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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 31, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm CEST

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the, the, this is dw news lie, but from berlin. donald trump says that he will appeal his historic guilty verdict . the 1st former us president to be convicted of a crime, shows that he will fight what he claims is an unfair conviction. the jury yesterday concluded that he did falsified documents to cover up push money that was paid to an adult film and start also coming up in berlin, follows washington in saying that it will now allow ukraine to use weapons western weapons to hit target inside russia. la scale morning, the move could lead to an all out for and the party that route sales advocate since the end of the parts i think is major loss is as election results come in. the
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break up is good to have you. with this on this friday, donald trump says that he will appeal against the guilty verdicts in his so called hush money trial. in new york, yesterday he was convicted on all 34 accounts of falsifying business records in order to cover up payments to the adult film star stormy daniels and illegally influence 2016 presidential election. mr. trump is the 1st former us president to be convicted of a criminal offense of speaking at trump tower in new york. after the case, he criticized the proceedings as the judge allowed them to go into every thing that i was ever involved in. not this case, every thing that i was ever involved in, which is the 1st, but i'm out there and i don't mind being out there because i'm doing something for
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this country and i'm doing something for our constitution. it's very important. far beyond me. this can be allowed to happen to other presidents, so it should never be allowed to happen in the future. but this is far beyond me. this is bigger than trump, this is bigger than me, this is bigger than my presidency. this is a scam is a rig trial. it shouldn't have been in that venue. we shouldn't had that judge. alright, i'm going to bring in now if at a rico for breeding. he's a professor of law at dublin city university professor. it's good to have you with this. what would you say are the chances that donald trump could actually see prison time because of this conviction? thanks for having me back in the program. it's obviously a new start date. as you said, for the 1st time, the history former president has been convicted by di julia spears, ultimately gets crime in the felony carries
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a sentence of up to 4 years in prison. however, there are 20 points that are worth considering here. number one in the american legal system, the jury decides on guilt, but it's the judge decides on the sentencing and the judge presiding over the key to match and has schedule sentencing on july 11th. so we'll have to wait a few more weeks to do exactly what the sentence will be. secondary, of course, mr. trump is entitled to appeal and he has already indicated that he will do so. and it's very likely that during the appeal, the a sentence will be stayed, meaning suspended. and then finally, the 3rd point to consider was that of course, this trial is separate from 2 other trials that are going on in the federal courts . again, mr. trump, as well as another state trial in the state of georgia. i. so the interplay between these board proceedings also has to be taken need to look at. so based on what
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you're saying, it's unlikely that he will go to prison for this conviction as well. um, the judge presiding over the case has indicated that he takes uh white collar crime seriously. of course mr. trump has a clean criminal record so far, so it is possible that he might get probation as a report as opposed to why a prison sentence is not. however, at the uh, interesting points left for size from a legal perspective is that even if he's elected as president of the united states, he will not have the power to part of himself for these crimes because this is a state prime. and so, a federal precedents doesn't have the power of pardoning against a decision taken by a state court. what are the chances with this appeal that he could get this conviction of return? i think the chances are limited to the appeal in the us legal system is mostly on
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procedural ground. the decision has been taken by a jury of citizens out the state of new york. of course the appeal would benefit trucks in terms of delaying the sentencing moment. and it also will have implications of political level, which i'm sure we will see over the next few weeks. i want to think of, of the points you made that if he does become president, he can not pardon himself because that's a federal authority. and this is a state case where he was convicted of. but this conviction does not prohibit him from running to become president again. so you could have of a convicted criminal becoming president in november. what does this, in your opinion, what does this tell us about the, the filtering process of american democracy as it is circle? yeah, no, almost unprecedented situation. we did see in history before one case of our residential candidate running for election from prism eugene,
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depths into 19 twenties was a candidate of uh, the american socialist party. so by itself, a conviction were being imprisoned does not represent an obstacle to becoming president, but clearly here, mister donald trump faces a severe challenges in the state of american democracy. and of course is under stress. if he were to be elected. why being a convict to prison or possibly, possibly in prison itself up to this point. however, i think the, the trial in new york demonstrates the resilience of the american legal system. and ultimately, also devices on the federal to the fact that you have both state and federal courts . did getting trevino to protect your professor for breeding. unfortunately, we're out of time, but we appreciate you joining us on this friday. we appreciate your analysis. thank you. thank you. very much and we bring the story back here to
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germany. now the german government has authorized ukraine to use weapons supplied by germany to strike certain military targets inside russia, but only in defense of the eastern harkey. freedom of the move marks to shift in policy for berlin, and it follows us president joe biden's earlier decision to allow ukraine to use american weapons to strike certain targets on the russian soil. these loose end restrictions are intended to help you create feedback rushes latest advances near harkey, dw, see political corresponding need to. honda told me what had prompted the german government's change of heart. it is a change of house indeed. and it comes icing because 2 things happened, one the situation on the ground. so ukrainians has been guessing very, very difficult. hockey of especially is under lots of pressure on the notes by the government's folks, especially where they announced that the decisions that we have a copy of. that one explicitly mentioned is that the german government always
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monitors the bustle brown situation carefully and then re assess is just what kind of support your training needs. and they have reached the conclusion that russia has been, and i quote, planning, coordinating and carrying out that the tax on hawk if from locations on russian territory. so germany has now joined the group of nations that think that ukraine needs to be able to attack the souls and not just the effect so that they must be empowered to target those installations from web rest of the launch. is those attacks in order to be able to prevent pressure from attacking rather than trying to bring down all those rockets. but the 2nd thing that happened is, in my view, equally important. the us have now officially given their ok for american weapons to be used for especially these purposes. and this has been one of the guiding principles for the german leadership. they've always said they will absolutely not go to a loan. that was a recurring message by the german townsend. every discussion about every new weapon
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system that ukraine has been asking for over the last 2 and a half years. and that definitely must not be seen as the one going forward and leading essentially the support for ukraine militarily. and you have to add that the note also stresses that ukraine has the right to, according to international, to carry out those attacks on military infrastructure, even in russia on foreign territory that is covered by international law if they set the purpose of self defense. so one more take away from all of this, this is decision does appear to show that germany does trust the ukrainian leadership because so far they've always adhered to the limits that they've been given of the allies. that was dw nina has of there nato secretary general, you instilled in the back says that the military alliance is determined to shorten ukraine's path to membership, to becoming a member of nato. you said that at a meeting of native foreign ministers in prague, a meeting that was called in to discuss the continuing support for key events. it's
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attempts to retail russian invaders suttonberg and said that moscow should not think that they can simply wait out. the more said the president purging had been threatening day to ever since the start of the conflict. he added that they will not be deter, health defense is not escalation. self defense is the for the monthly right. it isn't strange and then you, instructor ukraine has the rights on the responsibility to protect its people and we have the right to help ukraine upon. busy it's right themselves defense, or are they want to get out of correspond to ben rieger t joins is from that meeting a beta ford ministers in fraud. very good to see you. so pick up the story from there. what else did mr. stone back say today? the secretary general of outcome the decision by several allies to allow ukraine to
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use western and weapons. and i'll also on the russian targets in russia, starting next at this is part of sales defense. and nate, it has all rights to do that in the native and not become a pause due to this law on his fucking issue of russian allegations of that nature . is now somehow provo, king u. s. escalations and says those back also said that nato is designing and u. h package for ukraine aid that is deliberate, more sustainable of a model d n u frame. and this also to make this a mid every 8 and financial aid trump proof or trump safe because nature wants to avoid that. donald trump, if he comes back to the lighthouse, can retract from this a package. so this is something that will be decided to at this summit, the nato summit in july beard germany was the 1st country to,
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to follow the us by changing his policy on ukrainian weapons. do you think other data members are going to follow that before jim is the in the united states already funds in the united kingdom suite and then poland to have said that they don't have the restrictions as long as the weapons i use. now, in the, at the front line in khaki in belgrade and the russian side. and, but this can also change as in the blink and the secretary of state of the united states that and that they have to adapt to the developments in the fields. and this is not, is the last, but it depends actually what happens in ukraine and russia. and it depends on the russian and the russian reaction. yeah, i would ask you and we have it russian reaction and what is this decision? what kind of impacted could it have on the way that you have the reactions you can
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expect from the kremlin as spokes person product lending said, and this move by nato is clearly a kind of escalation and alter the russian lead of letting me put in said and that this will provoke, may be a full fledged war. he was here, but also spit out some friends against the smaller nato countries. but nato here says, well, this is the usual thing. we are used to this and we will disregard this. katie w's baird records for the latest from the native foreign ministers meeting in prague. baird, thank rush is more against the grain is prompt in germany to beef up the country's long constrained military and that includes expanding the navy's capabilities. the one of the navy's roles is supporting allies around the world. now to german vessels are heading to the south, showing the c. d. w. washington bureau chief and his poland cameraman meals for the 1st recently spend a few days on board as the ships began their journey in the north atlantic. the
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landing sake of the securing night approach midnight, the pots, the crew of the german for good. but i didn't go to bed is practicing for real life scenarios as they are preparing for an in the 50 pulling. the helicopters are on board not only for transporting the injured but also for detecting enemies submarines using some of the most advanced worship of the german bonsfield. a spring. let's see for 5 weeks already. when we joined in halifax, canada, how has the mission of the bonus had changed since the russian aggression against the crane and the rising tensions around the globe? admin role extra shows has been in the navy for 30 years. he is leading the operation which deals the various test. it is important that we now realize more is closer than expected. and ultimately we need to train for it. and in my opinion,
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most of equip how selves in order to, to potential opponents and the tank has a gig now. and i believe that deterrence has now become more important here by the end, that we must ultimately be prepared to exercise talents and defense. the tenants and defense, obviously, to sailors here. this new mission. that's what i'm fine. i mean most of the i stand by it and i love this job debate so petite. i enjoy being a soldier and we'll just leave it either dropped the tune, a little less of spartanburg and back and forth online or on a journey for a total of 7 months to be ready to face the challenges waiting in the south china. i see the data routine of the 180 people on board is characterized by drills and exercise and the equipment is tested daily for operational readiness and various missions. even the heart of the ship. the engine room is closely monitored. let's
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get. there are 2 things that can be detected by sensors, which is a way, and that's why humans are still the most important factor, which is why we go into the engine router. so we can get these pharma what happens before the end of the pacific diploma. and begins and for, for the head about trends it through the south china sea. we are participating in the major exercise rim pack, or rim of the pacific. this is a us led operation with the participation of japan and other international partners to come up. it is a great opportunity for us to demonstrate it now capabilities and we'll finish typing. i must have the most to you on taking part in the, in the pacific deployment, the german navy, alongside the partners, aims to contribute to the preservation of peace and stability. and one of the world's most economically important regions, or, or here's a quick look now and some of the other stories are making headlines around the
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world. israel has confirmed that its forces are operating in central areas of rasa as part of the offensive launched earlier this month. in the face of international criticism, at least the 1000000 palestinians have left the southern gauze and city disrupting humanitarian efforts. several people, including a police officer, had been injured in a night attacking the german city of mon heim, members of a far right, anti islam group, say they were targeted police shot and seriously wounded. the alleged attacker driven chance or elect sholtes, expressing his shock, saying violence is unacceptable in a democracy. philippines president for denmark is junior, has accused shined on carrying out coercive and illegal actions in the south china sea. he spoke of the opening of a regional defense summit in singapore, confrontations between the philippines and china in the contested waters have escalated in the last year. in south africa, the governing african national congress is heading for significant loss is counting
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continues and the countries parliamentary elections just over 70 percent of votes counted so far. the amc has received it's about 40 percent of the vote. that's a loss of around 15 percent on the last election. this would leave the amc needing a coalition partner for the 1st time since free elections were held at the end of apartheid more than 30 years ago. and for more on south africa's potential power shift, i'm joined now by our corresponded diane hawk or she's at the national results center in johannesburg. diane, it's good to see you after all of these years, decades of enjoying the support of the public. more than 50 percent. why are we seeing the agency lose so much support now while i seem to have lost, sorry, i lost sound briefly. they. um i, yes, i am at the national results center and the picture is looking quite different for
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the a and see from what they are used to experiencing. as you mentioned, the current current is at a just over 70 percent of the count. the votes counted and the, the, the results were the and see that's fall off at around 40 percent. just over 41 percent. part of the reason for that is some of the frustration that voters have expressed over the campaign trail. i'm speaking to voters through out the months leading up to the selection. they have indicated that they quite unhappy with the number of things as in the state of the country. for example, the country's economic situation has been in a poor state for some time. the world bank, for example, is also also predicted quite low growth levels for south africa for this year. and the impact of that on south africans essentially comes to, you know, the living conditions are not as good as they could be. a lot of south africans
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have not had jobs or don't have jobs around 40 percent of the working age population is unemployed. and of course, people are very frustrated with the ongoing power crisis. they've put these concept squarely at the door of the a and c. i'm saying they should come with answers and from these results, it seems like they are not happy with the responses given by the a and c that's false. so if these results are confirmed at the a and see if no political party has an absolute majority, what will that mean? well, it will mean that political parties will have to start having coalition discussion conversations. at this point, the a and c would would have to join with one of the other bigger parties such as the democratic alliance or the economic freedom fact freitas. all the new m k parties. if they wanted to get over the 50 percent mark, it's difficult to say who would actually join with the agency at this point. because of course, during the campaign,
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everybody's been campaigning quite heavily against the amc and speaking out against the practices as well as against the policies. uh they are also significant ideological differences with these political parties. um, so that will also have to, to, to, to factor in to this process of coalition. they are, these are former south african president, jacob zoom. he was barred from this election, but i understand he has been playing a significant role in the results that we're seeing right behind you. tell me about that. yes, absolutely. i think the m k party, which was recently founded by the former president jacob zoom a, has been a major wildcard and disruptor in this election. part of the reason at press, the navy contextualize why he was, was bought. the former president was convicted and the south african constitution doesn't allow him to anyone with the conviction of more than 12 months to stand for
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public office at a national level. that being said, people still seem to be voting based on some support for the, for the president, jacob, too much, especially in the closet in the tall province where he originates from and where he has quite a strong political following that the party has gotten over the 1200000 votes, and more than 800000 of those 1200000 votes have actually come from because the really natal province. so it's definitely a huge disruptor. and, and, and then this have said that they have most likely taken some votes from the amc as well as from some of the other smaller parties and testing in the selection, dw is diane hawker with the latest from johannesburg. diane, thank you. a little actions to the european parliament to get under way next weekend for white parties are expected to make big games. one
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country where they're foraging ahead in the polls is france. they are the right wing. not so you know, rally party of were reading the pin has spent years cleaning up its radical image to try to become electable dw use. lisa louie reports from one place where they've made in rows the department of like coins in central france. she went on the campaign trail with a young socialist hoping to turn the tie. go to the morning, something for the 9th of june in 17 year old antoine shovel wants to convince status. the socialists currently predicted to come 3rd of the right choice in the upcoming european elections. a bunch of money here are likely to cost a different fate to good morning. the european elections will happen on the 9th of june. been by there are many people here hesitated for the sod, right? national riley. how to explain that what maybe we should give it
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a go. yeah. 9 different even more days past. i'm so many people here who'll vote for the national rally like myself. what's the, what's the are hypocrites. we don't have a choice of the for the, i don't want to repeat the mistakes of the past. what mistakes the past the front or bardello hasn't harmed anyone can use the far right task like normal that as a former builder, i only get 39 years of support per day. so it's ridiculous. no mind. yeah, that's all right. we'll cancel social welfare. all mean only ship all in a truly, i just want to abolish it for foreigners not it did not shop. was it hold on to one is convinced he can make even bytes. us like these change the mind. somebody going to say exact and they don't realize the national riley is still the same party with the same ideas. that's scary in the far right suggest the parents solutions that don't solve the problems that we provide real solutions, people's problems on the boss. but with the far right leading in the polls and the you problem entry elections in front, making his voice heard wouldn't be easy for antoine. especially in an area like
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this one, the rubber larry is where the national riley has consistently been gaining ground since the early 2 thousands, 2 years ago in the decisive run of a to francis last presidential elections fall right candidates. marie le pen came 1st in 40 percent of the districts here in the bathroom, all of that, cuz lots, despite the fact that her potty doesn't have any deep roots here. none of the mayor's in that close from the national riley. the nation in raleigh is trying to appear to disgruntled date, as he say, mainstream parties has been cutting down on public services and not provided enough jobs for people in the countryside. imagery, so they know we care about it. definitely, we want to increase their purchasing power to make them feel secure, dignified and promoting it until they were present across the whole country. even in the most remote areas. they look, you do. but for antoine, the national rallies,
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head start is older, more reason to give the campaign his or even if thoughts and up his truck as long as you. good day, sir. i'm here about the european elections your way. by the way, you don't want to vote on this on till we are on the ground. meanwhile, i haven't seen national around the members are complaining here in the close. we're hoping to overtake the 2nd place renaissance party so that we become the main to position to the national are really nice, especially looking at to the next presidential elections. 2027. my president, my call comes around again. don't. there was an extreme cause it off the phone to month. even though the socialist i now write to him, but he is of my class potty. mamma's task lies ahead. the nation rally is predicted to get twice as many bites as them. are. you watching dw news of next, every man squeeze in on west africans culinary conflict, who makes the best? jealous rice. i'll be back at the top of the hour with more world news. i have to
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see you then the
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is the movie in cross friendship, reinventing the wheel. the turn my head. every way we make africa big because we're not sitting in just the media. find out why the world simply means next. on d w, the soccer is her life as little as grossey. it is from the central african republic. but as a young girl,
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she faced many challenges at home and test scores. the kanji make her dreams come true. across the mfc of bonding football for feature in 45 minutes on d w. the funds for robots back to one giant leap for exploring the ocean floor. cutting edge technology is i'm looking the potential of deep sea mining. but this time, a research team will study the possible risk sucks in order to minimize that, we have an opportunity to to get it right before we even start. environmental activists of skeptical rules fail billions to be made out to
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the entries deep. the greed dots june 7th on the w shows in the advancement of every cache is a session weeks the previous platform showcasing the latest trains and tenants in the south african fashion, where it celebrates innovation. diversity and creativity in the industry. finalizing play, establish design is ad emerging points as in the industry on the global scale. but 1st, we find out small button and maybe in handcrafted bikes by own goals that bicycles on my gateway, which shows as how she started her thriving interior design business in south africa. then we meet the company's board boogie moley and ex professional fucker pass.


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