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tv   Under Poisoned Skies  Deutsche Welle  June 9, 2024 7:02am-8:01am CEST

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the we are all set of what's in place. we all in the ring of the story behind the noun, the, we all evolves unbiased information feel free mind can say due to non to get ready for an exciting auburn toyota. so little surprised. hi, irish. and i'm ready to dive into the hands of children to have you as a one the front porch and come to invest deposits on the spot. and the unexpected side supplies the nightstand caused about. why does that mean? because now i'm leave them on the new host to
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join us for an exciting exploration of everything in between moses a video and audio production, 5 d w. i hope that you will tune in the the to byers, right, and audio dot com is good news with the opening of a new oh, it'll see you after many years of extensive search and the spending of many millions of pounds, the bathroom petroleum company struck the rich with the young people of today no that mike for them is going to be the best far better than it was for that for all these young people. now that is the chance of
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a good education and of good health. the primary needs of anything the or would it be it showed that of which the money, if i the offender load models upon the desk, i know i shaved somebody. every guy has shred it kind of a little funny and he is sure to get that would be the value most of the value of the fun of the diamond one model
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the highest the most different. nice thing on it. sure. did not it either the total way to get her to to download them on the, on the executive fix the uh get you know, nice. you've had them on the i got the high the she or some of the ac imposing model. the she moments devoted in verse and along with all
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of the gulf here, the, the, the, to the see what we often all said didn't location the
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we don't have an island. the law. uh, we show us enough leo and michelle and didn't know how little cut off and so con the hello. mr. holmes, this is kim encarnacion has it, has had been a long yeah, i need to better meet her 7 charlottesville, comfortable to be noise as though to see us tomorrow. i lost my limits. why not? i'm hopefully as if i didn't. if it did, how does she gone? i lost the island of calvin, john b a. i need to play but a minute. this a, not a thought about how that a surprise because he had a been a nice and would you all, what do you and then we shot the end of the it found one problem because he had on how to decide if you're not in the whole house and has a spot the it is the products,
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the world cannot get enough phones and which many believe was the real reason why the united states invaded the rock in the 1st place. this was one to the end of the full oil, johns exxon mobil b. p show on 2 tall, the original pockets of the rock petroleum company. i'm totally industry was nationalized in 1972, a so keen to read to a funeral. this on her comment out of the, the opposite to my should a customer for me. if you said b z i, that didn't touch enough the little bit a lot of different intelligent enough men. how are the menu only bit of meat for leo was done a lot. how i need ottawa, i'm alone. but i mean, how does she off of a z odyssey number on the
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on for me? sure enough. one shortage. pardon me. i couldn't understand it was just the size that most of that. okay. the how good for you. bye. bye bye. right. she is breath of to day for my for the gym by center. i want some of the them and if i would have this minute i want, i want to come nation. so i can open this but had any and send this over and then i just thought of honey in and saw it as you can now, and we'll coffee minutes, but had to dodge it up. how many have to be in the hot them? well, how did i'm of the message by them until for the desktop up dodge and stuff up so
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hard. we don't have that many and jump out. i mean, so dodge annual jordan. what type of form of advertising are you calling me in? may i have to test today? i'm just wondering what one should tech what. what is the one that can offer a minute? there was a 105 or maybe me was come see flush. and then i said to me there's, there's dang that's, did you mean i knew was seen as you see them? that's what it isn't. newly
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fancy the best overall how the high a high and so a lot to know what was done for me. so i think if let me send this range shot here. so for
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high is lashania was best behind the new dung. them. how do hossa? gun thoughtful fall of his mother. she's in the north of galen the the items dislodging the fault. lots of, that'd be a piece of my you know, somebody and been encountered the smart. how the shit, what i can the nothing at all. no know how to car that was the what a lot many it out of the done but as commute. i mean,
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and melodic give me all we assignment a mobile number, so wasn't a spot of what company buttons the ben zane is another one of those industrial chemicals that is coming to wide spread use since world war 2. but only recently hasn't been disclosed that benzine causes cancer. recently there's been a lot of information coming out about benzine and it's possible cause the leukemia, [000:00:00;00]
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the senate in the for, for the outcomes. and it has us a lot heavy out of that. and the who knew it cause a box, you know, who are intelligent enough or if unhappy who must dunham and associates and bennett, be a commended the the gets here. them in a non so you're out of for the n on know for jo, a sort of side without getting the homeless am in the corner at the end. you had the shape on them. would you all right, the by has a pass on that happens, but me and a lot can live. so if we're not in the can buy of the house and you'll see how it happens. but
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the, the magenta, adult onset dyslexia, without giving the and then the set, the heads of some thought to mind. you should have gotten no fault. you're not, you're not an mizzi them. and then if you bought on the
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the hand, so about the e q, the deputy with this is for in a minute you'll be awesome. we still want to go bucket of we and with the a lot bring the move them in the sense of being lens in eco been insurance company company. but i am a ben, i'm a here in my eyes on the panel and, and be an out good. and as i'm actually like you, i'm about an a on you said as an a. how does a phenomenal know looking above and do not have concepts having to look inside the house and we want to do it 10 item with donald, blah, blah, blah. the last minute should have gone by. i shouldn't be in the, in should with this should be shown this a long long she will go to him
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soon. you click on the one on the on. oh ok, minnesota. okay, that is why the us federal funds. i have to tell them that they want to, but the model happy if the image, if the book is having to get the say, if i do up, i love to be that we bought the mill. that's next to him. and for the other we should have got higher. that's how the, how me on the how mean and if it was at home, we wonder honey says i've done that. that was almost done with the and all high and high the calling the guys the snow and they said with high and so a lot or maybe sensitive then i'm going all the way some very of us to be doing for oh, saw that we don't know if the home and you remember the yeah, i know on a slab you know many times over to the center. not being shot. say it in the month talking to you. so you have no toner how, what if you don't want of us for you know,
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what do what they make that it is behaviors. the people have a rock, the waters of the 2 great rivers, tigris and euphrates are indeed the waters of life. between the twin rivers, so legend says, was the world's best job regardless of the vin or the multi am proponents, the kind of jimmy in the gifted how the more money that you don't act on the, the update and the feed about them. nephew in a quite a while, but in a few of them the the, the, the model of the telo was initiated miss each minute videos. and when i probably couldn't medina this up on monday and it should by
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the board would be the way i would do that. it's definitely been most okay. generally it would be sweet. oh, it's heavy just so much on lots on it. so i guess i have 2 minutes, i'd never be
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a problem with the problems and i will look at this or fear to it says, are you not the ottoman and outside the home? uh, i've been out of them and bind it in. and my saw that it said it was in the middle of the teen in a month and most on it. why not know who not enough to go to know why and then hydro accountable, not a 3 year with the i did it and had a thought you some of been nothing. it's all to lead me to move can and no one except the setup on the we have long known that ph has can be harmful to our hell. back in the 1700s young boys were employed as gently sweets and london and alert physician named percival pot. began to notice that an unusual number of these boys had developed cancer and incorrectly observed that the cancer is one of the results of skin exposure from all of
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a sudden. we now know this is paula pe agents. mm hm. so it's been known about about the good and what is to acquire the civil instead of got the fault the police had been knock at the 2 men and nobody had the phone to huh. to me. by the go ahead and close the window. hold on and i was gonna look see much we funeral show you bro. haven't boy that i'm not there when. hello. yeah. didn't work on the auto plan. so
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the guy here at this way, are we? yeah, that was in and always i think i'm going through him such with all this kind of system. i'm thinking that's what allows you to say on history. i said why the sudden i said, let's get that hot. i just haven't tie a few on it showed all i had to do. otherwise, a lot of the my,
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the i'm is so much didn't know who bought it at the compiler to the printer and i thought i tried to have it on shot assigned to be the show find. so find out what, not house of it for house arctic i don't have to doesn't so it has the, has the follow comfortable i number follow to boss has gotten the provision issue. what does that is that did you know? i don't want that. i didn't get high enough as in there, i feel bad. so if i go to a 2nd, i do not have to come. i use a low income set out. i don't that they have not been down in the item, but one that i had
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done of huss this bit. we suck money. no for the more truth of just the life of the shot on mobile as well. going back to our case push, amazing, go. but i just thought i'd show who i show the demo that is there what i understand. i do not like that about the do the multi 5. going to jump in colorado out for us about 10 minutes or so. but i didn't i didn't miss sharon don't look was so not a look see that kind of gone. when does not allow you to how to call the law speak army? in the said to have it on the opposite of nissan a but i thought it'd be like an hour. let me to ship
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a lot and know my babies that i've seen a lot seen. been me a man of the 5 digit than how to are let me in your is it letting the guys in nissan the lead just gather to the top 26 climate change summit in glasgow. have made some bold commit around a 100 countries have already signed up to cut the price of greenhouse gas. me think nearly a 3rd by the end of the decade, the calls $26.00 wasn't the 1st time that the world came together to try start companies and emissions in 2015. that was a pledge between governments. no companies to eliminate routine firing by 20 set. but since that 1st slash has been no reduction in roxbury, we wanted to find out how the basic oil companies work in iraq or calculating climate impact. none of them being clear about the fair emissions on the industry
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rules. they don't have to publish fanning emissions for what's known as non operation fields. even when that of the contract may make a lot of key decisions. in order to find out how much is being hidden, we have to get hold of stuff like data comes numbers, the, the, the look of a do a month. if i said 100 of the men, obviously when i started last not know why i'm going to invite here. uh hi. we have a layout. yeah. kind of issue to a spot where i yeah.
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and yet how do my husband but you guys. yeah. i just want to go look at those. i'd like you to know. i think you know, by, but i'm really such a i said i'm a little in my mind, a bit of administrator wise in most of the but i spoke to not a the child the deep uh can this to not have the
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a lot of different the victor on that side, the so, but if i get to the weird guy that i have, i've had to send them now they'll remove, i've done a big fat, a victim of how and not that in the search for a 2nd video. i'm, i'm what's stuff as low as it. i low my initial suited by no. got on it. i took by on the docs and the minute and with all the shuttles. and what type of the apartment model the i mentioned or whatever it was my fault, but my thoughts on the didn't what about couldn't it shouldn't have been since may done on the i've got even better way of an engine in the basement story out to kind of within how i was bad, how about to shout it to be a know who say out the door,
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but for the felt feet waiting to zoom at the edge, costs the ball, but about the that a fee schedule bar need to know the additional jobs. so you know, out of about the whole on a committee john lee, i saw the monitor i looked at the gun home and the name, the bottom happen. what you should to saw that on sites on
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the the whole sonya has been in the height of the life for so long to defeat yeah. in within the hey, i live funeral can no, and the setup on and the document on the, on the telephone with there why heads and every month i saw be why a could be a new club fall or sacramento hyphen john and then model the settlement in my head to get it if the, if the look on the far from the left off square issue on the plot,
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the model of no fault loved the show kind of info doc and i don't know. yeah. on i'm in the, you're kind of like a 5 on the diamond mazda air, cuz uh, i get a shift with how do you, uh,
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did you have my i got it here. i said, i'll be here by the contact center. that's to be honest about vice or i don't want to how to do to, to death, to offer you is found in the saw it on the mice at the end of done in the process of uh, uh, so with the next to the michelle, how to to uh, do you provide us the most of the, the 50 uh, showing the, uh the height of the foot. uh the weight sharp. go back of a delta
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echo. uh get exact warranty. i see that extra across the country to hawaii about some time to do or to offer you a ton, a job. all of it, the high shaddick. uh no on the uh and software to have the model that i've said of in the fall, but she liked the loan majority of the with i can it as if michael, i said you out the take a look at this line and the police report is their official centering emissions figures . it clearly shows the downward trend. b,
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p is patched and routine signing between 230 and to invest as it looks like that doing really well. many of the senior managers are mailer, p, o x p, p. and we've line the btn effectively calls the shots, but the official afraid of the field is the remainder of pricing organization. b, p is the lead contractor. and this consortium lesson with the rocky government and a chinese oil company. unlike many consultants, non as the oil companies involved in this project report fair emissions because we have to get hold of satellite data to find the truth. i the peas annual centering 2021 across the whole weld instead of just 4000000 tons of c o 28. and that's misleading because it from nailer was included in those figures. it will be doubled. bp is concealing the true scale of its starting emissions from the public and from an invest us
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the but then, and how to call that will cause you good. this, donald holder fits using bonaza and football gamma. what, how we've done in a sort of where you can use this model, how that will cause a know who your total monthly you missed the whole nan miliano door. not so now we in the out on the smart how the gauze you can tell you, but i need a heading. the shock in and out off the phone on the home and the by the out in the box for flights or for full funds. the medina thing bus 5, alexia. so see how thought i'd just and how to do the settlement from c and delta g
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mail? the t shit now, my gosh, what i came in by the police these motors the door, can you in the middle of the country? maybe it was the most of the beginning, but the i was working in regions 5 years, 96 as working between iraq and the u. k. for the pay the shell needed, the company's granular fields like v p to provide them with gas the otherwise would have been flat. fundamentally,
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you have this conflicts of interest because shell required the pete's provide the gas for the higher pressure. in order for them to capture the bt increase the gas pressure. this would reduce all production, which is what they get paid for. so in simple terms, high pressure would result in more gas being captured by less oh, being produced and therefore less profit to be. what you have for an end is the b p exist to make money, a name, create value for a shout. and so for them to take decisions, which might, would use gas, larry, but at a cost to the company,
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that's something that executive would structure the fit. it's heather to assist me at least you're facing. it would go down and i'm not what it is you're you know, it has any availability. mr. i did get away from that way. it gives you about
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the mistakes here. so july, the, i'm going to sign off with him here while we have shifted a since that has to be done that has to go to certain areas that are a good list of how video has to, has devised they've got, they've got to work for much where it is where your other kids. oh, go ahead. can read well yeah, i had to to the level, the celine at the age and for the whole thought,
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the edge and choosing the doctor suit. treat pleased to meet you see it like what the lead lately, the tides that i just look at the, the fencing data. we're seeing values from, you know, 3 up to 9.6 micrograms for me, the cube animatedly that, that causes some worry to me via joe. for example, it has said that there is no see if level of bands a longer term exposure has been linked to the development of certain cancers, such as a cute my lloyd leukemia got it to the money in the summer one, how this tanami, i mean, what to have here is, is,
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is very interesting pilot data. so this is really a strong signal to me that says better monitoring and time and space is required. i would hope that the uh, oil industry, which is benefiting from extracting the fossil fuels, that should be a responsibility of those companies running have going on with no because nothing is at all. despite the small numbers, you can see a significant correlation. the children, they have strikingly high levels of metabolizing as p h, as in their urine. offensive there are, there are 5 children that have elevated levels, some corner there are 6 that are elevated from where there are for the elevated. and then from a lot,
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all of the children's handled there have have high levels, 70 percent of the children that you sample have high levels in their urine. what we know in general about ph is there's definitely been a number of studies that has looked at cancer associations with early exposures to pages that certainly concerning for their own health. and suggests that they should be monitored closely. the going to die. amen. yet that i need the i know of to find the sleep behind one model within my so i apologize. that's fine. yeah, no home. we a showing c v m. we know with it many episode one. what about
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the i would drive to him and my wife not to janet have to say it's like and then been at the age this with and binds in. and while i haven't been in and what about the misplaced assignment, they moved to a different how, what kind of to fema is they like to have her do the me in the boynton. subbing i saw on how the my not to the add in the new hosting shop settings to got an outage in minutes. and then you want me to why not at the to my side, the moment. good to know for the calling the cut off at the what all to say, i got all my dots it uh, we're not gonna have to shut off my new home enough for the next few months. that can be a month that i used to the police to say ok, hold on
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a 2nd on that. now some stuff i know it's on the finance side of that numbers. get it on the side of, oh, i thought i'd see in the amount that you show a level of how would, how would you understand that i'm kind of know not a 100 and i'm on the and again i'd be happy to spend more stuff in bonds and you know, i have them what i'm about to see about that, but i have been set up on this on my cobra. one of, i mean it's 57. it was a general dentist was 7 goodness for the lu. i'm a should i have enough? we've had in our, you know, when i shut off upon, been an extra step, i would just remember at home a mazda fitness telling what the guy just did the yeah, the, the good cool me. i know who my julian know, but when we got it i i you name it,
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should it? well, yeah, i mean i, you not. yeah. any of that off and the who got the money, it doesn't have the mold or the phone, but the highly in michigan wisdom of dealing with these issues a company and when i put the drum and cool, i'm totally on an hour and a new for has my, i don't think the gym would feed them or not, but it went back up not on a month when how well the yeah, i mean not that of physical much fluid. and when i sit on august the romantic, awhile i like how we shop a lifecycle. michelle law size . and now i live in mon as the in a month. is that spot? be wonderful. but yeah, now that i don't know, but let me had been, no,
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i had of not home i will stop. but for the model, the model solve it sort of down from the shift funds you thought i had kind of this and this one with this. yeah. hey mike. hi ma'am, i'm with the, with the, with the little above in here vision. well as a hospital, i'm not, i'm, i had eyes and this just shows us sort of limited in the heads up in a bit cold, our april and then, oh, i know good why you all have high show about donald stuff on the highest level of buy one of the most it has you has your line so and then the donuts and tell them the structure that we need. so we have
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the video and my god, i know how to put an order in to have them come out to the sawdust. that's cool. saw what's the or not the next door? in fact, julie, what's my, i'm in our school, me on the job. i attended the via the upcoming my. why do i need to see what i have to get there? which i said my eyes are bad and that's what i'm saying. i should put enough in the other issues with the heavy but i don't know if someone
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is involved. i don't know of the knob. so it was clear. and that's why what model have to jump it up. was julia, did you the not the size of city mind was what happened on the thought? yeah, i mean i'm more likely that in good and then a the phone and was going in the hobby feet 4 feet probably as above or below that level. the biggest that uh, one of my ahmed is going to do my, i don't know what else? yeah, good. well, how to jump on a couple of hush for huge. i see it here. oh no, no, no, no, that's my that it must have hyphen in the right and the she did the just am up, which is the of it was the he said i should, i don't know how the level of last month and nobody nobody. oh, yeah, i mean, most would be maybe more of
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a general my food. we just get just the way to the, to the show will be showing be as well as your what danielle catholic church looked at it that afternoon. so the, i'm that the simple enough for you and that too much tough for the outside to my do i need a few minutes to talk this thing back to me said that the teacher will have the funding of the mental health of the thought, the week before the set of cotton ought to be attached to them,
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how does she ex and to the subject discuss learning communities in the put the titles this past, the children sitting there to uh, as a spot pass was that to enough up to 10 different oh shut off to best buy and then i could, i was just a general and then back off when i can, if i also have to buy some how in category as bob is the amount of a setup on the bottom of the filter. so it's definitely kind of detached, a lot of that, a lot of that kind of this is by the end of the fees. the said a setup on the as more often and people have to mess up and stuff them in the holding hydrocarbon. you know, i'm just it, and then once you get it, i know i've never been bucks. i mean, so, i mean i, you know, by my see. yeah, that's what i can now you should, can i just it, we got it sorry. difficult to access and fit on pollution,
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monitoring and address. and so recurs our study in which we measure the fencing the, the levels of ph. it kind of typically happens here on the spoken values. it's been how can this idea of said, i know i'm having a conference talking to and i'll just tell us you have to figure it out. so in the piece for me, i know we found spending levels of up to 3 months and we faxed interest a high level to pages including up to $8.00 micrograms of to not stone in one child. so popular on my that what the $100.00 which, which already on. well i wouldn't miss old and comforting. and the i saw to be a, was a, have had that happen level of talking to you, the private at the job and it's the equipment dispatch and it's been seen milligram . but better to book meet the fact that for and then when not how long and how about how that she felt. but she told me you almost had to lift a bit of find the image or that is out of town. and the one that i had the coffee
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table, the the, the,
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the, the, not the i get them until the month without them upgrade the i will be showing or the
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bidding and stuff. but i know why should i care to the 12th of the invalid sounds? a lot of the hudson up fall it's as you said, um will ship uh the the
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the, the, the kind of always in cigna to start over sized run. see with caching and full ways where it's 09.
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in 30 minutes. on the w for tv, cultural ambassador, or hostage. the famous bust has been in germany for over a 100 years. egypt has been demanding its return for just as long. never td's german owners are set on keeping or believing the law is on their side. but where is the line between legality and morality? and they are in 90 minutes on d, w, the this shadows these costs and video shed lights on the dog is devastating. colonial har is infected by germany across and he employed scores both good farms and destroy lives. what is the legacy of this wide spread race as depression today?
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history. when nice to talk about the stories, shadows of german colonialism, the system the way it is. so police power and key, more people than ever on the move world wide in such a base in life. but of cardboard. that's the, that's the issue and find out about baby story info, migraines,
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the, they, the, brought together by chance. and they root in the early ninety's and independence free women at the mother of 10, in a strict patriarchy the sooner they can, they not assess team dogs has been observing the lines of how dia and hit dorsey's edison. this is lines that have been shaped by debris, tennessee rule, and religious constrains what he's telling me to waste of my katia and her daughter's stuff. june 22nd on
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d w the the you're watching dw news life. somebody letting the chief officers officers rescue mission master. he condemned the operation as a mock claim to more than $200000.00 students. with cute and it's rarely strikes, you're going to, you didn't guide them. is the con desco's numbers as the full rescued hostages. audrey united with their families and so was oldest the show take flight and balance with the ministry and defense making a strong showing at the see as the split
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