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tv   Nomads of Benin  Deutsche Welle  June 12, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm CEST

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it's, it's all about saying it's loud as things would have been no say like good everyone to okay. retiring into the market for i'm sorry. the award winning outcome. don't hold back the the indiana and let them winter. this is where the stream used to be and yeah, that's why i brought you here. we
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bring the animals here to drink, but there's no water anymore. and why they'd find grass and water hear them. and now the hooters have to travel longer. distance is to search for a new watering plant. i'm but did did literally die. what if i knew i am? what you would bod alone is the master of all things you do. you get the animals and people both like lot of these days when it yeah, check out and while i and a 5, what i got that surprises me a you can think that god doesn't care or anything. i didn't remember quite enough money. a hey guys. oh yeah,
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hello. oh yeah. i mean lot of hi tomorrow. how's it going again and yeah. yesterday you can see the moon. i don't the reading now. forget it brother. we've got to you and help insights. we'd never make it through the day otherwise. i am in the
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in the evening thing, thing thing thing thing thing i mean in your reading the the, you're the the ring ring ring ring ring ring ring the
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. ready we're finally moving on to this, so that's really good to know he'd be worth taking a picture of of the
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one. the locals are unpredictable capable of nothing but one night we went to walter. our animals enjoyed the got
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arrested and fired, shot into the air to make the herd kind of getting as one of our harder sled, unless the animals behind me go to. what do you need to know what they're going to do? any of it all ended? well, the
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reason why you up on, i guess because of the present or not. yeah. yeah. and now they're chewing their costs now or the
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hello or hey, how are you and our daughter is she doing well? is that okay to be back in
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a month at the latest avenue to you here. okay. bye. so we left the business not to be for a gods or what the cause 8 or the straw that it's all done great at the car wash. so we met here to think 2 sided, and together we've decided what to do to do i do 40 visa or offerings for a kid to chicken. what under rooster, the color diety is going to be on a charger home. don't you know, cable me, are you calling me? you're among the with the don't we do we call home to go to town. you know, we all the gods,
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what is going to do something can be on a supplement to all of our ancestors. and this year, after we ask for your health times, must be better and you want to break because keep bothering us this. tell us manuel call for so do not down to slip the throats for you're here we go. i'm tired to hear you elders take on and i'm tired of give me one each. you don't go to where you open tomorrow, gives me the pieces and the other end in doing the shackles of poverty, sickness and death. nobody the run doing all of them the
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the way anyways. but we want to see the person in charge to speak with him about the damages that the capital of cost need with most i can you tell me a dog, but you must keep your cows away from our fuel. they're destroying our plans to the bible. and want your elder to act so the cattle don't force their way into our field anymore. most likely. so we live from our fields and you live from your candle down? well, i mean, they're kind of do me that of those. and that's why we're here in america and make
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filing that to your older it will be going to ok, i'll translate it for him to write down a name name again, i'm gonna give i'm up there. busy i'm going to integrate with carla. i a program on the no i'm is that accounts only invade our fields at night. so i'm really in noah. not so much in the daytime. it wouldn't be that me to glenda for you now for the day when we're there, we'll herders keep them away in a little body and what do you get in as well as long as we are there? the cattle have to go around. i mean, i was, i'm, and now this chaos only happens at night the only one of them and i'll speak with the regions, young mergers to make sure they keep their cattle away from the fields to catch it . don't you? and i don't name way. and if he was on the
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menu of the that's already or the others, he's be with you today. how are you? i was work or things going well. yes. right, yeah. thank you. what's your out of this? yes, don't, let's move to the i'm not to how about do i, how are you and your family i'm well and you know,
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we'll have you seen the others? i've called them. they're coming right away. are these cars from the last we haven't signed the lease from candy on the windows through they'll be quite nice. the soils good, which is the other codes belong to the studies were allowed that they just all right, so use one to help find a compromise between the farmers and herders. and that's why they want to help us and what they want to tell me, your concern is that we can find a peaceful solution. lowery. and doing, you know,
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i'm doing what and with farmers do everything to create problem is i will go to our animals just have to walk by their fields and they are wrecked and barriers on the routes to the mental go on down the nothing. what's the, what's the, what's the, even if account only enders, a tiny part of the field, they demand huge amounts of compensation that could open that out. we cannot, they forget we also must work hard to earn a living the samples i've gotten to, for example, they make you pay when the, when the damage is my or no. yeah, that's about a bit of yes and large allowable. but you know, the plants have just started sprouting let, uh, as soon as our cattle tramples something on round table, the farmers accuse us of letting our cows grades in their fields. the authorities often wind up getting involved look at if i live with them all at the farmers live from the you from the fields i'm the heard or is from catherine breeding. the situation is starting to get some pleasant or southern crops near the watering place, and we can't get there anymore. you know, it's become a regular couple spots really. i thought as yes. let, the more i do that,
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i mean i have to pay thousands of functions and that is the constant source of the problem is you know how to find it. you can get ahead of so the farmers no longer respect, doesn't have a problem. you model right? don't work that way, but it's sort of like the show, know, consideration for us or our animals i found that i found that was issued because they are blocking our access to the wondering when he gets assign the thinking. so i know i've been kind of exactly the of the the, [000:00:00;00]
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the events in the news media farmers are green crops. i mean access rates to the watering place. and guess that there would be, we must find a solution to, especially because water is becoming scarce when this was this is lucy. and that's why it broke, say it's due to climate change in my to me. and then i thought it was just, i'm going to have, you know, okay to, i don't know if i read it,
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but i can change it. i understand that of the the
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the you trying to do to the heard are sections of i mean when experiencing crumpling suffering and the job a well. going to be doing me, let me. let me, god alone can help us. you gotta agree. oh, we live from our harvest, intend to our crops during the day when all the time searchers and bade our fields and threaten us with god. is it good? yeah, no mine i am i to you i'm and it, it gets out less than i'm within my job. this situation really annoys the most honest as us like, i'm an urgent need of an explanation. yeah. not me. think going through my really, it wasn't last week. what don't you let me finish? and of course, you know, feet, fremont out there. i'm just, we're not, we farmers aren't going anywhere. this thing pulled of a boat that, well, it was all the herders are leaving their regions and coming to are wondering what is the home life dock or destroying our fields. our wives and children are starving, or that means that you really want to tell me, you don't know about this uh, the other people who this conference has been escalating to a 3 year old,
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where people don't say you didn't know me well, where i sit, i've just got one thing to say and we, oh, if peace returns, we'll stay in your and if it doesn't, we're still staying by the time you get. i don't want us to go to the viet firstly, thank you for allowing me to come here to can be all of you. i have listen to all parties. and 131 thing clear. well, good from the 3 villages you've all, you included. you know, i'm just the leader of the full, i mean i saw way that, that and also my way or the other village to be looked up to see if we could be a, the one that has helped us come here and the one those have devastated your fields don't belong to our community and when we, when we, when we go to see and speak with your leaders peaceful, return the money to what the leaders of the various counts have gathered and asked us to come here and find a solution, nothing together. then we will move that with me. will you be good?
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i'm no media and i want to join forces so the policies will return on the line. you'll have to do what's necessary and then take you to the mean truck, then we'll do everything and also to maintain that peaceful coexistence between our community. let me give it back to us so we can let them use them to listen to what day and understand one another. let them know that was the a farmer told me that
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a herd of cattle was in his field last night where your cows there? yeah, and again, maybe we met them on the way here. in the unit there were ran to campbell in the heard the quality comes with the you be sure you read it again and i saw something that we saw the hunter and dark skinned boy. you and email me the rome of wonder at all, why the young harder is quite dark and soon right. you see already underway, right? yes, he's gone already. mcdaniel, thank you, bye. and again, the farmer was out in his field until 9 pm. i told him we'd gather the herd together at 11 p. m to move on the one and use that. and when you see the heard or tell him to move his cattle further away, he might take care of the farmers without going with them whether they didn't. and
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even if just a small part was destroyed, they say it was the whole field of it. and sometimes it of the military. the locals are watching water. yes, i see them. i met a farmer who asked me some strange questions. the young man,
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i believe the normal clue. what are you doing? you lazy hold on the tubs. keep pulling
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world. i'm ready to share their solutions and to shape tomorrow and join us and register now for the d. w global media for in 2024. the c w. this is ebony also is available to them and it has never been since the german count about why does that mean? i think it's not that the i'm lisa and the new host of allows not to join us for an exciting exploration of everything in between. this is the video and audio production by
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d w. i hope that you will tune in the this is dw news coming to your line from berlin tonight is realism awesome? still far away from a ceasefire. the militant group in moss has proposed changes to the us back plan, but secretary of state entity blinking says some of the changes are unacceptable. also coming up in case of a future war in germany and built a new plan to boost the number of soldiers in a military that has low on new recruits. and the trade disputes between china in europe in high gear, the u slapping huge important carrots on chinese electric cars. beijing says this


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