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tv   Afrimaxx  Deutsche Welle  May 31, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm CEST

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the environmental activists are skeptical. thompson rules fail billions to be made out to talk commentary deep. the greed does june 7th on the w shows in the advancement of africa is a session, weeks of previous platform showcasing the latest change and tenants in the south african fashion, where it celebrates innovation. diversity and creativity in the industry, highlights in place, establish design is ad emerging voices in the industry on the global scale. but 1st, we find out small button and maybe in handcrafted bikes, by own goals that bicycles on my gateway, which shows us how she started her thriving interior design business in south africa. then we meet the company's board boogie mosley, an ex, professional,
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parker pants and artist. i'm finally set then bait and you're watching at re max the a. hi jerry and the price for now. i'm sorry, it's kind of rich flavor. it is a chairs, fish i gathering in nigeria and beyond needs to take off some of it because it's still boiling, who makes the best to low for ice in africa. the nigerians pretty much agree and i do it on 0 sides. is it best for and 3, it's better with but what makes it so special for the thing i love about this dhl office, the smoky effect, there's tiny bits of puts in this formula. heather's fish here, it's really not the color as well. is given lines, you angels,
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i love it all over west africa, people are arguing about who makes the best. hello fresh. we'll come back to the deluxe wars leader. but 1st, let's get a few of i guess, to left my friends have their say, it may go right to the rising, the best. i got you tomorrow afternoon, like i it zillow, price all, most definitely be on. if i don't, if you, if you knew we, i mutual 80 thoughts on the just the last piece specialize in jello price which can be made on firewood. therefore giving it another term called firewood deluxe, which gives the rest of the smoky taste and very flavorful. for me as the friday is um, even new that's this is a physical for sending pollution. growing up and then right now in our society is we have a foxy without the phrase. these are the ingredients. you need rice mostly durians, refresh, drug grade rice compared to the long grain or best monthly rise to begin the ins
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for fair. you need water, tomatoes, tomato paste. garlic. ginger time, a variety of peppers, stock, crayfish, dried fish or shrimp to give the rice some additional flavor. so 1st of all, with that, with the support this bought it. i own ca, sports is called a mary you robot and it's very, very important and making up your file, which of jello afraid of before i would be the slim use of the the fire. it's very, very also near me before that kind of time. it's for like $2.00 to $3.00. i was cause for you to make a good what time think we will buy for a major, lovely news. there's a low price of $1.00. now i'm going to add the, but that was the measuring into the rental time of i guess we have uh spent it on and on. you think it'd be possible. i'm very frustrated cooking and the smells are like, well i'm so much fun you use. i was wondering, does it come max, we're going to go in without to me to pay i'm moving out of a scene on the same kind of tomato paste and i'm very familiar with the same. i
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mean for the, the different mix. i give you that goes to the what if i missed all were you some law son in law is a 6 now it helps to is it kind of progressive way and some find everything together and you i will. well, i will go for spies. so give me a little bit of faith and i got it for me. so let me throw your feet on some read. it also brings everything together. i'm next thing i'm going, i'm going to lab our car. we will call the mix. everything is coming out nice dollars already. now the baby smell, i've already smelled because or week i'm as time as well. a dollars mill the garlic . i was a little less spices. i'm missing the stuff. and mr as well. everything is coming out names our last while the rest of them to still, we take a look at where to live comes from, and what are the floors all about?
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one factor contributing to the best i versity of deluxe them from the movement of the wall of people across the west africa. many countries of the sub continent have their own methods of preparation. and many people use a variety of spaces. but the secret always lies in the type of pepper one use this i feel like i'm afraid is about 4 different ratings then for like, okay, for the full missouri on fold phone guy. now for sending that leaves about all of our pilots going up and what a different kind of different need for an idea. we have the she, we have our strong bowl, we have them, i will do and we have about 2 months. so it's been a different story, so the end result is only is going to be different to an office as diverse as nigeria. almost every region has its own, like coconut to a lot of products are low, which is made from of adults. and some people use crayfish as a replacement for fish, which gives it additional flavor, pointing it's available to making cold or painting to last friday. and it's quickly
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for a long time. meaning for interesting, you need embrace to be prophets. a fox and beads is a package of a 5. it progress port. that is it prevents a low price. after about 30 to 45 minutes, the zillow price is ready. it is easy to dish and eat so no need to use your hand to dig. but do enjoy with a spoon or for you're looking for i see and you're looking for something different . so give me a quick article, then the lender and find out the phrase, and it tastes likelihood that he would love to have you ever tried. zillow phrase, surely not all the varieties, then go ahead because there's something for everyone. but the ongoing feud between nigeria and dana regarding who's the low price is better, may never be resolved. this is known as the gyla ford. that looks so delicious. before meeting today is one way stars in the top african comments. let's have a look as to how i spend my morning, what top of my 2 tabs
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a design accordingly. so to n rates in south africa, get a certain level. see, it's great to see you. are you a day viewing a new and fresh old, sustainable range at the ac fashion week? how does it feel and what does that work look like to accomplish this milestone? i am super, super excited. i think more than anything i'm looking for to showcasing my new fabrics that we've produced. we've what we've in these fabrics and to showcase that on the ram. so, i mean there's a lot of butterflies in the stomach. i haven't done it say, especially for a couple of years. so for me it's a little bit of a come back moment as well. so then trouble. who would you say your work is full and why? so really, the woman that i'm designing for is the lady who wants to spend all who wants to stand out in the cause. and then it's also multitasking. and it has to be all these things that society demands, but still looks beautiful and fabulous. and her culture and heritage, i would love to have in the garage of space and hopefully grab something for later on tonight. well, let's see what we've present is having the,
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this is so cool and then you can always just have a if you've got a partner going from way we can just let's thank you so much trouble for inviting the space and i cannot wait for tonight with hopefully i'll be stealing some i can wait for it. thank you. and on that note, let me get you out. thank you. and on i don't remember the luxury steel framed bikes that across that for records, the rain outstanding heads leads that could be uncle. and then craven who are showcasing there in the maybe in kaufman, so that is truly spinning the wheel this is will cost steel frame bicycles made with pride, but does the world really need another bike, brent? well, so gotcha. yeah, and then from my router in the movies they hit, let's find out how they reinventing the wheel. we make everything by hand,
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not machine and check it very well and check again. that is how good the photos of the bicycles or they can cut these tubes over and over the bicycle off the bicycle with a heck. so and a file. and we'll take it to the alignment table and measure it in fractions of a millimeter. we focus the or the design and see the very good be over by skill as soon as in pride and very strong. this work is unique and i feel proud to make a quality bicycle of the full use of experimenting and prospecting the of frame building. how does the team and all not who make sure all their hard work pays off as they send the full models into the global market. and what does the move into raise have to do with it? the one that we launched with the original gravel model, one is made to be able to enjoy cruising on toll roads. but when you take it off
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onto forest pods, sheep tracks. it's just a bicycle that is made to just basically make you feel like a little kid again and the fire as we call it is my ideal, right? like it's not a 100 percent focused on racing, it's got a big tire clearance so you can put on tires on rocks and, and maybe in tall roads or on smooth the gravel roads overseas. recently. no, it's been difficult, which is our hotel mountain bike and it's built so that you can definitely see fit in substantially large tires. and it's basically a very much an old, a kind of pride. and finally, the tongue is very special to me because it was designed for way i come from our gravel roads might be wide and straight for the sandy patches. jump out of nowhere
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and really surprise you and the skinny this and the band. and the full allows it to move a lot and absorbs the congregations and it's got deep section carbon fiber wheels with mountain bike tires, which is an unusual look because it's, it's mixing the classical look and the, the modern technology or the harsh conditions of the mid desert have directly instruments the design of these custom made 2 leaves and they all by can through z a all over the world. but who is the target market? out objective is to have people who care about design details about the small little things being just right to see what we are doing and say that speaks to me as very, very good thing. because our bodies, again, we are not sitting in dusting, that may be feeling good because we, we make africa big. this is our 1st bicycle that's going to switzerland.
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this particular customer is a slightly older gentleman. so he actually ones a gravel bike with flat handled balls. so we're going to have to change the geometry a little bit and make sure that it fits him in a slightly more upright position. this is our beautiful batch. the 4 initials are the 4 people involved in the building of this specific bicycle. this is the 70th bike that the team is producing. but how do a google bicycles come about? i went to 211 big games at one time i was a professional psych, just raced in the most countries around the world. and the more i traveled, the boy realized how special my, my home country that was in my hometown was people all world close that using they have when i come from has a vibrancy, has creativity. and the world's perception of us is anything about that. and i have
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a problem with that. that is why we are doing little google, because i know that we can compete with the world's best. a den took the same building, close and returned to amount to share his skills with academia and 3 other workers who grew up with on his parents, palm and most of fame, boldest, helps them refine the across and design couldn't have been 18 we west. i think getting threatening big training and it was very hard for us because was, and your thing every day we haven't lending something through with the, with, through the, the process. so could we, yeah, is one of 2 cd, a bike bold is poor shareholders in the business. and as he rides the 1st by keyboards to work, how does he feel every day if i'm coming in though with a, with triple, 5, tory, i'm very,
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very proud. and i like this with because i with what like, i'm both in the west cuz it's not just way but it's something, what do you we, we grow innovation is often central to growth. so how does producing pods locally that was sort of broad improve and was applied to threaded parts of your bottle of cage, get screwed into is now being couple of live here in a letter to the dropout deals. we're, we'll sliced into our being made in vin tuck. it means that we have more with unique parts on the bicycle because they are our designs. you're not going to see that on anyone else's bicycle as a who's that gains traction around the world. it gives hope to the people of america and the continents. 10 years ago i was just doing a wake up in the fall. i was not dreaming about these combine was very mean a boat to make the bicycle. i want to say thank you for my small boy then.
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yeah, a thank you very much for this idea, disagreement if you believe in the ability of people from some. ready forgotten places and if you believe that africa has an amazing future, and that if you want something that's as tough as nails the best place to go and get that something is from the toughest place, perhaps. oh, my god, who is the last place you'd expect of trent sitting by a friend to come from? but that's exactly what the criteria and dan have done with the head made bicycles the election, reinventing the wheel. one way we'll set the top models and standing out said to captivate that same n t z. and let's go back face to find out how the feelings before they race the
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space because the new t beautiful. thank you so much hope you pay for so and i don't know, i think just confidence and just knowing no knowing your it and just killing is on the run rates for sure. like this is just a lot of parental favorite ation. that goes into it. you know, because everything else is sorted out for us. so we just go into wifi, if we have to do as to and void the do with sir. wow. they say session week, what influential impact does it have? so it's a session with it exposes, do a lot to the modeling industry, you know, these so many designers here and then to get the opportunity to be on the stage like this. you know, it says it's, it's really warming so hard to be able to broad cost to attend into the world as well. all the space you have us to, they said your passion and your last full session says beautifully. and i hope that you take that passion of the state, 12 years of age for this. this might be
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a bad decision interior design games on stalls. you are able to make the virtual field into real lives at the same way. we're just, i'm sorry, just on a sec, you that needs to tell us how she's become a d r y suite renovating building and just reaching that's really exhausting wireless so that we can design a month or 12 really want to do everything there. so also make my own crate and i know what i want. i know what i want to present to clients and to my customers. so for me, be to what i am able to look at and be able to say it is what i believe that it is . because what i'm able to then say to this is the reason why you spend so much money on something that is custom invest, spoke to you, and your home in your space a month or 12 is convinced that she has not only the power, but also the best designs to create unique spaces,
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including furnishings. but before we learn how she became as successful vendor contract, let's have a look at how and why she makes furniture from scratch. how's playing a game that are as drawn to fingleton solely playing the game? and he said, is this what you like to do? i said this is what i'd like to do one day. but i wasn't sure how i wanted to do it . so they knew said, okay, i have a house that i'm in the process of buying. how about you helped me with the house? and that's how it started. there was just me putting together ideas my mind through a game before i got the whole works happening. the furniture that i'd find on the game was not the finish that i wanted with that i could find in south africa and i realized, okay, i should be able to get myself into the space. i'm able to make the furniture myself and also be able to deliver what i showed people within the game within the
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apps that we use and not with the just see and big retail spaces that you find in south africa. it was, this is tension from interior to furniture design that gave her an edge over her competitors. what isn't making high quality furniture? a lot of hardware monitors started looking for a team of local pressman who could actually make the furniture she imagined with best suited overall design. how i found them was trying to search for people that actually understood my vision and understood what i have in my mind and putting that into reality. because you find people that tell you that they can do something . but then when they do it, it doesn't look the way you wanted to, doesn't feel the way you wanted to. i found that there was a on this in terms of pricing. that was very honest in terms of the assume they use terms of the material that they use in the fab receive. and there was a patient with me. i'm not a very easy present in deal with, but they're extremely patient. this need to understood my vision. we're pretty
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crazy also just that we have little bit limited because we was too young. but this guys the limits. but yeah, i think we liked the challenges sometimes because helps us girl making a culture. so you need to have thoughts and would have time cuz it slides. so we get that together and we put those things together, the end of pine. and then next steps we're getting the saga to cover defines and next step it's a bind to make sure the fibers. and then we cut off fabric size according to the frames that we may have for teaching. like here, we're making these um expensive to put together and perform each day and then we
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fix the cushions. we put them together and the cost is done. i've always loved the design space of things and i always tell people, contracting also comes with designing a space and to learn and understand what exactly comes into a space before it becomes beautiful. that caught me excited in doing what i wanted to do, which is not just decorating less designing and contracting. i've done residential most, the renovating interior decorating interior, designing and wasting tea, also in the process of doing a restaurant. so i'm tapping into the commercial space on the young black woman. there's a 3 things to inside. advocates not easy to be to convince people to give you the hot and menus for you to spend it and not run away with it, but just being transparent as new clients. so if you call me
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a 10 bmw boys available, just to give you that comfort and ease to easier mind to believe that i am here to save you and to make you happy and not to run away with your money. over the years, a month is built, a successful business with loyal clients that have come back to her to renovate. there are other homes and business spaces. ad referred her to others. what keeps them coming back? she brought holly to see, brought to the uniqueness of my apartment in every guest. whenever the walking into my apartment, the regions that i get from the f, b and b is up and where did you get to finish? and i even referred to you as the number of contact tech, you know. so what those ratings, as you know, as the sleep sessional, beautiful and again. so i'm really happy with passive is whether in construction renovation, we've been building furniture d o y. a months are true shows how hard work pays off with their standing living, working at leisure spaces. now let's meet david boogie mode leads to transition
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from being a professional soccer player. so celebrates at all. it says off to any injury at the tend to age of $23.00. how did david do the moly, manage to jump careers from down for the count pro, soccer player, to renowned artist so quickly? i didn't know. you know, if someone like me coming from the bible outcome from a could be a successful in large scale graffiti style portraits of celebrities or the manchester residence hallmark after he'd only been at it for a year. peter and more was his ours then from his entire soccer career, which was ended by a knee injury when he was just 23. when i 1st online, i thought, you know, it was going to be quick. now is going to think about playing. i've thought a month my, i didn't know the serious of my injury until we had a scan and i found that it was a lot more serious. um, while i thought it was, david molly was born in 1995 and what is now the democratic republic of the congo?
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he was 10 when his family moved to new england. soon after he was discovered while playing soccer in the street, at age 14, he was picked up by the liverpool f. c academy laser and he played for various clubs like coventry united. but injuries play came along the way to la cruciate ligament rupture spelled the end. many of his one time fellow players from his nearly 10 year career, ours to forwarding his new one top players like key. and brian jack released antonio, who to go. the mothers and re streams commission works from him. or these are pretty much some of the shot of some of the plays that i've done for. but how exactly did a pro soccer players get started drawing and painting? i wasn't in a place where i was so i had to look i you know,
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different direction so um yeah, i was pretty much bye. so then i just buy a pay and we're not even paying just drawing one's life. sneak is in train is a customers house thought it's and then not from that on a, grew and developed into, into, into congress, to the moly spends $2.00 to $3.00 weeks on each painting. he starts with the person he's chosen as a subject and it's 6 concept with no more than 3 colors. the rest comes fun, taney is link whether it's star on the pitch or the canvas movie. molly is living proof of this saying when one door closes another open. if only you believe in yourself that didn't we. we did a site here to support all social media platforms for more. but until next time the,
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the, [000:00:00;00] the soccer is her life limit. grossey, it is from the central african republic. but as a young girl, she faced many challenges at home and at school the can she make her dreams come true? across the messy ivonya football for feature?
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in 15 minutes on the w, there's more to sustainable fishing than just fishing. when i go out to see together the cultural heritage, socio fishing is a traditional techniques of attendees. an article, a girl of care kind of its importance of live artist a mean it to be, it's in bassett, or b as in 90 minutes on d w. the . my name is steve, i'm on the card. it's not a age, particularly. my name is simone. sony, this is india is new generation. what else?
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a dream. in the world's most populous country. what do they want to change in the society full of contrasts. the indian aids stuff, june 5th, on dw, we are all set and we're watching closely in the we can use a story behind the news. we're rolling about unbiased information for free by the frankfurt international gateway to the best connection, south road and radio. located in the heart of europe, you are connected to the world experience outstanding shopping and dining offers. antonio's services be our guest at frankfurt. airport city,
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managed by frank bought the dw news line from berlin. the us president says, israel has proposed a plan that could in the war and go into the deal being offered to homos requires the release of his really hostages, and would allow palestinians to return to their home. we're going to want to washington for the details also coming up. donald trump, the 1st former us president to be convicted of a crime, says he will appeal his conviction as he runs to be president. yet again, and berlin following washington in saying that it will now allow ukraine to use


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