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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 10, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm CEST

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the the, this is dw news line from the far right. policies make big gains in european parliamentary elections. the results trigger, i forgot to ask, like in france because of the macro calls risky, snapped the election assessors. political alliance is beaten, molded $2.00 to $1.00 on the reading. the pens far right and natural reality. germany's chancellor sounds villamore in the far right. f d. so just into 2nd place and his coalition stuff has a heavy, they feed off show warm stuff fall i gain should not become notarized. also on the programs us secretary of state times to me bank and arrives in israel as part of his latest push for a safe spot in gaza. the
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i'm from gain. welcome to the program, french president. emanuel macro has roll the dice on his political future after being traversed by the 5 right in the repeating the elections. it's called a snap election in parliament. so no, a house for later this month. after moving depends national valley party to double the votes of my calls electro alliance. this was a political shock. the nobody had been expecting. the french president, addressing the nation, announcing us about parliamentary election. you'll have some of them on. i said that i have lots of political gamble that they came off. the exit polls had revealed his pockets. he was on calls for hammering at the hands of the fall, right? the national rally because he don't said so this is you. this is
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a serious and a way to decision, but above all, it isn't active trust a trusting you mission idea, compactor you that step in the ability of the french people up to, to make the justice choice for themselves and for future generations. now, i suppose that's announcement follows an election challenge from this man showdown bond to the president of the national valley policy to describe macro. and as it weakens precedence, as he cooled for him to take the country to the poles in front of jubilant pots, simple to be in party lead movie la pen had been benting on growing public frustration with the french president and his policies to deliver results at the fall of books and then now focused on securing the even big victory. do something that we are ready to exercise. paula. if the french trust talk to you in this future legislative selection. so we are ready to rebuild the country,
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ready to put an end to must immigration, ready to make the purchase impossible, the friendship priority, read it to begin the contrast rate industrialization. this kid is just showing the pay and the bottom line. so what comes next? stone read the being drawing these on the far right protestors in paris is plus to the republic, giving the 1st indication of the fight to heads. a fight that the french president has cast as a struggle for the soul of the country. as we have all of our correspondent jack park, who joins us from the french capital. welcome jack. what is president macro and think he will gain from this surprised move as well? well, he's hesitating, there's a lot of sort of analysis of what he ones with this. but the overarching suggestion is that he wants to joe the french public in the next 3 weeks to be so afraid that
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that could be a fall, right? government in the national assembly here they have, i vote for centers, parts easy hopes, his but other centers parties that he can form a coalition with so that he can re game majority of the low highs and hopefully be able to possible as again, that's why he's done the so quickly off to the european parliament selection, but it is a huge gamble that could hand the, the national assembly to the far right policies that could be potentially jordan about the, the prime minister, which would be the 1st fall. right? prime minister in front of history. okay. so i mean like sure and about to 3 weeks of power. so he's getting ready to host the summer. a lympics a couple of weeks after that. how is use of us not for election going down over the of the we've spoken to a lot of people here over the course of today, and most of them to say for us the best surprise that he's done this 2nd, that he's that confuse that is such a big political gamble micro on isn't shy of
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a political gamble in the past. but also, especially for the parisians. they city is covered in buildings and sorry stadiums being built on the street to hers. those powers olympic games the into the those the whole world will be looking at powers later on in the summer. and just the head of those elections will have those games will have 2 ryan's of elections, which will be satisfied, stays for him. and the people are questioning why he called those elections. so assume just a head to view them face. okay, so the national riley is really, it has any size and value ready for this fight. well, they are going to say that they are boy in from this clearly they were cooling for this. they want to try and take the low a highs here they, they will feel they're in the ascendancy from the results in the european parliament selection. the question is whether the most interest for us is whether
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the left wing and the centers forces that my con, uh, sort of works with. whether they can come together and whether people will go item vote. not necessarily for the for the fall, right? that will be a sizable portion of the french public to go out and vote for them. but whether my problem can encourage other people who simply wants to vote against the far right to go out and vote for policies to prevent them from getting into power. if i asked about jack dw correspondent jack power in paris, so big games for your rbs fall right pauses. but the center right is still the biggest block in the european parliament. so he's a little could what to expect next of the day after the european elections encourage you, commission president for the fun deadline has already started working on secure and her 2nd term, muncie. this is,
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my goal is to continue on this task with those who are pro european pro ukraine and pro no fro fine together. we will and can form a bastion against the extremes of lessons and right to the minds of the bus to own getting the extreme findings. one place been funded line and her center, right? you're in people's party with the winners off the like tonight. and the main news this, the greens and deliver adults who get fewer seats in the next 2, your parliament, they lost those come and missed a boost for the fall, right? who has said to continue extracting the influence and call them in their case have been more limited then many people expected. but they have had over at the and the impact on the other groups position on the some of the issues, especially climate and migration. but the far right so body effect on law making is likely to be limited as they won't have a blocking majority in the european parliament. the impacts would also depend on
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that. the georgia, i'm and his brothers of italy and marine la penn national riley of bronze the form of the roof together. both parties were strongest in their respective countries. now was enough on the lines. next challenge begins. she needs to secure 2 key majorities to get a 2nd term. as president of the new commission, the blocks powerful executed on funded line must be nominated by most of the leaders. then she also needs the majority of lawmakers into european parliament to becker for that she 1st called upon her pro european centrist allies in the previous parliament. the season going to vote for this reason, even now approach the logic politic of families that worked valid with us in the last mandate. visa d. as in d, there's socialist and social democrats entering the liberals. the item will come on to renew the behind is the far right. an option too. it might be before the your
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elections or the funding. i didn't draw allowed, working this italian prime minister george, i'm alone for now. most options are still on the table as the political of horse trading begins. let's get both of our correspondent version per chart in brussels, welcome row. so you've got to tell us more about who us, you know, from the line. hopes will be part of the best in against extremes. well, listen, 1st, live under line. looks as the dust settles, all these european part of the elections to be in good stead. her center, right? european people's party came out on top here in the european parliament, and that should in principle help her secure that return ticket that she's striving for to return as your team commission, president, leader of the powerful executive that really sets all of the agenda for you. little make, she does need, 1st of all, the backing of you leaders and the fact the president, my quote in front of coal be snapped preliminary elections. that could complicate
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her based because makeover waking up. whether it's a hindrance or a help to his campaign or his party's campaign to declare backing for vendor line. then borderline needs to secure a majority here in the european parliament, a majority of the seats, which you see behind me in the european problem. it's heavy cycle and really looks like there every will be every seat to play for because those she has the majority in favor and principal of centrist park. these centrist majority has held, there will be sent defenders within those mainstream groups. and therefore it could come down to a bit of a nail by ser, for team of underlining those hoping she secures the 2nd term in office and looking at reports. uh, certainly in the english speaking uh, press uh, the georgia, melanie of italy through house being, who has been seen as be on the far right, she seems to be being transferred to something of a queen maker if i can put it that way. well really what this is gonna come down to now is where the red lines are drawn by the sensor, right?
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so where of underlined the sites to agree to work with essentially because she will be looking for that product majority of not might mean looking towards indeed some parts of the far. right? so this question of red lanes is really one which is hanging over these attempts by european commission president borderline. to get the keys back to the european commissions headquarters. and we talk about the far right the so they all won the group, but there are differences between them. yeah, absolutely. so george maloney's party and brothers are basically 6 with a parliament your group here in the european parliament cold. think you are a pain conservative unreformed mason there. nationalist, right wing politicians, but they're seen as much more politically palatable then the farther right identity and democracy group, which includes parties like the national raleigh in front snow. the fact that georgia maloney's party, the brothers eventually has a pro ukraine stance,
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for example, has helped help ingratiate itself with mainstream parties in europe. but domestically many of its policies are still seen by critics this far right. for example, it stands on l. g, b, teach you or mark or mike or writes, no, as long as your line continues to do what she has been seems to be doing, which is courting that section of the far right. so that section of your, of hard right, which includes the brothers eventually party, she could on the other hand, in rage, parts of the center list. unless so she will really have to tread very carefully here. she tries for me to make her way back to, to, to another term. indeed, as you're thinking, mission president thinks that, rosie dw correspondent rosie butch od so far right to gains the big story of the day. what's happening on the left, jack them up for the back to secretary general of the pocket of your pin socialists . that's part of your pay upon them in the sense of less socialists and democrats
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blog joins us from brussels. so welcome to the w. so a big gains by loops fall right, the bottom, it's still controlled by the sense of rights. where does this leave your up socialist? i don't know, but i agree that the something right? the controls, the bottom it, they are part of the loan. but without us, and without even those that would be no possible majority. that would be, i think the 5 is a problem. you will be a possible majority of the rest. are a speculation that's do not concerns goal. is there any lines that you're going to be close, referring to before? they are very simple depending whether of this deal majority to the, to the left or so on. the volume and the next commission are well, it's actually broke. i mean only to the green pockets in our opinion,
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so it can be composed by the p p. u, but also a sense of the green, if necessary. nothing else. and what i mean, nothing else. i mean, besides b, e, c, r, and i need somebody helping you out and you, for your house, there is no, it'll be a majority in the next to be okay. it's not, it's not, it's not clear for you. there's no room for negotiation. no, no room for a whole straightening. this is no time to make a shapes the future of the, you know, the next 5 years. so think it ok now which would be cool. there's so many aspects that now isn't at the time to go to, to do some movements that do not share the values upon which they do. you need service filed. so here's the thing. why is that? do you see the message of your ups far right? pauses on issues like migration for instance,
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is gaining such traction with your was versus the problem exist and pointing out of the problem and claiming that you have an easy fix or it can be an appealing kind of thing. but, but unfortunately that's been shown that especially for the make missions dissolution, so not easy to fix it. don't get spears rich, the migration and i filed by agreement that you ok on that. and this is the way to go forward by sharing responsibility. and by doing, facing these trends together, because my dish always, it's taken me so it's not something that you can avoid the escape by claiming that you've been with the war. or do you want to bring battle chips and bows in the rain? so that is the formulas that can resume in some of the popular shows, but eventually will not be this one. so how then do you respond to the
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populace? a, to the populace policies? i'm the increasing number of people who vote for them. who would say that the answer that you just gave that it's complicated. let's keep doing this. the same thing that we've been doing. how do you, how do you convince them that you're not being complacent? the only way to convince our citizens is that as we need to more effective t for complicated by skills, do mothers that are delivering the results. and there is no way that google can, you know, be able to deliver these out east. that is not the responsible to you again for joining the same thing inside that you will get by them. so the best sort is to work all together with forces that share basie complement values and being
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inspired by those for policies that even these complicated even even hard to implement, they would be sustainable for the future. i repeat or can be speak, quick fixes and slogans may work in the bank, but to work when you want to around and very complex. institutional like be looking on, you know, with 27 member states. okay. hundreds of paintings is that's the sort of your thoughts, the front president's decision to coal parliamentary elections after his coalition was beaten. so soundly by marine depends the far right national riley. this is definitely a mover which seems to be the data is by despair. more than anything but the contribution i don't think it is necessarily the correct one because i think that we the center left. and if you see there is also the
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least managed by the groups my last week and the rest, the so series together with either a center, let's have permission for the course. kind of both. i'm sure views, but from the book you there, which would be the competitive. and then you're against that. not necessarily my goals but so we're never afraid of the office. we have never faithful and excellent competitions. we have always in big world, but on prompting over certain seasons and directions and products may reveal the surprises of the way to control. thank you so much for joining us, jack, and my feedback from the potty of european socialist. thank you. well here in general, a chance to the shelves has expressed a lot of them after the fall arrived so strong showing. he described the success of the poles as concerning, i didn't know germany could not go back to business as usual. the chances that
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reading coalition stuff with a heavy faith winning just a 3rd of votes. meanwhile, the found lice alternative for gemini swept past all 3 coalition passes to take 2nd place behind the conservatives. a harsh responds after a catastrophe for the governing social democrats in gemini, the was european election results for the main policy and power in history. and a clear verdict from the streets. i'm saying they have titled an old regard, zach for years and changes definitely needed. the government must really think it's policy. the conservative opposition leaders mirror that sentiments calling for the government to change clothes or to pay the way for snap elections. they bought the heads also blame the government for the strong showing of the far right is to the it's
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a complete disaster for the policies of the federal government. i have to tell you, i didn't expect it to be so harsh and so dramatic. and source of also the 50 does the policy that no benefits the most from the question over to yet that's the far right alternative for gemini became 2nd. doing especially when among votes is age 16 to $20.00 for low income groups. an eastern gemini success that came despite scandals involving the lead candidates for the elections a if the lead has had a clear message vinzini intent and we see a trend here in germany. the governing coalition has been punished. it is a vote against the chancellor, getting things from us now paved the way the new elections in big for the no, i find find the most q and while his government rolled out to new elections, the chancellor stayed notably,
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ever served about the outcome by that get this off the lecture results were poor for all 3 governing parties. none of us should simply continue on with business, as usual, is about what policy change will look like. charles has yet to make clear the release of the us secretary of state is back there, pushing for us these 5 day of and gone. so that president, by proposed last month on to me, blinking arrived in israel after a stuff in cairo. he's urging leaders in the region to press on us to accept a proposal to help find to engage israel. zoe agreed to tell him frank pauses is blinking, that egypt is present time to father l. c. c. he's like being a key media. he said, we've come us. this is the top different my 8th mission. so the ve agent said the whole broadcast broke out in october. while before leaving for ego, a secretary of state had a clear message for both sides of the conflict of the body to region as well. my
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message to governments throughout the region. 2 people throughout the region is if you want a ceasefire press from us to say yes. if you want to alleviate the terrible suffering of palestinians engaged press from us and say yes, if you want to get all the hostages press from us to say yes. if you want to put israelis and palestinians a light on the path to more durable peace and security press from us to say, yes, if you want to prevent this conflict from spreading press from us to say, yes, let's get both of my correspondent tanya kramer, in jerusalem, welcome tanya. is hamas the only sticking points us the secretary of state. so i was assessing that or well until they've been can really mostly play is how most of. a they actually need to give a, still a,
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their official response to this proposal, but also the is where the government has been very ambiguous about it. although many of us presented over 10 days ago by you as president, you'll find and it was presented as an is rarely proposal. but since we have heard, is video officials actually saying it was not accurate? what was presented and we heard from prime minister of any mean espanol himself who said he will continue in his aim to destroy him off and until this is not the chief, the war will not engine. of course, this is a non starter for how much at the same time pressure as mounting on ben. you mean that to y'all, we has a lot of trouble with his cabinet has power, right? members of the company that will have said they will not agree to such a deal if that means it contains this uh ending the war and now with a centrist lead to the new guns. also, he announced on sunday that he will leave the war cabinet. of course, he is now
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a problem. mister benjamin netanyahu is no more beholden to his extreme miss members in his cabinet, and maybe also less inclined to go here for a compromise. this all sounds pretty bleak, tanya. is there any sign that a deal maybe closer and closer at the moment? i mean, we can't really tell you, um, it doesn't seem that both sides are closer to dia and that is also what is part of this. a trip by the secretary said engineer blinking here once again in the region as he just said he, he was an age of people also further down the line. meet the other mid, the h as a category. officials as well to push for this as these 5 d a. and of course, what is where it is worth celebrating the rescue of those 4 hostages on a saturday, you know, the same evening. thousands went out in the streets, calling on the government to actually go for a seized by
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a deal that also includes the release of hostages. because there is a sense here. this is the only way of getting older hostages back home. we haven't seen such risk emissions, there were only 3, they're very risky. and uh, the last time a lot of hostages over a 100 to wherever this we're actually in a seized by d of that was a back in november. but it seems that both sides at the moment, they're paying for time or whatever. it's not quite clear, but they don't seem to be able to come together and that needs to be of course, also they need to be a lot of details still being hammered out, if they would agree to sit together at the table. and as a final word on that hostage rescue, tanya for hostages, free at a cost of hundreds of palestinian lives, is not likely to weigh on, ceased by torques. whether it's a sense that it is very likely that to add more weight on the see side talks at
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this rate or where very large numbers you said of palestinians were killed. that were really devastating scenes in the aftermath of this rate of one of the deputy a single days here in recent weeks. and a lot of people that a lot of civilians as well as well that were injured in this rate. so again, it comes back to how mazda said they want guarantees that is redwood, and the war is red, doesn't seem to pre pad. and at the moment we don't know where this is going. okay, tanya, thank you so much bye. tonya kramer in jerusalem. are you watching d, w. use ly from bell, and the reminder of laptops. story of this out for the president and manuel macro has called snap legislative elections after a heavy to facing the julian actions. a centrist alliance was trying to find the reading depends on rights national property. i sent you up today tomorrow at the
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top of the hour. next on the w ox unveiled looks at me. control vesee surrounding the iconic combust of net for teaching the
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effort tedious, cultural ambassador or hostage. the famous bust has been in germany for over a 100 years. egypt has been demanding its return for just as long. never td's german owners are set on keeping or believing the law is on their side. but where is the line in between legality and morality? and val next on d w, the each small mistake could be face.
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child gold miners. the outboard practice is still wide spread. the philippines. families across the country are digging in mines without any supervision or safety measures. only a few make a good living from low stopped in 45 minutes on d w. the should actually inject you belong to the 77 percent to come to i don't good. i'm fixing to invite the last last goals. stop. and here's one thing we're here to help you make up your mind. we are here on please find your mind. so all of the topics i'm much up to you from trouble fixed a new culture. and in 15 minutes,
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that's part of our community life. on the service, the research is now on the definitely the post war should become an icon of the federal republic, the good jeremy, so to speak, to extend the if it was really the i'm the really mean those crates he's not known for sutton. the from is probably someone that has already given us a booth, at least one of the crews is the right one to follow. but which is the .


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