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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 26, 2024 7:00pm-7:16pm CEST

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the the, this is the, the news life from bull and francis leda in monterey, and my call begins a 3 day visit to berlin thing franco. german relations are indispensable and important for europe. his purpose, the 1st stage visit here by french president in 24 years at the air raid sirens, sound intel i b for the 1st time in 4 months. how much is it? 5 of raw. so for all kids to what israel, biggest city, 70 explosions, i heard in the center of tel aviv from no major injuries report the
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monica jones good to have you with us. and by the way, my call is in portland for the 1st stage of the search by french president in 24 years. mccomb was welcomed by the german president honk. by to shy maya, it is an official residence bellevue palace. franco. german relations have been strained in recent years, especially as europe faces challenges like the war in ukraine. german chancellor, when i shall remain split with his french counterpart on energy and government spending along with relations to china, where my coal has criticized you in many over its dependence on the regime. and dw is to be sure, look who's not is standing by for us at bell the palace in berlin, where she also listened to a press conference press statements that were given there by president mccall. and did you want me to present punk by define my mikaela, we hear that to me. i call that i was talking about the importance of the franco
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german friendship. what else was being said? it's just absolutely by both leaders having seen all of these uh, pictures of harmony throughout the day here. where of course, it will so us about what will happen about those pressure points. for instance, on ukraine where they want the same outcome. they want to both the ukraine, they don't want russet to wind. and then you have to friend saying that those who lout troops on the ground with the dumb and sobs that would have sold adamant that that is absolutely a red line to him. he wouldn't be willing to across the united states also is willing to process just one example where they seek the same outcome but have very different takes on it. well today on both sides. if i said when to model my saw, but also german for the size of sign online, we have to go 1st i spoke of the vision to overcome differences where they don't align yet. well,
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that will take place when of both leaders will have souls and the amount of our call meet on tuesday. together with members of the cabinet and liza back near by, lynn today, both for projecting harmony. what ever a could a clear signal to russell, but also china. exactly. you just said, i mean the state visit stopped it. of course with a well come by the goodman hate of state. but he has a much more ceremonial role. he's not actually in charge of every day politics, unlike the german chancellor. so what will be on the agenda when i call and to show it's going to meet mine's you assigned by this time of the 7 president is a form of foreign minister and he is trying to hide that. but he can't always do that . and we expect for life, so the monitoring my call to talk in new to receive when it comes to bolstering you crane. there's a feeling here in germany that isn't voiced publicly,
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so much that is from isn't stepping up, is much as it stood. germany is the 2nd largest support of new crane and monetary on military times, right behind the united states fonts is much further down the list. despite the fact that the font is willing to send more powerful mo, 5 reaching weapons that could potentially reach into russian territory. and then something germany, particularly, or salts himself, is not willing to do so well. he hear them talking about that, but also very different outlooks on how much for texts and how much holes this should be against china. and from having a much tougher line at the moment, more lines with united states. interesting lease, then germany, because germany's auto industry is largely in china. that's where it's making its process in germany. see is retribution from the chinese side. so the very tricky issues, once again, both sides wanting to get more independent from china,
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but germany funding in a lot more difficult and that particular point than fond. right. but this of course, is the 1st stage visit to buy french president in 24 years mission and it just very briefly, my call is off to dressed in tomorrow. what about that is his ambition. once again, i have to add, though, that they have regular consultations and the door cabinets meet every year. but at the same time, my call wants to head into saxony to dress and hold the european speeds, clearly and attempt to win over hawks and mines. in a state that this having result elections and where the fall right? ac is riding sky high in the opinion polls. so him presenting himself as a true european who is trying to fight the fall of rights noticing from us, but also here in germany. right. thank you so much for that. you don't use me sound like, you know, they're in front of bells, the palace in berlin. a vital issue monetary,
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an aide has begun entering the gaza strip, where the camera, michelle, on crossing a few kilometers from rough. uh, the assistance is from egypt, but comp cross directly from there due to kyra's refusal to coordinate 8 through the rock crossing until control of a gas inside is handed back to palestinians. kevin shall long connect the gas a strip directly, which is what else. the change comes after a deal between the egyptian and us presidents. it gives a media say, a total of 200 age trucks are expected to cross into gaza today. but un agencies say ongoing finding insolvent garza usually makes it's too dangerous to retrieve the 8 and 4 more lights speak to dr. deep mala, mala she is. the chief you might have to be an officer of the 8 organization test. thank you so much for joining us here on dw. now the united nations has reiterated that it's awesome to dangerous to retrieve the aid once it is delivered to gaza. do
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you have any information on the 208 trucks that have reportedly entered the gaza today? i mean, absolutely the ongoing military you open save in that i don't drop less than 6 of me compounded by cutting off and looking what was the lifeline of delivered and do you mind didn't a drop off crossing this combination has seen nearly impacted affected all are able to you as agencies to distribute live sitting assistance to people who are on the brink today. it's a welcome sign. it is encouraging that drugs are starting to end up getting tional 20200 word many fisted to enter today. as far as we know, $126.00 only be $12067.00 to today because it's up until 5 pm, the drops get entered and the gross is the bureau because the loading unloading it takes a whole lot of time. so wanted to accept the gum, and for the remaining we are not to yet sure. will they come tomorrow or have they
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been sent back? but as you say, this is only the truck entering the inability to uplift the guard will understand a scene inside is hugely distracted and all are able to do distribute aid is going to limited by the continuous bombardment and 7 impediments that we have. yeah, you mentioned that, i mean there is this ongoing fighting, especially in southern gaza. i should have mentioned that it's very difficult for a you your co workers as well to provide aid. what are you hearing from the ground them or what we are using is in since in the last day. so 7 months, every day, every single day i taught it cannot get worse and i have been wrong every single day. so at this point, let me start by saying that in workers themselves are affected. so you know, people in work are the distributor. they are themselves trying to save themselves. their family is moving around continuously being displaced. and then there's the
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keels in many places that have been situation way supplies have be noted with a workers have been adapted kids the number of age. welcome skills into this crisis is not something that the i've seen before. and then there's a lot of trouble. the physical line that says is also very, very restricted, and then the bombardment, the military often seem to be a task that also employees. so it is quite a deal to get the moment, but the end workers are doing their best. and i believe i'm son and that much more can be done if there is a children's off predicting aid workers and getting more trucks in. we are very and gutters by 200 trucks being allowed in. however, before october, they have a $500.00 trucks coming in every single day, $500.00, and then all these a 67 months, the names have only escalated so much, much more as needed. as an aid, workers need to be an i to deliver aid for the start of physical access to these.
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the affected communities also needs to be improvised in order for us to be able to save lights. right. so $200.00 trucks is a start. uh, 500 was better, and a lot of people also say 600 trucks a day. that's what it uh it takes. uh, let's hope we get to the doctor a depaula mano, chief human to terry, an officer at cass. thank you so much for your time. thanks for having me. meanwhile, the ongoing all the palestinian militant group homicides certified a large rocket. the roster was israel on sunday morning. so i ran so that sounded in the city of tele, visa's residence rose to take shelter. easements armies is intercepted a number on the subject. they would know reports of injuries with damage, at least 8 will. kids came from rock, hallway is right. any forces are currently involved in the ground defensive.
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israel's war against how mazda is in it's 8 months following the turbo tax on october 7th, ukrainian city, a how to fund surrounding region has seen increase the tax of to russian troops stalled over the board and opened a new front to the north. hog. chief is ukraine's 2nd largest city and is less than 30 kilometers from the russian border of san today. at least 14 people were killed in thousands. my wounded went to russian, guided bombs, struck a lot, hardware store, and some apartment buildings and the city cook and c. c, tv. this, this, the no meant to russian bones. it's a busy hardware store. in hockey. strikes, spot to play is sending a column of accurate, black smoke high up into the rage for some 60 hours before it could be fully extinguished. u. k. you know, authority say around 120 people in the store when the volume struck,
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this is up, let's go. it happened all of a sudden show like we didn't realize what was going on at 1st. so what those things just started be falling on our heads, and then we found ourselves in the dark as up to the point. there was panic everywhere. there was so many people, so it's saturday, lunch time for boys gardening season, which is why there weren't many people in the store and says, lots of cars in the parking lot outside with it. and other people with children to the portion of the show to a set massage strike, hit an apartment block in hockey, building. several people are leaving a crate to that. the, such as the building president the lensky issue, to plead, to clayton's west and allies, to help boost defenses and keep the country cities sites against what he called the russian. tell him a text to this strike on har. keith is another manifestation of russian madness. there is just no other way to put it to keep it only such
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a madman as booting or capable of killing and terrorizing people in such a viable way. people to will bring the ukraine peace summit, talent in switzerland, over the past few months. international communities, attention has be less focused on events in ukraine, and keith will be hoping that attack success, wondering how keith act as a reminder that this war is still far from over a football now and by a labor costs and a half $1.00 to do them and cops with a one meal victory over 2nd division. i'm the dog skies loud to the bonus that you got a chance to go to the only goals of the 16 minutes with this perfectly place, long distance effort funding fee to, to granted jekka just before the break of 2nd yellow ridge cod against defend with the low cost of the new meant the favorites. how to play most of the match with just 10 men. they because announce celebrating the gym and double awesome outstanding season. and to do the use done your best alone. i followed the match up
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the olympic stadium in berlin and she has more on labor courses victory. it was an absolute absolute nail biter of a final. i mean labor crews and of course, they are the better team on paper. they did get an early red card in the 1st half and what it to you got to read cards that early in the game. it really does change the way you play. kaiser's voucher and they got a little bit more confident. they kept the pressure on that, but level crews and they had enough to why did the storm and see how the victory. but we have to give big credit to cause your spouse and for their performance tonight. they were definitely the under dogs put an end. they refused and deserved to win, complete the domestic double. and although they didn't finish the season completely undefeated, they were undefeated in germany. so end of one is the guy, and the people call the w's done. yeah. bus alone of app, you're watching dw use, and t as a reminder of our news. a manual. my call has arrived in berlin for the 1st
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stage, visited by french president in 24 years. frankly, german relations i've been strained in recent years, especially su, replacement challenges like the rule in ukraine. sports live next. one small step for a robot vacuum. one giant leap for exploiting the ocean floor or cutting edge technology is unlocking the potential of deep sea mining. but this time, a research team will study the possible risk in order to minimize the we have an opportunity to to get it right before we even start environmental activists of skeptical is this true nature conservation.


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