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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 27, 2024 1:00am-1:16am CEST

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the, the, this is dw news live from berlin. israel's army says it killed to senior homeless members and a strike on rough on the hum us run. health ministry in gaza says the attack hit a camp for displaced palestinians, killing thousands of civilians. also coming up, francis leader and monument, my comb begins a 3 day visit to berlin, st franco. german relations are indispensable for europe. it's the 1st state visit to germany by a french president and 24 years. and the desktop tool is far worse than
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expected. in a landslide in a remote part of popcorn, who gave me the united nations fears as many as 670 people are buried beneath the rubber the and david levitz welcome to the program. the homeless run health ministry and gaza says at least $35.00 people have been killed and dozens more injured. and then there's really air strike on rasa. it says the strikes hit, an area where thousands of displaced civilians are sheltering. israel confirmed its military has carried out and attacked on rough uh it says to senior homeless militants were killed when it targeted a compound used by the military group. earlier on sunday, home us fired a barrage of long range rockets into israel for the 1st time since january as real size. at least 8 were launched from rafa us and we're joined
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now by lead slit dean, a journalist, and tel aviv believe good to have you with us. what do we know so far about the strike on rough. uh yes, uh i just had a quick conversation with the person that you guys close to were all these things happen desperately to why the variety of course, to the area of the so gone, which is that the width to say the rock of province, an area that the didn't reach get and the for the to i'm a senior officials were killed and that they were the target that attacked the briefly, the people that were built along with them or their family members and other family members that are taking a shelter in that the area that we've seen a lot of wire coming from is that it would be as well. and uh, 40 do my sports. you said that uh it could be actually uh that uh, the area also has some broadcast because a couple of weeks ago,
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how much very broadcast from the mortgage. righty, city and uh the is what he's saying when they don't know where the rockets are. exactly. they might even all other areas and how much has called as well, the way to strike a massacre. that's their words. what are, is really officials and others saying about it. so yes, we'll, uh, until now we have only unofficial statement from these, right. the military saying that the, the are aware of the, the casualties that were caused, like the, you know, not in bold people that were actually killed or wounded others all to this striking. they are now investigating, get the incident. we haven't heard any is right. you be so like any politicians saying anything about it, the least worse. and so now we are believe officials taken from the military. okay, so israel saying that this was
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a targeted attack on how much is it clear whether this was a retaliation for that earlier rocket attack by a mazda on israel? well, i would think it was this way. i mean the, the, the rock of the wood fire from, uh, rough uh, today. uh, they were expected by the, is ready to use in general because they know that the, the, uh, that'd be the best thing to wrap up. mostly use their, uh, bronk, and the on the lift in the robin, the less this totaled must have an issue. the record launch is that the is run displayed at the military. we have them, they might be use of by mos in order to say, here we go 8 months to this war started and still have the capability to reach that will be and let's, let's talk a little bit about that capability valley. those rockets fired earlier from guys on to israel. this is the 1st time that this has happened since january as well. of course the saying that this war is aimed at stopping him, us from being capable of launching such an attack. what do we know about how mazda
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is capability is at this point, as well as this, going to these ladies estimate that a mazda has actually a large number of process left, including long range rockets, the end of the rough uh, wanting to some reports, a couple of months ago that uh, talked about that a month is drafted g foldable within you. that is very well actually into a rough at some point that's, that's why they have been kept to a large number of rockets in the province. so, and they are able from now to even reach it. so it will be, but we've seen today and the only expected that they will be doing it was so in the coming, get they the weeks as well. this again, this directed you to say that the, even after all the sign we are still here. this word is not working. you the other thing and that's 8 months. the ends of us were bullied sliding and telling me thank you so much for being with us. now humanitarian aid has begun
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entering the gaza strip via the carry. i'm so long crossing a few kilometers from rafa. this assistance from egypt can't cross directly. they are due to egypt, refusal to coordinate at 8th through the roof, a crossing until control of the guys inside is handed back to palestinians. param shalom connects the gaza strip directly with israel. the change comes after a deal between the presidents of egypt and the u. s u n. agencies say the fighting and southern gaza usually makes it too dangerous to distribute the aid. to look at some more headlines, hundreds of thousands of people have been evacuated from their homes in low wind coastal areas of bangladesh. as a major psych warner purchase bangladesh is whether service predicts winds of up to 130 kilometers an hour. cycle in ramallah is the 1st in the band bank. all the
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season ahead of the monsoon, which usually runs from june to september. as the people were hospitalized in dublin, after sustaining injuries, when the plan they were travelling on and countered severe turbulence over turkey, the aircraft was on its way from cuts are to the irish capital. it comes days after one person died and several were injured in a similar incidents on a flight from single ports of london. the leaders of south korea, japan and china, are in sol for their 1st try a lateral summit in over 4 years. chinese premier lee chang and japanese prime minister, familiar to she got around a table earlier where, cuz she to stress the importance of peace and stability and the taiwan strait. it follows more chinese military drills around the south cover and island and my new and my call is here in berlin for the 1st state visit by a french president in 24 years. franco, german relations have been strained in recent years,
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especially as europe stations challenges, like the war and ukraine and trade relations with china. a moment of joy insured entering times for democracies. the french president kicked off his state visit to germany by attending festivities, commemorating the 75th anniversary of the german constitution. he seized the opportunity to highlight the importance of democracy republicans. that was the problem we have today, so that all the democracy force become accustomed to democracy. and we have forgotten to that very often a fight and we let the nationalist and often the enemies hook democracy take all the dividends of democracy and criticize extension. you don't do that, the more costly for all these reasons. it's important to go out and hold and say, you're repeating election for the party. we support for the german president microns participation in the events sent to key a message we have on demands that we want to celebrate democracy together. and i
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believe it is also approve of the depths of franco german friendship funds that mr . and mrs. mcroy are here with us to commemorate any verse or we also john and constitution that you really on the founding of the federal republic of germany, in the 75 years a go on this i public from and zip the job. and while the 1st day of my calls visit was full of images of unity building in paris still disagree on some crucial issues . most notably of a how to support ukraine. both countries support as deliveries. but germany would like to see paris stepped up its financial support. the 1st part of my prostate visit didn't focus on complicated political issues about controversial issues are on the agenda and set to take the spotlight when the joint government cabinets meet on tuesday. dw, let me try that coupon. i attended the press conference by president's michael and
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stein maya we asked, or what else michael had to say. it's just absolutely by both leaders having seen all of these uh, pictures of hominy throughout the day here. where of course it will so us about what will happen about those pressure points. for instance, on ukraine where they want the same outcome, they want to both the ukraine, they don't want russet when. and then you have to friend saying that those who lout troops on the ground with them and saw the salt adamant that sat is absolutely a red line to him. he wouldn't be willing to cross the i'd say sole source is what is the process just one example where they seek the same outcome but have very different takes on it. well today on both sides. if i said, going to model much saw, but also german for the last we have to go 1st i spoke of the i'm vision to overcome differences where they don't align yet. well,
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that will take place when of both leaders full. i've sold and the amount of our call me on tuesday, together with members of the cabinet and liza back near by, lynn today, both for projecting how many, what ever a could a clear signal to russell, but also china. more than 670 people are believed to have been killed in a landslide and a remote part of poplar new guinea. the estimated death toll from the u. n's migration agency comes as rescuers tried to move survivors to stay for ground. the national government is considering whether it needs to officially request more international support for us and australia have already stated they're ready to provide assistance. the funeral processions have started in the remote village of young bali, in the highlands of popular new guinea. hundreds are believed to still be buried under the mud after
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a mass of land slide struck the region on friday with some boulders as big as shipping containers hitting homes. it happened at night when many were fast asleep . the main road leading to the villages now blocked hampering relief efforts, villagers, some of them and bare feet, use shovels, axes, and other makes use of tools to search for loved ones. there's unlimited as well. that's built a fully built. we have all those boxes, payables, hotels, yes, houses. that's a modem about 50 uh, stalls. all those products, all going all at the moment. this one is now asking the national government to relocate them to a different area because these are the iris the land slide hit, several villages in angle province, some 600 kilometers north west of the capital port moresby continued hazards such
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as falling rocks and shifting ground are also threatening rescue efforts and more nearby evacuations have been ordered because of the land still sliding. uh the soil with the pressure on which neighboring communities i built is also pushing the ground. and that is also leading to cracks and extreme risk of danger. for the other houses at all, but that not initially be damaged by the he says tribal warfare is also rife in the region, raising safety concerns for those unable to leave, as well as rescue teams trying to reach the area. for now, emergency responders are moving survivors to stay for ground on the south. pacific
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island most are being relocated to a relative's homes in neighboring villages. as and before we go, the most famous thoroughfare in paris, the shows that he's a was close to traffic and turned into a giant picnic area with thousands, feasting on free food and french wine dubbed lew. go home to make the event aims to hands of the boulevard, back to the people of paris who have largely a band and it as a place for a prominent the proliferation of luxury outlets has made it the preserve of wealthy tourists city. how is currently working on plans to turn the 8 lane avenue permanently into what it calls an extraordinary guard? the will outlook. see i me up next our reporter series looks at bangladesh. the troops who are accused of murder and torture that are serving as un peacekeepers. i am david levitz. see you
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again in just under 2 hours. the sometimes it's hard to find what you're looking for. but we've got something for you. i tried several times. i went on 6 times to peace is that all i have to spend life from 500 to 600 currently more people than ever on worldwide in such a progress in life. you know, it's a very difficult journey.


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