tv Close up Deutsche Welle June 4, 2024 1:30am-2:01am CEST
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some tacit or ego advocate. in 16 minutes on d. w. come have a page of this outing, the highlights you every week in your inbox. subscribe now. the we on the field shop. we are the dream. we are the nation. we are part of the we are the field, so we are the dre. mm. we have our journey begins here in tanisha. it's very rare for a camera team to gain access to the refugee camps. here. the canadian government doesn't want images like these to be seen. journalists are not welcome here. they call this for 30 kilometer camp because that's how far it is from the next major
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city specs. many specs as the gateway to europe. we have the nation, we are part of the there here waiting for an opportunity to get on a motor boat and go to the italian island of long produce that they will risk their lives to get to europe the place of their dreams. angelou happy. peter had to flee nigeria because of his sexual orientation and his region being gay, can be punishable by death. now this dusty campus has home, along with 3000 other people from 15 nations. he's taking responsibility for the camp. well, i'm the president. my goodness, i forgot my god, he my role is to meet the people. my role is to advocate for the my drunk will be so you'll have to sell some issues. we'll have to solve some problems that some married man and when he on to braswell the law. yeah. in the fact we fight,
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there is a find the most be. so here is a democratic system. lice in the camp is tough. without any organizations helping them, the migrants are left to fend for themselves. they have to beg for food and water, whole boat quoted, for as long as the best person to mark the holy prices and get up. and also i'd like to welcome the smart gardens foundation on, besides, for this all the time i'm divided into, so those are the songs onto the idea that there are no toilets or sanitary facilities. only the women have something resembling a shower, but they have to fetch the water by hand and to the nearest location is 2 kilometers away. a farmer provides them with water from the hose. this is the ones that were used to drink, to poke on, also to wash and laundry. oh i thought,
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well this website smell, feel a of salt test. what? so what do i of of sure for last week on who is this one? drinking the dirty water gets some headaches, stomach aches and diarrhea, but not drinking. it would mean dying of thirst. everyone here in the camp has come a long way. most of them pass through the sahara. their journey has already been traumatic during these various good. um, so some died, some people even able to make it so that they don't deli as well, but i'm comfortable i, i couldn't even remember this equals some of those before you can fast by the woodside, you can even spots booms a few months, few months, scores 23 year old mary saw slide guinea together with her sisters. they travel
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a part of the journey by car part on foot coming via molly algeria and libya to tanisha. they've covered 5 and a half 1000 kilometers so far. during the march through the desert, they found a girl named rob yacht. now they're all here together, stuck at the 30 kilometer camp. is released from deadlines. almost. if somebody doesn't look at these more that he's not seeing it is more that he's the east side of the so this separates them in the camp, but they show us videos of refugees who they say were taken into the desert by the gymnasium police. many of them have experienced this before they say that police target asylum seekers picking them up and taking them to the old jerry and or libyan border. know their aim is to deter more people from coming. we experience
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with tyler to from police with previous lives can not be the black people, african my drunk using them as a big nothing tune them me do or do at this that the we have to trick and come back again over and over again. when europe and commission president or the funder line visited tunisia in the summer of 2023, she was well aware of the human rights violations. she held talks with teenagers. president how you said, but the focus was not human rights or the funder line had been tasked by new leaders with studying the flow of refugees from africa. she was accompanied on her trip by a tele and prime minister, georgia maloney. the e u is looking to tanisha for help. they stopped the refugees and didn't return, receive millions of yours from brussels funded line made no mention of the
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offences committed by the nation, please. at least not in public. she only talked about the crimes of illegal traffickers. we need to correct on criminal networks of smart, less than traffic because they are exploiting schuman despair. the e u has entered into partnership with the controversial president, was a very different take on human rights or shortly after funder lions visit. these images went round the world. the canadian security forces had again abducted migrants and taking them to the libyan border. there they abandoned them in the desert in scorching heat without water. tunisia confirmed the authorities were behind these actions. the you simply looked at the other way european values of band and in the desert, along with the migrants. one person who knows all about migration deals as girls
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canals. he was the architect to be used deal with turkey and is generally in favor of such agreements with 3rd countries. but he says the use deal with tanisha is unacceptable scale level. it's purely about giving tunisia and incentive through money to prevent people from leaving and support cities and heading to you are on you and a half. and we've already seen last year, and we'll probably continue to see that this is not affecting the task. missed epic davis, but above all of the main cost will be the violation of human rights selection. again so high the many thousands of refugees now stuck in tunisia are also changing life for local people, including the for life family. they live next to an olive grove, the residence of cam 30 come to them for fresh, clean drinking water. they're not welcome here, but the women don't dare to turn them away. may help me. i don't want them to come
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here. i said when they come to the water, there's sometimes there's 15 of them. sometimes 20. they even come for it. when i turn off the tap, how they just help themselves any way. portion. the way i'm going to use the asylum seekers also use the house to charge their cell phones as there is no electricity in the camp. and cell phones are vital for the migrant. c 5. it's the only way they can keep in touch with our families and with the traffickers. from the in the evening, we have to barricade the door with a chat. we're afraid to go in over at the left and they come at night to grab the cell phone. and as of last, what i knew were afraid to go to bed. my husband, my 2 daughters and i a little the i'm going off to praying. lots of bodies on the asylum seekers that leave tanisha by boat are usually headed for the italian
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island of long produce on the journey to the e. u is about 190 kilometers. if the migrants are lucky, they will be picked up by the italian coast guard, or they arrived directly and not produced. the crossing, though is highly risky, with up to 50 people crammed onto the small metal boats. there are gaps into each has border policing and that has repercussions for the italian islands. migrants are still getting through by september 2023 monthly dues. it was once again overwhelmed. local residents had had enough. then we have a message for the european community. we can't do this anymore. you you leaders then travel to long produce to signal to the angry population. they were handling the issue europe and commission president or the funder lion and at least georgia, maloney came to find answers and diffuse the situation. because countries like the
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we are bearing the brunt of the refugee crisis. so it only now wants to solve its refugee problem in neighboring albania. we've come together in the north of the country is around 1200 kilometers from milan, produce up. the area is home to nearly 7000 people most live from farming pay nebraska is 80 years old. she lives alone together with her 3 cats. as of yet, she is unaware that she's about to become a key part of your migration system. and the she loves her garden and keeps a few chickens. theater is
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a quiet play and she says, many young people in rural areas, leave albania, for jobs abroad. by 8 o'clock on coast out to again, this village used to be a city. people did everything they could to come here the now we hardly have a doctor know, pharmacy and we have to go to the city to get medication. um yeah. you can. um yeah . booking. uh there used to be doctors, nurses and pharmacies here physically. oh, gotcha. okay. and this, this deserted area on the european union's doorstep is now the focus of attention, especially in italy, which wants to bring it to asylum seekers here. starting in the fall. processing centers are to be set up on an old military compound. and italy will finance and run them. the plan is to accommodate a total of $36000.00 african migrants each year. they won't be allowed to leave the camps while they're asylum applications are being processed over no more and no
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such good. it's not let them come and stay as long as they need to re up or we are in our homes are supposed to be and those poor people will not harm us just down even if they were to bring them into my garden up to that they are and will always be human beings. eddie rama is albania, is prime minister and to the man behind the migration deal signed with a tele and premier maloney. he used to be an artist. his pictures decorate the walls government and he shows us a sculpture of abraham lincoln reading, a book of donald trump. tweets, is he an artist working on the side as a politician or vice versa? the lines blur when talking about europe. now if you think about here of today, i think uh, a beautiful picture covered with a very, with a gray with a gray cloth. so we need some faithful cisco and look to the picture.
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he signed the migration deal with georgia, maloney in november 2023. under the agreement, italy will send it to asylum seekers. 12, any of their cases will be decided in a fast track procedure. but still, according to the law, those who are not granted asylum will be deported back to their country of origin. other e u countries are also keen towns source their migration processing. but at the moment, rama only wants to help italy. italian is startled managers by over such as i say that we are separated by sea and body. but man, if things in history, but we are practically living in the same area in the government district in t rhonda. the european flag flies alongside the albanian flag. the country has been a candidate for e u membership since 2014. but it will be many years before it can become part of
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a block. the albania entered a new era after the end of the communist dictatorship in 1990. but the country still suffers from a difficult economic situation, and corruption remains a problem. as a leader, rama is controversial migration deal like this helps to polish up both his own image and about of his country to give. so we don't do it for any recognition and for us is enough to not be to not be seen in your tv. for example, like we were seeing not very long ago, 10 years, 20 years ago, a country, a gloomy country, full of bat, criminology, corruption and all this is not that we don't have problems of forgiving now it is not do we don't have problems of corruption. fire from that box. we're not
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then. nevertheless it's clear that asylum seekers who end up in albino are not in the european union. this hope. it's all designed to make it really less attractive for migrants. but the deal with albania does not solve the problem of how to deport failed asylum seekers. not surely. of course, it is legitimate for every democracy, for every state govern by the rule of law, anywhere in the world to return people who have no right of residents to their home country or where possible to a safe and 3rd country in progress. nobody question of that, right? but at the same time, it must be clear to everyone that this only works if the countries of origin cooperate. if they do not cooperate, we will see what we've been seeing everywhere for 10 years in spain, england, italy, friends, austria and germany, that the number of refugees being returned to their countries of origin stuff are
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falling. shades of european union. politicians have been struggling with migration policy for years to take a closer look. we had now to the european capital of brussels. the block has reached a political turning point. the use 27 member countries have argued free years over border protection, deportation and the role of transit countries and countries of origin. you commissioner yoga yawns and is a central political figure and shaping migration policy. she spent 5 years negotiating and winning support for a tougher migration packed. it's aim to reduce illegal migration to europe, and have asylum cases processed at the blocks external border. this is a turning point. if your up can not managed migration together, this is going to be a disaster that's going to mean does it build the fortress europe, that we are going to leave the important values of protecting the right to apply for assignment while coming people us on the go pathway to the opinion we have to
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show our citizens that we can manage migration according to our values in, in an orderly way. in april 2024, the european parliament held a vote on the migration packed spearheaded by you on sense. it provides for fast tracked asylum procedures on europe's external borders, faster deportation, and a better distribution of migrants across europe. watson was hoping to achieve her greatest political triumph to date. a passionate soccer fan, she used a soccer comparison to urge the european parliament to endorse the pact. the ball is rolling. now is the time to come together as a team and to score for europe. it can take the years until we are and to find that again. if ever. meanwhile,
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protestors urged lawmakers to vote against the pact. critics here that the deal will effectively restrict the rate to asylum and that those seeking protection will receive less help. they through paper airplanes into the chamber containing the coordinates of migrant votes that have sunk in the mediterranean. but in the end, the migration packed was endorsed by a narrow majority. yonce and was visibly moved. the message was clear, europe was getting tough on migration. and this is the main person who will oversee the practical implementation of this new tougher line funds lightens from the netherlands as the executive director of the european border protection agency, front tex his mission to protect the us external borders without betraying its values. for me, one important part of this is to be a radical you transpired to about what we do and how we do it. because from texas
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image has taken a massive hit in recent years. we confront him over his predecessors, legacy and front techs had been committing in humane actions like this one as they are known as push backs the coast guard of individual you countries. in this case, greece pushes refugees back into the mediterranean by force. it's actually a violation of the law licensed agency has been subjected to public scrutiny ever since. see, here are um offices, i think as natalie showing unprofessional behavior. and the depth, of course, is, is to, was directed to his migraines. the thing for me does no doubt that is not professional, nor an abiding fundamental right. so, so did this is behavior i would not accept. how can you make sure that this doesn't happen to kind of make sure because we're not there as close because that means
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that just to be present everywhere we can. i think i think that's a good that our standards are high. that's be doing up accept any behavior or less behavior to be investigated. that is the moral standard that the you hopes to uphold. pushed back so i can grease must not be allowed to happen again. asylum seekers are still arriving on free guidelines or next destination is the island of less focus on the use south eastern border. the refugee crisis escalated here in 2015 with up to 60 votes arriving every day. today from tex has 7 ships, one aircraft, and around $350.00 officers deployed off the creek islands. here we meet from texas, hands lightens once again. but despite their presence asylum seekers are still
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arriving in motor boats from turkey. the turkish mainland is just 10 kilometers from here and within sight. and sadly people are still drowning. the mediterranean is the deadliest border in the world, but c, rescue is not a priority for europe. our tasking is border to executive orders. and while it's doing that, we try to hold to familiarize and to save lives. so that's, that's the, the right order of. and our job isn't right now. we don't have the mandates to do for our races and risk. but of course, this ship rescue is lights already. another dangerous border lies in the western balkans, and many lose their lives on the journey. to find out more we went to bosnia in january the the root friends along the drain, a river between serbia and bosnia. it's actually the main overland route to europe, but many who take it, pay with their lives. knowledge it is from afghanistan is rather java
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drowned and the river here as members of the has our ethnic minority. they were being persecuted by the taliban. so the flood afghanistan together, the traveling thousands of kilometers on foot, sometimes with the help of traffic hers via ron turkey, greece, albania, and montenegro to boston. in their journey, took them for years. now jim and his brother wanted to reach germany. in december 2022, so close to their destination. the journey ended in tragedy. the further we prepared a boat and my brother and one of our friends were sitting in the boat when they made an attempt to cross the border. that's what it was. night 930 p. m. it. it was dark everywhere. we couldn't see anything. then we heard
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a loud sound and they fell into the river. we tried to help, but there was nothing we could do. we couldn't see them anywhere. and we were in shock. so almost 6 months passed before he finally found his brother's body. no knowledge of seek solace at his grave. at least he has a place to mourn. many of those who have drowned remained missing without a name. now jim wants to move on. he feels he must get to germany so that his brother has not died in vain or does enjoy this job and stream is not over yet only because i'm still alive and will continue on this path. as long as i are, other brothers are still alive and his dream will not die since of the migrants who survive the journey. now continue on their journey heading for their ultimate goal, germany. but here to there's
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a new wind blowing and for european union has taken note. the culture of welcoming migrants championed by former chancellor uncle americal is history. her successor, all off schultz has pledge to deport illegal migrants on a large scale. germany wanted to support the use tougher asylum packed uncle americans, famous montrose migration via shots and us, or we can do this has given way to a loss of face welcoming hundreds of thousands of migrants has changed the country somewhat say overwhelmed. it just like all across europe, there's a fear here of a shift the far right you want to knows gets the battle for the very soul of the european union. the state will exploit every possibility to use fear and to put fear
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into the public. have nearly 25000000 migrants that are living leak on the india or p junior. and if they are less tomorrow, we would be be not be able to run our hospitals sorta built our houses or do a lot of other jobs that is absolutely necessary. so i think that i should say that there should not fear migration, but you should make sure that you are in control of migration and that you can manage migration. but the willingness to accommodate people and provide for them is wearing thin. berlin's former table airport is a case in point a huge tent camp was set up here designed as a reception center for c ends in baskets, but now large numbers of ukrainians are stuck here too. and the place is over crowded. around 4600 people are living here in close quarters.
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the center is bursting at the seams. the people staying here or waiting for an apartment in berlin, but there are none. they come from hot keys. i've been here for 10 months, 10 months living in this come out of the head of the 55 year old. tatiana says young guy shows us her cabin. she lives here with her son, 14 people, and 2 dogs share just 25 square meters. and the last 4 is a whole, as the only privacy is their own bed. these 2 beds are ours. my son sleeps on top. most of the system and i sleep downhill. focus, leave them in to this slip of my bed also serves as the wardrobe and cupboards. we
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don't have our own and this is how we've been living the whole time. so someone else's golf check are stored. there will always be refugees and all of their individual stories continue to unfold. for weeks after our visit, one of the tent buildings in the berlin camp burned to the ground. luckily no one was harmed. and now pena building is now underway on the camp for asylum seekers sent by italy. in bosnia aid worker in the hot has set up another marble gravestone . this one is for the brother of nigi who drowned in the river. and or is it the funder lion, has been to egypt and 11 on to sign new agreements aimed at curbing migration. the e. u is paying to keep the challenge of migration at bay. after years of wrangling, european leaders are now in agreement, their closing ranks and sealing themselves off from the outside world. the previous culture of welcoming is no more.
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the and indonesia police brutality is on the rise of migrants from the 30 kilometer camp. recently sent us this footage. the canadian police came in and destroyed everything . but the determination to live there, european dream remains unbroken under present. so i, i believe so much. i believe in my dream, i know my doom as well that i was to become what it was because we are not asked to go so that i don't know way how to do it. of the land know for doing. we have the nation, we are part of the news. we are the nation. we are part of the the, there's more to sustainable fishing than just fishing. when i go out to sea
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together, the cultural heritage, seo fishing is a traditional technique using archipelago of tier kind of its importance has led artis. a mean it to be, it's in bassett or eco fixed in 30 minutes on the w. the european union at the cross road. right, we can populate demagogues on the rise motor. it focuses on making more and more political compromises. your future is at stake. why does this game over to europe? in 75 minutes on d w. we
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say there about never getting up every weekend on d w the, this is the w news, and these are our top stories to mexico's new leader said she'll be a president for all even for those who didn't vote for her. auditions on one land slide election victory and will become mexico's 1st female president. the former mayor of mexico city faces multiple challenges, including economic uncertainty and growing cartel violence. hostage families have rallied intelligence demanding more action, as for the more captives held by him. mice were declared that the really army says
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