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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 25, 2024 7:00pm-7:16pm CEST

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the, the, this is the, the news line from the land postage talks between israel and hamas are due to restock next week. but it will allow us to continue it's flight against thomas on more detail in the jump, an operation in northern gossip that's forcing even more palestinians to see also coming up the $77.00 come film festival of drawers to a close 20 to films. the buying will the top prize, the palm adult. we'll go live to the french riviera to talk to our film experts. the
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i'm going to jones would top you with us, mediated to negotiations between israel and how most to reach a deal to free is really hostages. in gaza assets to respond to this coming week. the decision came off to the heads of israel, small side intelligence agency, at the head of the c i, a and the prime minister of kata. but israel is continuing, it's offensive in ha, ha, and elsewhere and gaza. it's military released images, allegedly showing an assault in the north, where he claims to have destroyed the rocket, launching sites. the fighting has fullest palestinians to abandon the jump out of the refugee camp. the un says more than a 100000 people have fled to northern gall. so in recent weeks, israel says it has a right to defend itself against thomas and continue it's campaign in gaza, even though the international court of justice called in israel to end. it's offensive. a file from the front lines of the warren, gaza, is rails military campaign suffered
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a major legal blog is that it must immediately hold its minutes open. and any other action instead of a government which may inflict on the but assuming a group and gaza conditions of life that would bring about its physical destruction in hold or info at the latest icy j. rolling unequivocal about the need is round to protect the palestinians and do more to provide vital aid. the decision welcomed by south africa, which brought the case and his accused israel of commission genocide. this order is groundbreaking, as it is the 1st time that explicit mention is made for is to help if military action in any area gather this type of specifically aimed or elsewhere. israel rejects accusations of genocide and the latest i. c. j ruling. will cabinet administer beany guns, seed the fight to return its hostages would continue including in rafa
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b i. c j also ordered the i'm conditional release of hostages being held by hum us . well, the court has no way of enforcing the ruling. it poses a major challenge is ramsey allies have to choose between now i suppose to be to imagine what the situation of the oh, how much support and both seems to be quite difficult to make. the ruling is a speaking judicial blow to israel this week. the international criminal court has applied for a wrist warrants the israel's prime minister in defense minister over alleged war crimes. both decisions adding to global criticism of israel's war to a more let's go to dear lot in gaza where we're joined by he's from honda. he's
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a spokes person at the international committee of the red cross there. so very good to have you with us on dw, he's on. so we hear that the international criticism is mounting when it comes to is what else the fight against hamas in ga. so i get the fighting is go on as we've heard, what is the situation on the ground? but i want to kind of thank you for having me. the situation to me is to become worse by the hour of different areas because check in the nursing particular people i've been calling different now. so can we do this process of the lines off for evaluations and asked me to be transferred to receive medical treatment that is not available in the entire north of guys is true because the hospitals there, most of them have gone wrong or they are pushed out of service due to the facilities and they have to come in and done what dire situation there and be happy with missing that of thousands of families have to evacuate again. after many
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times displacements. 1 trying to run for their lives and trying to find a refuge or to say tables for himself. but there are babies to drop in the south. the operation these radio is ready minutes. every operation continues and rough. uh and it's, it's pending. and so far the estimates are around the 900000 people have slipped over the phone, broke off after living some months. and that was given a tiny situation. and they asked me some areas that are not equipped with the basic infrastructure to provide people with the basic needs. it is the cities, including sufficient amounts of food, drinking water and health care services, as well as the safety and security, which makes it even harder for the human italian organization. so it seems that quite a bit or even to china, because that is what i wanted to ask you. a huge shown because uh, i mean, you mentioned and you described to vividly also the situation for families and
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children gas. of course, having one of the youngest populations in the world. how come the red cross? how do 8 organizations such as yours? what can they do in this? as you mentioned, to yourself increasingly dire situation to protect civilians as well . the expectations are enormous and the keep increasing. the humanitarian situation can never be a solution to end the suffering, not of the minutes or so, not a military operation, only political efforts becca put an end to this blush. it and the sufferings of thousands of people. and families on both sides of the board of our give it a 10 year response has been significant be passed. it's just like any other compensation for you to be able to send these. there's no safe place in gaza. so it's not such an environment in which you might try and workers can work mission today or achieve the bare minimum meaningful even a time response of the ground. and secondly, there is limits of the resources including fuel, which impacts our movements, which impacts. so we're going to try and do these. we have been trying to provide
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an average of $50000.00 of meals on daily basis across south and causes trip. now we can only offer 10 seconds in some of the areas we can reach by some very simple example. ready of how going to respond. this has been impacted by facilities. what he saw honda spokes person at the i c r c. talk interest life. so from guy. so 1st of all, thank you so much for joining us and also thank you so much for the work you're doing the best is now a pretty drastic change of pace here because we're moving to the 77. so can the film festival, which is choosing it's when us today, including the film that will take the top award, the palm bowls. 22 movies uh, competing for the top price on the last day of the festival. among them is the seat of the sacred fake and rainy and film about the country's women that protest it's director mohammed russell office gave to prison sentence back home days before the
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festival. i know the strong contender is all we imagine a slide. the 1st indian film and competition h cannon decades, a nora, an american production about an erotic walker who marries the son of a russian. all the gods is also among the favorites. and keeping an eye on all of that is of course, dw is feeling expert rocks. scott rocks throw is in, come for us. got the winner isn't out yet. i believe. who do you think the window will be? yeah, i wouldn't lay any money on this because i'm always wrong. whatever i think is fantastic. the jury seems to disagree. but this year hasn't been the greatest year for can i'd only, i only think there's 2 or 3 films that deserve to in the palm door this year. um if i had to pick and i had to leave my money down. i uh choose um, one of the films that you mentioned at the top uh there. um, oh,
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we imagine as like, uh, which is an indian movie. the 1st indian movie here in can in competition in 30 years, which is kind of how to handle, given the us the quality of been sent off worldwide. um, but uh, uh, this is a really amazing job. it has basically everything you want, everything you want in a movie, its a story of 3 nurses living and home by all sort of tracing romance. i'm and it's, it's everything, it's dramatic. it's, it's sad it's, it's, it's joyful, it's funny. and it's, it's visually stunning and it's anchored by 3 amazing performances by these 3 lead actors is, i don't know if it's gonna when the palm door a tonight. but i do think it's, if it doesn't go with it, because we completely empty handed. i'll be really shock. this is one of my favorite films of this year's best talking a favorite film, the usual festival films, not necessarily make it at the box office. are there any feelings and come shown with the potential to become box office hits?
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it's probably not. uh, there were a couple of films that were shown here, which are actual sort of blockbusters or potential block busters. we saw george miller's of fury, osa ad max story, which is the sequel to his, a map, max. build the, the films that i saw here that might have some potential or films like the substance. this is a french from a french director. it's a sort of body hor, campy body, or a film starring demi moore. um as a fifty's a is a former hollywood star who sort of kicked to the curb when she's 50 and tries to find a way to rejuvenate herself. and it takes a very experimental treatment that has quite unexpected and quite horrific consequences. um, it sort of reminds me of sort of classic david cronan berg films from, from the 1980s, a lot of find the very, very gory and very, very violent to a level that probably won't appeal to sort of the blockbuster crap. all right, well scott, you certainly sound as soon as he asked him there and you are dressed up, pulled the pot to us, good rocks, bro,
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we'll be catching up with you later in the evening to find out what the winter is. thank you so much for now. while i'm here in berlin, one of the biggest show down syndrome and football is about to get underway. and this year it's a little lopsided funds have been gathering at the olympic stadium ahead of the german tops where nearly everyone expects the bonus. they go in a slave occlusal, to put today european top las behind them with a german double. but the 2nd division on the docks ties us allow to hoping for some magic the tournament has a reputation as a place where giants us main well and dw. so you use the done, you. 6 about a solo and that is at the olympic stadium for us here in berlin down. yeah, i have football. crazy island is. it's pretty empty behind you as yeah. i am in front of olympia side. you on right now in berlin now. this area was absolutely packed
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a little while ago. the fans have started to trickle into the stadium. now the atmosphere here today was absolutely electric. fans has actually been in berlin for a couple of days now. they've set up a couple of band zones in the west around the city yesterday. for example, congress loud turn. fans were already out partying in numbers. now, just so you get an idea of how many people are here. the capacity of olympia savion right behind me is over 70000 people. that is sold out and thousands more fans, cancer, berlin, just so they could be part of the dsp protocol, final party, which they always, every year in berlin. it's a real highlight in german football and hopefully a nice preview of what we're going to see in the euro is which kicks off in germany in less than a month. that's true, and who is the big crowd to pull as and the labor costs of all kinds of slauson who's the favorites to in tonight's much okay. levia chosen is definitely the favorite to win this match. it's a real david versus a live class. now this season has been a drug or not of german football state,
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the throne, fire and unit to win their 1st ever buddhist like a title. and they did it. and to see that now they are coming off of a massive loss in the year, rosalie final. on wednesday, they were $51.00 wins on defeated. so that took a little bit of wins out of their sales cuz you're so out there will be looking forward to maybe taking advantage of that. but shelby alonzo and everything codes said they're going to use that page and turn it into hunger to win this game. tonight, all right, done here by so no one else. thank you so much. thank you. time for a look at some headlines. it's easily says it will resume funding the u. s. palestinian release agency u n. r w a, which coordinates most 8 and gas a, some countries voltage funds to the agency off the israel appealed some of its staff of being involved in the how much lead to terra tech in october. some don't, those nations have now resumed ties off to the publication of an independent report
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into u. n. r w, a neutrality. at least 2 people have been killed and thousands injured. and the russians strike on a crowded hardware superstore and ukrainian city of how to keep 5 crews up asking to contain the blaze. authorities say many more fee as dates of to, to guided bombs hits the building. presidents zalinski repeated his call for western ad defense to protect civilians and rescue teams have arrived at the sites of a must if a land slide in pop. what new guinea hundreds of c a did soft amounts of rubble and my tape. several remote villages in the early hours of friday. the rugged terrain on damage to major road is hampering the image emergency response efforts. and that's all the time we have for now. up next is our tech show shift with a look at the ethics of artificial intelligence, monica jones from the,
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and then use team invalid. thanks so much the so you don't think and feel the same way you expect. and one different thing from lines from your parents, i just want to pursue what sets my saw on fire or you think your kid is 2 different, risky, irresponsible, unreasonable, all stuff i wondering was.


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