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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 4, 2024 7:00pm-7:30pm CEST

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the, the, this is the, the news line from the india's prime minister claims the victory in the world's biggest democratic elections. but we counting still underway in their engine bodies . hope 7 overwhelming majority look unlikely, despite being on cost for the rest of the term victory. also on the program, large areas of southern germany remain under warranty, has police confirm at least 5 desks and the country is latest flooding disaster and china is chung, a space pro begins its journey back to us, full of rock and soil samples from the file size of the
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and so gal welcome to the program there and remote a is claiming victory in the countries general election speaking axis party headquarters, the prime minister said we would bring a new chapter, a big decisions. as counting continues, mr. mode is on track to become only the 2nd indian leader to win a 3rd consecutive to the 640000000 people voted in several phases over 6 weeks. making the largest election in the world average turn, it was 66 percent as part of neuron drop mode is a victory speech delivered to the in debbie. odd bird on the day is the north, spacious day. it is by one been ended
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on this place. the day, the national democratic alliance is deformed by the food consecutive governments that a god may i have be. we are very grateful to the members of the public heart of heidi and citizens have expressed full confidence in the b, j. p n d n d. i part of bob bar today is victory and it's a victory of the world's largest democracy. was that by? yeah. so here's the latest on the results, the national democratic alliance led by the prime minister modi's nationalist, the b j. p is ahead on, on cost with around 293 of the 543 seats available. the opposition india alliance, which includes the ones dominant congress policy,
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looks to have one around $233.00 states. is with the mr. moody, short of the overwhelming majority predicted in exit pulse, one of the deputies debbie bureau chief sandra pet's us man, told us to be j. pay stuff is significant loss is in some regions. i mean, you know, to form a government in india, any pa to or alliance needs to cross the threshold of 272 seats. mind you in 2019. and the last general elections, the beach, a p, loan 1303 seats. this is not the case this time around. they have lost quite a few numbers of states and nowhere is this kiera. then in the state of the top side dish or your p for short, it is in the most popular state. it has a population bigger than that of brazil or pockets done for that matter. and this states sense a t. m piece to the national capital and the 2019 elections. they beach a p could secure 62 out of these
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a t m p seats and this time around they barely made half of it. so that's quite a considerable loss. and this is especially significant because this happened in the northern india and heavy heartland, which is an absolute strong hold of the beach, a p. and we could see here that congress could win a few more seats. they went up from one to you from one. see to about 6 seats, and the big window here in your p is original potty that's sort of searched again. it's the how much why the party one of the members of the india alliance, which is congress that they alone could win around $38.00 seats. underpants has been in day well in the changing global order in the united states is increasingly prioritized its relationship with india and will be closely monitoring these results. both to biggest democracy, c i t y on many issues including the need to king china is packed in check. but india a piece came to preserve some dividing lights. it's
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a strategic partnership that only keeps on growing a special state as was on display nearly a year ago during indians, prime minister and their engine motives trip to the us. modi is one of just 5 world leaders, welcomed by president joe biden on the state visit partnership. those among most consequential in the world that is stronger, closer, and more dynamic than any time in history. there is a strong bipartisan support for developing even better tides within the something it can always buy multi, he's address to the congress in law. i've had jean since i came here, say when some of the eval, but a lot has remain the same. like some of the companies main to deepen the pregnancy
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big when in the and the united states. washington has also been trying to woo daily with an i encountering china is growing influence in the in the pacific. but india has deeply held belief in not align with any power something demonstrated by the equally good ties daily has with moscow. despite its aggression in ukraine. a platform secured in defense trade has been also important for the 2 countries partners. the us is now india, stop trading partner. well, daily is washington's 8th team to which has an attractive market has been trying to position itself as a global production have an alternative to china. the defense or trade,
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both sides agree, the chairs. there is an unlimited potential for growing their ties. the process which is unlikely to be affected by a and the outcome of their respective elections in india. and the us will cause her to have the as a former us diplomats who sent us console general in the indian city of hybrid, but just caught in the chat in us india policy studies at the center for strategic and international studies in washington. a welcome to dw a, someone who's advised us governments on this approach to india. i view read the way the selection is shaking out well, think we're going to have it still to take a little time. but we know that the, the gp is going to wind that marty had, has to start um, almost to start 3rd consecutive term. but he's gonna have to rely on a coalition,
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which is something to render mode is never had to do not as chief minister in good gerad and not as prime minister of india of so we're going to learn a lot in the next 2 days to week a little longer about what kind of a government these going to pull together. there will be a lot of signal sent. i think about the kinds of people will be appointed to key cabinet positions. so the 1st thing, if i were still in u. s. government that i would do is just say we need to wait and see because a lot, a lot will be known from the details of what happens next. it's also a good reminder of the importance of their region. one smaller parties in india. in many respects, india is one of the world's most dynamic good democracies. you heard 640000000 people voting. there's something like $54.00 regional parties. 27 states, many with their own languages. it's a very complex place of the so this will have consequences. all up and down at different levels of government, i think. okay,
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i appreciate what you decide about the as having to wait and see what, what signals are being sense. but let's specialize what the opportunities might the constraints of having to work within a coalition. what opportunities might that presents for the united states? it's a very good question. i would say that the us into your relationship, which are your own commentators. no, that is deepening, which is very important to both countries. i think it will be as important to india, possibly more important. now, given the selection, i think it's the folders have shown that they would like better lives. they want them now. they, um, it's gonna, we're gonna have to wait and see, you know, more in depth exit studies of what really happened. but it's from what i've been reading. that's what voters are saying. and so a trade in investment is gonna remain key to building the indian economy. there's
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still many, many sectors that are close to foreign investment. so they're still going to be an interest in developing high value manufacturing, which is a goal that the united states shares for india a given our desire to reduce economic dependency on china. and on the same time, the outside threats still remain the indian government and shave change, but much of the world has not changed. you know, the dynamics in the region remained much the same. there's china on the border. there's china is influence in the immediate neighborhood. there's pandemic out there, you know, there's a lot of cabins driving the closeness of relationship that will decide you to pick up on one of the points. you mentioned the induced relationship with china. do you see opportunities that. busy beijing, can you see beijing stance towards that india a change and given the, the long standing bought a dispute. so these 2 countries of hot well you're,
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you're bringing up a good point. i mean, in to china made try and take advantage of this in some way, and we'll have to monitor that and deal with it very in a coherent way with our a partners to send signals that, that, that, that's not on. i mean, i don't think we're seeing a collapsing india. i don't think that china will see it as a huge opening for themselves. but i think their, their desires and the region will remain the same. and they may perceive that moti will have a few more hurdles, but he will have a cold list and i'm so that's very aware and exaggerate that. thank you for so history. catherine habit for the us, senior diplomats in india. thank you so much. thank you very much, phil. i will take a look now as the most orders making headlines around the world. yoyo natalia has attended a memorial service in berlin for her late husband,
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and i seem to bound me tuesday would have been his 48 day crime and critic and opposition leader died in prison. this year, rational source is said he died of natural causes but missed an invalid is allies claim he was murdered. 8 people have been arrested in hong kong of his social media post mocking the 35th anniversary of the gentleman scrap masika invasion on the 4th of june 1999 comedies. positively, this has declared that the square should be clear off. it was occupied by protest as hundreds, a belief to have been killed. and the 17 people have been killed in flooding in july and after months in reigns triggered land slides 13 that the country's ready, 5 provinces were hit by heavy rains, affecting nearly 160000 people to the police. even jim, he's at least 5 people have died in severe flooding in the south of the country. the situation in bavaria in areas close to the river down you is described as the
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most critical and the rescue is trying to reach people less stranded by rising waters. of the in the center of ratings bugs down the river is threatening to bust. it's banks all sorts using the bavarian city, a trying to buckle against record high water levels. we don't have to official dikes, and slots bar is as low close it's of the results of extreme weather that they worry will soon become the new normal. most the time periods between these catastrophes are getting shorter and shorter. so of course, something has to be done. they've already done a lot here to protect against the flooding. they've built good barricades, but there will come a time when the water can no longer be held back up like i think especially from my generation. it's like. c not even an option to not think
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of climate change because you see it right there in the climate change protest who's brought the concern straight to the very in the democracy to when he visited to assist you to observe the flood damage before giving a stop warning i mean, i just seen the effects of the last few days and weeks make the situation especially dangerous. we are not in the clear, in fact the opposite. and we're working hard to make sure that we're able to withstand the next few days of a stay in l. sweat and bavaria. the west has passed. so now residents in the town of d doff starting to clear up the homes and assess the damage from then you can see from the door just how powerful the water was. thousands of
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people have been forced to leave that homes and southern germany and recent days as well to levels, and that done, you continue to swell. so the evacuations are expected. let's do another report of mass you more and the bavarian city of franklin's board, which you had mentioned in that report. well, who matthew was going on there? well, feel the situation here is, tends to put it in a word. that's because there may have been rush by from the skies, but the, the reading most of that has fallen in the emission fees is not coursing during the done. you read by here. i'm basically in the city behind me, which is like you national world heritage site, the only thing standing between the city and the, the flood waters are artificial. dikes the water level, here's twice as high as, as it has been in the past. um, as normal really and ultimately that the me, i just told people that she thinks that the next couple of days are going to be
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critical to see whether the, the, the dates you can withstand the, the, the, the pressure, the flood waters bearing on them. so the, the, the, the for rush, this of the, the river as it's going down stream. now the, this one of the was floods. the south of germany has experience what's being said about the scale of the damage, the mo, most of the start with the casualty. so there's, as we, as we know, those are the moment. there's at least 5 people have died. several people here in the very are still much thing among them. the rest you walker, who was in a deputy on sunday and i and capsized and he still has not been seen since then. um, so a search for that, but for that gentleman, the twins toodle goes on. um there was however, a glimmer of good news this afternoon or um, i thought to to you women was re screwed from a free shipping messing for it. for
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a couple of days. i'm was rescued by police through and the police don't at least have identified this woman. and she had with the great at hungry bye alive. and she basically clung onto a tree for 2 days. thoughts there for you, raise the eyes, the waters receive the death to be on the rise. as for the, the scale of the damage is not like we should flush in 2021, which caused a mention all missed homage, but i would be very astonished. i'd be surprised from watching today at the, at the scale of the damage and the cost in going to the low billions of euros. so, so if it was now of the reading, i stopped the real focus point on the concentration of the, the officers, the workers here, the technical support help and officials along the don, your grandma is on paso nowhere this afternoon. authorities declared a disaster there because the old target is on the wall so,
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and not as completely shut off to, to, to people who were not able to get access to the old time this afternoon. so that is really where the focus is. and in the next couple of days is here, riggins park, where i am and paso, about 100 kilometers, starting the river down here. and that's where we'll be looking to try to see whether these defense, these occupational bar, which is the big, whether the can, can steve off the wash of the, the flood water and the temperature has what has been visiting a areas i hate to buy the flooding as it isn't too early to talk about the sort of aids or is it going to be released to a lot of these places to be rebuilt? of the well, they say that they that there will be help on hand. i'm not, was the message yesterday when he was here? i was, i'm listening to the minister. i'm president. the governor of the like of, of, of area was here on the spreadsheet earlier today. and he said he find another 100000000000 euros to help people. but it's too early to talk about exact sums and you know that the question then becomes a, which whether people have insurance or not. but the message from the government is
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that people will get healthy needs when they need it. obviously time will tell whether or not that they live out to that promise. okay, thanks about matthew, matthew moore and uh, 7 jim and that to nigeria where labor unions of suspended the country's general strike for a week to continue talks with the government over a higher minimum wage. governments take will be open to the idea of the country, grapples with the cost of living crisis. you definitely walk out, shut down the power grid, leaving millions without electricity affected airport schools and other public institutions. this account is bonded to any such a coma is in lagos. this strike was supposed to be indefinite, then explained why it was suspended after just one day. it has been says yeah, in fact the same savvy side of the week on monday 1st, maybe they shut down of the national grid nerd power. doing that just a bit everywhere around the country and millions wake up in the darkness. i slept
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in darkness last night, then you also have a government, obviously, shots, bank set, you know, all the corporate, the body's not really are going to whack people screws close. universities also plays a lot of unions also joined it to that tried your desktop or district. so it's been almost a crypt and 24 hours of okay with economy. now that the announcement of the main body suspension of the stride, the problem is you get to be restored. so people are waiting, you know, i for the positive got restored. i'm detail. so followed by this, you know, cover and deal a bit, 5 basic research on toxic between the government and the trade union inside the trade union. sup, uh, basically called a suspension of the stripe blocks for just 5 days. they say it's why laugh when it goes da, soon coming to grocery. so the current deal to continue are they have been that, you know, ready to go to the government sets of increasing minimum wage. and the last time they said that it had come to an agreement to go by $60000.00 i, which is about $40.00 above that part. so to allow that, it goes, agents are concerned, you want to see if there's any lights on the title,
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the surgeon is, i've gone ahead. that's who said, so spend that it strikes what only 4 or 5 days, which means that should they not be able to come to the airport agreement with the government door returned about 5 days back to the strikes a china is luna. pro is on its way back to us after collecting rock and soul samples from the fall side of the mood. joined us national space agency confirm that be on crew trying a 6 pro lifted off on the move surface early on tuesday and enter a new orbit in return safely to a child who would become the 1st country to retrieve samples from the moon's fall side. steve towing is the editor of nasa watch at dot com and joins us from washington dc. welcome back to the w. keith. how big a deal is this? well, it's a big deal in that. this is the 1st time we will get samples back from the far side of the moon. prior to this like these one little moon,
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this is the side we see most, all the samples will come from this size. this mission landed on the backside down here, a very difficult place to get to. so it's the 1st samples from the far side of the loan, but this is the 2nd time china has landed on the far side of the loan. and they're the only countries that have done so it's a big deal. so and it's the big isn't the fact that this has been done successfully so far? oh, are we expecting some sort of treasure trouble from these these bucketfuls of rocks? oh will be a any time or space fish that goes and does what it's supposed to do and comes home that gets solved ration. but the rocks again that the rocks that they're looking to get are from the south pole, a can base and down here back billions of years ago. something very big, smash the moon. and there's a big yeah, you can't really see it unless you're looking at now. but it exposed walks that very deep inside the moon. so what this vision may be right back is the oldest moon
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rocks we've ever seen from a very early time in the solar system. perhaps a very short time after the move itself form. so this is a big deal, you know, with a big yeah. and then your head space, i just say, reckons the move in the hundreds luna emissions by private companies. my governments are expected to take place by 20 so i see why all these countries us suddenly so eager to go back up there as well. you know, it's interesting, i'm 68, i go back when we had the space rate since was america and russia and then everyone or soviets and everybody in between. and it was difficult. nobody's ever done it before. and it was a race for a variety. you do you political reasons sofa? well, we did that and it sort of fell out of fashion for 10 or 20 years and then suddenly your bill and you to go back to the moon was something get prior that had been like the ultimate technological badge of honor for a nation. and then other countries started developing their own abilities to do
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this, japan, china, india, and here's rio, and i think the list gets longer every year. so now the bar for going down is lower . and here's a chance for the other billions the people in the world to, you know, have a chance to do something amazing. but here's, here's something you'd ask this. but the most important thing is, i remember seeing somebody walk in service the you might have remembered, i don't know. but for 2 thirds of the people live today, that never seen a person walk on the surface of another world. so when we eventually do that, and all these missions build up to it, when we do that, it's going to be like doing the same thing again for the 1st time. this will be the 1st lunar landing for millions of people. so it's all part of one big. okay, so just set does china, when we're china, when the trucks get back to us and china goes through them and doesn't keep them on the day? is it to itself, or does the world get to to see what rocks from the other side of the world?
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like, you know, the nice thing about lunar research is that you may have politics back on earth, but usually the science is something that's done in the re results come up very quickly. it's a matter of fact, although the us in china can't really do much in space. american researchers were allowed to submit proposals to study the literature area that's being brought back by changes 6. so, you know, chinese, they're very, very open about this. and they're justifiably proud that they're doing this. so the, i think what everybody to know, what they found is china now the big space power. uh, it depends on where you stand, depending on where you sit there. they've had an excellent track record taskbar. other countries have landed or crashed or jumped stuff, and we haven't gotten our missions really back into the swing of things. so right now they seem to be the $1.00 to pay attention to. but as you mentioned before,
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within a very few years, this is going to become a common place thing to do, lunch and the more you do it, the better you get out at the better to get out the more you want to do it. so it keeps on itself all night. good talking to you as that. okay, thank you so much. k county that is of nasa. what stop. com my pleasure. it's just time to remind you that top stories are based out in this 5 minutes. this claim victory and the countries to place the what's general election. the engine mode is on cost a 3rd time, but he's hopes of an overwhelming majority in the unlikely. speaking of his party headquarters, said the wind would say a new chapter of big decisions in the police here in jim say at least 5 people has died due to severe flooding in the south of the country. tens of thousands of rescuers have been deployed to flight the rising pool to move people to safety. reasons at the very bottom vote and back along it was affected.
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