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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 14, 2024 5:00am-5:15am CEST

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the, the, this is dw news now i from poland, fresh backing for ukraine from the us august allies. presidents belonged to me of the lensky and joe biden. fine on long term security agreement. entry $73.00 does have reached the front of ukraine using frozen russian assets, unlocking billions of dollars on purchases and rebuilding infrastructure, and also on the program data of new companies and lead unit tough with defending ukraine's water. waves of the contend with mines, drones and equipment shortages. and your 2024 kicks off in germany just hours from now. we look at the huge security operation behind the football
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championship. the . i'm a how johnny welcome to the program. the us on ukraine have signs of 10, jo, bilateral security agreement on the sidelines of the g. 7 summit in italy. you created president, florida. me of the landscapes of the fact will protect not just his country, but the world from russian aggression. g 7 leaders also back the multi 1000000000 dollar, multi 1000000 dollar deal to use frozen russian assets to help you create in spending it's defensive and pay for reconstruction. lead is that the weld 7 involves democracies and the european union sorted out and emergency power shoot full ukraine on day one of the g 7 leaders summit in italy.
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they agreed to use the interest generated by rushes central bank funds that have been frozen, and european banks to create to $50000000000.00 loan facility full ukraine . but yeah, we're not talking about the confiscation of these. i sent that at the interest of a cruise over time. they sample on our finance minister. so now what can you off the mechanisms? one does the same cloud of size. it is a key assigned to the russian president. these is also, if he cannot simply sit this meant to out his comments, hope that he will be able to, in this walk in the because of physical problems in some countries that are currently supporting your trains. and he won't. ukraine's president below him is lensky was invited to attend the 3 day summit. he signed a 10 year security agreement with united states, which includes greater intelligence, sharon, we didn't treat training weapons manufacturing. our goal is to transfer you
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grange, credible defense in deterrence capabilities for the long term. a lasting piece for ukraine must be underwritten by ukraine's own ability to defend itself now and to deter future aggression. any time in the future, savanski calls the agreement historic and hates that will secure ukraine's place in nato. the issue of the to is covered through the text all the room. you see the sports, you raise future huge massive media and recognizes that ours is a reach to you, produce major matters. you of the g 7 lead as a standing firm against russia now, but it's not clear how united they will be. if nato as big as back to the us gets a new president, one who is not so willing to support ukraine. now,
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william called me from think thank rand explained what impact the agreement is likely to have for you create well, it is a storage agreement. it's not just us agreement, but a number of european countries. i've also signed similar agreements. the main purpose is to send the political signal to russia. the europe in the united states, the west are fully behind ukraine and as a defensive assault offered instructional groceries. but also to provide a greater degree of certainty over the long term for the kind of assistance, military assistance, especially the grant will receive from the west. what biden's trust that this security agreement is meant for the long drawn as you mentioned. but if donald trump is re elected president in november, could that jeopardize the agreement? oh yes. oh, no countries or,
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or democracies. and so no government today can make a pledge for a future government. so whether it's the u. s. or european country. if president trump is the next president of that could have some impact our question above our funding a price agreements like this, building a stronger political consensus of the alliance as well as in the countries i talked to last about this makes a little harder for governments in the future to turn away. and now many g 7 leaders are facing problems at home. yeah. speaking of dwindling support from the voters, inflation, migration, tensions linked to the middle east crisis. how much weight does those groups still have on the international stage? the sort of the still the organization that of so many countries around the world look up to as the organization that does an awful lot of to preserve what people
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called international rules based order. a fair or equal or cheap uh for companies around the world. and so many did you manage in other areas. so for example, so many world leaders which are not members of the 7 have come to the g 7 meeting. that's a sign of how important these countries, regardless of that's what i'm calling from. thank thank brand. thank you so much for joining us. grow elite military units, flight of crucial pump and defending ukraine's waterfront lines, such as that then the pro river and the black sea. it's more complicated than defending the front on land and requires specialist skills and equipment. dw is catalina timor joins one naples unit during training, when they ambushed by a russian drone with the height of the boat. with the shop. this is
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elizabeth, hey, killed option. a russian throne is threatening us. it's just in front of us. what started as an exercise has become now a serious situation. so a 3rd way of tracking the drone. we have to move the russians know how important piece training sessions are to ukraine's forces. ukraine has a nearly 600 kilometer water of order that needs to be defended against the russian aggression. this is why, especially units like this one are crucial for ukraine's military. despite this being a training exercise conditions to simulate the real case scenario. and given the fact that the countries of war are real attached can happen anytime they know why they are a target naval special forces units are tasked with defending ukraine, slaughter borders or c on the 1st. and mostly the, the russian fleet could defend box thousands of troops anywhere along the coast
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line. but the, where, if we don't top the appropriate weapons and personnel, they, the russians could, occupies the cities like odessa. what the good thing you quite know from the black say the more to citizen the truth. and then what if i were strategic routes passed through the see was we can't win the ball without access to the black sea, but we have to keep control of this region. and one of them is the mother control and the theater here on of the unit also includes diverse risk, their lives in walters, littered with my son this to day. but i didn't want this because i should put 3, we divers need better equipment. you can do text mines and minimize underwater time in enemy territory who wants to just split it for a detection means are only short range requiring close proximity to the enemy. it was beautifully done this before the duels for longer, under water travel, to avoid putting our boats at risk in the body,
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so we'd spend better for watching them through the window. some of these men were involved in liberating snake island. i'm to fight for my, you po. one told us he survived the mine fields only to be caught by the russians. and this is all a day as the russians knew everything about me. a rang for the position and unity just. that's the reason that we were treated specially subjected to torture. always i realize that as a new show, our enemy has no humanity, myers on the mercy. in my own, i return to the i was determined to fight again as if it was no way of knowing the human body can withstand incredible things moving in the direction. these men are young, committed to an extremely motivated, but they see they are not enough. it's also gonna be in order to change the course of this large scale or to keep much that much more effort is needed and will have to be some leadership of our country club in such as, for example, i think that is
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a new law and mobilization largest and nothing but lives, there are not enough people. and we've lost as and ever since. i'm no longer talking about our troops, only uncle about the infantry. he's telling me that we have lost his thought. it. these men might be the sharp tip of the ukrainian armed forces, yet they worry that without more and better weapons, as more people behind them, all this could be in vain. let's take a look at some of the other stories making headlines around the world. american journalist, evan disco, virtual stand trial, and brush awful espionage. the wall street journal reporter is accused of spying for the c, i a guess go which was in the country to report on the invasion of ukraine when he was arrested in march last year. he and his publication have denied the charges the united states supreme court has unanimously rejected an effort to restrict access to the abortion drug. if you prestone,
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if it per stone has become more important than the us, since many states band abortions can be mailed to patients of to being prescribed wire tele medicine. authorities and 100 us have destroyed over 5 tons of cocaine seized an anti drug operation spelling of this you. a team of military police that filed within the context in field outside the home during capital take will see go from the public prosecutor's office, said most of the whole had been found in the caribbean sea. now the count down to the european football championship is on posts germany face coughlin from the opening match in munich just was from now the german national team put in some last minute training at the base and bavaria. they go into the tournament showing improvement. dr. run in different 2023 on beach in full matches . this here is hosting a tournament as a mass of security challenge for germany,
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with threats ranging from hooligan violence to terrorism. kick off for the euros is just our way. the action here has been in full swing for months. it's the security in the center for the tournaments, staffed by police officers from all 24 participating countries. post germany, it has tried to balance informing the public of potential threats without spoiling the excitements, easy to it's not a security situation as tents. this applies to cyber security, as well as, as long as terrorism in other areas. however, i can also say that there are currently no concrete indications of a threat and connection with the euro. but many germans still concerns. a recent survey indicates almost half the population fear a possible attack during the urals. secuity experts say the greatest potential threats is currently post by the islamic state of shoot i s k p. the turbo group is putting out propaganda like this one. calling for
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a tex on job and football stadiums. the phoenix? no, i'm on the phone. the calls about the foundation specializes in counterterrorism measures . he says radicalized individuals may be the hardest for it to detroit. they can easily buy a light bathroom, for example, a nice, but also a gum. and with that, they can execute such an attack and it's very hot for security or forward to use to prevent that, but also to money towards the dangerous, such as those post by hooligans or cyber attacks are also part of security precautions. post stadium set for multiple layers of security and are considered to be safe places. but fans zones temporary sites will up to 12000000 people. a likely utah gets 20 to thousands police offices under cover agents. drones and road locates a public security plants and for months all german boulders have been subject to increased controls to identify and stop potential bad excess 100 percent securities
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whenever possible. but i think that politicians as well as security of 4 was, can work pretty much really goods together, as we've seen for the last couple of weeks and months. but now it will be put to the test as fence and play us gather, hoping for a safe and fun some of football for all. and the head of that opening game between germany and scotland on friday, one scottish fine has walked more than 1500 kilometers from las go to germany. craig ferguson received a hero's smoke as the arrived in munich, glen marie, and he was greeted with cheers and bills by hundreds of scottish fans who are in town for the tournament. great trouble. so to 6 countries to raise money for amends, mental health charities based in scotland. up to 41 days of walking, he said he's looking forward to a cold view. he has also hoping someone would give him a ticket to friday night games.
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for now. up next in business news, pesticides all useful to get comfortable to health and environment. so can the sector become sustainable? i'm the whole johnny's, thanks for watching the, the coming 0 st. excel's 3 trans people. stories is not kind items that feed us complex doors $0.10 a sort of additional chip, no possession of the settlement for 3 generations. one to any thoughts, july 7th, on dw synthetic pesticides, the poisonous to the environment with our industrial food system as a dependent on the use of desktop.


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