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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 6, 2024 11:00pm-11:16pm CEST

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the, the dw news live and from berlin tonight, remembering the heroes of the day, the leaders of the united states, germany and france, marking the abs, anniversary of the landings which liberated western europe from nazi tyranny. they honored surviving veterans and they promised ukrainian president zalinski support for his country against russia will not wait. also coming up dozens or tilden in his really years drive on central garza the attack, hit a you when run school. israel's hesitate, targeted a moss compound that was in saw and more than
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a 100 dead and an attack on the village in sudan. it's the latest killer. and a longer running conflict between the army and paramilitary, the i bring golf is good to have you. with this on this thursday, leaders of the 2nd world war allies came together in northern france today to mark the eighty's anniversary of the day. the biggest seaborne invasion in history would eventually liberate western europe from nazi charity. the leaders today honor of surviving veterans and they recall the huge cost in human lives of the normandy landings and ukraine's president bonum is zalinski. he was at today's commemorations and he received assurance that western support for his country's efforts against russia will not weigh you on to the deck off the ship veterans. the
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largest seaborne invasion in history returned to the sands of omaha beach to commemorate and reflect on that momentous de 80 years ago. when they stormed out of landing craft or parachute it out of transport planes. to turn the tide of history . while the guests of honor made it through the battle and went on to live remarkably long lives, many of their comrades in arms were killed on the beach by hitler's army. show grow, not old, as we that's old lift to chrome age. so no, we're is of, no of the is condemned at the going down the sun. and in the morning we will remember them. we will remember that a group of us veterans received frances highest order of merit. the legion of honor,
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from friendship president emanuel my chrome for their bravery. here you came to join your thoughts with the own soldiers and to make friends a free nation. and you all back here today. at home. if i may say, not. com announced after the ceremony, the french were delivered mirage fighter jets to crane and train pilots to fly them in cranium, president, florida, muse zalinski joined to the other leaders gathered on the beach and thrilled at least one admirer near the us. president joe biden connected the liberation of europe in the 1940s to the war and ukraine urging nato to take a lesson from the allied cooperation,
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but defeated nazi germany, the force congress. the allied forces did their duty. now the question for us is that our, our try will we do ours? we're living at a time when democracy in more risk across the world. that a point since the end of world war 2, essentially beaches were storm in 1944. now we have to ask ourselves what we stand against charity, against gable guys, crushing brutality they are. and 1st the number of world war 2 veterans is dwindling. but their contribution to defeating fascism will forever be remembered by history. a daniel tubman is a professor of modern history at queen mary university of london. i asked him what lessons we can learn from the day about the challenges we face today. good question
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. um, i mean, i always think of this as being uh, an event is about an international bustle. um wallace full by the lines uh, a lines that have to come to get them. and suppose the differences of opinion differences are really preventive and purchase an audiology in order to achieve something that was a quick fix. so, so yeah, there's a powerful lesson method of thinking about how we can some purpose in the future. when you look at the pictures of the images of the come embraces the day that the average age of those attending, i mean never advanced, they look to be but the high seventies, maybe most of them, most of the veterans were about around a 100 years old is what more to is it lost its ability to captivate the imagination of, of younger generations. i mean has too much time passed the thing about the post it does get further away. um, but i think uh fundamentally by conflict is one of our communities and
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ethics. and uh, in my experience, young people the day over is motivated by the big ideas as being able happen. and of course, as we get further away from the events and time on public image can face, but the latest survey results. but i've seen some been along the way that you suggest that actually is still quite a high percentage of people recognizing what the tables knowing something about it . so these can embrace on is this a these anniversary? incomes just days before hundreds of millions of europeans are going to vote in the elections. they're going to choose a new european union parliament. i mean, the polls are predicting a wave of support for the far right to the likes of which europe has not seen a decades. do you think that those who sacrificed their lives at omaha beach do you think they're turning in their grades now?
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i think i'd be very careful a balance of presuming the contemporary political asked you to people who serve during the 2nd mobile. and it's important. remember that lots of those of american soldiers, one of them is coming for a country which is basically like this. and i think the key thing is that they were fighting for democracy that i was a strongly shed by the sense of something that is combining people of time. and the point about these elections is availed democratic is. ready almost democratic movement. now people may or may not like she's standing in those elections or they must choose what sort of thing. but that's the point about democracy and the people that interest that was history professor daniel todd, been speaking with me earlier. well, from the past to present conflicts in gaza, at least 37 people have been killed and then is really extra right on the united nations school inside the territory, the u. n. into europe and union have condemned the attack there. calling for an
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independent inquiry. these really military says it carried out a precise strike targeting him off and is lubbock jihad fighters involved in the october 7th terror attacks around $6000.00 palestinians from only because the, with sheltering in this form is school. an unreal facility in new the right when it was targeted by in is really strikes this why. what have we done for them to bomb us? we fled from place to place. no unrest. school of safe will have no tend to safety and there is no safe place when have you, when had you met? you know, for 3 lift up to the sounds of broken remains of people was scattered a be there, a gas can inspect student children, died screaming in the street was a blood vault. my nephew was killed in the bodies of the victims killed in the attack. i lined up outside the l x. the hospital
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family members say the final good byes, the food, the funeral. pres, a said of israel is defending its decision to strike the school. they say they were targeting members of hamas and islamic jihad who went inside. we assessed that $20.00 to $30.00 terrace were in the compound at the time of the strike. we targeted with precision strikes on the specific classrooms on the specific classrooms. what we know, of course, we know that the terrorists why, what they were doing and inside a u. n. school they were hiding. the compound was useful staging attacks and as a full what operating base the united nations has condemned the attack on this
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shelter in gaza and accused israel of breaking international humanitarian law. i spoke with jonathan fowler, he's a spokesperson for the human agency that supports palestinian refugees. and i asked him if there's anything is agents he can do to make sure that how much fighters do not use their premises. basically, you know, un stop promise. it was an operations have to be protected, adult times that that, that, that's the end of the story. i mean, if there are any issues with a used by anybody military use by anybody um in the, in this war then we, we, we rise along the course of the primary thing is we haven't, we told him about the shelter which was sheltering. 6000 displaced people when it was head and i really think that that's what we need to focus on right now. um the issue proportionality is most communitarian. laura's. this is also extremely significant. some civilians over and of pain price with the lives in
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this war and gaza on our own stuff we. we've lost $192.00 of us now. they've been killed in this war. and this is a number without prizes and them in the history of the much nations. so really think that's what we need to think about is about the fact that civilian casualties are just coming over and over and over. and this will include in place of safety under the united nations by carnes high school system, basically pivoted from being in place of education to a place of shelters for, for this place, people when this war broke out on our facilities and their warehouses. and so one of those have been used to, to provide some kind of safety, some people of the office solutions, 0. well, we're not able to get enough age into the goals a strip. and we have repeatedly calls out of breeches of the sanctity of you inside spite by both sides in, in this war. and we will continue to do so. that was jonathan fowler. speaking with
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me earlier, here's a look now and some of the other stories that are making headlines around the world and exit poll projects. the far right freedom party will make significant gains in the netherlands elections for the european parliament. the whole also suggests a center left alliance will when most of the $31.00 seats being contested, results for elections across the european union will be announced on sunday night. donald trump's former top aides the band and has been re ordered to report to prison by july, 1st in the survey, 4 month sentence for being in contempt of congress. and defied a summons from the committee that was investigating the january 6th attack on the us capital. the european central bank has cut the interest rate for the 1st time since 2019. the bank slashed its benchmark rate. the 3.75 percent. after almost 9 months at a record, high, lower interest rates are good news for borrowers. they make loans cheap. a
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boeing star line or capsule carrying to nasa astronaut is is docked with the international space station. spaceship overcame some technical hip pickups, but it managed to dock on its 2nd attempt. this marks the major milestone for star liners. first pilots in test flight is it competes with space ex very astronauts to and from orange to space station. well back here on earth, more than a 100 people, including women and children, have been killed and an attack on a village in sudan, local officials and activists are blaming the rapids support forces. that's the paramilitary group. fighting the suit in these army. they say that there were 2 waves of attacks on the village in inches 0 state. the conflict has killed some 15000 people. i asked a sudan analyst the l bus year address. if the r s s claim that it was acting is of
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defense, is that claim credible? well, dollars that has said to tweak that, seized for vehicles, cost the cost. however, there is no proof. however, what we have see is video evidence of the iris that fight said around the shooting to begins, and it's not possible they were defending themselves as they invaded in december 2023. they were the aggressive initial reports this morning has confirmed that they have attacked again in the village were just yesterday, over a 100 people have been killed 29 of those have be consistent with they made. currently right now, the iris has had the markets and have setup checkpoints around the village and within the village, however, reports from survivors has stated how the recess used, heavy machinery, heavy heavy weaponry to essentially shred the bodies of the certificates within the
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village. that was student analyst, about your interest. speaking with me earlier, you're watching dw news coming up. after the break. i dw documentary asked whether india is on the verge of becoming a superpower. i'm bring golf or all of us here in berlin. thanks for the company. we'll see you tomorrow, the name is the calls back said thank you so much for joining in. welcome to don't hold bad. a lot of people do that. it's all about saying it aloud . as would it be nosy bay? like good, everyone to king. check out the award winning called called the called back the the.


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