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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 26, 2024 3:00pm-3:16pm CEST

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[000:00:00;00] the life from bowie, and this is the w use for the 1st time in months air raid sirens, sound in television almost says it kind of coverage of growth. it's towards east wales biggest city, several explosions, the central kind of, you know, major injuries for, for political people. this independence stay in georgia. the nation celebrates historic victories and it's baffled for freedom as a fight over a media ownership bill. presence the terms of the country back towards friendship
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and the french president, the men will misquote, lands info. then for a 3 day state visit. this trip to germany is the 1st by a friendship president in 24 years the i've been visible and woke up. we stop with breaking news from the middle east where the wing of the palestinian militant group thomas says it has find a quote large real good barrage towards these rail warning sirens sounding in the city of tel aviv is wales. he says a number of the projectiles. were intercepted and at least h. rockets came from rafa in southern gaza, where it's supposed is a currently involved in a military operation, as well as the war against how mazda is now. and it's 8 months following the after
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the 7 territory. i asked the w correspondent tanya claimant in jerusalem to give us more. it was indeed the 1st time and weeks or you could say months now that such a large barrage of real codes for us launch 2 words, a news and a telling people there's seduce beyond in the north of tele beach and central is rose dislike and can is like pit optics and how it's lea. uh now the uh is there any military has said that a project, todd's front loans from the area of half of this is where the military is currently carrying out. its offense is coming in the a, from the east and moving towards the center of casa, i must have submitted turvenio, some brigades have said that they have loans just lots for us and for our kids invitation of, for the ongoing military operation. and now this shows that we have been seeing actually in recent weeks,
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more rockets and motors being fired into southern as well, but not so much these longer range. smith, saws as a today about the shows that i'm us and other minute 10 groups have or retain the capability of noticing such a longer range missiles. this comes on the back to us that there are some reports that potentially some talks or negotiations in direct negotiations. my 3 starts of this week about a temporary cease fire and the release of hostages, but would be a seeing right now is intense pointing, continuing in golfer and so many people civilians, they're being told to move again in gaza or in response to that finding which is in response to those type of 7 terror attacks by, by how much the w's tanya cream of their thank you. i mean, they treat parade has been held to mouth, georgia's independent and state event at the capital to boost the fellow's weeks of protests and on rest of the new legislation,
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which critics say presents democracy. the so called foreign agent bill requires media and non profit organizations. to register that is molding 20 percent of the funding comes from abroad. the law was passed by parliament fed vetoed by george's president who was attending the ceremony. the ruling georgia dream party is however, said to stop complementary proceedings to override that presidential will be taught . as the w report, maria got to months in sibley, see about the mood among people. they the verify some of the ordering capital c, p. c, the military for right. what's housing the morning on the side, the official signed the pro western president, so long as it will be severely. they made the speeches, but these are very, very different in a way, for long as it obviously was saying that europe is actually the way for georgia,
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and that will help georgia to keep its independence for the georgia husband, claiming that sees x rays or that was mentioned in the speech all the time in a cell suit actually called, but he's a, he saw that to that to west sense of countries are interfering in georgia in the fast. and you can see that the independence day is a very, the, the via devising here in georgia decide the cost of business via, despite the people coming out on the street to celebrate this crucial theory for the country. because the independence for georgia was of, was a very difficult achievement, very, very blah, the wars to, to, to the georgia's went through. there's lot of times to achieve this independence in the past. so to yes, russia has invaded georgia on this is the day that many uh say that's a very important for them. but they also been telling me people here on the street that they gave this independence. but it's very fragile and they still need to
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apply for it. so are there any more purchases planned? the pro tasks are expected to continue today. uh, actually is they never on the, they didn't say they were always uh, if the housing different locations much uh, in the, in a smaller scale pro tasks with a larger scale pro is expected to neither protest is say that this is the day one, they have to fight again for the in depend, as i said before, it is so called for an agent sale. they see it as a pro russian sale. they see this is a pivot, so russia and that's why they say the prototypes is that they have to 5 to 2 to keep that independence and to keep georgia away from russia and break away from the russian rule as one. so what's being the reaction of georgia and officials to the
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georgia official side that they will not back down despite the possible sanctions from the was the few parliament has the adults to the resolution warning on sanctions against faith in need of the country between him and his speed, it was behind the georgia in the pod seats. us also suggested that they will introduce a sanction val. i gave the georgia an official who the us states is responsible for back sliding from democracy. and the georgia and officials say that we're not afraid of sanctions. we are introducing this bill because we want to, as far as the number of countries we don't want one that was going to see or in the relationship of our country. and that's, that's why there is such as address in georgia because people do not agree with this. the government spends whoever you report to intern policing with the nice for us. thank you. look now at some of the other news, the leaders of south korea,
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japan and china, are in sold for that 1st try and natural sound like, you know, the 4 years chinese by me. i'd be chung and japanese prime minister for me. ok. she that's going around a tape literally a way of case it as stress, the importance of peace and stability and the time constraint is more chinese military drills around the self government. time of booking a fast, always military by game has extended its rule for another 5 years of the most political parties, blank on the national consultations. the who has been in power since 2022 promise to hold elections this year. but now says he's unable to restore the democratic old youtube, the security challenges facing the country. just different french president emanuel my call has landed in berlin for 3 days. state visit is to germany will be the 1st french presidential at 2 a in 24 years. it finds between pulsations of remain strained in recent years, especially at a time when the european continent is facing several challenges,
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including the war and ukraine. kevin, chaz felt that i felt and my for remains with all the issues concerning fiscal policies and the energy with relations with china, with france has criticized germany over its dependence on the ration which i like to have now is that bellevue palace for us, and by then by president mccaul is expected to arrive, the state visit is also about projecting european unity. i believe at a time with france and germany increasingly find themselves at all absolute v. they have regular consultations. first cabinets will meet this week. that's when the political folks will take place, but behind me a belt loop. how does the president is already having his god practice? that's official states, visits official banquet this evening on the a model of my head, the celebration of demons, democracy,
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75. use some of these basic rules and he's the research fight present funds by the sign myers and the logic has a ceremonial role. so it will be all about the pictures. it will be about celebrating what both countries says on the knowledge that germany and fonts don't want to take the european project further. it simply won't happen. so they said the whole flood flood stops publicly. today on stays out the celebration of germany basic rules and as then determine console. a sofa also does present this evening at the state bank where it's difficult for the toughest hoping to get done on tuesday . let's talk about those top told one of the big differences is, uh, this stance on rushes were a new correct. and this is the interesting thing. both countries want to receive the same thing. they want to support ukraine at the same time,
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across the roof with a lot of feathers by a very popular thing, not ruling out of west and ground truth in ukraine. something from his house that was told went out of his way to publicly absolutely roll out in line with the us. take on that. then fonts is a bit more incentive in the type of weapons delivering was from the size of way from is sending those weapons that could reach fall into russian territory at the same time. this is on the kinds of criticism from the german side with crossing ways down the list of support has both and military equipment that open financial time. and germany is number 2 behind the united states. so both a pulling in the same direction, but don't read on how to get that. and that also translates into things like energy market,
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but also the question of where that and how it protects and is the future you should be particularly towards china. yeah. will tell us more about those relations with china, white building and power steve of the fall again, the european union, france, germany and everybody else. all for the 7 save, one to avoid being stuck between a rock and the hob place as the rhetoric itself in between the united states and telling us here, fonts wants to be more protect smith and germany fees, any kind of repercussions that could be a response from china stood in the you follow suit and also as soft power is particularly on electronic vehicles, the us it's just that 100 percent on electronic vehicles being imported. so that still is an open question as you still need to decide. and that will be a very uh, tricky, an interesting one. and when both lead us would have sold and press present, mano, my fall,
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meet here for political tools on tuesday. like make sure i like the outside value palace in building. thank you to pump when you're getting a way of molding 670 people of thought to have died after a huge landslide is hit on friday. the remote in the province in the countries knows with mountains of mud and debris bearing more than a 100 homes. some rescue teams have managed to reach the area and are working to move. survivors be safe, the ground. the national government is now considering whether it needs to officially request more international support. the chief of the un migration agencies mission in the south pacific island nation gave us this update on the estimated desktop. one whole community that was situated at the foot of the mountain had to be buried under a $6.00 to $8.00 metre deep uh,
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so as of yet on the 5. but these could have been recovered. but the numbers are fee of to be much greater than initially anticipated. we have a team, 06, stock members currently at the site to get to the with the other agencies, the government and the government entities working hand in hand and side by side contributing to the front. 8 support is uh, just become clear uh that the estimated number of houses that is 30 is unfair. 6 sibling is approximately a $150.00, and plus that is uh 90, more than uh, previously he ported and uh, they are this to me. i think that's more than 6 something been 70 people on this order with kohl's. oh, savings them a lot. is should that brings you up to date on all the international news of the ex?
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