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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 28, 2024 3:00pm-3:16pm CEST

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[000:00:00;00] the this is the w news live from the land, spain island. i'm no way formally recognized palestinian statehood. explains foreign minister says the decision is about justice to the palestinian people. it's being seen as an attendant by the 3 nations kicks dogs a political 1st. that's also coming up on the program demonstrates is in georgia has gathered outside parliament to protest against lawmakers who are trying to push through a new little critic say the foreign agents bill. there's a front for free speech to move towards
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a you mention the menu because mckinnon great to have you with us. no way and island have now joined spain and formerly recognizing a palestinian states. and these monks a whitening risk between israel and the european union. spain's foreign minister made the announcement on behalf of his country, saying that he had hopes this will excel erase efforts towards a ceasefire. in garza, it is the police do not be in the city. and so if the right to a future full of hope, most of the same way, israel has the right to the future of peace and security. after so many decades of pain and confrontation, we know we can't have one without the other little the load, the security of israel and piece of the region pop type thing to try. and what's the posting and people's hope of having their own state of the peace that they need
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. hope security. both people have the right to have it all exactly the same, right? except them in the museum. once more on this, we're going to hear now from the don't use middle east. i'm lashawn years on us who joins me here in the studio. good to see you. shawnee. so tell us what is israel's reaction to today's full record? know especially today. it's not even on the news if you open using israel, it's like not even happening of these rows of already showing their anger and resentment to that announcement when it was made last week, especially the so, you know, we, we move on forward but, but of course, it's another signal of the going international pressure on israel. there were some exchanges when it came to, you know, diplomatic channels of, you know, most of a v, spain in israel. we've seen a lot of exchanges back and forth between the minister of, of, of is really of a foreign minister and the, his spanish counterparts. but much more than that, israel cannot do. actually, it doesn't have any much teeth thickness, except the fact that this is a decision made by european countries in the spanish pipe. prime minister made
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a point of saying that this is not to move against israel. it is a necessary step for peace. well, especially it was always the stand of european union was still the official stand of the americans that the only way out of this conflict, this terrible conflict in the middle east is finding any mutual agreement on this tuesday. solution at this step shows us the great despair and anger and frustration we seeing the world growing in the world against israel and this particular government. this particular machine seems to be very, you know, a hesitant was proposing any further diplomatic channels that will allow saying in state of somehow down the line. and the feeling is maybe coursing israel into an understanding that the world is kind of abandoning it. might think that some political change within israel. so was exactly all these countries, a cooling fluids and in the recognition of the spaces of palestine. we are in the realm of symbolism, there is no actual meaning to any of that. i mean,
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look along the line of credit having more meaning when it comes to diplomatic, you know, uh, advert presentations and so on. but as solving the conflict on the ground, probably not much can be done. nobody knows. what are the borders of this country. what, who we know, what's the main capital of it? if it's from all of what kind of, you know, territories exactly. you know, uh, in charge of how does the mechanism work we're talking about, you know, the past and, you know, thirty's very we can, to the, the, the president of the, of the posting the authority in before the boss is, is in the midst mid eighty's election has not been held since 2007, 6. so it's, it's obviously it's not a perfect solution, but there's an attempt to see it as some sort of an alternative cause. there's no other alternative seems to be on the table other than more. and the question of course is, will today's formal recognition, you know, make any practical difference in terms of the sort of the palestinian people. so they see it as a very meaningful step for there for any recognition, any support. you know, of course, especially this time with the housing is,
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are suffering through so much in the last months, you know, the meaning, the symbolism behind that. and especially these european countries, you know, sort of breaking the line of the western alliances that were forming around israel, supporting israel all these years. trying to go through that because a lot of support of it has been given to the passing it throughout the years from african states. of course, of course, other arab states and latin america and bringing, you know, this kind of a condition getting this kind of recognition from the heart of the western alliance . that's something they're very hopeful will maybe bring better, you know, for that. and it's also when it comes to wider decisions in the e u. a and maybe an official you stand, we're still far from that. but for the policy and there's a, it's another important step is that it is as they see it, you know, for their angle of state to try me. thanks so much for that. let's d. w. 's, mid lease on list. shawnee resigned, welcoming, or else by no way an island joined some 140 other countries and especially recognizing palestinian statehood. but what exactly does the recognition means to be every day life has palestinians,
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dw correspondent rebecca risk. those reports now from ramallah in the occupied westbank, even among the occupied west bank, biggest city and the state of palestine, defacto administrative capital use of this latest recognition has been welcomed. in a gesture of appreciation, the municipality has raised the flags of norway, island, and spain. marius, the casino tells me why their recognition is so meaningful. it's a beautiful moment. it's a moment of hope. it's really about an hour the hearts hope for the better to model . hope that the was is listening to us. so that by this time, spill has a chance. no waste pain in islands join some 140 you and countries that have already recognized the state of palestine. the movie is largely symbolic, but many say it has political meaning. i always say that we want to live so satisfying. we don't want to die for us at this time, and we, we live for, for
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a foot, turning our uh, our ride for, for self determination and forced forward or for independence. we've been striving and fighting for 7 the case. and what is happening now is that hope is, is being, is being revised. the palestinians we spoke to say that wallet may not affected day to day lives. they hope it will lead to get more recognition. they often kind of do a bit of recognition of these 3 countries affects the whole world. it highlights our cause that the land is hours, our rights are reality so they can stand with us. so we can overcome the brutal occupation for them to and how you met some of the countries that are recognized palestine. i'm making the voice of young palestinians reach every one. young palestinians will have a voice in your plan wouldn't all be. yeah. so i should've put a we don't live in frieda, spain, and the other countries recognition might make the occupation feel weaker and countries that stand with it might come to our side and hopefully recognize us to you know,
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despite the signal of hope for palestinians. many things stand in the way of a fully fledged palestinian state. one major obstacle is the jewish settlements, like that one you can see on the hill behind me. they considered illegal on the international law, but they dusted all over the occupied westbank, making a contiguous palestinian state almost impossible. and now the obstacle is the lack of the unified palestinian leadership and the ongoing war and gaza. and now the major obstacle is a lack of political will from is room responded, you know, bill is randy prime minister benjamin netanyahu condemned to move by the 3 countries saying it was like handing out a reward for terrorism. he's long for to keep the 2 state solution off the negotiating table. i think the biggest obstacle to pc these, right? it's got some use to be able to flouting to national do whatever it wants to get away with it. but people don't take seriously the need to think about what is
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a realistic outcome with the palestinians. and therefore if there is no such thinking that people go along the lines as well. maybe you know, we have to remove permanent lead is of no way orland and stain, say the decision was made to promote a peaceful solution for palestinians. here, the move constitutes to the recognition for the decades long struggle for statehood . meanwhile, as well as pushing on with its offensive and southern gaza despite international coals to stump. is there any time to reach the center of rough estimates? according to eye witnesses, the homeless run health ministry. this has at least 16 people were killed in. is there any strikes early on tuesday? hundreds of thousands of palestinians have fled the area which was a shelter to those seeking safety. israel says it is targeting how much spice is now, how much is considered
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a terrorist organization by several countries. all of this comes as the un security council propose to meet for an emergency session or the end. is there any strike on accounts and rasa that killed fortunately? how soon? so let's take a look at so many of the stories making headlines today, and you cranes below them is lensky. isn't brussels on a european tour to rally support. he's been missing with the belgian prime minister, who signed off on $1000000000.00 in military 8, including fuzzy f. 16 fun to get this and the french president the money. and my call is wrapping up his 3 day state visit in germany and a speech in the eastern german city of dresden. he said, europe should wake up to the threats of the fall. rise and my phone will be and they sent missing with the german transfer the funds for tax on defense and the trifle a large crowds have gathered outside george's, paul, them, and into play see, to protest the controversial targeting n g o's,
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an the media inside lawmakers although thing to override a presidential veto of the sofa and for an agent still the critics of the bill say it would limit press freedom and the foreign funding of n g owes. and it was stifled towards his efforts to join the european union. the legislation has triggered weeks of mass demonstrations in georgia, milestone correspondent into play. see, maria cuts him as a to give us the latest. well, the parliamentary assumption is suing diving in the georgia and capital. so you can see, see where the protons is also gathering the problem. and now a fact that the, the boat can actually happen any time. and we are here expecting that the protests, as they also say that it's very unlikely that it's, that the government is going to uh, retried this bill. they say that the government is going to vote in the favor and
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we understand that this is the sign. if it's and nothing extra ordinary happens, of course in the meantime, now these come so after the domestic back clause offices onto the back clause from the street. so police where the it's mainly use mainly. yeah, jen z and a dresser. his name is they've been protesting for over a month. now. the protest doesn't have any, any lead. uh, it should be nonsense. so it's very organized and away. and this is, uh, they say this is a national resistance to the government's actions that many critics to say that is going to damage the reputation of georgia across the world and damage the relationship with the was assigned to the bottom. and all of these things determine all for trying to get closer to moscow and they say will not allow that to happen. so who have security concerns about size occupying along with our tourism? we have to be very,
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very painful. that's what the guns official told me in the interviews. so we see that it's a very fragile and various uh, what was the hall's decision in georgia to the progress of say, this is not the way the, the peas, if he's in the house, is not all right. always europe. and we want to be part of the unit, and they also government not to hinder the tom. and yet if this bill is pushed through what exactly is it state for georgia of the well us uh, already uh it should use the child on for the georgia and the ssl. so saying that to the absence of the george and officials are undermining democracy in georgia. now we have assigned. uh the, um, uh, european union also is working on uh on measures how to, how to transfer this author retired and ship it in georgia. we stopped that in june . there is gonna be a, uh, some, some decision regarding this, but uh, we also seen some, lots of criticisms from the europe. uh, uh, gorgeous. uh,
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actually france, uh, the watson partners they've been telling the story is, is that you, you shouldn't, you shouldn't introduced himself. this bill won't allow us to allow us to consider you as a, as a candidate kind of the country to the european union. and they are urging still, even though the bill is going to the adoptive. very likely there's still a showing that the statements asking the georgia and government to reconsider decision, but we don't see any sign effect. maria has a monthly in sibley. see thank you so much. now, finally on the program, some supports to mom. he is a praxis, but some well maybe just a couple of months of aging. the agents english, paul's time of cheese rolling for another competitive meeting, which was a real life race to the boss and take a look. and this event, a local fees is given, a head starts before a crowd tries to keep up with that. the ability to bounce is about the only. c
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requisite skill this is on is in the men's race, went to a gentleman, school told him he has promised to defend his title next year after apparently surviving. this is race on the scale and that is what we have time for shift is up next, exploring the ethics of a i stick around. so that becomes washington, the, the conflicts, crises, every single connection mapped out shows the geopolitical reality. the on the board is what makes things to the way they are mapped out, navigating a changing world now on youtube that has to go to do you do before
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i played tennis. she survived the ocean bits. thanks to music.


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