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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 15, 2024 8:00am-8:16am CEST

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or the you're watching the news coming to live from berlin. the group of 7 nations take aim at rushes or on you crazy. but the 7 summit concludes with a group of following to also put more pressure on rushes, backers also coming up on our shift stay south africa, opened a new political chapter with a familiar leader. serial. remo, post a is re elected president following a coalition agreement that sees his amc parties share power for the 1st time. plus the 1st victory at euro 2024 goes to the host, the germany put on
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a dazzling display to peruse time scotland $51.00 in the opening match the i'm quite richardson. welcome to the show. leaders of g 7 countries have concluded . the main part of their summit in italy and released their final declaration. it takes aim at russia and countries, enabling its war against ukraine. and present vladimir putin has promised to retaliate against a g 7 agreement to finance a 15000000000 dollar loan to ukraine. it uses interest aren't unfrozen, russian assets, the luxury resort in southern italy, square 7 of the world's most advanced economies are meeting to discuss security and economy. but outside the heavily guarded, closed door meetings,
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activists have an issue. they want to raise the climate for really it's the radical action right now. and this is stopping from government, especially died in government, and we demanded us now. while g 7 countries have about to draw fossil fuels faster, much of the summits focus is on ukraine. ukraine is not a member of the g 7, but the ukranian president followed him years a lensky, attended the summit on invitation, securing what he called, the strongest agreement in ukraine's history with the us. a 10 year security agreement, and a major loan. this summit, the g 7 has reached a historic breakthrough. off the months of intensive discussions, we've agreed a new loan for ukraine, west, $50000000.00. and it will be repaid, nope, by all taxpayers. but by the extraordinary revenues that come from frozen russian
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assets in europe and around the world. and joining the summit for the 1st time ever . the pope who called them leaders to be cautious with artificial intelligence, which is being used in the wars and ukraine and cause a when are they in life, is a tragedy that is so complex. here it is urgent to reconsider the development and use of devices like so called leaf the low ton of us weapons and ultimately van, they use some 10 after 1st they dominated by ukraine. the 7 nations, germany, canada, france, italy, the us, japan and the u. k. turn their focus to the world's 2nd largest economy, china with a statement warning badging to stop sending weapon components to russia and play by the rules on trade. so many of the leaders who gathered in italy,
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we'll be meeting again later today in switzerland, at a peace summit for ukraine, ukraine's president will let him hear zalinski arrived in the town of morgan shaw. on friday evening. german chancellor, all laughed, shoals, french president emanuel. my client and us vice president, cala harris will also attend. russia was not invited to the gathering and china said it would not attend, claiming that the conference would not represent both sides equally. and we will be bringing you all the latest developments from that summit right here on the w news . for now, though nato defense ministers have agreed that the alliance will play a greater role in coordinating military atm, crane and take over some of the logistics for delivering support and training. that decision follows a meeting at the headquarters of the transatlantic alliance in brussels. pledges of bilateral assistance will continue to be organized through a us let a group of around 50 countries and nato secretary general against oldenburg,
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says the operation will be headquartered at a us military base in germany and involve almost 700 staff. this. these efforts do not make natal apart due to the conflict, but they will enhance our support to crane, to uphold its right to self defense or corresponding terry sholtes and brussels told us more about the operation that called security assistance and training for ukraine. well, as, as has been mentioned, this will be about 700 people under nato control. nato command located in the spot in. and this is, is a new role for nato. it's the 1st time that the alliance is, is really taking, taking more responsibility and facilitating getting the weapons that have been pledged for ukraine to the country and making sure that there's more training. but one of the things i mentioned off the top is that we're all sort of stumbling over
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the name, the nato security assistance and training for ukraine. because germany was not willing to let the word mission be in the title because they thought that might indicate that that need. it would be sending troops in to ukraine, which of course is not part of this. so now we're all stuck with calling it and sought to it's not going to roll off the tongue. we have tried to south africa now where after weeks of speculation, the african national congress or amc has dropped a deal to form a coalition government with multiple other parties among them. is there long time? right, well the democratic alliance, or d, a is the 1st coalition government since the apartheid era ended 30 years ago. and it follows a major election upset in which the amc lost its majority. the coalition also agreed on re electing several rental posts as president. our correspondent diane hawker, has more on his unprecedented term ahead. so i'm, of course, the has retained the semester can presidency, but this time under different circumstances. to get over the line,
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he needed the assistance of a number of opposition parties, including the democratic alliance, a party, the campaigns, csv against the agency. in the may elections, the people have spoken. they have not given any part to you in the charts and not require policies to come together. mister m a pulls that is the leader of his policy. and he is the meta of a policy that is committed to constitutionalism, the feeling of democracy edits, institutions, and therefore we will work with them. now the a and c, d, a i, p and i, the parties are formed what they call a government of national unity. and this government of national unity will be constituted, is not by 2, not by 3, but by more parties that voluntarily wants to participate. what does that mean? what it means, these different political parties have decided to work together for the basement of
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south africa. they've reached a formal agreement that will govern how they engage going forward. this includes how they will vote on different policies and how they plan to rebuild. so that because economy improve its energy situation and improve employment, it's a tough task ahead for these political parties, particularly because they have vastly different backgrounds and different ideological views. but they've agreed that they're going to make it work to ensure that south africa gets back to work here in germany. the biggest, the sporting events of the year, the european football championships, has kicked off with a bang hoss in germany crushed scotland, $51.00 in the opening match. germany took the lead early on and the scottsboro outclassed by the home team who cruise to an eye catching victory. the lively antex of the scotland fans had brought the headlines before the match and they were in
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fine voice during the game. as fans from both teams headed away from the munich game, scotland fans, well hope their team can still get the results they need and they're remaining to group games to progress. while german confidence has obviously been given a pretty big boost or for any of us to do now we have it daniel barcelona from dw sports at dine. yeah, a great start into the tournament for host germany. um. tell us your impressions of the 1st day of your a 2024. so that was a perfect start to determine tournament for germany. i mean, coming into the tournament, there was a lot of questions asked of this team because their last 2 performances had been lack luster to say the least. they were questions about form 91 lawyer, whether he should be starting or not. and yesterday there when was really a statement. so $51.00 again, scotland, 5 different scores on the square feet. i mean 6 if you count on antonio,
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rudy there who squared an own goal. so 20 cruise experience player master class, just to put things into perspective. he attempted a 102 passes. he completed a 101. wow. so absolutely amazing from him. the use your mom was yeah, la, floor and verdes this team is really giving friends something to be excited about that they went in with so much pressure that was such an exciting game. i understand you were in the fan zone here in berlin. can you tell us a little bit what it was like? yeah, i mean, the amazon berlin in general is definitely football crazy. there are fans everywhere you look now yesterday i was in the fans on, in front of the parliament building, which is one of the 2 main fan zones. of course it being the 1st day, there were a little bit of kings that the police had to work out. so the actually ended up evacuating that fan zone for around 2 hours. because they found a backpack which they thought was suspicious. now they shouldn't have had backpacks because there should have been checks, but after about 2 hours, they figured out it was okay. there was no threat and everything to go forward.
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both fans were at capacity. hundreds of thousands of fans and the atmosphere was amazing. so this summer is going to be absolutely fantastic. security obviously front and center in this tournament. also, let's talk a little bit more about what we can expect to have. do you think the fact that germany has had this 1st major? when does that bode well for them and the rest of the tournament? definitely, so after tomorrow, germany will definitely after yesterday, sorry, germany will be considered favorites. their team is also very set up to win right now. they're one of the oldest teams in the tournament. actually, if not the oldest, when we talk about the tournament favorites, we can't miss france. of course, france is the runners up from the last world cup. and they could have come into this tournament with their 3rd strings players and still being considered the favorites. england also in their golden generation. they haven't done anything yet . there's a lot of pressure on this side. now portugal with christina, rinaldo, maybe in his last tournament we never know was rinaldo croatia always strong. so definitely
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a lot of quality in this tournament and it's going to be absolutely fantastic. sure is danielle. thank you so much for joining us as a dynamic barcelona from dw sports. well, it's safe to say that the next 4 weeks we'll see football take center stage here in germany both on and off the pitch to mark the euro. 2024 football championship. the german football museum and dormant is doing something and no one has done it. before it is putting on an immersive sho called in motion art and football. it explores how artist see if a sports as spanish, surrealist says, so does he did it east german artist bound hot. hi isaac, did it and street artist banks. he did it. they all took inspiration from the phenomenon of soccer, the german football museum and double and has combined 2 things that don't normally go together. art and soccer, in a special exhibition, showing how artist,
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look at the beautiful game. in fontes me, when i bought in the 20th century football was an expression of mcdonough to you and couldn't officers were inspired by the way. soccer gripped in people's lives that lead both sides by the athleticism on the page. the movement that and speed you conditionally skies. they're also fascinated by the mass choreography of the game. the battle on the pitch, but it's chaos and a hint of brutality and cheering it all on the static fans. and the german football museum and dark mode is a repository for the collective memory of the moments, both big and small that make matches memorable. for instance, the 2014 world cup final in brazil, mario gets a sheets ago in the 113 minutes of the match, earning germany, their 4th world cup title. a relic of that historic match, gets his boot. still, with terse on it from the brazilian stadium,
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forced by the board as the last power dies from which you called because down we are a price of remembered for german football history and for contemporary history guide . and now also a place of remembrance for art history. josefina heading is the current artist in residence at the museum, a former germany national player, and european and olympic champion. she's now an artist and is creating interactive installation for the exhibition in motion. let's go back up to the to have always complemented each other. the peace and quiet of art and the hustle and bustle of football was, but i needed both, both to be caused by the in motion art and football is an exhibition that takes a fresh look at the ball. and at divine players like castiano, bernardo that is your needs update at this hour. if you want more news and analysis, you can find that on our website at dw dot com or we're also on social media to our
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hands. there is actively eunice. i'm clear, richardson in berlin for me and the whole team. thank you so much for watching the becoming zeroes, things excels 3 trans people. stories is kind items that feed us complex doors. sometimes when he saw of addition to chip possession of the settlement for 3 generations, one journey starts july 7th on d. w. bmw 3 series appear driving pleasure for every one freedom. that's what it means for me.


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