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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 29, 2024 11:00pm-11:16pm CEST

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the the, this is the, the we news line from berlin. israel's military says it has taken complete control of the strip of land that links gone to egypt. the claims of move aims to prevent off smuggling weapons into gossip. israel has expanded its ground operation, southern gauze that is, find international condemnation over civilian casualties. also coming up, balance countering has begun in south africa after what's been called the most important election since the end of apartheid. the amc fights to hold onto pallets
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and desperately seeking shelter, progress sounds for bear the brunt of an unprecedented heat wave made worse by climate change. the release. welcome to the program. israel's military says it has taken full control. the strip of land that serves as a buffer zone between garza and egypt. israel says a mosse uses tunnels in the 14 kilometer long philadelphia cord, or to smuggle weapons from egypt into gaza. the israeli military and stuffed up it's operations and southern gaza despite international criticism, over mounting civilian casualties in the city of ruffled as well as national security advisor says the offensive and gaza is expected to go on at least until the end of the year. and here's is really army spokesman. nathaniel mcgarry
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addressing the latest developments and gaza maybe mahoney in recent days. id forces has taken operational control of the philadelphia corridor along the border between egypt and dropped off from the philadelphia, colorado soft as an oxygen pipe for how mosque to which it regularly transits weapons to, to cause us trip open cover. jerusalem corresponding rebecca writers has more on israel taking control of that buffer zone and what it means for the situation on the ground. well, that's right, and you just heard it there from the senior military spokesman daniel. hi gary, saying that they had indeed taken control of that border region area, known as the philadelphia kartel, that they had found some twin t tunnels they say along that border area and they also found rocket launches, place very close to the border, some just 10 to 40 meters, they say from that border area i got a saying that they would do that have moss, i tell you we're taking advantage of the proximity to the border in the knowledge
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that all hoped i suppose that is ro wouldn't bomb that region because it is just so close to the egyptian border. now as you just heard there know, hi gary saying that it had they, they said served as a homeless oxygen pipeline. and the by securing this area, they have cut off the weapons supply. that home us will still have potentially maintaining and able to use now the, the, they say that the age of these relevant latrice say that they have been updating agents on the developments. and we haven't had a huge amount of reaction from, from age of yet. but certainly one source telling education media one senior sol, suite hearing that there are no truth in the statement about these tunnels. it's certainly going to be interesting to see how the egyptians react to the news on this border region. given the, the pace agreement that is held between the 2 countries. yeah. how could this impact israel's relationship with egypt you think, or what is difficult to say at this stage, nicola, you know,
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israel has been saying for some time that it wants to, that has wanted to take control of this border region. it's something that agent hasn't been a very cain to, to promote the egypt has long been worried that they would be that a rougher incursion and that, that more military bombardment in that area would cause an influx of palestinian refugees into age if that's something that they was saying that they, they wouldn't do in fact, that on several occasions, egypt has threatened to rip out the pace, tracy between israel and egypt. now that area, or along the border, has been a demilitarized zone since the camp david accords. 1978. and since 2005 has been on the egyptian control before this, rafa invasion though, we do know that in his riley delegation went in, went to egypt and went to cairo to discuss the operation with the egyptian
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officials. so we don't know the details of those discussions, but it could be assumed that this operation and won't be as read. these were planning was considered to the egyptian. so it's going to be interesting to see how egypt balances domestic pressure is. there's a lot of support for palestinians within agents, so it's going to have a lot of domestic pressure from its populace. the a balance is also a piece tracy, which is benefits from by way of, of us age. so, you know, it's certainly going to be interesting to see just how agent react to this latest development, but at the, at this stage. but it's still too early to say keep us updated on all the developments there. that was rebecca rivers in jerusalem. thank you so much. i over to south african, our votes are being counted and what's being called the most important part of mentoring election since the end of apartheid at stake is the african national. congress is a 30 year absolute majority in the country. polls indicate as
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a board for the amc has dipped below 50 percent, which means the party minds be forced to share power. results are expected within the next several days. now we're corresponding diane hawker has been following the election in johannesburg today. she sent us this update as polling stations close to earlier voting stations closed at 9 p. m here in south africa, and those who are still in the line all waiting to cost a boat from across the country. we've heard that they are still a number of voting stations with they are hundreds of people waiting to cost the votes. it will be a difficult time for many of them in some parts of the country, the temperatures have already started to drop, such as, yeah, and, and the spread we've, i've, i've had to put on this one jacket. others in the line. don't have that kind of way, the protection, some people have also been complaining about all hungry and how tired they are off
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to spending hours waiting in the queue. the easy stuff also have a long night ahead of them. they will have to start counting votes. this evening and start sending those numbers to the national results into the national results. and to will then start correlating those numbers from old $23000.00 voting stations around the country. and that means that the i c is in a race against time because i have 7 days within which to announce the final election results in the past. they've announced them within $3.00 to $4.00 days. of course, they seems to be quite a high vote to, to not this time around, and they full, we'll have to wait and see how long it will take for them to announce the results. indications off that by this weekend, we could begin to see who has won the selection. that was our correspondence, diane hawker, in johannesburg. and let's take a quick look now at some of the other stories making headlines around the world. the jury and donald trump's hush one each while has completed its 1st day of
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deliberations without reaching a decision. the former us president is accused of concealing payments, made to an adult film actor shortly before the 2016 presidential elections. if found guilty, trump could face up to 4 years in prison. belgium police have searched the residents and offices of the european parliament, the employee. the belgian prosecutor says the employee played a significant role in a russian influence operation. and the suspect it's to have paid sitting members of the european parliament spread pro kremlin propaganda. the columbia, as congress has voted to band both fighting the south american nation, is one of only 8 countries in the world were both sides are still held aside. a significant decline in popularity in the past few years is approved by the president. the new law will come into effect at the end of 2027.
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in the us, capital delhi has reported an all time high temperature of 52.3 degrees celsius. that's a national record for all of india actually, and neighboring pockets on temperatures of also exceeded $52.00 degrees and recent days. authorities have urged people to stay in doors hydrate and avoid unnecessary travel limited increase in cases of heat stroke. a team of international scientists says the dangerous heat in south asia has become more likely because of human driven climate change. the air in hand, all cartoons hot stifling. she lives in what is one of the hawk displaced this on the planet right now? temperatures here in the southern since brogans have sort of 52 degrees spits no follow, and no proper shelter. she's exposed to dangerous levels of heat. have got to me that i have to sit in. he's, there is no fan and i have to sit in my hot in the heat. the sun is scorching up
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because the heat is eating away at us. but where can i go get into that they have to physically run to the cuts. in fact, if done, i don't 40 percent of the population lives below the poverty line. so despite the punishing heat, many people have gone just stay at home. the color we have to work in the way that we don't have a choice of after left. we have to work and feed out children and everything, or whether it's hot or cold or what about the focus on food, things, temperatures come after the country for breakfast, april, since 1961. exports attribute these extreme, but the brands to human meet climate, change, the 2022 flats and focused on so one part of the country felt most under water and because millions and economic losses investment in the deposition mechanisms, cortez focused on these with a fix of time of change,
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much better the government of pocket stocks, they're trying their best to ensure that predictability is key, where they can prevent massive loss of life from there. the, the, the early warning systems and they ask us to support them. but again, if you see the impact of the time of crisis on communities, it's very clear that something ought to be done find the fee it dr. nation has its limits, but boxes kind of responsible for less than one percent of greenhouse gas emissions . and unless the global greenhouse gas emissions are not reduced, people in countries like focused on, we've continued to appear to create the spoken to mount south korea where hundreds of balloons filled with trash and suspected feces have landed sent over the border by neighboring north korea. the balloons called gift of sincerity by north korea have provoked an angry response from sol,
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which called the act dangerous. hundreds of these balloons arrived in south korea overnight and are scattered across the country, the gary trash, and what the army said looked like vcs sent across the border by north korea. it has left locals and so worried he does okay. in terms what is she doing with this home? it was so creepy and scary that the balloon must have full. and then because north korea designate a specific target to really, i mean everyone was scared at that moment. i wonder what would have happened if there was some just rubbish. she needs to even look at this. but viruses or chemicals they can put, the title continued, and i thought war could break out right away, but i'm going to process a little strongly. that's how i felt if the situation were since that would be war . since a community don't know how far north korea will go,
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i was very anxious. they think they put on the 4th. north korea has said that the balloons were in retaliation to these inflatables, which were sent by south korean activists. they contained what north korean authorities called propaganda leaflets alongside us be sticks with gape up content . south korea has called this latest act dangerous. it has deployed its military to inspect and collect these bags of field from across the country. and some news from the world of sports. now byron munich have appointed vincent company as their new coach. after a month's long search, several top candidates had been projected the german top club, 38 year old company has signed a 3 year contract and that is despite his team. apparently having just been relegated out of the english premier on the bed bar and see potential and the
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former belgium international. he also speaks german because he played for hamburg. company replaces to him as total after byron's 1st season since 2012 and without any trophies. finally in iceland, a new volcanic fisher has opened up in the south west of the country, the region a c h, a russians in the last 3 years. the kilometer long crack in the earth began spewing lava just hours ago. effected area is mostly on populated but close to the famous blue lagoon spot and the major geothermal power plant. the latest erupt, sion comes as a blow to the residence of the fishing town of grand up big who have not been allowed to return to their home since last december. when lava began to encroach on their town, severing water and electricity supply lines. a quick reminder of our top story today. israel's military says it has taken the complete control of the strip of
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land that separates garza from egypt. the move comes out for israel launched deadly strikes in the neighboring city. a process finds a global outcry over increasing numbers of civilians out there with us. now the film is up next with an investigation into how confident are hiding their wealth in switzerland, optical fairly thank you so much for your company. my name is the calls back said wow, thank you so much for joining in. welcome to don't hold the bad. a lot of people do that. it's all about saying it aloud. that's what it being nosy bay, like good everyone to kings to check out the award winning called called don't call back the the.


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