped on for a little overboard. and zip sites that you pick a number of this big take me like a given size dimension of one families. the
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in the morning after the morning glitching, they have to wrap their chairs and instruments and they are, we're climbing for this little squire, which is dressing next to the main entrance. and they started to play the march marchers which were well known they were made the time the german music. 2 2 2 2 2 2 in thousands of thousands of prisoners, much down to with the factories. and the same thing in the evening of the settlement the, the idea was the number was to be correct. the same number of those who lived there . kemp has to be back in the evenings. if somebody died get him to work. usually
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was just murderers. yeah, i think the work was unable to walk eh, her status because the prisoner was beaten. well, so because we divide the other prisoners at us this, that this 6 where to be corrected when vanessa baptist bought, when that was over, we went back to the block and just devoured the sheet music we had to the, and the repertoire because the account says on sunday, and so we set down somewhere in the content, various places and played for these amusements of the gods to whom i'm using my own to the present, screwed also hear us. they didn't to react the same way or some it was an insult not. i've also read this is allowed others to dream themselves. as of that, how if only for a few minutes, almost all americans. i'm probably not noticed. i had it
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when i visited our streets, i knew that i wanted to see block 12 with the music club course. i remembered from grandma's book that had block was near the room where the selections took place. and it was, as she's said, basically next to the fence. the time i went and i spent some time minded that after that, when did we have the funds, which may definitely come in and i'm in different communities. this type of funding found a sub list and i as in an alternate and is in the stunt i often come on down to my uncles to kind of brought on to hampton, which currently is an older kid. that's how much cracked that's alta when he
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gets one type pushed on. when he gets me and i'm coming, if you're looking for the lighting, i'm to gain the siding damage, which one is full time run to talk to him this afternoon that i've been seeing price, things like moving from coming and that's on. so that's for you up to some of the the major part which let's say to 2 hour, right, the left hand side as well. that was where they were sitting and they were practicing. and we may see the location of the building is it's still neighboring the can. that is also neighboring to the fence to the wire. and just behind the wire, there was the unloading platform. so in fact,
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when they were practicing to some people for on the platform, they could hear it then you'll see the news as well for come. it was perfectly normal for someone higher wrong to come to block and demand to have something played for them. a piece of order or should i give you said up to manually shakes disposition pro, showing the sized box to phone often becomes 2 blocks seen in auschwitz. i'm dealt with teens experimenting much of it's difficult to get to the phone the fact and
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must have experimented. you might have mastermind since the conflict was really volume. god of good conduct at some. 2 mentioning and so i went out and took one done and it's put him in the from 1943 to 1945. joseph ming and the was an s. s come doctor at auschwitz vehicle. now, he was responsible for the murder of tens of thousands of people wasn't able to do to him. i wanted to hear humans to him. all right, so i paid it as fast as possible. i didn't look at them at all. just get out on vacation. the most viable i wrote about that later because it's interesting to note that these people, people like many of the, were not an educator to, wouldn't get billed at north haven. he knew the pizza. so i, today, people ask me,
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how can you still play schuman the few months we did as a split in that city to yeah. how do you, how did you feel? yeah, i didn't feel and using the i guess out the i did complete the lose my identity. they'd say get the chance to not a chance to put the chance to d. i was the only one very lucky some click on the each of us or yeah, but i conducted him by heart by 18 years of service. i was very friendly with last
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on fox, his grandson on the menu showed me on this going, which measure has brought a tear to the feel resign? if you're gonna turn in all that, the fine. reuters the box and the festival every year. enjoying the nazi era, it was a most important since we found wagner was out of hip, this favorite composer, the split device, is not assigned a dry. she is always imminent, with fondness. i don't think we should be permitted to separate his work from the history of its reception from getting packed and audiology got it. that's what people trying to do. they say, well, yes, hitler and all of that. like that was terrible piece of good. but the music is defined in was it is good place. yeah, the music is defined, but so i was, i am convinced that you can and may only be a love of wagner and have a clear conscience. but if you're willing to confront that,
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all that aspect and truly grapple with it, all does he started to conform to you via does that mean to dean in the when and sneaked? i mean, 2 o'clock, i think that's what, as a chinese different dates often on have it kind of decided to stick with didn't suit english, kind of would you mind at once? that's true. now $18.00 now goes to the doctor. you have to write that rico and wagner, his daughter in law, vin afraid wagner began directing the by roy festival in 1930 the in your bite. and obviously you can give me a buzz back. know she and hit uh, just go to long and well on the same page when it came to wagner and buy white glove. um then they became close friends to box us. also us be that as that's from
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but hitler also when to buy high because to bulk and as well like family to just offer the family. he never, i always try. it was his way of getting away from adults. we're going to reach to best buy it and i do think it's important to acknowledge this particular the human dimension kite, by the terrible saying, is it a man who was basically a failed autism and phyllis triangle man was able to plunge the entire well into chaos so you've gotten savate is causing nonsense, hitler might be closer to us today. then we can to believe nea as was like 70 percent of the whiskey you'll get quotes was everything to him. you just spoke about it constantly
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doing you all's perfectly. he was also a knowledgeable talk there and with the value of the piece as well to know if i've got the holes getting found. and i used to tell me how he and his brother villans have to sit 5 is on place right here. and listen to hitler often late into the 92, and that's getting into all of this new fluid involved and store. the hitler's presence at the festival was also a political statement. and one that was understood international office like italian conductor, a total toscanini cancelled their appearances. jewish office will no longer welcome with all those what on the touch. i 1943 bill. him for the thing the had conducted at the festival. 6 times lots and lots of safety on golf when i talked to all figured, i had a habit of going backstage off to our performance, which is unusual for
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a politician who to as a he much. but that's why he felt like an outage among artists, and he liked that up on a, to the office with science it and on it that the fewer had come and spoken to them and shaking that hands and sign them and so forth. but they were in shante, that's fine, you know, tracing device on one of these occasions because he ended up meeting foot thanks to him because i'm testing reporting back a call the the of the told me that i didn't really i'm put back site in front of the startup,
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it's often standing in 1914, the event in by roy became what the nazis now called the war festival. and wagner music became part of the war and propaganda machinery. when you flip back, no, boy, it was initially talking to originally, ok. you didn't save of cancelling defense to hold the cost of the war, which they've done during the 1st was well, that's why the hitler didn't want us extreme. hitler was determined that by how it shows up as the grand foundation of the national socialist control project to. but this was a matter of propaganda. even though by then he'd let himself, audrey ever attend as speech back a couple years. since the start of the war, the wagner festival was financed by the nazi organization strength through joint. there was also responsible for recreational programs for them on
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the this meant that the audience was almost exclusively soldiers live. classical music was also performed in factories to maintain military monroe the item and it was very negative feedback as steve and it was on the part of the for the and ask him i'm soft costs. so excited and started on back in 1000 concept stops. and i talked of your input things that you didn't get that fair enough you'd, i'm owners all case though. you're here i'm, that's my studying. i flushed views on the because the,
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[000:00:00;00] the most he does most mostly done. com. awesome. there might even be some of us cleaning the i what's important to understand is that this music serve the purpose of propaganda funds and not only the music itself, but the framework under which it took place to just mark. there certainly were people in the audience who attended and listened, surely for the artistic enjoyment, despite the war and escape the grim reality of war time. however, briefly through musing will seek and be soon to be on the test on the ultimate lead . these performances suggested that music was simply another way to carry on how much of that to buy it does. even if the world was collapsing around the tenant, sir,
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you have the most of what i was giving out. the reason was the 2 an outside in daddy science makes different sites and getting dark when i'm at the doctor stop. seals is to find some p i the last time it is full time. and i invested in some of them to get the alpha bodies. these w, as in microsoft involving soft themes that start from school to elevate, scheduled phone numbers doesn't drive. gotcha quarterly or not. i'm saying when that happens, once they've got this type of problem becomes assigned us even type as enough nonsense. who not few, how can it be that as late as 1944, the funeral march on the go to them of them was still being recorded. then in 1944,
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when all resources were supposedly going toward when the machine called a total war housekeeper. i mean, obviously the state must have had a reason to want to go ahead with these recordings until almost to the bitter end. some indian, i'm so frantic the, we know that they will orchestra's in most of the main concentration camps. does all have its own orchestra's ducks in housing, books involved. and of course,
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in aspects there was not one but 5 orchestra's just in the main camp complex. so we know that orchestra's was very much an integral part of camp. los van closet does show piece we with a champagne. if someone say the red cross came to make sure, i'm sure it's was truly just an ordinary camp. they didn't show them a gas chambers. they showed them. awesome because we look relatively decent though, isn't music. so it must all be fine. guns about the whole thing was a colossal deception. colorado should've been here before i applied the
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the to this and start with a so called model ghetto model. cam it's, it's a smooth fortress town outside of prague and was established by the nazis really to demonstrate to the world what a fantastic last use with living under nazi internment denazi's and knowledge, and very fully fledged musical life to develop in the camp and very famous me, so it was cultural activities and musical activities formed the basis for a large part of the propaganda film that was filmed, the fuel donates
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a town to the jews the very late because 1944. i mean it was no secret to any party follies to red cross. what was happening, but the what the nazis were doing against jewish people and send to you and remember, and homosexuals and everybody else. so i don't know why they even fathered, making this film. i mean, most jews were killed by the in any way the and of course what happens to many of those musicians and many of those performers in the film is lips shortly after they had done they work. they too were placed on the transports. that was sent off to asheville, the
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part of the same mentality, part of the idea that national socialism is a cultural phenomenon. and even among those that we are measuring, we still want them to make music for us to this mentality. so perverse, it's almost beyond comprehension. but gigi is essential, it is integral to the way that they learn couples kimbler state function, the music of the arts, but to be used as part of somebody to machine rehearsals for a holocaust memorial day concept in london. the grandson of anita alaska, of unofficial to rage at the progress. simon. vile fish is also a cellist and to sing a musical highlights of the concept is
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a recreation for the victims of to race in stopped the composers to the vote over. see right, this in the 1990s, tears and get direction. and she is check, she lives in prague and it brings into contemporary time the car and compose it. her reflections on the history the oh, in the the who the
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me the to the bottom of a use is from the very or korean as a sort of fuel line. above which then the singer sings of sort of come tauriel jewish orthodox prayer on top of it. so i'm seeing some these are basically the most strongest. jewish crown there is above the very rec pm. the, you know,
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i didn't choose to be born in this family and i certainly wouldn't. so somehow, sally, the memory of victims of the holocaust to use that somebody or in building as it were. and i'm very sensitive about that at the same time. if it's such a part of my dna somehow that whatever i end up doing it, it pays a pot in it. and she was just a very loving grandmother. she still is, you know, she would come to every single concept that i ever did. i mean, from every school concert to, to today and really you understand everything,
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not every single no boss is asking too much less than ever. yeah. i know when you do that, well, just in between nephew. yeah, no. i'm in the office taking all sheets. i'm stressed, i'm responding to accomplish things. i'm reading through the end, the fun part of the not feeling better than the sheets. the attention of that back up. let's click on the click and get 12 else isn't scroll. hospital 49 more. this isn't the flight offering fish can get dark enough and there's just a bunch of he does. in the, in 1945, anita and renata, alaska were liberated but homeless and state laws. they had to stay in germany
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for months because no country would taken state this displaced persons immediately after the war. finally, they managed to emigrate to england, where they were reunited with the oldest system. money on the to london is where i need to alaska 2nd lives because it was easy for her to speak to my generation then to her own children. because at the time she was in her early to mid twenty's starting a family starting a new life in a new language, she actively did not want to bring up that period of her life. she felt that she wanted to catch up on last time. so she wanted to catch up with her, tell her studies and start her family and get on with her life. the chill, as i said, save time, also brought her back to life. an ethan last combined fish is
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a cellist and founding member of the english chamber orchestra. she married pianist page of via fish for almost 50 years. she didn't return to germany. in 1996, she wrote her memoir and became known as the cellist arrive switched to him for the things that stayed in germany until shortly before the end of the war. then what opportunities for him to leave sooner. for example, in 1936 when he was offered the position of conduct to of the new york philharmonic . so yeah, that's the point. what have you trying to sharing? yeah. okay. i gotcha. and he finally took himself on his family to safety in switzerland, in february 1945 and went off
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to his. the notification from he began performing again in 1947 for example here of the science folk festival in 1954. the the let's look at it from a postal perspective. the musical license gemini, had been so complicit in the crimes of the nazi regime that he never looked back. you've never trend state sales that connects us questions. they carry on as though nothing happened. because as far as, as music is concerned,
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nothing happened. the illusion of money was right in germany. i don't think people who should presume to judge someone in a situation they can't even imagine. i don't blame for 10 glass, not leaving everything behind and going to america. when know and would have known who he was. i mean like i could always woke. i meant is that so easy? so nice. the conflict is also not unless it's some damage. we still haven't truly grappled with the question exactly how many jewish musicians were dismissed. how big was the political influence, or were people simply willing to be instrumental lie to you. we still don't have answers to those questions, all right, in his office and that's in the scandal. i would ask him to see all these people who suddenly disappeared. why did you think they went to discuss funding?
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it doesn't mind what to after the war. my mother told me that on the radio, they often heard about what the allies had found in the concentration comp sliding on. and he said to see if we can never be happy again. they need the, the, for the bid him for the thing that died in november 1954 at the age of 68. this gray vision hydra bag. in south western germany,
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the in 2018 renata, alaska ha, placed underneath the alaska binding fish. were invited to the german parliament, a son raphael, violet, fish plate, the channel, the monson vivian before via, by devotion for less than a fuss. then dunces. yeah, we each have take the show then need the deadline. if you say of go to mine, half of alice best go body and then send you these easy i versus go to and for fee and fee, the each boy astonished half done. i am behind gift on the lips and display gifted monthly sensed would know this one that's the most. yeah. i had my m is last about the fish
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a great deal. in the way she's able to talk about what happened in such a straightforward way. i liked her speech quite a lot of us because of the pen. afterwards i wrote her to say i admired what she had to say directly to her connection to the culture for suited for reconciliation . her big heart, if i this out. so there's something very moving about that i'll see to music also had something to do with it. it's with the even the time and i performed for that man. somehow it all goes to demonstrate the power of music. this is you, system solutions for dusty music and does it cost out the desolate lice in the is divided into thoughts? you hello doesn't,
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there's no hell and ordinary life or decency not see succeeded in destroying many things. supplement music g, you can't destroy that. as soon as you can try, but it's impossible to move is the . 2
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the, the,
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the shift your god to life and it did to, to explore the latest online trend to navigate your way through the digital jungle global perspective. we'll see you guys and show you what's possible. you decide what really message to you
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in 15 minutes on the w icon of the automobile is turning the w to the car has been sold worldwide. no other car has remained so to move, so we celebrate it story and move to the future. will the goal for me to enter the world your own back in 30 minutes on the w the the actually cognitive changes in june. you belong to the 77 percent comfortable. i don't. and 65 last last those top 5 years. one wants to think we are here to help you make up your
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mind. we are here on please find your mind. so all of the topics i'm much up to you from couple talk fixed a new culture and in 15 minutes, let's say together, because i talked about community life on the service is now on mars around once. and then just to see a quote. yeah, i'm a sure sure go yet. so he is, his sisters have been in a coma that was caused by persecution and flight. the family had for assigned them and sweden. well 4 guns, dreams of another load. the dogs june dw,
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the . this is dw news line from by then israel stands defiant. and so the you when's top code is a hope to it's valid for you eventually in this southern gauze. and the city of process is well balanced to continue fighting to defeat thomas and multi tells him a job in operation in northern garza, that's forcing mold palestinians to flight lines that are on the political fight for the capital valley. as india reaches the final stages of elections to pickets, new leaders, and the race to find survivors of a massive land slide in
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a remote part of the top line, you get a 150, a day dent, injured,


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