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tv   Made in Germany  Deutsche Welle  June 12, 2024 7:30am-8:01am CEST

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2 megs up up to them that are, you know, does all of them and it's useful or the most modern he gets expose, go to lecture and find out about all the story info, migraines, reliable news to migrate wherever they may be. the is this, the kind of call you would buy, hopefully is counting on it. all reports you've experienced 1st hand just how long this traditional gem and also make us has been around one more time. after losing money for 19 years, straight april was in crisis, then the com i could go see it's not taking dia and it's now attending of profits in the future. it will only produce electric vehicles. will that work? can also make that ton summation to 100 percent be caught producer. let's check it out. also in this week's edition of maids is saudi arabia really guessing out of
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the oil business. how pool will climate change make us a little mist chat to bulk upload from india? i'm at all pull headquarters and the upfront for more than a 1000 people works here beginning in 2020 for the company plants to manufacturer all of its models and it bets are electric variant. and i'm even allowed to find my hand on the assembly line it's hotter than you might think. so what does it mean for the work, right, so we'll have to assemble the open as dry as a hybrid and combustion model. and it's a battery electric version, depending on what happens to be up next year in the line. the electric motor arrives almost fully assembled, but we do most of the assembly of the combustion engine so,
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so the process is different, but it also gives us more variety and our work is done by the whole po, begin turning a profit again in 2018 that's also because they, i know a subsidiary of allowances and can benefit from using images, a visit to the companies, museum collections from all the left hand for you. oh, pool kept nearly every part of the manufacturing process from the in its own hands, including research and experiments like this res call with rocket propulsion from 99 to 28. then they're all best sellers. like there's 2000000 open copy 10 with real gold plated trim and the doctor's com. so can we go for a spin and that's about to show you with the full, the doctors call from 1900 things on. yeah, i would really like to see that you can crank it up if you want. okay, let's try but it has to be done by hand.
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one more time. the carry off the name of the car came about because around $9.00 to $9.00 to $9.00. it was popular with the doctors who drove it to pay house calls to their patients. either top speed is between 50 and 50, let me doesn't. our bed was quite fast. for 1900 and not the opal to carried out many experiments with electric vehicles like this twin concept called dating from 1992. it has to propulsion modules. one of those electric the out though is a combustion engine which can be attached to the re off the car, depending on what's needed. but e cars didn't really take off back then. that's changed their charging stations now
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and a proper e. com. i could dr. jo pulled sold some $90000.00 electric vehicles, hope it's restructuring, also man producing it's about phones and becoming a subsidiary of lantus, which also includes the brands fit and people. it's the roles. 4th latches, automatic co, with 14 brands and it's 9 up. and now the c o is planning to switch production internally to e cause which will run on green energy will leave you with the, with your industry and achieve carbone nets 0 by 2038. we pay a visit to another open factory and i as enough german to support the e mobility switch to launches, sense to invest in the planned and all the brands that you own off of 50000000000 euros over the next decade. the purposes of costs for creates synergies that can be used between the brands. why level the same time
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giving all the possibilities to the brands to make it cost that so it's what they want to do with the old books. it's the cause on these platforms and then each model gets its own design. this plant is already using done salons, is a partner and drawn centers, including 2 batteries, factories, one in france, and another, and prepare ration in germany, which will one day supply batteries to $1200000.00 e cars a year. we should have factory technology technology. we share certain structural elements, but then it is very important that we convey to our customers. the tradition is jim and driving values which means robots are driving position a robust road, holiday direct steering. and all of this is possible to create while still maintaining. so for some years now, all pull has offered
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a veteran tea for repair and replacement of adding batteries and that electric vehicles use batteries are returned to dispatch where you refurbishments center, where they are re, pad and return. so do all post designers still have room for inputs? i'm meeting with outputs, chief design of dorian ties. nice to meet you. we are kind of in the most secret area of the old poll. why do i have to work secretly here? yeah, so welcome from i so that 1st of all as well, it's obviously what we are doing here is for the next 10 up to 15 years from now. i really don't want to show the rest of the words everything we're doing. so it needs to stay kind of secret, but let's be able to show you in a 2nd. we got the concept cost to show a bit of an alternate way. we want to go this if you want. as the concept car has
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a signature sound in id or they are planning to incorporate into new models, we quoted painted with lights. you can create your own whole look and feel adjusted with lives. the vx period mental concept cars are 1st made out of modeling material. i'm going to try my hand on shaping defender interest. try and try. okay. all right, that's why you all look. so if you can stop, so you can start is i'm going to, i destroyed and on. and these are the 1st models inspired by the concept because
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vs u. v. grant. and indeed, by 2020 age all plants, we have gone full electric funding for this, which has already been secured. that's one of the benefits of being is to non to subsidy or a one of the volts most profitable. come make us this asked right. electric is listed for $42000.00 bureaus. now it's up to the customers to decide whether to get on board $1600000000.00 cost buses and trucks are expected to be looking up all roads worldwide by 20 such as not even one tenths of them will be pilots electrically. they will still need huge quantities of oil. that's good business for oil producing countries like saudi arabia, even if that came to present a green image to the world. the world's largest oil exporter saudi arabia. the kingdom is looking to massively expand its
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green energy production to help diversified economy and reduce dependency on oil. it could be a huge step in the world's quest to hold climate change. boston is saudi arabia, really quitting oil, the this a co city items to be completely carbon neutral needs. and that famous the line wants to house 9000000 people in a 170 kilometer long strip of sky scrapers towering 500 meters above sea level. and that's just one small part of a much bigger plan. cold neil. no roads, no cost 0 emissions and run completely on renewable energy. this is the glitzy face of saudi arabia's vision. 2013 and ambitious roadmap to move the world's largest oil pal away from fossil fuels. the world needs me because the world needs change. it all sounds great on paper,
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but this skepticism about where the saudi arabia can actually pull it all, you know, the saudis have been making a lot of wildly over ambitious goals. the country's wealth is built on its massive oil reserves, which are distributed by a national oil company. a remco ramco is now 98 percent savvy, owned and valued at about to trillion dollars. it posted a wrinkled profit of $161000000000.00 in 2022. and this war chest is now driving the kingdoms vision 2030. it's a plan that sounds as ambitious as it is paradoxical. a country built on oil wants to move away from oil. but why the so i the real i mr. definitely help you sir. the little so here the softly. if you have a, she is a team to talk to a ruler crown prince mohammed been sell. mine is the face of vision. 2030 the
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saudis. once we get 50 percent of the energy from renewable sources by the end of the decade, currently the pallet by 99 percent fossil fuels the. this is jim crane, who specializes in energy g, politics, international organizations, lee, i am after world bank, et cetera, has been urging the saudis to diversify their economies for a long time. finally, those warnings have been taking hold. the initial target about $54.00 gigawatts of renewable energy capacity. sadie recently said the sitting at just 2.8 gigawatts. well, there's about $21.00 to $24.00 gigawatts on the development. this is karim l. g and the climate consulting based in london, whose focus is on the middle east. i'm not a bad thing man, but if you'd ultimately, whether a 50 percent target can be issued, i would say that looks very difficult. mohammad been so ma, never the less appears to be giving it
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a very decent crack to success. as sadie rule could be judged on this green energy hill and the saudis are indeed talking a big game and the change that's really the better place. and we found this, we have to do something else and have to do it. but here's the thing, irrespective of this green vision, saudi arabia isn't exactly putting a cost to quit fossil fuels. it's quite the opposite. it's still plans to pump out as much oil as is humanly possible and fillets cough as to the brim. inspected saudi arabia also wants to increase natural gas production by 50 percent, and it's actively searching for new markets to explore its fossil fuels. the salaries have been, you know, not just diversifying, but they're also doubling down on, on oil as well. i mean, they've been buying a lot of refining capacity in developing countries. that targets live mainly in
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asia and africa and investigation involving britton's channels. full recently found that the saudis were aiming to artificially raised oil demand in developing nations for cheap cause supersonic commercial aviation and floating power plants at the club, $28.00 world climate conference. saudi arabia claim that carbon emissions from fossil fuels and not a problem if they can be recycled, all store argues are the problem. the enemy is emissions and small, also bills. and if we manage the carbon you know way by recycling it using of the, alternately capturing and storing it, then it would be no problem with the with, with, with having some emissions. there's just one tiny problem. the tech to do that isn't anywhere near advanced enough skeptic site. it's merely a destruction by fossil fuel producing nations and will finally investment away from annual energy karim l. g. and the estimates that the tech, if it works at all,
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would be available at scale. and to potentially 2040, i think 2040 is too far. we don't have enough time accepting. i'm going to have a general state approach that we shouldn't be weighted to one technology and in an hour drive towards the composition. but to depend on a technology that isn't available until 2040 at scale is a great risk. so while saudi arabia matches on into its brave new green energy, well, that's still looking to convince developing countries to take the oil and persuade the world's leaders that manage in common is the solution to the climate crisis. so as far the plan is on track around code predicts boil demand will actually increase to $105000000.00 barrels per day in 2025. for all that talk about flooding, climate change in building a better welding. splashy promo videos. disarray being liquid hasn't changed that spawns putting oil just isn't a consideration. instead,
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they'll just sell it elsewhere while cleaning up their own energy system to make the world's carbon reduction targets. it's a win win for saudi arabia. and if the kingdom pulls it off, it could be in a more powerful and lucrative position than ever the full how do you beat the heat when it gets really hot? splashed yourself with water. eats ice cream. 10 on a fan. some effects of labor will make a harder to combat, that'll be less food to eat. climate change will make us poor to how can not be the more and more son, more and more heat. climate changes in contain during the health of hundreds of thousands. it will also mean less income by mid century. we will earn significantly less than we would without the climate crisis. how high the cost to be to about
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2050. we see that the world economy is going to be projected to a decline in income of 19 percent. take india, for example. economically it stands to lose with climate change, heat and drought, or damaging agriculture, and to bring in the harvest when temperatures are so hot. and the 4 digit associates right now uh at 5 view and nearly $40.00 degrees celsius. yes, i place doing being caught us off the floor. so it's not, it's really not possible to move on own thoughts, date and drought. these consequences of climate change also threaten many african countries. the economic impact is enormous. later, productivity and productivity be sharply uh, responses to temperatures where particularly that productivity declines, high temperatures around $20.00 to $30.00 degrees. and of course, global warming is causing the greatest damage where it's already hot. today,
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in the middle of the century, the region south of the equator will generate significantly less income then they would have without the climate crisis. which brings us back to india, the population there will be 22 percent of its 2050 income by the middle of the century. although a few will benefits manufacturers of air conditioning systems are experiencing a with major social consequences. however, the, because as it gets hotter the need for air conditioning multiplies and more and more households can afford them. the problem, the high power consumption using g o, the excessive new market and going use, and then subsequently used to be based on those last one. so far our most electricity in india has been generated from coal. it's enormous emissions are
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again driving global warming. it's a vicious circle. what to do. many are pinning their hopes on the technical progress. energy efficient edison has to use the model for this, which can really be the one of these more compared to the guy. and he's going to introduce you to monitor the media in the as adopted the national action plan. among other things, buildings are to be modified so that these lead up less quickly, new buildings should be oriented according to old models. india also wants to expand renewable energy. however, this is happening far too slowly, a problem to the whole world and the next generation. because the climate crisis will not be ending in the middle of the century, quite the opposite. the power of
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the website is much more of damages in the range of 20 percent. whereas a, a, i mean, so not as much logic damages on the range of 50 percent. you weren't convinced before climate researchers can now prove it. switch to a c o 2 new truly economy is expensive, but it's worth it to avoid even greater losses of income. this digitalization play a role in your everyday life. meet some young asian women who have made that profession and enjoy a free and independent lives as blog as game is a software developers. today we introduce blogger and influence us, and they ha, decide from to not india. the
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one of the biggest moments i would say was when i got to these and adopted the these things already with. but i think that i did do it was even by the i had one person that do you attended to me and i just got taught them on my own phone. i was very much like, you know, you live in jail this legal way and when i posted it, i remember the last and so the court, the main thing was that i bought a call from that the courts team that they want to for the kids for the performance and the that's what i really like to follow. so soon. my name is me. how do you say and of people to be as it to them is tied to books. that's thanks to them handy. um, what did you 23 adults i make content,
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i don't java and entertainment be played on me because i use or tablet or that you know you to start putting up your order commendations. any orders or travel expedient throughout the semester? every $24.00 countries. o d d and um, what's the, what am i trying to do then? i don't even remember that there was a thing like instagram or if you need to get to these memories ideas i've been loving savvy of that i started building even what i excited, enjoying the social media team. i agree station that, that is the the worst part is you need to be updated with the trend. so i am for re scrolling. okay, this is working, that is working, this song, this trending lot is can be made and to get me wide as you need to be that sort of thoughts big, but do you need to read it? yeah,
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i think the place it is just increasing because it's become very competitive. i think everybody scan been influenced of to do in some of the other ways. that is a doggy. you need to put one. these are the o 4. you're going to be consistent. now you have to go to the city and that's the, to the lot of what it will take me around $3.00 to $4.00 us. it did being boosting that she and do you think you'll need to be very much of a, at all of what you're showing for exam 3, a very simple thing in the beginning. all i showed a video of need driving and i was thinking the story. i do like so many people that you can either do or should be doing the but then that are people who is,
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who do what something just to, to speak of. and i got to the thing that thing, they just show up in your comment and they just want to put you down the i to mark that would be a fix is when somebody come into your body or the will say something which would already been says you need to sort of reevaluate also that it's the perspective about me that's more to i am the and that's when you really need to be mindful you about how to take care of them. and i think by families, my biggest supporter and i take my i think that was the best like i will be all social media for some days if i don't feel
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much avenue into into it. and then suddenly i was like, i don't want to be out of my house and this happens, this is for the or that was like, it's not that boost then what? or what am i going to spend? i started putting it into the men going thank you men because they don't want to invite us up to it's picked up so way the lot of people are making entertain window to the garden, but yeah, do you look on things a lot that i've seen a few people actually put it out and then a lot of people are going to the same all process as i am, like the whole audience managed and oh, not finding the one. i would say i don't know, it just happened. the pain point will pick up good,
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good. i just started good. think warranty decided putting it out. everybody's lovingood, right? or the don't you don't get out in my towards these would be able to related, but i see even though they, they would be so on. do you know if, if you're going to say, you know, i love it like it's a sore throat and i was like, ok decides for you. a lot of people want to say these things, but don't do, you just can want. so you don't. well, that was a scared of how my dad would react. i didn't know if you would take this. what was it to me? but i think manage of what the kyle, that go. he was upon the funny the . there is a pain point, but i made it very, very, to need to blend very i had this you, what is you pointing to the lawyer cleared, the more you know, and you, the more you know how to connect to the,
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the best fit for another edition. of made dw business magazine, whether it's choosing alternatives to fossil fuels and energy guzzling technologies, or sharing your vision on social media. the future lies in, oh, i see you next time. the
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good shape. ready ready 9 times strong temperature in your shoes. what really helps again, was drone like have bad skin. instead of the unconventional poll, we tend to medicine in good shape. in 30 minutes on d w. each small mistake could be
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face. child gold mines. the outboard practices still wide spread in the philippines. families across the country are digging in mines without any supervision or safety measures on you have to make a good living from it. shows up in 90 minutes on d. w. the . the coming 0 strange excels 3 trans people. stories is not kind items are nice, feed us complex stores and some, some here. so efficient chips possession of 3 generations, one to any thoughts, july 7th on d, w,
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conflicts, crises was, every single connection mapped out shows the geophysical reality. the on the board is what makes things the way they are mapped out, navigating a changing world. now on youtube, the frankfurt international gateway to the best connections, southfield road and radio, located in the heart of europe, you are connected to the world experience outstanding shopping and dining offers and strongly alice services. be our guest at frankfurt and bought cd managed by frank bought the
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the this is the, the news coming to life from berlin you, cranes present, urges the world to help rebuild his country at a conference here in berlin bl, automated. soleski is asking for assistance to repair ukraine's energy sector, shafted by russia's chest full of charge, tells him that germany remains committed to keep also coming up, the militant group must stop short of accepting a us back proposal for a truce and ga, so neither israel nor her mazda publicly committed to the plan plus the world's largest.


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