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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 1, 2024 12:00pm-12:15pm CEST

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the w news. why from goverlan south advocates and c loses it's paula ministry majority for the 1st time, voters punters to the ruling party for a perceived corruption and inability to solve deep seated problems. now it will be forced to find coalition partners to stay in power. also coming out it's time to begin this new state. the hostages are easier to be secure, the suffering to stop time for this war to pass us prisoner joe biden. bridges both these real and him, us through agreed to a cease fire deal that would see the release of hostages. and the withdrawal of is really forces from guns the welcome to our viewers around the world. unlike a low could we begin with the elections in south africa,
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where the ruling amc party has lost its majority for the 1st time since apartheid ended. 30 years ago, with nearly all ballots counted, the amc has received 40 percent of votes as a drop of around 17 percent since the last election. they will now need coalition partners to form a government, south africa's biggest opposition party. the democratic alliance has received around 21 percent of the votes. the m k party founder, just months ago by former president jacobs luma, came in there for more. let's now speak to dw corresponded diane hawker in johannesburg. and she happens to be at the national results center, diane, a massive debt for the and see what's led to this erosion. well, there's a, a kind of complicated story behind that, erosion a story that and takes
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a look at some aspect test last the 2 years and with us of africans feel that the amc has done enough to change the circumstances. and the simple onset from these results is that voted in south africa, feel that the economic conditions, the social conditions and the living conditions simply have not changed enough under the amc government to justify they being and having an out my right majority going forward. a lot of people that we've spoken to in the lead up to this election has told us about the personal circumstances and how those personal circumstances are the motivation for voting in this way. they said that they are very unhappy with the job. 60 situation. as you know, south africa is also very an equal society and a lot of people are living below the poverty line here. the amc for many years has said that it will create better living conditions for people across the country. but people are simply not seeing that in the live experiences. and they as
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a result, taking the boats to other parties who have promised to change those conditions for them. now these are the parties are the very same parties that the ac. we'll have to consider whether they can get into coalition talks with going forward if they want to still retain some sort of a government in this country. they do have 40 percent of the vote, but they need to have a government with over 50 percent. basically 50 plus one, and that would mean that they would even need to partner with as a smaller parties. oh, they would need to join up with some of the larger opposition parties. menu of which had been very vocal against the agency government. so it is going to be a tough few days trying to all these political parties to figure out, you know, what the situation will be going forward. ultimately, this is the voice of voters that has spoken. we've heard from different observers throughout the selection period, and they said that it's clear that you know that the voice of voters is what we're
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seeing. and these results just based on the cues and the determinations of, of advocate the termination of 5 africans to make sure that they cost the votes. michael a, it's a dw corresponded diane hawker in johannesburg. thank you. us president joe biden has presented a proposal for a permanent ceasefire in gaza bite and says that the plan was put forward by israel . it would unfold in 3 phases and ensure the return of is really hostages, and the reconstruction of gaza. a mouse has released a statement saying it views the proposal positively bite and has urged both sides to accept the ceasefire. this is truly a decisive moment. is made their proposal. how much says it wants to cease fire? this deal is an opportunity to improve whether they really need
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a mouse needs to take the deal. i know there are those in israel who will not agree with this plan and will call for an award to continue indefinitely. saw summer, even in the government coalition. i asked you to take a step back and think what will happen if this moment is lost? you can't lose this moment. it's time to begin this new stage. the hostage is to come home for israel to be secure. the suffering to stop is time for this war 2, and we want to give you a look at the proposal in more detail. president biden said that in a 1st phase, lessing, 6 weeks is real and homeless would enter a full incomplete cease fire is really forces would withdraw from populated areas of gaza. moss would release a number of hostages, including the elderly women and the wounded. in exchange,
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israel would release hundreds of palestinian detainees, humanitarian aid for gaza would search at this point with at least $600.00 trucks being allowed into gaza each day in the proposals. second phase homeless would release all remaining living hostages, including mail is rarely soldiers. all hostilities within and is really forces would fully withdraw from all have gone so once the steps have been accomplished, a moss would hand over the remains of old dead hostages. it still holding rumble in kansas cities would then be cleared and reconstruction of the territory back by the us. europe and international institutions would. in fact, again for more on this i'm joined by shawnee was honest shawnee um you know, joe biden presented this as in his really proposal. so why was the announcement coming from washington rather than israel? that's the key question for all of this. this is a symbol of the americans restoration and someone anchor and then send you out
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because this is a proposal that the is really cabinet has approve voted on already a couple of weeks ago, but it's been kept under wraps, mostly hidden from the is really public and bottom fields that may be missing, i was looking for as we else maybe is not serious enough in pushing forward with this deal. and he felt, i mean, there was, we know there's been a lot of back and forth was been button and the it is really representatives on whether this should be posted in the sense but, and felt that they need together is really the americans push come off to the wall and put this offer on the table, say this is what's there, you know, and he felt also as time progresses that and that's when you all might be too afraid to anger the extreme right wing of his government and not willing to let you know, go over all and into this do, and he felt like i need to sort of take over this and make sure we don't lose this opportunity because time is running out punches for the hostages. not of course, for the great suffering of palestinians, but also um, when we look, for example, of the saudis were supposed to be part of this deal in the sense of letting it
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relations. if israel is sort of the normalized, officially, they're not willing to take that for much longer and they're pushing for some more decisive decisions from both sides right now. simply put, why now? well, exactly why now? i mean by them, if you look at the american side by them wants to see this was a long time ago. and especially when he enters the more crucial part of his companion or for personal reasons. you know, in november there's the american, they come the, the competing for re election for provided who wants to see over. but also if you look at the, is really time schedule june is a very decisive, very dramatic months. we know that an attorney i was leading partner in the relation right now. any gone so, so it a leading rival of his has put an ultimatum on the table that he might withdraw from the government within a week if there's no progress trying to push for this bill to be published. but he was not of, you know, he couldn't get that done, but actually by that has done that for him. so the, the idea is as long as you know,
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there's more and more consensus about their due for as well to go for election before a year's time ask from got from october from october 7th attack that would have meant because of these really processes that this need to be decided within the month of june, if there are any elections before october. and this is where everybody's going. barton is very much afraid at once that is starting one. and once the election process is starting, this will all go down the drain and you know, these really attention will shift somewhere else. and what we have in our table is gone. we heard this, we did. israel is taking over the philadelphia quarter. that is the, the border between uh, gaza in egypt. how is this affecting where israel stands right now? it's exactly also part of course what part of the time is that a question that we're talking about because let to now all these months have said, give me rough. i need the southern tip of the gaza strip. i need to get into a rough after that we can talk about the day after, and by the end it's basically telling him also to in other parts of the speech, israel has the superior already. israel has american back in israel will also have more collateral is from international and local mediators. now we do have rough off,
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you have the southern border to have close the boat, or we think egypt and, and sign up sign a, the in gaza. so that's was the the main place, route of smuggling of weapons and ammunition for how much this is now in your control. what's next. next is finishing this and moving on the w's shawnee present as, as always. thank you. phone. you're welcome, michael. the voting for the final phase in india is general election has started today. after polls open 6 weeks ago. more than 100000000 people are registered to vote across several regions, including the key punjab state in the north votes are also being cast in 5 minutes to render motives constituency in they can do holy city of barnowski. the election is being seen as a referendum on the can do nationalist leader who is predicted to win a 3rd term. in total, nearly a 1000000000 people have been eligible to cast their balance. i asked
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dw, corresponding sheller yano in delhi. how crucial the city of our nazi is for modi's hold on power. it's michael, it's the holiest city in india and prime minister as brand deals, hands on majority and politics is huge. the popular hill, i remember in 2014, who decided to contest from this very cause constituency. and he went on to become the prime minister of the country. um, so it's really a full gone conclusion on the ground that he is going to win. this time as well, but what the exports and really watching for is the margin of the victory. because, you know, we've had some disillusionment with the prime minister. and he's government due to issues of unemployment and inflation. and 9 to 20 percent of the population of bottom to see is the minority of muslims. and they haven't been very happy to hear the prime minister's port arising statements or doing collection account bidding in the last few months. but that said,
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there are other constituencies also and with the dish, the state of it's a fiduciary, a bottom to see also is which i'm going to post today. i didn't, even though we say that the road to the indian parliament goes through the state of what they produce. because it sense the maximum, the maximum number of the piece to the indian parliament. and so which remains to be seen, whether that ruled or to the indian parliament is going to be smooth of a rough one for the prime minister. well, voting will also take place in putting job. what more can you tell us to what it's been job the story is slightly different. my code, it's an a gradient state of and it scores the breadbasket of the country as follows . mostly from a majority of the voting block here. and they have been at loggerheads with private and still more these government for the last few years. in 2020, the foremost had blocked the national highway that connected the city of delhi, of a, with the neighboring states for months and, and, uh, and it was uh,
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a 100 with heavy forced by the more the government. and so the, the families that have really not forgotten that in fact, over 5 minutes to move the web to meant for election competing in the pots of been job in the last few weeks he was met with the heavy resistance of farm, was glad to welcome him with black flags, but they were kept away from his valleys by uh, security forces. so that pretty much gives you a sense of the disconnect that the farm was feeling with the government of prime minister moody. again dw, corresponding sheller. you got up there in delhi, a quick look now at some of the other stories making headlines around the world. germany has authorize ukraine to use weapons. it's apply to strikes of military targets inside russia, but only in defense of ukraine's eastern hockey region. the decision marks a policy shift for berlin us present, and joe biden earlier allowed ukraine to use american weapons to hit limited targets on russian solely. the united nations is warning of an imminent risk of
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famine in sudan. the agency says the civil war has left some 18000000 people acutely hungry and nearly 4000000 children acutely melner, fighting between sedans, army and paramilitary groups, broke out in april of last year. or thailand is celebrating 5 months with a per raves in the capital bank of thousands from the eligibility to plus community or on the street to mark the occasion. thailand is oncourse to become the 1st nation in southeast asia to legalize same sex marriage this year. and we will end things there, coming up, track phones with feelings, what risks and benefits says emotional intelligence pose with a i find out and x on shift, unlike locum from me, in the entire brooklyn news team. thanks for watching and bye for now. the
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