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tv   Shift  Deutsche Welle  June 1, 2024 4:02am-4:16am CEST

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headphones these days feel more at more like talking to an actual human being. but what does this really mean for us as use us? how well do they really understand us? and what are the risks that we face? checkbox becoming increasingly lifelike. take the trip to peachy for oh, by open a i. it can visually identify surroundings and recognize our emotions. the, or even has some understanding of comedies. what do you call a giant pile of kittens? i don't know. what am yeah, i'm saying that's perfectly the layer it is just how useful is the newest version of chips repeat to you. really cheap. t for o is more human than ever. it can communicate emotionally and see its surroundings . the oles. that's what i'm the, as an on the put sense to model can work with text, audio and video making, beaten to action, more natural. take a look. and i wrote one last thing. i love it. you can take a look at,
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of course i'd love to see what you wrote, show it to me whenever you're ready. okay, so this is what i wrote down. what do you see? oh, i see i love chat to p t. that's so sweet of you. according to it's make of g p t for all cannot only express emotions, it can recognize your emotions to it looks like you're feeling pretty happy and tearful. hey, i, systems learn to recognize emotions by being trained on corresponding data. so for example, by analyzing text, that leaves the smile to happiness, that leaves tiers to establish and a i is train to up to like in an optimization process to recreate this data. but what happens when a, i adults more human like traits? the model become indistinguishable from extra human. we tend to be very trusting of computers to sit just even if they contradict old believes that's according to
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research from as fairly as 1999 and more recent studies suggest the same checkbooks already convincing. but if they speak to us like a human being what they might be even more so, and that could be a problem because a, i can like it can invent effects if at least to be true. this is called to see nation test. so that a i playing poco, a video games have learned to bluff to produce of favorable outcomes. these systems are known to be 9 or to making up things. and if something is very convincing, i'm static and making things up, just by my natural behavior. i'm way more inclined to believe it. then if it was dry objective text or, or reasoning that can be much easier to assess slow this sort of nonsense or not. i don't know about you, but in a i chip or deliberately lying seems pretty scary. it could trick us into giving
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away personal data like credit card details, and even if that doesn't happen a chip both could be the future of online misinformation. that's why it's important that a i is trained with error free data and is able to understand the nuances of language correct. in india, there are 22 official languages and over 19000 dialects. plus some topics like sexual health aren't open, lead, talked about. and that's with checkbooks could come to the rescue. the may not full of books can also tricky questions about sex and health in india. but it has to understand cultural nuances and different dialects. not what he's in the one of the more thing was speaking to both areas with um you know, hundreds of languages. but within those languages, there are so many sub languages, some die leg line normally sign within those languages, what's 9 but in defense within those families. so how do we've done for news on says an attack board that is mental stock implement that are maybe not mr. solice,
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standardized version of our language is advanced lots language models and able to check both to comprehend and engage in multiple languages. the l. m. used by the may not be a little f r trained to connect with use us and then native language is like manase and even the sing list can be mixed with english. what, why people don't think that they would say some buttons, but maybe a mom. so some of those days, oh really, you know, so there are different ways of theme to themes and hopefully things die one then everything slang. so things that does it least look as well as that could be to be met before that this f c use instead to having goals metaphors from 5 lots of the back end states of 8th is needed. so the both can understand a problems correctly and doesn't get lost in translation or even worth create confusion with incorrect information or hallucinations. this requires intensive ground with the checks balances that the guy bought provide. and if it is at all,
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then we have a good, i close and then we create. then we take all the correct questions and the correct answers. and we see to in fact, into the model. and that is actually the 20 to 25000 questions as we are fact checking. and bessie not only do you with our staff, but also the medical professionals and doctors and has professionals have been in the field for 10 years. the nations is an issue that almost across the industry if you're trying to figure out how to do that along with other things like, you know, be by, is gender bias kind of good bias that comes up in the topic. this isn't the was the reason why this gender bias would be does because there's 10 devices back to the basics. how doesn't they? i chip bought, learn to talk to its environment and know what to say. the most important component of chip thoughts is a so called l l m, a lot language model. that's an a i program that can recognize and interprets human language in lots language model is in
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a program that recognizes and interprets human language. l m. 's, use machine learning to understand how characters, words and sentences worked together. creating neural networks with many layers, processing large amounts of data. these networks learn by recognizing petulance, for example, in language, and waiting and scoring them. this network is learning to recognize the number 9, the more frequently of pets. and of course, the more weight to the network places on it's in this way important peasants are reinforced for feedback and repeated training. l. m. sloan to understand and generate and natural language. the names performance depends on the quality or training data. and the names of trained with data from the internet. a pre selected dataset as most suitable here because arrows can be filtered out beforehand and remove the $25000000000.00 us dollars. well invested
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in the development of genuine to a models such as chats, u, p, t. in 2023 alone a times more than the year before and the market for a i software that can read your emotions is also growing. it doesn't even have to look you in the face. natural language processing software is being used by companies worldwide to analyze their customers and employees emotional states. the study conducted by jonathan chrysler during the cold with ben demick shows just how well the systems work. the co founder and president of the motion a. i start the rest of tippett t analyze the red posts of 6500 nurses and doctors with this proprietary software. looking at close to full 1000000 comments over the course of full years, cried luck. you rated the data base for research as worldwide the goal advance the detection of psychological stress. and trauma is actually a,
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an incredibly wide variety of insights that are available from our assessments. we can understand, you know, similar concepts like personality. but we can also understand psychological traits and understand how people change in the moment depending on the context. what we found was that even early in the pen demik, even before the world health organization declared a pen demick, we could see some of the early indicators of what would ultimately lead to burn out . things like elevated cognitive load. all that is needed is every day communication, such as emails, select messages or social media posts. but why existing through communications, the software doesn't just look for obvious descriptions of feelings, but also for the so called function words such as pronouns, how we use these can review a lot about all mental states. people with depression, for example, use significantly more 1st person singular pronouns, like i and myself. according to a psychologist, people who are depressed,
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often highly self aware, also focusing this applies across languages and cultures and a i could help support the so called language of depression. whole lot of the patterns that exist that we're analyzing are the same across cultures and context. it's less of what people are talking about and how language can provide insight into how they're thinking about themselves and the context there and, and how they relate to the context or, and, and to the other people around them. it's very much a social psychological phenomena that we're focused on, and that exists regardless of the cultures or languages you're communicating. pay i can not only analyze text, but also voice messages. the use cases, plentiful, analyzing how people interact with jet, bought splunk companies insights into the use this mindset. really interesting recent use of our for technology was to help with the vaccine uptake and under privilege communities. so what one of our customers was finding is that if they
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could understand how some of these populations think and how they consume information, they can do a better job calendar and the messaging around the benefits. and really the reasons why this action should be used to this community and improve vaccine uptake. after conducting interviews with community members, the language model was used to create a detailed community profile. this allow to custom tailor the message to a specific part of the population. addressing benefits and concerns of methods and that comes from advertising and marketing and it's becoming more and more common so called triple bots. i know also is using a motion a i to also use us customized travel tips. just one example is the voice a i m a v d f is currently being tested and based on your wishes and personalities, it can put together a trip from new york city. for example. first, you'll have to write a few pictures and answer some simple questions. the fm create a kind of psychological profile of you using that as
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a foundation who then receive personalized travel recommendations. but what does it mean for our privacy when a companies use our data? metal for example, officially says that it uses our publicly accessible facebook and instagram photos and takes to train is a i what happens then? one of our programs that can analyze or facial expressions who uses this data and what for regulation can hardly keep up with innovation, leaving us exposed to potential dangerous. for a i just find acceptance and responsible use that people need to know what they are doing. and how they are working work they are trained on understanding leads to better assessment a i will continue to understand off and all emotions. betsel that's affect it will make every day tasks easier. but we will have to stay vigilant with how we developed and protect our they saw in the wrong hands. our data could easily be
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used against us. i want to know what you think about all this. leave a comment and let us know. that's it from us this week. so next time the prices got issues with a lot say what? the one on 6 times to be covering
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t more people than ever on the move worldwide in such an one. great timing question. it's very hard to say very difficult to find out about some story info my grands what i mean, obviously, i know i might just do it and i'm hoping dw newport past. thank strength amounts, but there's no actually about move. join us as we travel around your, facing the history of every day of that. and that's something right around the wells. no need to talk to you back. just as subscriber id listen to pop, gosh, the more fix you along to the right the the,
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we smell something and immediately our brains are flooded with memories.


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