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tv   Global Us  Deutsche Welle  May 29, 2024 1:30am-2:00am CEST

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the, the endless droughts, spain seek solutions to the worst of crisis. haughty welcome. a small store in new york helps immigrants gets a good sense and protects the confused fields. so invasive species, the texas has a problem and what we're doing here is one solution. whereas you're looking for
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federal hogs, animals that costs tons of ecological and economic damage. and if we find them these hawks are invasive and actually better for the environment dead than alive. so it's open hunting season all year in texas to get rid of as many as possible. and you can also eat them. this is wild hod, just credit and fries and bases pcs impact many different eco systems all over the world. they're super destructive and hard to control. a lot of the time, there aren't many options for how to deal with them. so is what they're doing here? a good solution. should we be eating and be suspicious? as almost always, it was no fault of the animals that they became an issue. cakes were brought to united states by colonizers from europe. some of those pigs escaped and went
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pharaoh eventually into reading with your reading boards that were intentionally released for hunting. so they're essentially no natural checks on this animal in the western hemisphere. the ecosystem is not built for it. we don't have native pays in the western hemisphere. john told me to check as a wildlife biologist at a and i'm university in texas. and so now we're living in the reality of this animal. this hybrid has the characteristics of a wild animal, but as many offspring as domestic pigs. busy that's one of the reasons that federal hogs have spread so much in the united states. sometimes they are also transported to create hunting opportunities into the establishment of new populations. and as more land is use for golf production, the hawks get more opportunities for easy food and shelter. it's estimated that there are at least 6000000 animals in the us. nearly half are in texas, and they cause a lot of problems. we know that every year there is an excess of $500000000.00 of
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damage done by pix referral logs, excuse me, and that's mostly to agriculture and property. it doesn't even include environmental damage. for comparison, all tornadoes in the us and 2022 costs around $700000000.00. one way the hugs cause problems is by foraging for food. with native animals it can be beneficial, but it can also cause damage, especially in areas where swells are fragile or dried. they also prefer to eat needed spc, chopping through oak p can, hickory and walnut trees, as well as with birds and c, turnips. and because picks can effectively sweat, they gather on water sources contaminating them with pieces. these pictures are also top. they have incredibly sharp tasks and hard skin on their shoulders that makes them difficult to kill and axis they have no predators. but in basis these, these aren't only a problem, and taxes are in the united states. wild boar causing an upper an italy line fish
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has invaded the caribbean, and the mediterranean norway's waters are full of red king crabs and canadas. plague by chinese mystery snails. the list goes on and on they have a species of that is able to produce very fast res, different temperatures, and sometimes they are better at acquiring resources, saved food or refugees. but area camacho sentiment is as a biologist in the director of the invasive species laboratory university got this topic we put in with a population that is huge to find a species that has never been there. and it's the only thing you find like with these lion fish, they eat other fish and crustaceans have painful poison a spines and can lease thousands of eggs every few days by competing or eating everything else, they can destroy whole ecosystems. it's not their fault, but like the hogs,
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they don't belong and they're destroying the environment. i'm not mad at these adults. i'm really not what i don't have a choice in terms of conservation. they have to go in our options are fairly limited. and one of those limited options is hunting. this ranch about an hour outside of austin has tons of federal hogs running around on it. and the owner is happy people to come out here and kill them. we met with the hunter to see what it was all about. amanda jeff, and i say atlanta hawks are nocturnal, so we had to wait until it was dark to try and find some in the meantime, we went to go fill up. peters used to attract animals. how do you know where the hogs are? we typically have jane cameras on those theaters that we can basically see what's been coming in to that feeder and about what time. and that can give us some clues . did we say somebody came in yesterday a lot better chance they'll come in today that they didn't come in yesterday, but it's never a guarantee if it's it's less than 5050, pretty smart then. if they see some hunters and they won't come back the next day
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to that same area, or if a 100 took a shot at a pig yesterday, there's berkeley. no chance that pig will come anywhere close for a long time. even though they're everywhere, it can be really hard to catch them. what's up with your share is and you're right . i uh yes, most of it by much there you go. when it got late enough, we loaded up the gun and drove to where the hogs had been yesterday and waited and waited and waited in the and we only saw a couple of turkeys and left. but when we checked the cameras later, we were as smart at this is a serious downside to hunting individual animals. it's not super effective. the hogs obviously knew we were there and avoided the area until we were gone. but i was a bit relieved. the idea of killing an animal, especially such a smart one, didn't make me nervous. and i'm not the only one. the closer speeches are due at
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the more difficult it is to everybody, kate, them. once they have arrived where they don't belong, you would have to eradicate them pretty quickly and by eradicate a domain doing this was the case with all and basically relocating them doesn't work because they wouldn't just cause a problem somewhere else. they can also be trapped or poisoned people in texas also enjoy shooting them from helicopters with machine guns. but while that seems ridiculous, it's what experts do because the whole group of hogs is killed. so can't teach others how to avoid humans of carcasses or heavily disease their landfills, but otherwise they're left for other animals to eat. gone within a few days. even so mash shooting animals and leaving them seems like a waste. so some people get creative. hey, hey amanda jessica, nice 3 years and i swear to god inside. because where you find out a building basis piece is wow,
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i get out of the way here. you also find people who are eating them so this is a hog and thank god in this morning and he's about to break it down. so how did you come up with the idea to serve wild boar and your restaurant, their delicious? they're under utilized. they, they need to be control, kill something like 70 percent of them every year to keep the population where it is, which is not going to happen. if we, if we don't do something with that, we're going to just have a far worse problems. it's kind of in an arguable source of protein like every pound of fail hog that we're able to service. also one less town that's coming out of kind of a broken industrial need system. so this is the cars that i want you to try to use everything. uh yeah, of this car because everything will be use the bones will go into socks and a lot of it will go into stuff like sausage in mexico invasive line fish
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also end up on plates. locust started fishing them with the purpose of consuming it . and then they were very creative with the rest of the piece they were making. and they were sending a lot so they was pushing a lot. and now they have populations that are very small. eating them doesn't just solve what to do with the dead animals. it also provides an incentive for people to kill them. without it, people need to be convinced we have to think about preserving what we already have out there, which is a very big threatened eighties. it is difficult for a lot of people to understand. and there isn't much of a choice when it comes to getting rid of invasive species. and while hunting them for food isn't the most effective solution, it is a palatable one. and if the protein can replace industrial meat, it's doubly sustainable. in the end, it's humans fault. these pieces are there in the 1st place, but that doesn't make killing them any easier. the
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lakes and rivers are disappearing. wells are running, drawn by 2025. around 1800000 people are likely to suffer from absolute. we'll discuss it says the un food and agriculture organization. extreme weather events are also on the rise. droughts are becoming more frequent and the last thing longer adapting is expensive. water that's good enough to drink, and that's what work is here at the tobacco at the southern nation plant in northeastern spain, a testing center. the region is increasingly looking to removing salt from ocean to the solution so that will to problems levels of acidity, conductivity, coloring, content. everything is tested here in the bronx laboratory and it has to be just so because if not the bottle depending on which value it is, you know that part of the process isn't working properly. you act on that incorrect
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value out of my phone. the, in other words, the laboratory people communicate with the operator and then the upper right to internal x on the process on their profits. so it's a painstaking process, but essential moving costs of motion to process that the plant becomes a faulty brain pump bus couch into the sea, the rest of the types to the surrounding communities. that's part of the co come all garcia's job. he has worked at the plant since it was built in 2002. since then it's doubled, his capacity is the phone us one of the enough, this is a really to raise the area. and as well as being interesting area, it's a very i because with so the 4 piece a month then for the river, there's quite a bit of chemical industry that needs ball told it was the game we got going to see that i was the regional government plants to triple the plants current sized by the end of the decades come but ongoing droughts. but the still a nation is expensive and there are other problems that i believe it wouldn't then
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thought of going said, sure, lynch is to obtain the same amount of water or more, but with less energy consumption. so by improving efficiency, and that's what i've done on well that, and the most of the plans have already made changes to increase efficiency, but it is quite complicated. they don't face bought them, the company go to the neighboring to odessa. refund is dried out as far as the i can see. almost 4 years of less than now for train full is devastating. the region of catalonia reservoir levels of dropped from more than 90 percent in april 2020, to less than 20 percent in 2024 was just taping restrictions on, residents have directly been ramped up. this will lead to the fact that makes us more aware that the impacts of climate change of the climate crisis is most severe in the mediterranean region. then in other parts of the world and the must have it
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. i can know that as part of the young lady that i know i see him, but i have always been episodes of drought in the mediterranean. increased the generation of the now the drastic rise and the temperatures rustic would of these conditions are unprecedented. totally fine. this is wanting precedent. it's early in the season than yoga item. uh, but hotel yeah. use a bracing themselves for an impact. around 19000000 people visited catalonia in 2023 and taurus so large consumers of water using up to twice as much as residents . by some estimates, the government is considering imposing you to use limits on hotels that have some residential reliance on the industry. worried to know what does this signal content a tourist? what move to they can i'm calling this that's the major concern of my you look for limit is another problem of the following us. and whether they use mobile to not give you the most of the you rely on tourism ident september, october, it will be over. we will be looking for to is to come back. so this is that
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situation we are in right now, because i don't think too is, should have to pay for this the, some hotel off as a potential solution to save water. when it was renovated around 25 years ago. the hotel installed separate pipe, gray water water used in bosco showers, for example, is piped box we use in the toilets. it's both treated in the basements. the hotel claims to have saved around $15000000.00 leases of water and made substantial economic savings. and so basically ok, so okay, i think it's something where hotels to, to already finished, i need to take advantage of a renovation situation here that it should be mandatory for all new hotels to be built with this system installed audio, the scenario is at the nearby katelyn institute of lots of research scientists are investigating the impact of cancelling news drugs. how
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river ecosystems, for example, cope with little wolf to black community that but i see said the organism community with stan said quite well that is because it is a community that is about adapted to the conditions of the mediterranean climate le, instead of feeling good if the interruption lost a long time, then that could be serious impact, practicing for the time. in the same institute to young luigi booty, larry is working with water from the hotel some the on new solutions. filtering the hotels gray water, 3 plants and swell to clean it a system that's over the been tested that. but it's now being tried with edible plants like this mint researches estimate costs for such a solution could be recuperated in 5 to 6 years. as something like a most, they want to find out if it is safe to use the plans for human consumption. we don't get know that and we'd have to investigate it further. like, it's
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a research topic for the future. but it would be really good to be able to print, so going to be able to reuse it. and at the same time, so do use plans for human consumption and other uses the data. but it was a model on the but i with the associate that kept the selling nation plant. what goes on with climate change making conditions of dry water solutions like those being used in this region are helping. now, the how much longer the almost $2500000.00 migrants attempted to cross the southern board of the us last year, despite increasingly strong food f fortifications, the theme, poverty, violence and the effects of climate change. because it can be tough to make a new start. so all health is welcome. all this for free. this is the special offer,
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the little shop of kindness mix to new immigrants here in new york city. but am phlebotamy, for example, for my daughter i have the shirt, it's almost summer season god willing to be done to use giddy loose came to the us from columbia with her husband and 2 children. it's how fast the time of the shop. how does she feel about it? all right, them, we're going to very, very grateful really, because you come here as an immigrant and you don't have any say any. i'm very grateful for the way they take care of you for the help that they give you a the villages supple sky and this was founded by it was that the money 2022 besides providing much needed material, had to amy crohn's disease. exactly. this kind of positive experience, but she wanted to give those who come here that i was really determined to create a space where they could work or guess could have some agency over what they chose to, to, to have the dignity of trying things on and,
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and being treated as valued customers rather than a problem deals of thought at the shop in response to a subject, amy good arrivals to new york in 2022. many of them busted the city from feldman states about 175000 of them have for the right seems been under being accommodated mix ships just us across the city. started getting a bus load some i've been sent here by the governor of texas, and we just rally the troops and got you know, lots and lots of volunteers. we started with about 10 volunteers in august, and by december we have 800 and we have only grown over 1000 volunteers of registered online by now and keep the shop run. they handle the donations from individuals and companies and provide has to guests, many of whom don't speak english, dotius, diesel originally from columbia and came here to study english in how free time she had felt. the shock sampling and conservative with cynthia. i've always loved to be
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able to help her as he was in my country. i did it too, and here i had the opportunity to do it. so here i am giving this beautiful service to so many people have to be done by this personal support on the world coming up. most feel have them at the shop popular amongst new immigrants so much so, but it started causing problems. we, um, we have a line in front of our pop ups and people are so desperate that oftentimes put sleep outside the night, the floor outside the shop like the 1st in line. or, you know, people can simply sign up and book an appointment to an up most of the shops guests from that team america. but no more and more come from african countries in china as well. he also sees with immigration being front and center of the sea as election contains. she says she's worried about increasing the extreme rhetoric used against amy grounds just the election itself in the campaigns. it is,
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it's going to intensify around immigration. and i'm hoping that if you know that people recognize that immigrants are a, an asset to this country and don't believe the lies are being told about them, the content just immigration to bid will continue to ship us politics beyond the election. but local initiatives like the of the shop we have continued to make a difference with the leaky pipes of guides. the 1st week of label queen comes from india, meaning sky such tiny cod. and um okay, i do understand again, my name's sky sunshiny khan, and i'm from india. i'm the founder of the kasha. we work on northridge, index,
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guys, and handle, and we do a lot of upside. the i was stored by so many life. i'm gonna do it as an intelligent good find it was sorry for those of you at oxford and do something things were doing life while starting fashion and just doesn't know what fashion for me is. we'd be more than just the thought. i think we ran it on way. it talks about the way it would act as a country, as well as the world and where we may go to the or i would like if i said, i always wanted to be a session designer. i wanted to be so needed some things i wanted to feel like and will sca suffice and i feel, i'm just, i wanted to be a veterinarian, all sorts of things. but somewhere along the way, i had a book which my father said has the same life and drop it off from one to 10. after that it was a movies and i was i, descriptions of what they will. and i couldn't use my father that i want to be
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a fashion designer or sorry, the fashion, the okay, was telling the like they would all pay more recycling of psyching sustainability. so i totally gone to so interesting, but then when i, what about uh oh my god, move on. we've been doing, you know, what is upside doing? what is it a site like at home? when i went to anything, i can get a bunch of things there to go and we can just create this new because of the found out why and not being restored. why same difficulty? why not doing things into the garbage? can the i think this part of starting the is the just starting, i like being like, i'm going to just do this. i saw this on like my dad's body to me. then i moved to my mom's office 15 to say, and then leave to go to
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a larger 5 division. took the wife out for me to been under space. we had other issues likely be the only thing that goes on. how would resource everything, how is coming here, all the hiring people, like, how do you find the right person to get on board the is this one easy thing was yeah, definitely. the photo fashion seen in fashion makes complete sense. i mean, and then assumes that a window is open and we're being somewhere. so from that point of view into, i'm remaining fashion is most vaudeville. if it go down, you will still be able to mix that. are the producers of fashion. i mean, so to sometimes make them trust you and believe, you know, thanks a lot of time, especially when you're like a 20 to 22. the only person just got out of college doesn't want. let's do this on . definitely people who could, you know,
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we ran short call or just like positive princess on the side. think no business. i actually got paintings. i mean, i was asked to that now. i mean, is it even if it was because i don't even want to hi. so for me that was one time and i love that actually when i, once i would tell you that, but i would expect different things from the i think the phone english is akasha. we're just about making something that's not gonna hurt anyone. we don't say it was the state of aside from us, what we're doing is we're saying that let's this thing good for me to go. let's lots to say, let's not explaining we, let's make part of that. a good for downloading netflix products that any off to making it always get on screen plays. i listened for the last for a long time. the when
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i say they put it on me thinking and talking about the children's education like that to me is very, very hard for me all when i see them talking, wonder why is now going to walk like that and makes it? and i said we're doing something correct. when did eliza? all these things are so important in pollution the i think that if we just stop the motion, if he's going to be the job now i need didn't just was was because there were times i can also spangler elizabeth, feeling bad things, such as quite like i mean 3 evenings, maybe so change the
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rug, the environment. trends technology come is digitalization, stall tops, new markets, new media. the world is accelerating. sees the opportunity shannon's debt to try new things. take flights with d, w. 's, business magazine, made in germany. in 30 minutes on d. w. when you can't smell any things or when everything smells the rate of smell related disorders has
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increased since corona virus. how important is all sense of smell? and what's his life like when it's gone? in 75 minutes on d, w, the event funk. and then just to see a quote, you can make sure sure. call you for use your sisters have been in a coma that was caused by persecution and flight for con dreams of another world. the scots june fast
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d, w. c, stuff can be used across different geographies. the real challenge itself is needs to be an incredibly scarce way. the heck us looming business is leo media and was just green washing. what's no one's most dead for a robot vacuum. one giant leap for exploiting the ocean slow cutting edge technology is i'm looking the potential of deep sea mining. but this time a research team will study the possible risk sucks in order to minimize that, we have an opportunity to to get it right before we can stuff. environmental activists,
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tops rules fail billions to be made out to talk commentary deep. the greed does june 7th on the w the . this is dw news, and these are our top stories from us or on health ministry. and gaza says at least $21.00 people were killed over night, as israel pushes on with it's offensive and rough uh, despite international condemnation, as well denied reports and struck the alma wasa camp in the south of gaza. hundreds of thousands of palestinians who had been sheltering and ralph i have slept. the area is rarely tanks reportedly reached the center of the city on tuesday. israel says it is targeting hum us fighters.


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