tv The Day Deutsche Welle June 7, 2024 4:02am-4:31am CEST
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killing the year they are advanced age impossible. the overlooks just like the pride in their uh is the veterans of the day. on june 6th, 1944. they were young soldiers, american, and canadian, british, and french with orders to push back the nazis many paid the ultimate price so that the free world could live another day. 80 years later, war has returned to europe. if we had to, would we could we would we have what it takes to d day. again. i'm pretty coughing. berlin. this is the day. the 3rd generation there are trials allied forces of the day did their duty. i always considered myself one of the lucky ones. the survived, because so many of us,
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your actions read confident and felt better while we recall the less than the comes to us, the gain and the gate. across the decade. 3 nations, the stand together to oppose to democracy is never guaranteed. every generation must preserve and defended and fight for also, coming up for 4 days, vote is across the european union are choosing a new european parliament. if the polls are accurate, there will be big games for the far right. some of these right wing and politic dishes are trying to sabotage the. the european calibration at that would be very helpful. doesn't make any sense to me, which i'll review is watching on p b as in the united states into all of you around the world. welcome, we begin day remembering the day 80 years ago. on june 6th 1944 more than
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a 150 allied soldiers begin the largest air land enabled invasion in the history of the world. on the french beaches named utah, omaha gold, juno and sword. their mission upon landing, fight, kill, and push back the nazis, and that is exactly what they did. thousands upon thousands losing their lives along the way. only one percent of the day veterans are still alive. many were in normandy, france today to remember the events from 80 years ago that changed the course of the war in europe. events that would also become the genesis of the world order that we know today. we have more now and this report the onto the deck off the ship veterans. the largest seaborne invasion in history returned to the sands of omaha beach to commemorate and reflect on that momentous de 80 years ago. when they
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stormed out of landing craft, or parachute and out of transport planes to turn the tide of history. while the guests of honor made it through the battle and went on to live remarkably long lives, many of their comrades in arms were killed on the beach by hitler's army. show growth as we, that's a lift to grow age. so now we're ready to know what the is condemned at the going down the sun and in the morning we will remember them. we will remember that a group of us veterans received frances highest order of merit. the legion of honor, from french president emanuel my chrome for their bravery of
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the year you came to join your thoughts with our own soldiers and to make friends a free nation. and you all back here today at home. if i may see green cranium president, florida, muse zalinski joined to the other leaders gathered on the beach and thrilled at least one admirer near the us president joe biden connected deliberation of europe in the 1940s to the war and ukraine urging nato to take a lesson from the allied cooperation, but defeated nazi germany, force congress, the allied forces and they did their duty. now the question for us is, in our, our trial, well, we do ours. we're living at a time when democracy in more risk across the world. then
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a point since the end of world war 2 essentially bridges were storm in 1944. now we have to ask ourselves where we stand against charity, against gable guys crushing brutality they are. and 1st the number of world war 2 veterans is dwindling. that their contribution to defeating fascism will forever be remembered by history. most of the day beds and still with this have lived very long lives. they are all now around the age of a 100. and they are still telling their story, the w's one in corresponded. period boss introduces us to one of them tonight. the british veteran john roberts, the allied landings in normandy, the beginning of the end of nazi ruled. as
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a young marine john rob this 4th at the front line. i have until the last and able to the ride love and trouble well being bombed a lot. and from where we, where the whole beach became lit up every like fireworks. non stop for work. today the veteran is 100 years old restaurant, but then he was only 20. it was only off to the war that he fully understood the horrors, the extent of the destruction. i saw affording losses. uh, i got to offer to think of. and yet i was almost getting married again, the images of destruction from ukraine for the veteran. they are terribly similar to those from his use from the 2nd world war. he is convinced that close cooperation with the nato has saved europe from war and recent decades. john robot
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stuffed in the navy for almost full decades. most recently, as re admiral working closely with other nato troops. to my mind, nato is the most important thing that we have here appear. nation is, must stick together at the end of world war 2. i couldn't remember where to send you out here omega here speech. i'm saying that the savior of the or in the future will be for it to be together. and that's why i did not buy to leave europe. i beg you to remain because it was just as the allies stuck together against germany back then ne 2 and you must be strong and to the best accounts of russia today, says john roberts, so that an escalation like 80 years ago can be avoided. i think it's terrible that uh, my grandson could be involved in the wall in 6 or 8 months time. but it's world war
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one on to everybody said this is the war to enroll to harm himself. the 2nd was little john roberts is determined to remind people of them, for as long as he can and to help connect the events from 80 years ago to the geo politics of the present. i'm pleased to welcome william hitchcock. he's the james madison, professor of history at the university of virginia. professor hitchcock is in new york times best selling author. his books include the age of eisenhower, america and the world. in the 1950s, before he became, he was president eisenhower service allied supreme commander. he was in charge on the day this professor is good to have you with this. um, i'd like it. we could to stay with eisenhower for just a moment. and his thoughts on di da, you posted on x,
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a quote from eyes and how we're going to pull that up and show our viewers. it was from 10 years after d day 1954, then president eisenhower said, despite the losses and suffering involved on the day, we today find in those experiences, reasons for hope and inspiration. they remind us, particularly of the accomplishments obtainable through close cooperation and friendship among free peoples and striving towards a common goal. a professor that was a republican president praising international cooperation, obviously comfortable with america's role as a global leader. would that fit today within the american presidential candidate? say he was inspired by deed it well, uh, president biden is running for re election and he would say that he was inspired by the day. and he did say that today on june 6th, a while visiting normandy, but as an hour would not fit in today's republican party. obviously,
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the republican party has changed a great deal. it is much more like the republican party, the 1930s, which was the isolationist, at least large portions of it were. and they had to learn in fighting world war 2, that cooperation alliances, friendship hope, inspiration, those words, for eisenhower, as quote that you showed those things are what inspire people to make great sacrifices. and so it's the parties, they've kind of traded roles when it comes to being global, looking, as opposed to being an isolationist, what about the american people? how would you describe the american people today compared to 1944 as well? of course, we're a big country. it varies a lot, but i think one thing that's peculiar is that americans are fairly well traveled. we, we've seen the world, we've travelled around the world. many americans were born overseas in other countries, in a sense, we're more worldly. then we were in 1944, 45,
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but we have lost that commitment to the sort of, i'm cynical, ideas of sacrifice, of commitment, of a cause, fighting for democracy and freedom. one of the things that eisenhower is generation understood and they have to learn it the hard way. is that something like democracy or piece or, or freedom, those things are not normal. they have to be thought for. they have to be defended all the way along, and once you've achieved them, you still have to do the job of defending them. and i think to a large extent, we've been very fortunate in united states since 1945. we've gotten a little bit lazy in terms of given rather than taking an i thing what 1944 and the 80 of anniversary and reminds us is you have to sacrifice on behalf of freedom. you had those soldiers on the day. they belong to, to a generation characterized by
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a commitment to community, if you will, offer one and one for all that doesn't describe our world today, does it? well, i don't want to go too cynical because i think that we see in, in the united states anyway, a great deal of public spiritedness. and at times to mount a terry and work relief work, helping in your community, working in the soup kitchen, a volunteer in giving to charity americans still do these things and significant numbers working through the village as organizations. but sacrificing on behalf of others in other countries in a shared struggle to advance democracy. that's something we have very last, a little bit of, of our, of our former focus on that project of building democracy in the world. so that we can encourage peace and build friendships, it's hard work. it takes, you know, giving away things to people that you may not know or to countries you may not fully understand. building international friendship is, is hard. and,
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and i think um, i think by and large americans are actually very altruistic and optimistic. but we've, we've lost the habit of making friends with, with people who don't necessarily speak our language or don't necessarily look like us. i think leaders can make the difference. and guiding us back to that sort of shared sense of shared community if you will in the world. yeah, you're speaking of leaders of we saw in, in the report earlier the business this really moving moment today. when a did a veteran shook hands with the ukranian. president, modem is zalinski and he told him, he said you are the savior of the people. and it made us wonder, you know, what, what was this image telling us? what we know that we've, we've been more into that this generation. his greatest generation will soon be gone, and with them the, the personal connection to the day i'm what does the live, what does zalinski represent in your opinion? i mean,
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is america as committed to ukraine as it should be in the eyes of the greatest generation? well, no is the simple answer. it is, and i think we know the great, the, the great crisis of our time in the united states is that we have politicized foreign policy. we didn't used to do that as much in the cold war. sure, there was a position to a specific policy choices. it'd be more, for example, the blue split the country. but in, in, in wage, in the cold war, americans largely allow their leaders to set the agenda and try to support it. and now everything is polemical, everything is part of that. so if you're for one thing, then the other part is against it doesn't matter what it is and that is coming a great cost in the ukraine crisis. i mean, we desperately need to support ukraine. struggle, this is a country that a, that a normal times americans would embrace its. it's fighting for democracy. it's a fighting against a large bully. it's fighting against a tyrant and it's canary in the coal mine, if we don't help ukraine. of course,
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the rest of the eastern and central europe is threatened. so there's a lot at stake here, and i think really we need our leaders to make that case more fully. we have to find a bipartisan consensus around it and continue to support that struggle. it's our struggle, it's those who believe in democracy, those who believe in cooperation, that's what, that's what's at stake and, and that conflict. what happens if we have a 2nd, donald trump presidency? our reporters who were in france, they said that america's allies are truly worried about what could happen to need or what could happen to the trans atlantic world. if donald trump gets elected, he gets his way as well. personally, i think i think the right to worry, i mean we already had a donald trump presidency, so we know that he can be a wreck. he can, you know, he's a boy in a china shop. he's unpredictable. if i were to place my money on it,
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i would say that nato is in jeopardy american membership and data may be in jeopardy. i would also say that the united states commitment to taiwan would be put in jeopardy. so we might have to nuclear great powers, russia and china advancing and winning on 2 fronts in europe and asia, the same 2 fronts that the united states helped to, to win the 2nd world war asia and europe. so i can't overstate how important the 2024 election is, but also the geo political situation we were in is very, very fragile. and we really desperately need strong leadership to sustain nato and the western community, cause we could go back to 1939 all over again. professor william hitchcock, we appreciate you taking the time to talk with us today of this 80th anniversary of the day. it is a pleasure. thank you so much. well, it is a another super sized election voters in the netherlands today kicked off the
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e u parliamentary elections. now after india. this is the world's 2nd biggest exercise in democracy. and the dutch, they are traditionally the 1st to cast their ballots. in these 4 days, a voting citizens of the european union will choose a new parliament. and the poll suggest big gains for the far right. w use jack, eric reports one votes, cost these people in, i'm saddam. and some of the 1st of the nearly 400000000 people eligible in the you to place the ballots over the next 4 days in the european elections. most important for me is the economy and the difference between the rich and the border of the in that you know it's well the entire and then for me is most important. i think think pen european mets are so climate change and immigration matters. so i think it's very important to foods, jobs, climate change,
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health security, migration, a recent euro barometer studies show. these are indeed the most important voting topics for people across the whole of the u. vs here in the netherlands, have been doing lots of docs in the last few years. just 6 months ago. that was a national election. we saw the fall right party when the most seats for the 1st time in does history. i must expect it to be replicated again in this european parliament selections. in fact, the far right is expected to make gains across the the netherlands gets the t one seats in the european parliament. there are a $720.00 in total. 027, e u member countries. posters save the size of the elections. come make it complicated to predict the result. once lights, it is very difficult to bring together all the data from $27.00 member states into one projection to understand how the european parliament will look like. we will
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most likely on sunday and monday understand how the european parliament will look like in the future. until then we have to deal with about 15000 candidates, 600 different lists and individual candidates across europe, and about 200 to 10 parties that will enter the european parliament. these european elections will also be judged on how many pallets a cost vote, a ton i is stopping the load normally at the arrived 50 percent. most d u countries will vote at the weekend and a clear picture with only a mode. once all the results are delivered or what do you have? use jack there to tell that report. he joins me now from amsterdam. good evening to you, jack. let's start where you are. the netherlands. um, what do the exit polls tell us tonight? well, by the looks of things the far right parts, you've got builders who one so heavily in the election in november 2023. it doesn't look like they've done quite as well as they perhaps we predicted they could have,
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it was predicted, they could have taken 10 or perhaps 11 seats of the 31. hardly the exit polls is saying maybe 7 or 8, but it also looks like the green less the lines that exist here in the netherlands . they may have got 7 or 8 seats as well, so it will have been quite a good showing for them. it's quite interesting to be honest, but that other lives is the 1st country, the voters in these european paul them, and selections of old 27. because frankly, that does electro system is one of the most complicated means with one of the most of the biggest spreads of all of the co owner of the countries in the u. but it does look like that has been a significant uptake for that in the far right policy. the policy for freedom here in the netherlands. but also was interesting about these acts. it poses, it looks like that games have actually galvanized from another fall right policy that starts in the european parliament for the last 5 years. well, j is 6 months ago in national elections the far right pulled off
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a shock or it became the biggest party and in parliament there. and what makes the far right popular in the netherlands. and i guess i can say what makes it so popular elsewhere across the u at the moment of the yeah, i mean, this is the big question. why are these far right? policy surgeon, there's a couple of reasons for it. first is that one of the far right politicians in your have managed to do is to make themselves more palatable to remove from that reputation, the sort of connections with fascism and racism that they've been paid with for many years. and what they do is they come paying on on assess those that say that they will protect the national interest of the people in each of the countries that certainly what had built is there in the netherlands. does this what marine the pen does in front? they've tuned i'm what's called that your skepticism so they don't look so much is trying to remove that countries from the european union for which they have
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campaign for, for decades before having same breakfast. and what happens to the united kingdom often leaving the european union? many of those politicians no longer go down that road. instead they say they're going to come paint against you laws from the inside laws like green laws, which they say in which a lot of farmers say have affected that business is negatively. that's certainly one of the come pain points here in the netherlands in your report. jack, we heard people include jobs, the economy, and migration, immigration as their main concerns. and these issues do they, do they play to the far right streets? yeah, they, they certainly do and not green the green deal. this massive wave of you know, that came in and over the last few years, for instance, forcing foam is to use parts of that land to rewrite nature. for instance here in the netherlands, does it?
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here's control the see on the minds of nitrogen that says must be reduced to nitrogen emissions from farming. and that's been something that's been really concerning for farmers, but also climate activists say. listen, we need to make sure that we're reducing those numbers. you'll remember 5 years ago we was started talking about the green, waive any european elections must have sides of green. i mean piece entering because of the climate protests, the, the had proceeded. the a w's jack harris with the latest as these big e. u. elections get underway tonight in amsterdam, in the netherlands. jack, thank you. well, the day it continues online. you'll find this on x also known as twitter and youtube that dw knew she can follow me at brent golf tv. and remember whatever happens between now and then, tomorrow it is another day we will leave you to night with a tribute to the veterans of the day, the french president awarding the legion of honor to us veterans who helped
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the the finally, the job for jacob, it's the beginning of the situation is a novelty and cost of, of where it's nearly impossible for people with disabilities to find way. jacob opportunity is thanks to a non profit organization. she's happy and some of the supporting the whole seminar focus on europe, the next on d. w. hunting in the arctic circle. who has the right to do so?
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sweet and supreme court has ruled that exclusive gain hunting and fishing rights to be restored to one of the oldest palm communities. it was a historic moment for this ami and a source of aggravation for sweet this hunter. the we did the urgency life saving boxes week if i ever seem to reach those who need us the most, every box feeding their boxes for the hope of life saving we
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see in a sweet, tentative, not just the next day that every day as, as children are still waiting for the sponsor of books today. so together we can deliver features, the hello and welcome to focus on your thanks for joining us today. ukraine's troops facing a new assault by russian forces trying to edge forwards at the front line to help defend the country. ukraine not only is western weapons badly, but additional soldiers. a recent mobilization bull aims to provide fresh cost groups to the outcomes troops in preparation for.
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