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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 15, 2024 9:00pm-9:16pm CEST

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the, the, this is the nobody news line from the land. the bottom is, and i ask, he says he hopes to forge of past towards what he calls of just peace. as an international summit, i aimed at ending the war, opened in switzerland, ukrainian presence on the modem, 90 international delegations, taking costs of russia was not among also on the program. thousands tied to the streets across friends to protest against marine depends far, right? national riley policy had of upcoming elections on britain and celebrate king charles as pro thing with the military for a task the princess of wales makes her 1st public appearance since a cancer diagnosis the
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i'm feel good and welcome to the program. data is from over 90 countries and international institutions that are in switzerland as you try and tries to persuade countries to sign onto a piece plan, husbands and landscape great into official says that arrived at the meeting in the resort town of building. still. russia wasn't invited and it's main back in china is also absence for the german chancellor. life, shouts, friends, presidency, manual micro on us, vice president, carmella harris, roll back. presidents and security, adjust the 5, excluding, brush it from the proceedings and said that moscow would be informed when the time was right. there is no russia here. why? because you, for us. so was interested in fees, that would be no more. we must decide to get the, what adjust this means for the world and how each can be achieved in its ruling
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less the way the human charts are either basis for us. and then when x and then is on the tape, agree like, oh, and trust barron for the people's then it will be communicated to the representative over us. well, that's a political correspondent, nina has a, is the conference in oregon stock. and i asked though, what was the point of this conference without russia as well when you enter this area here, that is of extremely well protected, high security. every way you see post is where it says pos to piece. but if you want to stay in this image, what really is happening here today is that people around the world of taking small baby steps on a very, very difficult hike up a very, very steep hill. so nobody's expecting peace between russia and ukraine to be broke here today. but the hope is that this time is can leave the ground for another
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summit where potentially russia could then attend. but of course, a lot of things need to happen between now and then. now, russell was not invited this time around and this is we're hearing because russel, when it had the stomach was going to take place, said straight away that it didn't think much if they saw idea. and so it wasn't going to turn up any way. now, the interesting point, of course, is that presidency lensky said that he's extremely proud to have all continents represented here in switzerland today. but if you look at the details that is extremely interesting, when you look at who is representing the countries, countries like india and indonesia. so countries that don't want to pick sides between the west. so this approaches of ukraine and the allies of russia. they are not sending that to plead as to the some of the sending ministers or diplomats of but this is an opportunity essentially for people around the world to get some face
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to face opportunities to have serious talks about finding a way forward really. but again, small baby steps. so given those lower expectations, what can we expect to come out as of today is main thing. yeah. lowered expectations. indeed germantown, so it will actually was a compared to today to a small ponds that needs watering. so we're hearing that the document is in d in the meeting, but disclose the wording is going to be very tricky. indeed. your training president of the landscape is also here in switzerland today. and he tried to remind everybody that it's really russia, that is the address that you train is the victim. and that the people need to be reminded of this. and do you training president has a 3 topics that he wants to discuss here, where he thinks that it's got the potential to find minimal consensus amongst all
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those countries in terms of the ban on the use of nuclear weapons, fit fruit security. and the issue of deported children from ukraine. those are issues where he is hoping that the can be of an agreement between all the countries around the world that they reassign. but these things need to be forced out need to be dealt with. so that, that they can refund that commitment to the un child. so for example, that some countries all saying russia has violated. but of course, the details and other topics. what's trickier when we hear that a william root of for example, room, can ya says that to rest as well needs to be condemned for the same time, he says all parties to the what needs to soften depositions. need honda in switzerland? well, take a look. no, that's the most towards making headlines around the world. israel's military says age of 8 soldiers suffering killed during operations in rafa and the southern gaza . the losses were among the heaviest for the ministry since it began its ground
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defensive. following the homeless tyrant attacks. i'm a source is a israel's retaliation re offensive has killed more than 37000 people in gaza. sweden and the run has completed a controversial present as well around is released to suite just citizens arrested on national security charges, sweden 100 over 100 nori who was sentenced to life in prison by swedish court. his posts in the mass of uranium dissidents in the 1980s. and as many as a 1000000 and a half at most been pilgrim, surprising sweltering feats to prey on mount r 5 in saudi arabia. at this, she is harsh as issues hodge reaches its climax. after our hot pilgrims will collect pebbles to carry out this symphonic stoning of the devil ritual in venus on sunday. so by here's the president, pellegrini has been formally sworn in to office, the gentleman i placed on it. i mean heights and secure with a knowing the assassination attempts on,
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on the against east coast. i like to take at least 5 minutes, but i don't think so. a month ago a rally is being held across friends to protest against the far right demonstrations. come ahead of snap parliamentary elections calls relate to this month by the president. anti racism groups joins french unions to much of the streets of paris. i see a marine depends natural valley positively, the 1st on right government. since the 2nd world war adjusts always expect hundreds of thousands of demonstrators to turn out across the country. in lieu of police clashed with protests as sewing fireworks. correspondence on your phone because in paris, explain what's driven so many protests to, to as well. these are definitely some of the biggest demonstrations against the far right that we've seen so far. ever since president mccaul, call those a snap and make sure i'm missing, you know, reports of positive people. now i'm not just in the capital of virus but also the city of marcy earlier today. we support this by young and the salts in valencia and
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in the notes that a big part as applied to model in neil as well. i think what is essentially driving many of these demonstrators to come out in big numbers, i think is boats. you don't kind of angle as well as feel that the snap elections could potentially give the far right. it's best shot to the governing fronds. since the machine regime of world war 2, we have to remember that the far right measured riley. this is a nationalistic populist party which you know, has and team aggression that it's, um, it as its main platform and it's spent, you know, in the positive defense that kids will, to put it to can fringes because it's, it's founder was convicted of racism, inputs 9 the hold of cost and the body to the it has re branded itself under the marine defend, it has cleaned up its image. but a lot of speakers to be at these riley said that the far right really hasn't changed. it's stripes. and ones that you know, press freedoms the right to demonstrate the mobilizing trade, the dns would even be a threat if, if the far right came to power. sonya finally caught in paris was temperatures
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across, across the globe, continue to rise. scientists constantly searching for ways to tackle the climate crisis on potential solution ac weight which could provide a sustainable alternative to compet intensive foods in plastics. correspondence, they'll get masters bring to the olive sky in scotland, locals, believe colton, white cultivating. see wait an hour ago. a could be a big success story for the future to the onset to the climate crisis. it could lie beneath the surface of the seats. all our treasure chef, color monroe is convinced of these. every few days he collects them right on his doorstep. on the small scottish island of skies, there are many different species yet here. the renewable alternative to fish and meet you may be twice or 3 times a week. i should have become a. yeah. see this one here, which is i would say probably with the best of the c spaghetti. and you can tell it
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it's called c. so we get to it because it just looks like this. again is quite a subtle flavor. um, but you can use it just as even spigot and my son wants to grow out. he's actually a fisherman, but he's also being a part time all the pharma for 2 years. it's more sustainable. he says. the 1st thing he wants to do is find out which types of allergy can best be cultivated here . very suitable. for example, restaurants. eliza has animal feet and as an alternative to plastic, to begin with, we're using this for but bio stimulants. and, but we need stand up for testing 1st, see what kind of a nutrients and minerals that has. and then once we fade discovered that we'll, we'll know what we want to do with the after law in addition to tourism summer and farming has been one of the most important sources of income on the olive sky. it provides jobs, but echo culture also causes environmental damage. as in recent years, several,
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all the farmers have settled in this area. some over the harvesting. the already of sky can be over to meet as long. they don't need any sauce, eliza, and grow on their right until now. processing has to be in the box of next the gap in the market. the allison, because trying to feel how stopped up eco cascade is funded by the scottish government. they have just invested in your shopping machine. we want to be able to process a lot of see ways that can go on to a commercial market. because that will promote the growth of the industry because farm is will be able to grow to order. they'll be able to increase the size of a farm and crime, it will say wait, all the, instead of someone saw me is still a single, the future. but making the all the visible and using this treasure of to see people
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on the olive sky all working on it. thousands of royal funds of bright, but right in central london throughout can charles is annual, but they pray the treatment of the color and to say the princess of wales make our 1st public appearance. insect comes a diagnosis of this. you the, the tree being of the color as some of the display of minute feet. pageantry that mocks, the king's official birthday. the annual events near buckingham palace seize troops in full ceremonial regalia parade past the king. displaying the regimental flag, also known as the color. the sea of the occasion was especially poignant, a show of stability by the monarchy of the months in which both the king and the princess of wales have been sidelined by cancer treatment. and this is what many on
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lucas had been waiting for. the 1st glimpse of the princess of wales since she disappeared from public life. no december. in march, the princess revealed she taking a step back from her royal duties to one to go tense the treatment. then in a statement released on friday, she signed the public for that kindness, said she was making good progress, but admitted she was quotes knocked out of the woods, yet royal funds break the weather tonight and the read some campaign over night to ensure the best view of the princess is arrival. so it's amazing in the carriage that went by. so it's amazing. come stay as old as old and we thank you so much. when i had the news yesterday i was so loved and not on with this year. we're going to me in the king or kate would be here and so when we found that they were both going to be here and it, it was like beyond the blessing me,
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it was like so exciting. like, my day is made like our trip, our trip to london is me off to the ceremony finally for many loyal funds. the highlights of the dates, the princess of wales during the king and toil family on the balcony of buckingham palace, to watch of spectacular light passed by the royal air force. the it's for your peer football championships, kick soft yesterday evening with a convincing, waiting for host joe many who beat scotland 5 wong, and spain cruise to victory in that 1st match breeding troy. a 3000000 group been all 3 goals came before the break and switched funds has it raises the satellites? is that same thing on the account? paying with a 31 defense of hungry in color. i put switzerland level on points with germany at the top. the group i set you up to date,
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i'll have more will be used at the top of the our next on dw, we followed the efforts and went to germany. so best line the football players take part in the issues analytics in paris. the day the, the coming 0 st, excel's 3 trans paper base stories is not kind items that feed us complex stores and some, some sort of additional chips in search of the church. 3 generations lunch, any thoughts? july 7th, on d, w. this is ali john pack tash, 30 years old, and a 5 time german champion in blind.


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