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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 25, 2024 8:00pm-8:15pm CEST

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the the, this is the, the news fly from the land hostage talks between israel and hamas are due to restock next week. but these will allow us to continue. it's fight against thomas. i'm more details and much of an operation in northern gossip as forcing even more palestinians to flee. also coming up on you treated to combat the file, piracy, the land to mock deal, and to stop the pillaging of traditional knowledge of indigenous peoples and resources. white medicinal plants, the
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i monica jones, good to have you with us, mediated to negotiations between israel and thomas, to reach a deal to free. is there any hostages in gaza assets to respond to this coming week? the decision came off to the head of israel's, most at intelligence agency, met the head of the c i a and the prime minister of kata. but it is way it is continuing. it's offensive in rasa and elsewhere in gaza. it's military release to images, allegedly showing and assaults in the north where it claims to have destroyed rocket launching sites. the fighting has fullest palestinians to abandon the w a refugee camp. the un says more than 100000 people, athletic northern casa, in recent weeks. israel says it has a right to defend itself against thomas and continue it's campaign and gaza even though the international court of justice called israel too. and it's offensive. a
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file from the front lines of the warren, gaza, is rails military campaign suffered a major legal blog is that it must immediately hold. it's mindy to offense and any other action instead of a government which may inflict on but assuming a group and gaza conditions of life that would bring about its physical destruction in hold or input. but at the latest icy j rolling unequivocal about the need for is round to protect the palestinians and do more to provide vital aid. the decision welcomed by south africa, which brought the case and his accused israel of commission genocide. this order is groundbreaking, as it is the 1st time that explicit mention is made for yourself to help its military action in any area together. this time specifically in draft for israel rejects accusations of genocide and the latest i. c. j ruling will cabinet
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administer beany guns, seed the fight to return its hostages would continue including in rough or v i. c. j also order the unconditional release of hostages being held by hum us. well, the court has no way of enforcing the ruling. it poses a major challenge is rams allies. they have to choose between now i suppose to be to imagine how much some for 3 and both seems fun to be quite difficult to make. the ruling is the seeking judicial blow to israel this week. the international criminal court has applied for a wrist warrants the israel's prime minister in defense minister over alleged war crimes. both decisions adding to global criticism of israel's war
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a. hey sean honda is those folks pass at the international committee of the red cross and they are all the law in gaza. i asked him to describe the situation on the ground, but i want to kind of thank you for having me. be situated continues to become worse by the hour of press different areas. because check in the north, in particular people i've been calling deep enough to communicate better across the top lines off for evaluations and asked me to be transferred to receive medical treatment that is not available in the entire north of guys is true because the hospitals there most of them have gone wrong or they are pushed out of service due to the facilities and they have to come in and um, what dire situation there and be happy with missing that thousands of families have to evacuate again after many times and displacements. 1 trying to run for their lives and try to find a refuge or to say tables for themselves. but there are babies to drop in the south
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. the operation these radio is ready minutes. every operation continues and rough. uh and it's expanding and so far the estimates are around 900000 people, half lives over the phone, broke off after living in months and it was given a tiny situation. and they have some areas that are not quite equipped with the basic infrastructure to provide people with the basic needs. it is the cities, including sufficient amounts of food, drinking volter and health care services, as well as the goal, safety, and security, which makes it even 100 for the human italian organizations. that's themes, that's what they're giving to china. that is what i wanted to ask you a here. certainly guess. uh, i mean, you mentioned and you described to vividly also the situation for families and children gas. of course having one of the youngest populations in the world. how come the red cross? how do 8 organizations such as yours? what can they do in this? as you mentioned,
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to yourself increasingly dire situation to protect civilians as well . the expectations are enormous and the keep increasing. the humanitarian situation can never be a solution to end the suffering, not of the minutes. it was not a military operation, only political efforts becca, with an answer this blush, it and the sufferings of thousands of people and families on both sides of the board of our human a 10 year response has been significant the past. it's just like any other kind of compensation for you to be able to send these. there's no safe place in gaza. this is not such an environment in which you, many time workers can work mission today or achieve the bare minimum meaningful even a time response of the ground. and secondly, there is limits of the resources including fuel, which impacts our movements, which impact. so we're giving the chance to be these. we have been trying to provide an average of $50000.00 of meals on daily basis across south and causes trip. now we can only offer 10 seconds in some of the areas we can beach was
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a very simple example. how going to respond? this has been impacted by facilities. what he's from honda spokes person at the i c r c talking to us life. so from gas, a physical thank you so much for joining us and also thank you so much for the work you're doing there all the best and here's a look now it's some more headlines. it only says it will resume funding the u. s. palestinian relief agency u n. r w a, which quoted nights most 8 and also some countries hold it. funds to the agency of the israel accuse some of its staff of being involved in the homeless lives tara attack in october. some don't us nations have now resumed ties after the publication of an independent report in t u n. r w h neutrality? the french police has been clearing roadblocks on the ride island of new cala. don't? yeah. as flights evacuating french taurus get on the way,
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the french government has declared a state of emergency in the south pacific territory of divine interrupted, over proposed constitutional changes. 7 people have been, have died in the unrest. india has concluded the 2nd to last phase of its mama selection spread across different states today. voting in delhi was in focus. it's the national capital region with 7 highly symbolic seats in india. sense of power went up for grabs ronald. i'm the senior leader of the opposition congress parties, which ruled india for more than 50 years to dallas in the blistering heaps, to cost his vote. so that there is a chief minister out of ins catch it evolved another off, a prime minister in the end of the movies made opponents only a few weeks ago, he was arrested on corruption charges and released on entering bail after the supreme court intervene. the opposition parties accused modi's ruling b, j. p. all using criminal propes to her to that chances or i will respond in
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a shallow job off in daily sent us this reports to round off of the posting de leon deleon. other parts of india, a brave scorching heat to come off to vote today, a read aloud has been in place by the indian met department for the extreme heat wave conditions. 58 constituencies voted in india today, but for lice. but on denny, i just the administrative capital of india and crucial to those willing b. j. b party. but daily has been mired into political storm since the rest of its chief minister. i've been cage evolved just ahead of the elections in april. he's now out on, instead of being an officer costing his vote today, he said in a we'll reference to prime minister movie that his vote was against dictatorship. we've seen several ways and arrests of opposition leaders who have accused the ruling b. j. p. party of misusing the federal agencies to stifle position charges that mister moody's party denies road gone. be the leader from the main opposition party congress also what it today. his body's feel heading an opposition alliance of
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which mr. kids you bought is also a part. they say that this election is about saving the secular soul of in depth knowledge remains to be seen. if the voters buy into more, these people came to majority catering, ism and economy development, or the issues raised by the opposition, like inflation, unemployment, and democratic back sliding us as you and talks in switzerland more than 119 nations have agreed to a new treaty to combat so called bio piracy, is with us to corporations using patients to look up natural resources and traditional knowledge of indigenous peoples without compensation. the vast amazon rain forest home to the greatest bio diversity on earth. one in 10 known species lives here, and a new plant or animal is discuss offered by indigenous peoples and local communities in the form of their genetic resources and associates. a traditional knowledge which was usually for a current example of bio piracy. now about take the psychoactive plants mixture.
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ios sca in the 1980s, an entrepreneur from the us patented, one of the plants used in the brew, despite the fact it had been used for centuries by indigenous healers in south america. so american war and the amazon regions and south america in general, we use a medicine that a plant well known throughout the world, one of the known by its name i o, oscar brun, i'm winchester. there are many laboratories that want to do research on this plan. that fits to treat people with psychological problems on his own little mental problems. i think we're all he cool and many pharmaceutical companies, language in various parts of the world. but as part of today, we want to take ownership of this plan to make medicine less lawsuit. under the new treaty, anyone looking to patent an invention based on traditional indigenous knowledge, such as a wasa, will be required to disclose their source. but the treaty does not address compensation for those communities. here in berlin, one of the biggest,
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tow dance and durham and football is about to get underway. and this year, it's a little lopsided funds have been gathering at olympic stadium a head of the german comp, where nearly everyone expects one to speak up with us neva, cause them to put to value, repeat uncomfortable se behind them with a gentleman double. but the 2nd division on the dog's crisis allowed to and hoping for some magic the dw who's done yet barcelona joined us earlier, just outside the olympic stadium in berlin to tell us about the excitement before the match. yeah, i am in front of olympia side. you on right now in berlin now, this area was absolutely packed a little while ago. the fans have started to trickle into the stadium. now the atmosphere here today was absolutely electric. fans has actually been in berlin for a couple of days now. they've set up a couple of band zones in the west around the city yesterday. for example, cars are salturn fans. we're already out partying in numbers now just so you get an
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idea of how many people are here. the capacity of olympia society on right behind me is over 70000 people. that is sold out and thousands more fans, cancer, berlin, just so they could be part of the d. s. b poke outside, all parties which they hose every year in berlin. it's a real highlight in german football and hopefully a nice preview of what we're going to see in the year i was which picks up in germany in less than a month. that's fair and who is the big crowd to pull as and the labor costs of all kinds of slauson who's the favorites to in tonight's much the okay. level of who is in is definitely this favorite to win this match. it's a real david versus a live class. now. this season has been a drug or not of german football state, the throne, fire and unit to win their 1st ever buddhist like a title. and they did it defeated. now they are coming off of a massive loss in the year rosalie final on wednesday they were $51.00 wins on defeated. so that took a little bit of wins out of their sales. kaiser salter will be looking forward to
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maybe taking advantage of that. but shelby alonzo leverage codes said they're gonna use that paid and turn it into hunger to win this game tonight. all right, it's done here by so nice. thank you so much and that's all from us for now. i'm next report. yeah, i'm going to jones. thanks for watching the sometimes it's hard to find what you're looking for but we've got something for you. the, the, the, it is some of the more people than in such a professional life crisis within pod for example, somebody that's sort of a lead.


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